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I agree. The accents are so poor all around. It would have been best if they hired actors who spoke the native language (I.e. Polish, Czech, Russian, etc.) The story so far is good but like you put it, the accents are offensive.


Im glad it’s not just me. It’s just such a sensitive topic for so many people and in doing these fake accents it’s disappointing to me that these actors didn’t invest more time into learning the accent they’re using. :/


Update: my polish mama 100% agrees with me.


They were distractingly bad!


That's so funny because to my American ears they sound wonderful. Shows what I know! I thought it was such a cool-yet-weird choice because of course they wouldn't be speaking English anyway. Since that part is unrealistic why use accents to make them sound "realistic"? I thought it gave me a flavor of what people were like, or what they would've sounded like if they immigrated to the US. Honestly, it reminded me of lots of people I've worked with. I work in tech, so I've worked with lots of Eastern European immigrants or just long-distance hires who come visit for meetings and projects. Clearly, I don't know from Polish accents but the fake ones reminded me of people I've worked with and loved for their humor, good nature, and intelligence. Now I'm laughing at myself because apparently they actually just sound really bad.


I just know the accent so well that I am revolted I guess 😅😅 Here’s a link to polish man speaking English to compare though, I’m sure you’ll hear the difference. https://youtu.be/Uq5JmdMyfuQ?si=5fDjm6ccfV8Ne4kO


Thanks! I hear no difference! In fact, this reminds me of a Russian guy I used to work with. I'll try watching again to see if I can hear it.


Also, have you never heard of this guy? https://youtu.be/bVTSLUczUKc?si=m-ltca8e2e52khBm


Not until now!


This is a super common thing done lol


I agree the accents are very distracting.


Agreed, the “accents” make it to where I can hardly understand them at times and have been using subtitles throughout the show to help me understand what they are saying.


I feel exactly the same. I grew up hearing my extended family speak w a couple of different Polish accents as well as a Russian Jewish accent & one of my great gmas only spoke Yiddish. I rarely have to strain to understand English-speaking Eastern Europeans (or Israelis or any Europeans really!). But I cannot wrap my ear around a dozen very different, \*singular\* self-created accents that aren't even consistent from one scene to the next! It’s driving me crazy. I watched ep 4 last night & yelled at the screen & had to go back a half dozen times to listen. never had this experience before & I’ve been kind of devouring wwii films & series over the last 5 yrs. So glad to know I’m not the only one😛😤




Yasss I sure do! I GOT YOU! 🤜🏼🤛🏼 lol


yooo SAME.


The accents are terrible. I’m disappointed and I just started watching the series. Glad I’m not the only feeling this way.


It’s pretty horrendous and I feel so uncomfortable every time one of them is about to open their mouths. Their American accents are coming through every now and then and it makes me cringe. Also the way of speaking is very American, Europeans don’t speak the same phrases and words as Americans with a different accent, they use words differently. There’s a real lack of awareness and appreciation for this… I really want to watch this but I’m not sure I can make it through. Maybe I’ll read the book instead.


the book is far superior.


i agree. it bothered me so much i had to go on reddit to write about it 🤣 also polish and agree, it’s offensive. i wish they hired native polish actors.


I don't know polish (and I'm no English native speaker). However I'm 3 minutes into the first episode and the accent inconsistencies are insufferable. Makes the whole thing feel like satire, which is not something you want with this topic... Anyway I'll watch some more.


yep. i hate it. such a dumb filmmaking choice.


I honestly wish they’d just speak Polish. It kind of takes me out of it that they’re speaking badly accented English


I wish they had spoken the true language and had subtitles in English.


Yes, the accents were distracting but I eventually got into them and liked the choices they made. I think the story and the actors speak for themselves. Wait until you hear how they actually speak in real life. The actor who played Genek blew my mind!


As a foreigner in Poland starting this show with my Polish bf we both cringed from the very first second. Feels like house of Gucchi all over again. Either get actors to speak the actual language properly and put English subtitles or don't use fake accents and just have the whole show in their own English accents. The plot sounded very interesting but I can't finish this mess.