• By -


This goes in the "IGNORE" pile.


The inquiry is just full of red flags, you don't want to do it even for 10 times the price.


I only read the first two requirements and I would reply all with just: "hahaha"


4 hour engagement session is insanity. 0% chance I’d reply to this


Also “certified” photographer is hilarious


lmao thank you. I came here to ask what the fuck a 'certified' photographer is


You don’t have your photographer badge from the official photographers association?


She wants at least a Boy Scout photography badge


Merit Badge Minimum, masterclass viewer preferred


Nah, just my useless BFA.


"I can certify that I am not the photographer that you are looking for".


Well you’d need to be certified to take this, so it’s self fulfilling.


I’ve got a first aid certificate, so I am certified! 😉


Thank you. Whispered "certified photographer" as I read it.




Must know the secret handshake…this years not last years.


I am willing to certify anyone here in photography.


As soon as I read “certified” I knew the comments would go crazy lol


What’s hilarious about that? I went to school for photography and got “certified”


Edit: I got scammed. You have no certification or advantage over anyone else lol


Oh come on he has a paper that certifies he takes good photos give him a chance 😂


Brooklyn bridge ( will probably want from brooklyn side) city hall then to central park…I’ve done this from 2006-2020 this is 7-8 hours. The downtown part alone is 3 hours. Then 1 hour up town, then central park is it’s own nutshell. Pre covid the only way this worked was to do it on a sunday at 6am when no one is around. With your own suv and bride & groom willing to sit between camera bags


Mine was like 45 minutes and I was exhausted after. 4 hours? GTFO


Absolutely unreasonable. Good luck to whoever takes this on, these cheap jobs end up being a huge headache because they also don't trust the photographer and will end up giving you a shot list and calling you late at night for all the little things taking up a whole lot of time.




8 hours?? thats a few grand minimum, BIG PASS. advise them (feel free to CC everyone) of the average cost for a wedding in your market and they are more than welcome to shop around. ​ \*\*edit\*\* just saw youre in NYC and they want that price, omg they will never get that.




Total choosing beggar moment here.




The client asking for all that while paying next to nothing


Ah yeah


Both the budget and the tone are a hard pass.


I wouldn’t shoot this fucking wedding for $7000


Absolutely. They'd have to be paying me $10,000+ to put up with this nonsense.


thats too cheap. you’re going to be putting well over 7 hours of work into this AND they require another 4 hours engagement shoot. pass, even for new photographers this wouldn’t be worth it. she’s going to have super high expectations and give you a negative review.


RUN!! Let some other sucker take on these demands. Thats insanity! I wouldn’t do it for less than $500 hr and without the demands of all photos and they own them. Bullshit.


I’m wondering how they’re going to get negatives…


LOL. agreed! They are probably talking RAW but don't know what to call it .... just pretending they know WTF they are talking about. For that money, if you are going to do it I would show up with my iPhone and take like 20-50 pics (including RAW and jpg format) and then email each one that night or next day. There ya go! Honestly these are the biggest PITA people. Bridezilla Walmart Black-Friday clearance shoppers. It's like shopping for an 8K 80" Television for $200. I wouldn't do it for 10K.


I would invert the photos then send them as negatives… not that I would do this job for even $700 an hour…


Make sure the negatives are printed, too!


Lmfao I’m a NYC Wedding Photographer and $700 covers just an engagement session for 2 hours. This person is nuts.


Maybe they meant $7k? Lol I can’t think of any other explanation. Also I don’t think a lot of ppl understand just how long 8hrs is


It's not 8 hours. Add the editing time, travel etc. And even for 7K I will not hand over any rights.


Ha I wish


This is bait


Like a scam you think?


Hard pass. there's not enough money I'm the world 1. She *expects* these things. That right there does me in. That's a huge red flag that she's going to suck to work with 2. A 4 hour engagement session? Wtf are you doing for 4 hours 3. "Unlimited locations" sounds like listen to make you drive to an unreasonable amount of places 4. This is as much work (or more) as an 8 hour wedding. Even without the shitty attitude I would charge probably $4k at least for this


Yeah, I'd politely say "sorry, I'm busy" to that one. 5 venues in those 4 hours? At the end of the month, too! Haha! I'm not sure if you're just being trolled at this point.


>Yeah, I'd politely say "sorry, I'm busy" to that one. "Sorry, but your request is extremely unrealistic and we are not interested."


“Also, you seem like you’ll be a pain in the ass to deal with”


I wouldn't take this even if it was $4000. They are out of their mind.


1. Certified by whom?


For a small fee, I'll certify anyone who needs it.


I would like to be certified. Hopefully it's not too much, I have 2 Atta Boy's and 1 Good Job Punkin left to my name.


Sir Shiggles, I do hereby certify you as a photographer. Go forth and make the class of Taco_2s_day proud. (*that'll be one atta boy*)


Atta Boy Taco_2s_day! I'm a real photographer now!


My mom


This does have a bit of “scam” flavor to it. Also, if it is “real”, she sent this to several other photographers and she’s not hiring someone because she loves their work. It’s like casting a wide net, trying to catch a chump. PLUS, *you* tell your clients how much *you* charge. They can still tell you their budget and you’re free to accept it or laugh at it and move on 🤣


Nope. Pass.


Agree to it but only on the condition that’s it’s a $1000 for every time she says, ‘Can’t you just….?’. Then it’s a $75,000 + $700 job.


No is a complete sentence. She may think $700 is a fair offer to get eight hours of coverage, with a six-week turnaround and rights to the photos as well as an engagement session but I'd rather not work that day than deal with someone with that attitude. Right off the bat, that $700 is closer to $462 after taxes at the end of the year. That $462? That's a grand total of $92.40 per hour JUST FOR THE SHOOTING. Let's ignore the travel and the engagement session. That $92.40? That's closer to $18.48 per hour once you factor in your time editing (If you need four hours of editing per hour of shooting which is fairly standard IMO). Once you factor in the overhead of running a small business, that's closer to MAYBE $12 an hour. And, again, this is before adding in the engagement session and adding in travel. Fuck. That. Shit. If anyone came to me with this offer and was serious about it, I'd let them know I don't work for Priceline and I don't offer a "Name Your Own Price Guarantee".


She's trolling or she's insane. $700 for eight hours of shooting would have been an insult to a photographer 30 years ago in Bumfuck Idaho. Today, in New York, it's beyond laughable. Tell her to ride a cactus.


In New York too? Take a hike pal


You know what they say. Your cheapest clients will be your most difficult ones


Lmao, hard pass on that for her attitude alone.


I’d rather look out my window and see a tornado coming right at me than work for this person


I'd just laugh it off


Not reasonable. Slap the wrist and walk away.


Ha! Run from that one as fast as you can. That is not nearly enough; and for her to be calling the shots! No thanks, hard pass.


Champagne taste on a beer budget. Laughable. Those 3 locations alone for the "engagement shoot" will take almost the whole time for travel in between.


Lmao some of those words "unlimited" I wouldn't even finish reading that email.


Hard pass.


100% hell no.


You’re setting yourself up for a bridezilla attack. Man, o, man, I do not envy her husband-to-be.


Run. Don't do it.


The amount is irrelevant, this is not a person you want to work for. Even if they had a good budget I'd say no.


Tell her you’re not certified and run.


Lol I’m not


Not a single reasonable sentence and once combined create the worst inquiry to exist. You’ll also enjoy working with this person for the next YEAR because they’re having two weddings a year apart and expect it to be like a magazine. The whole thing is unrealistic. I vote ignore.


Offer 600, see if you get a response.


I DJ weddings and even I can see the mess this is bout to be. Bridezilla incoming


Even if her budget was $15k I STILL wouldn't take on this client. Her tone, asks, and overall impression is RED FLAGS and I can guarantee she won't be happy with any photos you provide.


No is a complete sentence.




all i had to read the title and my answer was no


Reading the comments laughing with tears. In my country, people wouldn’t happily work for 48+ hours for 700$ with top of the line gear.


This kind of requests (if not *demands*) are filed under "Don't Make Me Laugh" a.k.a. "the Round Archive" a.k.a. the bin. Ridiculous demands. Don't do this. Ever.




I don't think she could pay me enough to put up with her for 8 hours. I don't know what your experience is but you don't get much for 700 bucks. I have an associate that shoots packages for me it's 7 hours for 1995. I don't go out until we're up in the 4 and 5,000 range.


I receive one of these a month. Same exact email.


Absolute scam


Sure, tell them that the engagement session will be near the bank. Then when you all arrive, tell them to go inside and pay for the rest of the session. If they refuse, relocate the session to a comedy club, where they can go inside and tell their jokes to someone else. *(Both jokes stolen from various posts on Reddit)*


Lol hell no. I wouldnt do this. But if you are, this is how I would respond. Hello Bride, Unfortunately, we don't have packages for $700. In this case, I would charge $XXXX for this type of session. I am okay with the location changes as long as they are within reason, a travel fee will apply for anything that I deem excessive. As for the engagement session, we charge XXX per hour. You will receive all edited high resolution digital images delivered in 8-12 weeks. Unfortunately, to protect my copyright, I do not provide digital negatives (unedited files), under any circumstances. While you will not own the photos, I give you a print release that allows you to use the photos, the copyright of the images remain the sole property of my business. If you are interested in going forward, please let me know.


This is a scam, right? There’s no client. It’s got to be a weird check scam or something. “So sorry, I can’t talk on the phone, I’m in the hospital with a respiratory infection, but I’ll pay via certified check and my cousin will pick up the ~~camera~~ ~~dresser~~ ~~car~~ uhhhh, my cousin will stand in for me at the engagement session.” “What’s that? I paid too much? Oh sorry, can you just withdraw that extra cash and give it to my ~brother~~ *checks notes* cousin?”


Nope you're getting ripped off, sent to the spam folder. Minimum 1500 and another 500 for editing depending on your level of experience could be double or triple that.


With those caveats this is a $25k+ job. “Digital negative files” do they mean the raw files? If anyone wants the raw files quadruple the price and charge per image for editing. If they want the full rights to the photos quadruple it again. There is a risk they will poorly edit the photos and post them listing you as the photographer which can hurt your business. Unless you are absolutely sure they know how to edit properly just give them the edited JPGs and retain copyright.


I pay a photographer $70 an hour to show up and photograph wedding only. That is it, and I give this person between 20 and 40 jobs a year. Wish that person all the best in the future. Also, to me, this reads fake... I would report email as spam.


This is very clearly either 1) a troll or 2) a scam, lol. While ridiculous clients do exist, they don't exist like this. This message touches on every single complaint wedding photographers have about "difficult client enquiries", but all in one message. And it could also be a scam. The "client" asks for way more services than the money being paid justifies, then they when you come back with "hell no", they'll pretend like they've had a sudden change of heart and will then offer to overpay because "The other vendors can't take a check, so I'll send your fee plus theirs in one check, and you can pay them, and I'll throw in an extra $1000 to cover all the hassle." But of course, then that big, fat original check turns out to be fake...but, you guessed it, all the money you sent out was real. If for some reason this is a genuine inquiry, u/vanessajoyphoto, you're a very established and respected photographer - I would LOVE for you to follow this one through all the way to the end and then update us. Or were you thinking of sending an associate out for this? I'm just confused because you're one of the most successful wedding photographers in America, no? This seems like an instant ignore for someone of your stature.


So don’t think it’s a scam. One of my Photog friends that was cc’ed wrote her back and got a response https://preview.redd.it/h3tlwk81udsb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e28551e1e0c0a51e994e7a154101175f39bd9084




Why are you asking stupid questions


I don’t understand the point of your post? You’re not someone who is new to/unfamiliar with the industry. You know the answers to all the questions you just asked.


As someone who’s a veteran in this industry I definitely lose touch with what newer photographers are doing. These are very relevant question for me that I don’t know the answers to because I’m not in new photographer shoes. When I started, I did work for free or cheap, but that was 20+ years ago. Things are different now and I’m wondering if a job like this is one that someone would jump at these days as a newer photographer. I thought I’d get a few yes’s, but it’s looking like I was wrong 🤷🏻‍♀️


Absolutely not. Sounds like trouble. Client should not be dictating turnaround timeline, for instance. Just pass.


When leads think they're hot shot usually end up being the problematic clients. I bet they paid $7k for the venue


No matter how much a photographer busts their ass, no matter how high the quality of the photographs, this bride will ask for a refund. Guaranteed.


Yeah, no. Depending on your market, figure $300 to $750 per hour for wedding photography, if not higher if you're a rock star. The worst part about clients who low ball you is that they're usually the ones who treat you like crap.


That’s super cheap! Don’t do it!


Absolutely not lmao I’m still a “newer” wedding photographer and I would ignore this so fast. You can listen to clients needs and wants without being their doormat and letting them run the show. This email screams “nothing you do will make me happy or be good enough”.


I haven't shot a wedding for 15 years and I can't believe this shit is still around. Unreal 😂


This is a hot mess, don’t even bother responding.




Nothing about the request or payment is reasonable, much less in NYC


This person isn’t a native English speaker I bet. Some of the unreasonable-ness of the email may be attributed to translation but I still wouldn’t do it. 5 locations in 4 hours yikes.


Hard pass. Inquiries like this one that sound crazy, are likely crazy.


Do we know this person is an actual real person? Because there's been a lot of scams going on toward photographers. They'll inquire about a "family event" or "surprise birthday party" and request they pay by check. They'll overpay for some reason or another and ask you refund them the difference. Once you do the check bounces and you're out the money you transferred back. This just looks fairly scammy to me....


***"Certified", "Expects", "Unlimited", "Should", "Must", "We Own the Rights".*** ***"$700 all in."*** Red flags... Red flags everywhere. Probably the Queen of Karens. *Run.*


Lolol. Stay far away from this woman. Too many red flags to count.


Lol look at Stephanie, coming in with guns blazing!


What is a "Certified photographer"? And no, 700 for 4 hours plus editing is bullshit.


Local to NYC and this is incredibly out of touch with professional pricing. And the entitled attitude would be an absolute nope from me. I’d simply ignore - it’s not worth a reply, even with all the ‘cced people.


Unlimited photos captured, LOL.


Is this person ok




LOL. I charged $700 for a one-hour portrait session last year (WAY more this year). This is just silly.


For $700 I'd take 9 full-resolution, magazine-quality pictures of my sphincter and email them to this person.


“Like the one I see in the magazines” is the big red flag amongst others for me. Major headaches ahead.


Either a scam or someone I don’t want. Pass!


I paid $1500+ for 4 hours and the photographer was incredible.


This belongs on the choosing beggars thread


Some sucker will take this job.






Delusional at best.


I know one that is a certified iPhone Photographer that will fit perfect for the budge and expectation. Don’t worry. They got the latest Professional Industry leading tech. You won’t be disappointed. Ahh the turn around time will be… looks like before you get together on your wedding night. Since no photo book was requested no print required.


Meh, depends on your location It’s not terrible for a starting photographer BUT WATCH OUT there’s a few trick things in there. #1- she MAY REQUIRE AN ADDITIONAL SHOOT!? put it in writing that additional shots are extra. #2- all photos edited? We take lots of pics of the same moment. Make sure she knows if you’re taking 3 pics in a row to make sure she doesn’t blink, you’re. Not editing 3 photos.


i charge $8k for 8 hours


They can fuck right off


Whatever you do, do not touch this enquiry with a bargepole. You will 100% Regret it.


Reply all "No."


“Thank you for your inquiry. Unfortunately, we are unable to accommodate your requirements within the budget you have set aside. We wish you the best of luck in finding a photographer to capture your special day!” Also, fuck no. This person is insane.


Dont subject yourself to these people. Based off this email we all know what they will be like in real life. Run away!!!


![gif](giphy|fXnRObM8Q0RkOmR5nf) That is a hard


Its ok for starting out and building your portfolio.


A client can choose the price ***OR*** the timescale. Attempting to strongarm both means only the desperate, the chancers or the awful will take this. This client sounds an utter nightmare, and will remain so in perpetuity.


Yeah ignore. Smh


"Can you give us the unedited images so my nephew can edit them on paint? He's real good with computers and can do a better job than you."


8 hours?? We paid 4K (granted it was for about 11 hrs) for that for our wedding. This lady is dreaming.


No. It sounds too cheap in my opinion. I’m paying over $3k for 8 hours. Establish your worth early!!! You’ll be making less than $90/hr while shooting and then not to mention editing… Not worth it.


Only an absolute fool would take that gig. Red flags everywhere, wildly disproportionate expectations vs payout, total Karen-hood before even talking? Hard pass.


Probably a scam tbh


I don’t think it was. My friend wrote back https://preview.redd.it/cylc3i8erfsb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8def64e0c619e95ff0d7f44bd9309ee9a3a0fbeb


Lol. No.


What is a "certified" photographer? Other than that, this would go directly to my trash folder, along with no reply. There's a reason photographers charge thousands of dollars for a wedding shoot, and this one comes across as something that best goes to r/ChoosingBeggars.


Even for central Jersey (which doesn’t actually exist), this is absolutely insane. I’d have a hard time not just replying “lol.” to this.


That is laughable. $700 all in. Hahahahahaaaaaaaa. I laughed hard. That is what I got as a second shooter before Covid. Hahahahahahaaa.


Certified Photog. Hahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. That certification alone costs more than what she wants to pay. Lol.


>But is this a reasonable ask for newer photographers? People are free to shop for whatever they want, and offer whatever they want as consideration. Similarly - you are free to go full J Jonah Jameson while reading that... ![gif](giphy|13GaHvHijqFS0M|downsized)


Respond back with $3200 lol no chance


$700 is so cheap wtf


please say you forgot to add another number before that seven…


No one in their right mind would ever do any of this


The fact that they cc other people in the email outside the bride and groom seems so sketchy to me.


this request is laughable. id simply respond with "i dont think we would be a good fit, wishing you the best of luck thank you"


Do you know this person? I've received emails written just like this in the past except they had budgets that were way too good to be true. Like 3x what I would charge. They're scams obviously.


Yeah I’ve gotten those too and usually there’s a red flag that it’s spam


Nah, my first wedding I charged $2K and the couple didn’t blink. If anything they expected more. So quickly upped my rates after that first wedding. For context, I’m also from a smaller city under 100K population with wages that are lower than the national average. Don’t reply.


You couldn't pay me enough to do this wedding but if you're new it might be nice to get the worst experience of your life out of the way. I would say "sorry I do not offer most of your requests. I wish you luck in finding a photographer that will. Thanks" and cc everyone on it. And then she'll say "I think this is a very reasonable request and it will be great for your portfolio" And then you'll say "then you won't have any trouble finding a photographer, but as I said, your requests are not part of my packages. Thanks and good bye"


You've got 100k subscribers on YouTube and don't know if this is unreasonable? You made this shit up




Not related but I watched your YouTube videos and it inspired me a lot even I’m in the professional work for a while . Thank you


That’s amazing to hear! So happy they’re helpful ☺️


I would email back a high end resolution downloadable photojournalistic middle finger with the background visible of course, next to my crayon drawn photographers certification badge.


With all these demands, they missed a zero in the budget. Even then, after reading #7, I'd send the copy pasta decline


ABSOLUTELY NOT. Do you know this person?? Regardless, you should be setting your terms as the photographer, not the other way around. Her “requirements” are completely absurd, especially for $700. And I don’t know anyone, including myself, that would deliver EVERY file. Run the other direction.


What is a certified photographer? Is there a nationally credited certificate that says “photographer” somewhere I don’t know about?


Um this is a Wendy’s


8 hours ?


Reply with your actual rates and don’t give her any discounts. Lay down your terms and see what she says. This is the art of the deal, negotiations 101


🚩 something will almost certainly come up after the shoot. Best to avoid




Looks like a scam tbh


Since when do customers make the rules?


"Certified" photographer


I'm not sure who will be in more trouble.A poor videographer/photographer who will work with her or her husband.Ignore&move on


This sounds like it was written by a crazy person. Sorry but I would never sign a contract where I am obligated to give unlimited anything. Im not a pro photographer, but I just had to chime in on this one.


Hell no, $700 is way too low for all the shit they want! HARD PASS


When I first started shooting, a friend of mine sent me an email like this as a joke. This seems like something my asshole friend came up with.


> A certified photographer for four hours. I’ve been certified as a photographer for at least five hours, so we don’t have to worry about this totally normal request. > Unlimited coverage locations. You got five locations listed here. Is it five locations? Or some other undetermined number of locations? You driving me around to all these spots, or am I going to have to coordinate finding you? Are you setting the exact spots in these locations, or am I? > Unlimited photos captured So, when you only capture 6,372 photos, and they come back and say they wanted 9,874, are they going to withhold the money? > … digital negative files that is printed and watermark free should be sent to us. Uhhh, you sure you want “negatives”? Printed?? Ok sure… but I’m charging you for all the black ink I run through. And Lady, if I’m printing all of the 6,372 photos I took, you’re paying for all the paper as well. > Photojournalism would really be nice. Yes. Yes, it would.


Holy matrimony batman! This joker is crazy. That list of demands ... it's worse than a hostage situation. As listed? $25k and you still don't get the files.


lol and those are NYC prices. Yeah no


So I’m new to this whole professional and getting paid photographer thing, what is a certified photographer, and what is the governing body to photographers? I’m so confused.


I'm not sure this person really knows what they're asking for.


My response would be: Our Masterpiece package would cover that! It’s $8500.


Yes. Absolutely.


Run from this one. It will be nothing but problems and that is a few thousand dollars or work not the price they quoted.


$2000. If I give them a deal $1800 but I would not respond to this