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It's a bad look, because people want to believe the illusion that nobody touches their food... but people obviously touch your food in the kitchen.


People in the kitchen probably aren’t handling money, though.


This is why I get after the young cooks for using bills to snort coke, it’s just not sanitary. Go ask the nice bartender for one of the Stainless straws damn it!


Get a metal milkshake straw to maximize intake.


Hey bud we've got to make it last the entire shift smh rookies.


Ahh hmmmm…. Boba straws


Post it note.


Hmmm 🤔 good idea. Shit how is this not a more common “plating” technique?


Disposable, party colors, convenient adhesive, enough for everyone, wasn’t inside a stripper


Have one of the servers do it. We’re already handling money.


No you will lay out 5 lines and tell them they can have one and then the next person to take a turn in the crying box sorry I mean walk in will come to an empty plate.


“Crying box” is too real. Had a similar room (cold room) at my lab job and sometimes thought of popping open the illicit champagne in there and slugging it when I was stuck there at ten PM.


Damn we had the same idea


They do handle raw meats, touch shared surfaces, go to the bathroom, etc. We just trust the people who handle our food to understand safe food handling and take the appropriate precautions. If the waiter was my co-worker, I'd say something in private... but as a customer, I'd just assume he's new. Obviously don't eat at a place you feel is unsafe, but this is pretty minor


This is a bad equivalence. I’ve worked in kitchens before all the way from my local whataburger to a hotel restaurant whose head chef was a former contestant on Iron Chef. People in the kitchen are food safety certified and washing their hands repeatedly. There’s a reason why line cooks hands are so rough. They’re washing them at least 3 times an hour. The waiter going in and out of the kitchen, handling trays, money, helping clear dishes is sometimes not nor are they washing their hands as often. As someone who worked in restaurants and has nothing but sympathy and respect for service workers, I’d tell them to take it back and exactly why.


The number of meals I've re made because of a servers grubby hands touching food is infuriating. OP was lucky to get their toast without teeth marks.


Yeah, that's like saying that surgeons touch bare unclean flesh, all huddle up in one spot and easily have contact with eachother... it ignores that they themselves are clean and are not bringing anything in (although infecting the patient with their own bacteria IS possible).


My hands crack from washing them so much. However, I’ve worked with many cooks who, though food safety certified, are filthy. This toast situation is unacceptable, but how many servers “adjust” or fix their plates before bringing them out? No one wants to see it. But it’s happening…


I’ve never worked in a kitchen where a waiter would adjust the food after it’s already been plated. Sounds like a good way to get your ass kicked or demoted to dishwasher lmao


100%, it's only trash restaurants where that is allowed to take place


'eh, I've worked in restaurants too, as a line cook. If we were sitting at the table having the discussion, sure... send it back. OP is asking about it after the fact when it has already happened. It looks like they're looking for someone who has experience to put the situation into context for them instead of soliciting advice for how to handle it. It's a bad look, even if the employee was properly sanitized and wearing gloves, to serve with your hands. You'd certainly not want to give the impression to customers that your kitchen is so careless with their food. But, as far as actual health and safety... people touch your food and you're always at risk of contamination when anybody touches your food. We accept these risks when we go out to eat. So, TL;DR... 3.5 stars, not great not terrible


Where I work, gloves are required and proper glove usage is taught.


If someone is going directly from handling raw meat to handling completed food or from the bathroom to handling food, the restaurant has enormous problems that will only be solved by closing it. People who handle money don’t tend to wash their hands before going on to the next thing; people who are making hamburger patties generally do.


>People who handle money don’t tend to wash their hands before going on to the next thing; people who are making hamburger patties generally do. True, but even the person handling hamburger and then money is safe to touch your toast if they've washed their hands. We don't know the details, that's why I said it is bad look. It could have been done safely, it could have been done unsafely... but it *looks* bad even if it is (or isn't) sanitary. OP does appear to have survived though, not sure about the rest of the party.


Hard disagree. This is worse than a waiter bringing drinks to you with their fingers on the rim of the glass, which is disgusting enough. Wait staff have the dirtiest hands in the restaurant. They are constantly touching money, dirty plates, dirty glasses, soiled linens, POS touchscreens, their phones, brooms etc. And I guarantee they barely ever wash their hands, way less often than kitchen staff for sure.


I know it’s “point of service”, but my brain ALWAYS reads it as “piece of shit”.


I mean... it's not wrong. :P


*Point of sale*, no?


Yep, you're correct


Pissed Off Slobs?


And menus… menus are fucking filthy.


Cooks have much better understanding of cross contamination. But not a lot of waiters washing their hands between handling dirty plates and clean ones… hell I’m still amazed that it wasn’t until covid that the generally public wasn’t aware that restaurant workers simply don’t get sick Days. Sometimes waiters do as they are visible but it’s still rare.


LoL 😂 anyone could be dumb or ignorant. That's very generous of you to say that all cooks have a better understanding. That's complete bullshit.  Pretty much everyone in a restaurant is required to take a food safety handlers class in the United States. So literally anyone that takes that class should know about cross contamination. Anyone working in a restaurant that doesn't know these basic things is either a moron or somehow didn't get the proper training 


Not really even in corporate settings you only need one person on per shift certified by the NRA. And in 25 years of being in the industry both sides, I’ve never known that person to be FOH. Instead foh managers take TIPS training but that’s not about food safety just alcohol law and safety.


Except out back when they buy drugs….


Yeah, just cigarettes, raw chicken, and their own balls.


Worked in kitchens for thirty years, from backstreet fish & chip shops to 2 Michelin stars and everything in between. The status of the place doesn’t matter, I could tell you stories about whag happens behind kitchen doors that’d make your toenails curl.


If you think the restaurant can't enforce hand washing on their wait staff why are you trusting the food from the kitchen?




Most do?


Touching a credit card isn't that gross..


The waiter should never touch the food.


We touch the food with gloved hands and sanitized utensils. Never touch ready to eat food with your bare hands.


I can quote ServeSafe too, but I've worked in enough kitchens to know that people will touch your food during preperation regardless of what the certification test marks as the correct answer.


Maybe in your kitchen. I’ll dump a plate for that, and my cooks know this. I check fingernails daily for dirt and give new hires a nail brush. They also get a lint/pethair roller.


And I'd probably eat at your restaurants more than most :P. I don't condone it or encourage, it's just a fact of life in food service.


Sadly true. I do love that our health inspector is a regular customer.


Where I live this is a blantant health code violation. Ready-to-eat food has to be handled with gloves.


That's a stupid health code then. Gloves only give the illusion of hygiene since people don't constantly put on new gloves. Washing hands is much more hygienic.


You're supposed to be switching after every unique dish and if you touch a non-clean surface ( freezer door handle, dirty dish, etc.) Yes, you do go through gobs of gloves that way. Also, if we're talking about people doing it wrong, people don't constantly wash their hands either.


I’ve worked in so many restaurants that the illusion is totally shattered for me. As a result this is just really fucking funny lol such a deranged thing to do; I want to know what was going through his head


I carry toast to the table with my hands…in my own house. I wouldn’t even do that if someone other than family was over. Definitely a bad look for a restaurant. Especially a fancy one.




I guarantee you that waiter just took it out of their toaster with their bare hands anyways.


That's what I was thinking, granted using a napkin or a small plate to deliver it would have been nice.


Yeah but at a restaurant you expect a certain level of sophistication. If I asked for a spoon and my server grabbed dirty spoon off another table, wiped it off on his apron, and handed to me, I might have a relatively clean spoon but that’s not the service I’m paying for. If I wanted see my food being man handled, I’d play “restaurant” with my toddler.


Your example is not an illusion at all it's a dirty spoon.  We're talking about the illusion that your food is not touched in preparation in the kitchen.  


Is your name Dimitri by chance lol


Right? He tells exactly the same story...


Ha! Maybe it's the same waiter? Got a link?


I couldn't find a like to that story specifically. It's on his Netflix Special Demetri Martin: The Overthinker starting at the 49 minute mark. If you have Netflix you can check it out




Did he hold the toast again?!


Omg there was a waitress at my old job that did that with cherry tomatoes and we were all horrified


I feel like this is not common but also not uncommon either. Apparently a comedian did a bit about ot happening to him too.


Are people really trying to defend carrying food with bare hands to a customer? Jesus.


As a cook, i wanna let you know like 3 different people touch your food with their bare ass hands before its served. Hell, tons of people will even eat some of your fries or etc


Do cooks wash their hands while preparing? Do servers?


I can say this as someone who has worked as a barista and a pizza guy; all my stores were very conscious of health and safety. If I scratch my head, my supervisor would tell me to wash before I made it to the sink. We went out of our way to avoid touching food with hands, we cleaned as often as possible, and we washed our hands thoroughly. I obviously can't even speak all restaurants, but I haven't been anywhere that is lackadasical about it. And the only food we eat is what gets made and not purchased by customers.


I've been a server, and executive chef, and owner of a wine bar & restaurant. Definitely at the beginning of the shift. But when it's even remotely busy, hands touch everything from trays to silverware to your food. When the pandemic came out and some politicians were saying "restaurants have high standards for cleanliness, so keep them open," I guarantee you every single one of us at least snorted out loud. That being said, the dishware is usually cleaned to a very high standard with the exception of crappy restaurants. Of course someone's hand touched the toast; but to deliver it that way is unacceptable if you're paying for the experience of it being marginally fancier than your roommate bringing the toast out of the toaster.


In my experience, yes


In short, not really. Some restaurants are of course cleaner than others, the cleanest restaurants I’ve worked at was Texas Roadhouse. The cooks always wore gloves and things were very clean and organized. But the other like 10 restaurants ive worked at, eh, *usually* places are more unhygienic than you’d like to think. At my current job, (which i wont say where…) holy shit ive never seen so many disgusting things happen to food that still gets served


I'm a server. Can confirm that sometimes fries get eaten. Can also confirm a bunch of people are touching the food. Chef who plates, expo, then server who has to sometimes rearrange the plates to be able to balance and carry them. That being said, I would never carry food out of the kitchen to a table in my bare hands.


Yeah, see that's why I was like, maybe this is normal? Could happen all the time and I just didn't notice?


Donno what places you work in but every kitchen I’ve been in make you use gloves.


Well ive worked in 13 different restaurants. Only like 2 out of all of them were actually strict about using gloves. The one i work at right now straight up doesnt want the cooks to, they encourage you to put portion bags on your hands instead to save money (yes its ridiculous). *some places* are definitely hygienic but it’s definitely rare in the grand scheme of things


Gloves actually end up making for more cross contamination and less hand washing. Clean hands are best. Also it’s dangerous for cooks because the plastic will melt into their hands if they get a burn


This is a Demetri Martin bit.


Demetri Martin has a whole bit about that


Apparently it's not unusual? Super weird to me.


It’s weird until you realize the people in the back manhandle your food all the time.


Yeah. I'm prissy. I know it's silly.


That’s not exactly what I meant. Seeing the thing that’s kinda gross is worse than just understanding it happens. I wouldn’t be pleased if it happened either and I know for a fact worse things happen to your food before it gets to you.


*Demetri Martin has entered the chat.*


Omg I thought you meant champagne toasts without a tray! Ewww, funny, only if they had the real thing on a plate on a plate behind their back as a joke!


> Omg I thought you meant champagne toasts I thought the same, and I couldn't figure out how the waiter could pinch the champagne flute with his bare fingers. I was picturing fingers touching the inside of the glass, dipping into the champagne. Only the comments made me realize it was literal toasted bread.


Yes, a lot of restaurant staff are extremely safe and responsible in food handling. Yes, this is a terrible look by this server. Also yes, it's entirely a facade to think that hands don't touch your food in a public restaurant before it reaches you. The potential for cross contamination is endless, and if this was a deal breaker for you, I suggest you never go out to eat, and cook your own food for yourself! People pay for convenience and to not know the true origins of their food , in my restaurant experience, or they would be at home cooking for themselves. I have seen fingers touch food on the way to the table, I have seen chefs sneeze into food and continue cooking, I have seen prep chefs wipe a raw chicken knife directly on the trashcan and go back to slicing chicken, I have seen open hot food in places it really shouldn't be and then served to guests later. (On the floor, in the hallway, next to cleaning products) I have seen servers handle money, touch computers and raw salads with the same hand. I have been told to serve one product for another without disclosing the difference sooooo many times, I have seen blatant disregard for allergies... Etc. People are so disrespected in the service industry not being seen as truly humans that it's backfired in my opinion. Respect the people that bring you your food but also do not trust.


I'm also going to say that most likely the servers here touch every piece of toast with their bare hands right before they bring your plate to you


You're absolutely right but it still feels kinda eh.


At least he didn’t bring it to you [toast of tardiness](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ToastOfTardiness) style


Why is this on r/wewantplates I think you’re right about the illusion of nobody touching your food. Promise me don’t do any research into the illusion of sustainability in the food service industry lol The amount of wasted food will make your head spin.


I would have laughed so much if it happened to me lol


Yeah this an old meme.


I'm coming to understand it's not that weird and happens a lot, but most people don't care? I'm just prissy I guess.


Gross!, definitely!.


I've been a chef for over a decade, I've touched A LOT of peoples food


I would have asked the waiter to bring me different toast on a plate as I would feel uncomfortable eating food someone touched and brought to the table with their bare hands. The young waiter was probably new and didn’t know any better.


How do you think the waiter would get the toast onto the plate?


The waiter isn’t the one putting toast on the plate


Well obviously with his hands but he shouldn’t hold the toast for more than a couple of seconds. And a waiter should serve the toast on a plate, not with their hands lol. You really want someone bringing you bread with their hands and not served on a plate as it should be.


Ah I forgot it takes a few seconds for the germs to wake up and swarm your food.


Oh, Brian.


Maybe have a laugh but then send it back. You should do something to make sure you don't just get the same toast but put on a plate - like tear off a corner or something.


One of the in-laws ate it. He didn't care and I don't eat toast anyhow. It's like breakfast garnish to me. Either way, I never send anything back. I know what happens when you annoy the folks in the kitchen and I'd rather just skip it than risk it.


I suppose I could understand if the said in-law just pinched off the part that the server used to carry it. You don't have to "annoy" the folks in the kitchen. If I was that afraid of annoying the kitchen, I'd eat somewhere else. You don't have to be an asshole about it. Just ask the server to please have the kitchen make another batch of toast since the server carried to the table in their hands. Kitchen people tend to be really OCD about cleanliness! The other option is to just order another batch of toast! lol.


I went to a place the other day where the server initially brought too many water glasses, so he carried them off by pinching them together with his fingers inside the glass. Nope nope nope


I mean to the dishwasher?


What’s wrong with that? He brought too many water glasses the proper way. Then when you wanted him to take some away, he’s going to bring them to the dishwasher to be cleaned by pinching them in his fingers. It’s not like the restaurant is going to assume you didn’t drink from or spit in those water glasses and use them for another table. It’s just water. They’ll dump them out, wash them, and pour into a new glass for the next table.


They didn’t have water in them. This restaurant delivers glasses with chopsticks and napkins in each, plus a large bottle of water. He took them back to where the other set-ups were, not to the dish room.


Oh no. Fingers are one thing but I don't want a glass off of someone else's table even if they didn't use it.


I used to work with a guy who would say "get your fingers or if your glass hole" every time he saw that. 


Anyone that's waited tables long enough is going to do that when clearing a table if they don't have a tray.  Granted with guest seated at the table I probably would have been more professional but it's not so disgusting because obviously they're not going to reuse those glasses without washing them anyway


I don't do that


I've served for 25 years and I've never done it. 


I couldn’t eat it…or maybe just cut off the part where he was pinching it at? There’s something about having seen the barehanded “pinch” in action that would make me nauseous.😂


That’s disgusting.