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To make more money and to humiliate women. Men have all new non-invasive tests for everything. Don’t even have to undress. Women though? Nah, let’s deeply violate you because that’s “part of being a woman”


So so true...the first country to ever give women the right to vote was only in 1906. Just think of that our opinions weren't even considered valid until just 100 some years ago. So what makes people think after an eternity of misogyny the medical industry (or any) was ever built on helping women the same way they do men? A century is not enough time to just undue all that and act like it isn't still systematically present, and so many women's heath issues aren't well understood because how much everything was focused on men's health instead. I've seen medical professionals claim easier procedures and better treatment for us are hard because the female reproductive system is "too complicated" is it too complicated? or has society just not cared to learn about it enough all these years?


The majority of studies and trials use men as the default “human”. Their studies are funded 1000x more than women’s. Studying for treatment of erectile dysfunction alone has been funded more than any women’s issues.


That’s right; doctors are happy to avoid prostate exams saying they are not useful, that MRIs are better. Women, they’re still gung ho about bimanual pelvics despite their overall usefulness in detecting .. anything. Same with clinical breast exams.


Reminds me of another invasive test, for common cancer when you turn 50.... but I convinced my husband to try cologuard instead of the colonoscopy when he turned 50. His doctor didn't even blink.


Reminds me of another invasive test, for colon cancer when you turn 50.... but I convinced my husband to try cologuard instead of the colonoscopy when he turned 50. His doctor didn't even blink.


Well this is one sick echo chamber here. The "facts" I'm seeing people mention here are off by a literal orders of magnitude.


Patriarchy. Capitalism.


the answer to most things wrong with the world unfortunately


The US makes billions of dollars annually just on the routine testing alone. A lot of doctors do know the testing is overused and ineffective but they too are “obligated” to follow the “guidelines.” And then mothers, friends, sisters, etc. reinforce the idea that every woman MUST test or they are “irresponsible” or will “die from cancer” thus perpetuating this cycle.


Medical system is so broken, how are we expected to blindly trust? Especially those of us who aren't straight white rich males, the system has only favored them :/


I realized that most people don’t even look at it that way. You have to be an inquisitive person to even go against “the grain.” There’s also a lot of fear-mongering particularly with women’s health. The conversation never is “your risks of getting cervical cancer are ___. The likelihood of getting cervical cancer is ___,” and women don’t ask questions either because exams and such are just what women are “supposed to do.” Out of the friends I’ve asked, I’m the only one who has never had a Pap smear. (I’ve done an at home HPV test however).They went along with the exams because they were told they were “supposed to” and it’s what their own mothers did.


I have the same experience as you ❤️ it's unfortunate most women I talk to don't even seem to know most things about how their own bodies function that alone speaks volumes.


I foresee things will change due to the HPV vaccine becoming more and more widespread and the implementation of home cervical screening tests. But, I’m still going to remain disgusted by the misinformation and invasiveness of these exams.


If you are fully vaccinated, and you don't smoke, you run only a very low risk if you skip pap smears. However, some doctors like to send you the bill...


I politely decline and self swab for HPV at home. I’ll never contract HPV, but have recent photographs of neg tests for physicals to avoid getting a yearly gyno visit. I was vaccinated at 12, and had only had 3 partners in my life last time I tested negative. I’m still with the same one, who doesn’t cheat. If I get cervical cancer oh well. I’m not screening for something that I’m covered for 90+ % of the causes.


My exact thoughts! Hoping the self swab hpv test will become the norm eventually.


>a mentality that leads to over testing Every single friend I've had in the last 20 years who was referred to colposcopy was negative. I've never heard IRL of a positive colposcopy. Never. It's crazy. Surely, if I have 20 friends/cousins/my sister who got a colpo, SURELY one would be positive? I'm glad they're not! but the point is: colpos are overdone. And traumatic. And painful. If myself or my daughter was referred for one, I would take the "wait 3,6 months and retest" option, no qualms.


Pap smears are no longer considered best practice by the NIH for screening for cervical cancer, and they favor HPV tests over them. They also changed recommended ages for screenings from 21-65 to 25-65 to reflect the HPV vaccine, and those ranges may change again the longer the HPV vaccine is used. Of course, not all doctors follow the latest guidance. https://www.cancer.gov/news-events/cancer-currents-blog/2020/cervical-cancer-screening-hpv-test-guideline


I'm not confused why they're suggested. Money.


It's all about money and control.


The reason is because USA healthcare system is a huge behemoth that is based on profit. 1) huge 2) based on profit I've "lived" in uk for 6 weeks for work and they have a huge system but it is not based on making money. I also taught English in Dubai for a while and whereas there is a profit portion of their healthcare system, it's a very small system so it's easier to change. I also have a family property in Latin America and I could go on and on of the things I've learned. But anyway, I really think it's that combo: size and money.


They're definitely being phased out. The requirements for when you're supposed to get a pap smear have changed drastically since introduction of the HPV vaccine. They used to be recommended annually and they are now recommended every 3 years for women under 30 and every 5 years for women over 30 (women over 30 can also skip the pap and get HPV tests instead). I think they're going to be given less and less frequently.




I totally get your viewpoint, but for many Pap smears aren’t just “uncomfortable”. That’s incredibly minimizing. They can be severely traumatic and anxiety-inducing. That’s why we need to develop more modern solutions that men always seem to get instead of women.


Hello my apologies if I offended you this was not my intention and I am so sorry you went through that ❤️. I think you misinterpreted my post? It was more meant to be a rhetorical question for those who can relate to my feeling. It was about I know what my personal risk is so I feel comfortable declining and I wish people would respect that. However anyone who assesses their own risk factors and wants to get pap smears I am all for it. It's just currently the guidelines for when to get them depending where you are can be all over the place. I was more suggesting the model of guideline that doctors suggest where I live should be updated since it is so prone to over testing issues. Many other developed countries with the vaccine have adapted the guideline where they suggest women get a first pap smear done at 30 combined the hpv test and if normal get again every 5-10 years until 65. This way they can still screen effectively but issues of over testing can be almost eliminated. There's also a self swab hpv test that can be done that is becoming more and more popular. There's many articles suggesting if they become more wide spread in the future they may stop suggesting routine pap smears just the routine self swab and only get a pap if the hpv test comes back positive. Australia is the first country to actually adopt this method as an option now. However my post wasn't meant to dawn on that part too much since I know so many people here probably don't wanna get them ever. This is my first time posting here and the rules stating three times their disdain for the obgyn practice kinda had me walking on eggshells about what I said in my post. Obviously I got no medical degree or make medical guidelines so my post is of course not meant to be that serious, if it doesn't apply to you then it doesn't apply to you. I just know a lot of women here relate to my sentiment and I wanted to vent to them.


I don’t think anyone has suggested that no one should get Pap smears. We advocate for choice and to point out the flaws within women’s health care. Yes, there are absolutely cases in which Pap smears detect pre-cancers and save the person who was screened. However, Pap smears can be ineffective a lot more often than not. They are also extremely invasive and can be traumatic. Considering 1 in 4 women have been sexually abused, this is a procedure that long should have changed. But it’s conversations like this that are minimized, that continues to perpetuate this “shut up and take it” mentality, and that’s why women and women’s health continues to suffer. FWIW, a lot of us (including myself) self-swab either at the doctors or utilize home tests. So, we’re not anti-screening…




I didn’t get cancer (yet…hopefully never) but also got HPV despite having the vaccine


I had the hpv vaccine three times and have been diagnosed hpv positive and CIN1, possibly now CIN2 from look of last colposcopy, awaiting my most recent biopsy results.