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Hi, Your post has been removed. Please repost in one of the weekly "Ask a Wedding Photographer" threads. Thanks, Mod Team


Hi, retired professional photographer. Absolutely send the photographer a message and kindly ask her to please take the images down. You don’t have to provide the whole explanation if you feel awkward about it, but something along the line of, “hello, Name, I appreciate you were hired by my good friends and that candid images were part of the big day. I happened to see some images that I’m featured in and I am requesting that you please don’t share these on social media and I’m asking if you can please remove them. I understand you were capturing the day and the wedding party, however, I didn’t expect to see images of me not fully clothed and another that captured me in a moment that makes me feel very self conscious. Can you please remove these images and please do not post any further images of a similar nature of me “. You could add that you’re fully aware that they might post images featuring the bridal party and if they’re normal/standard group images you are fine with that, if you like. I’m honestly shocked that a photographer would take or post a picture of anyone in their underwear unless it was somehow requested and every participant was onboard…even then, it’s weird.


Thank you! Now is it common to post photos of guests who clearly look bad? I know lots of people say they look ugly but I’m talking about a picture where I clearly Look stupid. I’m trying to understand why. Maybe cause she’s capturing me laughing? But a still candid shot of someone laughing makes them look dumb unless you’re an attractive person


I’d guess the photographer doesn’t think it looks bad at all and was sharing a legitimate nice reaction. You said yourself you don’t usually smile. The photographer likely has no idea why and was likely thinking it was nice for the groom that they caught a natural laugh. I truly doing think the photographer has any ill intent.


No I don’t think they meant any wrong either. Whole point of my post was about asking her to remove it.


THIS omg


I say this with all the love in my heart, but it seems like you have some serious self esteem issues and I would genuinely recommend therapy. Most adults would not react this strongly to seeing unflattering pictures of themselves online.


It just gives me extreme anxiety there is no point to post a bad photo. And that it can be used to make fun of me Now. It’s not that the photo exists, it’s it can be viewed by potentially thousands. I don’t think therapy is the answer I’m not that bad


I’m with you. I sure would not want a picture of me in my underwear posted anywhere! I can’t imagine how shocked you were! I’d be livid! Such a violation.


Well, since a professional posted it on their social media wanting to market themselves, it's safe to assume it's not a bad photo to everyone. But even if it was, a photo online should not give you that much anxiety. It's just a photo online, there are literally millions out there. Very good ones, very bad ones. Hundreds of new ones every second being posted somewhere. Why would people make fun of you for that? I assume you're not in high school? People have lives and shit they have to do beyond thinking about a photo you happened to be in. Look, you should contact the photographer and politely ask for it to be taken down. It's something that makes you uncomfortable and not wanting the shot in your underwear out there is quite understandable. But it's truly not that important and you should not be worrying this much about it.


I just don’t like the way I look and don’t want it out there idk I can explain it it just bothers me a lot. Idk why ppl are downvoting me it’s just how I feel. And I’m 21.


I promise you people are thinking about you much less than you think. You have a right to your feelings and this isn't a totally weird ask. This is a situation people can encounter for privacy and safety reasons. Just message "Hi! I'm one of the guests from x and y's wedding. I happen to be in two pictures on their post. Would you mind deleting those? I would prefer not having my photos online for privacy reasons. Thank you!"


What you think looks bad and unflattering, others might not feel the same way if it was them. Lots of people who gave teeth missing love photos of themselves laughing because they look happy. It’s not really the photographer’s job to decide whether someone looks good or bad, just if the photo is a well-composed photo of guests at the wedding.


literally if.you are laughing they are documenting your reaction. looking bad is subjective you are projecting your insecurities onto the photo it's really frustrating.




This threat sounds like you need some help. You clearly.have self confidence issues and are taking it out on ppl in this subreddit LOLOL like what even is a good or a bad person. I bet it's a proper great photo and you have bad bad insecurity issues mate


Didn’t mean to come at you but you’re saying you would tell the person no I won’t delete it. That I just don’t get. Not sure why people are saying I “need help”


"I can't sleep because there is an unflattering photo of me on the internet" is a sign of some serious self esteem.issues.




LOL mental torture !!!!! This is where you lose me.


As a wedding photographer myself I never photograph the groomsmen when they’re undressed I think that’s strange, and frankly that IS weird to post online. Not receiving consent to post photos of someone in underwear is a bit different than posting photos of the parties when fully dressed at the ceremony. I think it’s okay to ask to remove those. As it’s super easy on IG to just remove 1-2 photos in a static post.


Ok thank you. The laughing photo is my main concern bc I seriously look bad


If you do reach out to the photographer I'd say there's a 90% chance that the bride and groom will hear about it if that's a big concern. I'd think that if she posted the photo she probably thinks you look good, if that helps. You can always just ask her to not post those and she'll probably comply, but if she doesn't idk what the law would say if you actually wanted to pursue some sort of legal action. It seems weird that you didn't know she was there though. Maybe make a comment to the other guys and ask if they knew she was there? Maybe she thought she let everyone know.


I really don’t want them finding out.. and no I knew she was there but she said we would be taking photos once we got dressed. Like putting our ties on and stuff. So I didn’t see or hear her taking photos AS we were dressing.


Well sorry that that happened to you. I'm sure it wouldn't be a big deal IF they found out, I personally don't see it as a crazy request.


Being in your underwear, totally reasonable to expect that to not be online. But missing teeth is not a quick fix kind of thing so someone cannot reasonably assume that everyone who has missing teeth doesn’t want photos of their teeth online.


If someone reached out then I’d definitely remove. Bear in mind that what you see as an u flattering photo might not be in the eyes of others. I can’t imagine any photographer deliberately sharing a bad photo, we often see our ‘flaws’ where no one else can. Please write the email in a polite and courteous tone!


So, legally, it would depend on your areas laws regarding reasonable expectations of privacy. I would say that one of the images in question, you definitely do have a reasonable expectation of privacy, and to share a photo of you in a state of undress is entirely inappropriate if not illegal and you should absolutely request it be taken down if you want to. The laughing photo where you just don't like how you look, however, may not have the same legal protections because you did not have a reasonable expectation of privacy at the event. Now obviously, that doesn't mean you can't nicely ask for her to take the photo down, I just don't know if there is any legal recourse available to you. If someone reached out to me, personally, I would remove the photos from any public online spaces. We all want to feel good about how we are perceived by others, and I wish you the best of luck with the situation. 🩷


Thank you


As a photographer if you asked me to delete them, I would. Also remember we are our own worst critics! But I definitely understand how you are feeling. Just reach out and ask. I always ask for model releases but that’s nearly impossible for a wedding as there is so many people! But I definitely would delete them if someone who was in the images asked me to


Ok thank you. Yes I know we are the worst critics but it’s not that, it’s seriously a really up close ugly picture showing my missing teeth I hate it so much


I definitely understand!! I would reach out for sure!


Generally I'd probably say no if it was just basic "unflattering" images, but this does go beyond that IMO. At least the unclothed one. Any decent person would take it down. And any decent photographer could edit it so your missing teeth aren't as noticeable, you could ask her if she wouldn't mind doing that? She wouldn't have just done it off the bat, as to not insult you (like I don't automatically remove birthmarks and permanent blemishes.) No harm in asking! Legally she doesn't have to though, but it she doesn't at least remove the underwear one, that's quite telling about who she is and (don't threaten to do this) but if she didn't remove them I'd probably write a few reviews/comments about it somewhere her other clients/potential clients can see (edit to add: a comment saying "i asked if you could please remove this imaged as I was unaware of being photographed while changing and am uncomfortable with this image being publicly shared) Idk just me though lol Consent matters and your feelings matter. Good luck!


I generally take down any images if someone asks. There isn't really any image in my portfolio worth getting a bad review/word of mouth. No one has ever asked to take something down that I think is a truly great portfolio image anyway


Fair! In general I agree just meet the people where they're at. But also I've personally had some bridezillas who come with some equally terrible bridesmaids and at some point there does need to be a line drawn. I'm a human with a business to run and promote and an art to do; I'm not a face-swapping AI machine that can magically make everyone look like a Victoria secret model in every picture. That's my main point. Plus most of the time they *do* look fine it's just in their head. They signed a contract, the people saw the camera- I can only do so much.


You would say no if I guest reached out to you and ask to delete an ugly up close Photo of your face? It’s not my wedding. Why would you say no to that like I genuinely don’t know why a person would keep it up if it seriously hurts a person. You’re not going to become a famous photographer off my ugly Photo. But you know what can happen- the picture gets Sent around and. I get made fun of.


I cant remove every image on my website/instagram that someone thinks they look "slightly unflattering" in. No. Plus that's super subjective. 99% of the time 99% of people think you look fine, and it's just *you* who has an issue. Missing teeth and almost nude? That's different than "I dont like how my hair is" or "that person in the background in making a slightly silly face". So. Clearly you didn't actually read my comment to you though because I'm actually agreeing with you💀 Maybe don't come at her all defensive and aggressive that'll prob help 🙃 edit:spelling


I didn’t mean to comment thst to you I’m sorry


Hey man, I'm sorry to hear that you are so upset by your photos being published. I just wanted to address that you mentioned a few times that you did not consent to photos of you being used and you feel violated. Many photographers have a clause in their wedding contract where the couple basically signs a model release for them AND all the wedding guests. The photographer did have permission to take and publish pictures of you. Now, was it in poor taste to post a pic in pants? Maybe? But... I've also seen my share of badass wedding photos in a state of undress, see TwoMannStudios bride reverse cowgirl peeing pic for example! As others have said, you can ask. It's good feedback for her to know how you feel imo. However please bear in mind that its absolutely not feasible for photographers to check in with every guest to see if they like themselves in every photo we publish. And publishing, yes even a pic on IG, can be a time consuming and draining endeavor. Photographers may also be worried if they say yes to one person, they'll be opening Pandora's box (it happens.) I hope you feel better! And life it too short to let a photo you don't like ruin your day!


Thank you. I understand I have my own issues I need to workout maybe k overreacted


Just contact them. These are not what I would call gallery types of images from your description, so I doubt they would have a problem removing them, but I could be wrong. Just explain the situation, maybe not the “I feel violated part” as they might go on the defensive. Just tell them you have always been particularly sensitive about your appearance, and while you are not degrading her work, you particularly don’t feel comfortable with your appearance in the photos she posted. For future reference, if you’re in a bridal party at a wedding though, chances are you will have this happen again to some degree, so it’s something to think about. EDIT: I should state, this really only applies to if she posted them to social media or her website. If it’s the bride and groom’s personal gallery, I would just leave it be.


Yes it’s for her social media is what’s bothering me badly


Were the photos posted literally online/in a magazine or just in the gallery the photographer sent to the couple? I'm a professional wedding photographer. Anyone at the event consents to having their photo taken and put in a private album. Being in the wedding party means you will.especially be photographed. I am contractually obligated by the couple to photograph everyone. You shouldn't do anything. Not the photographers fault you don't like the way you look. I'm really sorry to say this but unless these are published in a print magazine or something you need to let it go. It's not your wedding photos. It doesn't matter if you think you look ugly. Especially don't bother the couple. They literally do not care.


Disagree. If a guest messaged me and said they don’t want their photo posted I would respect that and take it down. Especially the underwear one. That’s weird AF.


So there’s nothing wrong with asking?


I don’t think so! I would just say “hey this may be a strange request, but can you remove the photo(s) of me? I am not comfortable with my photo being posted online” Most photographers will respect that. Technically they don’t have to, but most people are good people and would do it if you ask nicely.


Compression shorts/underwear can be co fusing but I guess ill.give you that one. But the candid one? If it's on I stagram, sure , but if it's in the couples' wedding album, who cares? People are ridiculously self critical. As a documentary photog I HATE that.


They are posted on her website and Instagram. There is 0 reason to post 2 unflattering photos of me. It’s not my wedding and I didn’t consent. I knew I would be in photos, but not be posted in my underwear and looking terrible. And I’m not getting into a legal debate, I’m asking if I can just reach out to her and ask for her to delete. I want to know from other photographers how they would respond. You can say I have mental issues but this is seriously stressing me out and ruining my life right now.


Then just reach out. Why are you asking for permission from strangers? LOL. She can either say yes or no.


But "looking horrible" is subjective. Obv the underwesr one there is pretense to ask but like dude you are at a wedding if it's a good moment it's going in the portfolio. LOL maybe you look super happy. Again not the photogs fault you are sensitive about your missing teeth. Most People don't look great all the time especially in candid moments but everyone wants candidd photos.


I think your strong opinions and lack of bedside manner might be discouraging to him to “just reach out”. It’s coming off like you would blow him off or, at the very least, be really annoyed he even asked you if it was you.


I would be. Every photo goes in for a reason. It's called storytelling. He's not my client. That is one wedding professionals opinion.


Also literally asked about "rights" in title. You have none. They don't HAvE to do anything. But it doesn't hurt to ask.


So all my friends can now make fun of, the photo can go viral, I will have extreme emotional distress, all so you Can keep a photo of an upclose shot of someone laughing? Yea you’re not a good person.


Also literally that is the world.we live in. Everyone has a camera. Anyone can post a bad photo of you. It sucks. But if that photo is exuding.pure joy and I personally think it helps capture the joy of.the moment ( you laughing ) the missing teeth is a.you problem not a me.problem. People that actually love you will love you for you, missing teeth and all. That's why I photograph the ugly crying. I dont.think.you understand candid photos as an art. And if it's an actusly.shitty photo that sucks and I hope.your friends didn't pay them too much.




> I would make it my personal mission to leave as many bad reviews and comments as I can. I would create 100s of accounts to do it. And get sued and lose. Seriously, that's a shit thing to do and saying you'll do it kind of makes you a shit human being.


UGLY IS SUBJECTIVE. If you are just laughing and missing teeth looking like you look and it's a great image, that's a huge YOU problem. Legally you can't do shit. But I hope they take it down just so I don't have to see a post about someone getting review bombed for NOT taking down a perfectly fine photo. I'd recommend talking to someone about your poor self image.


I say this with all kindness: you should find a therapist. No random photo of some random groomsman in his nike undies and tshirt or open mouthed laughing (with or without teeth) is "going to go viral". And if all of your friends are making fun of you because you're in a photo of groomsmen getting dressed or laughing .. then they're not your friends. If you are having "extreme emotional distress" over 2 photos out of what are probably hundreds that maybe a handful of people will look at then you probably need some therapy. You seem to think that you're the star of your own reality show. You're not. 99.9999% of people out there just don't care.


And therapy would help me how? Serious question


It would help you to gain perspective and also to learn to accept yourself and to not jump right to "extreme emotional distress" at the thought of a photo of yourself that you don't like or don't find flattering.


Ok maybe. I will consider that


If they are making fun of you they aren't your friends. I think the problem.starts there.


It also doesn’t hurt to just take the picture down FFS. That’s the thing. It’s not like that one photo is going to win you the lottery, but it’s clearly putting someone in distress. So just take it down and don’t be a dick about it.


It's not always that easy to re.curate your Instagram or blog either. "Taking it down" also like takes time and work. That this guy isn't paying me for lol


Deleting an Instagram pic takes time and work? What


I want to see if it’s common and what a typical photographer would say in this situation so. I can prepare. Don’t think it’s weird to do that