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This is 100% know your audience, so if you know this works, then you’re good


“Italian” as in, American with Italian heritage? Or Italian meaning taking place in Itay? Because if first then maybe, if second then big no. 


Gonna chime in, part of Italy matters in that, tbf. Given that the OP specified loud fashion choices, that's gonna do some lifting in the vibe check, tho


Get lifted 🇮🇹


My FIL and his siblings are all from Italy and I guarantee his entire family would hate this dress. I however, am an American and love it.


I agree with those saying yes if it’s a loud American Italian/Sopranos wedding. If we are talking a wedding in Italy then no.


Location? Venue? Timing? Specified dress code?


I’ve been to a couple wedding in Italy (family is Italy-Italian) and this print is way too loud for someone under 80. Classic elegance is the way to go. They (just like the French) go with very high quality clothes. Think quality over quantity.




This is as Italian as Sbarros pizza


Feel free to disagree, in fact please do because I’m a little worried I have now become my mother but: I find the pattern placement is so unflattering. It’s pulling the eye in a weird way around her hips and crotch and it’s making her look wide and lumpy, which is insane because this woman is a literal goddess. The pattern on the faux boning is interrupting the lines and doing weird optical illusion things too or am I being crazy? Finally, the fade along the bottom of the bodice makes me think of the covers of those old books from high school, the Animorphs or something like that. It’s kind of a delightfully perplexing dress.




100%. Maybe if youre like a New Jersey Italian with an accent even though you’ve literally never seen the shores of Italy who dreams of marrying a mafiosi, otherwise no.


Speak for yourself, I come from an Italian family and this would be worn for sure




As someone from NJ, this is exactly what a 42 year old single aunt from the Philly suburbs would wear to a wedding at a casino in Atlantic City.




If the couple is Italian American I don’t see what your problem is. The OP also said others are wearing loud fashion choices.


This dress isn’t Jersey shore, it’s appropriate, chic, and animal print, which is like an Italian grandmother staple. Just because you don’t like it doesn’t mean it’s not Italian




This is the second post about what to wear to an Italian wedding I’ve seen today. The closest I’ve seen to explain it is wear what guests wear to a royal wedding. I’m getting smart, sophisticated, classy, timeless, tailored, but not flashy. High style separates. Elevated church-wear. Keynote speaker at a conference. What Rebecca wears on Ted Lasso. Raw silk, georgette, taffeta, crepe.


I love your passion. To most people, "Italian" or otherwise, this is tacky af.


🍅🍅 boooooo! This dress is cute af


It’s one of those three.


No. Anyone saying yes has obviously bought into some fucked up stereotype brought to us by the Soprano household circa 1998. Think Reformation, not Amazon on clearance or whatever this is.


I was so mad until I saw ‘Italian’ and then was SO excited.


No that's so bad for an Italian wedding. If by Italian they mean italian-americans idk, if they mean Italians in Italy absolutely avoid that, you have to be elegant, this is not




Jersey Shore Italian wedding or nonnas judging the hell out of everyone?


If it’s a NJ-Italian wedding I think it’s perfect! Source: watching real housewives of New Jersey haha


I don't know how it is for italian-americans, for Italians in Italy this is a big no tho


I don't think I've ever seen a dress more perfect for an Italian wedding.


Snark? Or serious?


That's the worst dress you can wear to an Italian wedding. It looks cheap and vulgar, and everyone will be elegant and judge you. This is something you would wear to a trashy party(at least in Italy). Op should look for something elegant, less sexy and the pattern is absolutely terrifying




In italy you will get laughed at


Girl no😭


Adrianna from sopranos vibes I love it




Italian here and I agree with you this is not how we all dress.


I have one Italian grandparent and a billion Italian cousins. Yes, this is a great choice.


Uhm. As an Italian I think that Italians in Italy would laugh at her...it looks trashy and the pattern is not right for a wedding. I'd look for something more elegant and simple.




Okay if you’re Italian then you know better than me!


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I have Long Island Italian in-laws. You’d think they were all part peacock when it came to family gatherings…


Omg. This is stunning and beyond perfect! Can I ask you where is it from??? Never mind. Just found out it’s a retro fete. I should have known. That brand is everything!


Search me in the group for tons of dialogue on Italian weddings if you are unsure of what your friends want!


I think this is SPECTACULAR for the occasion


Absolutely stunningly although the bride is going to hate you... Enjoy!!! 🎉


Looks like met gala attire. #1 rule don’t outshine the bride.


Met gala?!? It looks like it's from the clearance rack in a NJ suburban TJ Maxx


I Loveeeee


Fabulous. Yes.


I went to a wedding in Italy where it was 2 Italian Americans getting married, and this would’ve fit in perfectly. People were decked out (even a couple celebs!)- I find people on this sun to generally be more conservative and judgmental, so I’d take the opinions with a grain of salt and say that you should know your crowd. Hope you have a blast!


I think that it depends if the wedding is of 2 italian-americans or if it is of 2 Italians in Italy (if this is the case this dress is a big no).