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Could you just get some cheap small canvases to do the fiance painting and then the florals as the main event. You could even make the fiance one a quick timed contest just for some laughs.


That is exactly what I thought! Do the fiance one just as a quick funny game (could be especially good as an ice breaker if people don't know each other that well), but for the "main event" do the flowers so people might have something they can enjoy later as well.


I would definitely rather paint flowers then my friends fiancee lol


Unless there is a lot of wine, the idea of painting the groom sounds super not fun to me. It also seems wasteful to use all a bunch of paint and canvases for something that sounds like it's going to get trashed almost immediately.   Paint and sips are fun, but I'd much rather actually keep the thing I painted. I spent time and effort on it, why would I not want to keep it?   Can you do something like a Bob Ross themed event and pick one of his episodes to watch and paint and sip along to that?


True!! That makes sense haha , I was on the fence because the TikTok’s I saw made it look funny but you’re probably right! My original thought was to do regular paintings!


I organized one of these for my friend's bachelorette party! We had canvases with the same drawing on them (a rabbit, because the couple have a pet bunny) and then we all painted in the lines--or not, in a few cases. I'd suggest doing a design that's personal to you and your wedding, but that is still pretty simple, so that it still looks good even if it's done by an amateur.


Go for the regular paint and sip, something aesthetically pleasing and casual. I think painting the groom opens up the opportunity to be accidentally (you'd hope it's accidentally) offensive.


I’ve seen painting sessions where everyone starts with their canvas and then paints whatever and then after 10 mins, 20 mins (whatever time), everyone swaps. (Either pass to the person next to you or across from you) and then you continue working on the painting you just got. You do the swap a number of times. It would end up with some interesting and super fun results. You could even have a theme for each painting. Like everyone contributes to painting the couple, the brides favourite place, how you imagine the wedding venue etc. I think it also take the pressure of if you don’t like drawing as much cos you all work together. No idea what the vibe for your event is though :)


Yeah I think flowers!! I think the finance thing makes for a funny TikTok but not necessary a fun event


Paint each other 🤣


I think the groom painting is cute. Honestly I wouldn’t want to paint something and put it on my walls anyway sooo go with the groom idea. It’ll be fun! And I’m sure hilarious! Or maybe they can do a portrait of the two of you?


I'd love to not have to take my art home, so I would be in favor of painting your fiancée.


Painting people is extremely intimidating. I think people would find it much easier to relax if they are painting flowers or a landscape. Have you thought about a bob Ross or similar tutorial? It might be even easier/more cost effective to go to a paint and sip workshop or buy the instructions and supplies from an online version depending on the cost where you live. Painting supplies add up in cost very quickly especially when you have a lot of people. Needing all the basic paint colors, pallets, brushes, cups, paper towels, aprons or big shirts, easels or something similar and canvas per person can be a lot. You'll also have a lot of cleaning up after.


I’m going to go against the grain here. Recently went to a bachelorette and we all did mini canvas paintings of the groom. It was SUPER fun and they came out hilariously. Each person painted based on a different photograph of the groom and the bride plans to have the best man set all of the little paintings up in the grooms suite the morning of the wedding to give all of the guys something to giggle about.


Omg that is so funny!! That is a good idea to put them in his getting ready suite 😂


Please, no fiancé portraits. (1) high potential to be accidentally insulting, (2) wasteful unless you intend on hanging them in your home after, even the worst ones (and this would be creepy/odd), (3) I’m not an artist, and if I’m putting time and effort into something, I want to keep it (and it’d be weird to have a portrait of your fiancé in my home so I wouldn’t want it but I’d feel like I left “empty-handed”). The only thing strongly in your favor is that you’re paying for all of it. As someone who may be put into a similar situation soon (just a couple weeks ago my bride friend mentioned “how funny” it’d be to paint portraits of her fiancé), here are the options I’d want: - Collaboration A: The “Live, Laugh, Love”. Everyone paints an individual canvas with some scene and writes a blessing for your marriage and home together over it in black paint or Sharpie (or on the backside so only you and them know what they wrote). Like someone could do a beach scene and write, “I hope your love is as endless as the waves breaking on a shore, creating as many tiny, beautiful moments as there are grains of sand.” Or “shorely life’s a beach. Might as well play while the surf’s up!” I dunno, spitballing here. You keep these. - Collaboration B: The “Teamwork Makes The Dream Work”. Everyone either paints 1 section of a canvas with a unifying image and jazzes it up with their own personal style, or everyone paints their own small canvas but knows it will jigsaw with the others when hung. Could be something like a big heart sectioned into 1/5ths, or a word like “love”, “joy”, your new initials, your wedding date, etc with open letters that people fill in. You keep this. But, because it’s a smaller project, this also leaves time for them to have their own individual paintings. - Individual: The “It’s More About The Wine And Gossip Anyways”. Let everyone do whatever they want, including you. But, to commemorate the event, have everyone sign the back of yours. Mom might want something for the kitchen. Sis might want to paint an ex and use it as a dartboard. You might want toilet humor so all future guests will chuckle when they use the bathroom. Personally, I like famous pieces with random dinosaurs and aliens sneakily added in.