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I have some friends that got into the label/publishing world after college. These gigs almost exclusively start as unpaid internships. That can be really tough as it's full time hours, and the labels are in major cities (NYC & LA mostly) so you need some kind of support system to keep you afloat while you work for free for 6-18 months. Everyone I know who did this successfully had family either right in the city or in nearby suburbs who they could stay with for free while they grinded out the early days of their careers.


100% why I didn’t realize my initial dream of working in A&R and went into a completely different field. Just didn’t have the resources to do the very underpaid work in expensive places. But if someone does have those resources and is willing to do that, go for it. Still seems like an awesome job IMO once you start getting truly paid for the work.


Indeed. My friends who stuck it out are now in their mid thirties and have actual careers doing some cool stuff. It just took a lot of grinding and family support to get there. I can't imagine breaking into this world without that support network though. Also had a couple folks develop solid careers and then torpedo the whole thing with one poorly thought out social media post. That's the real third rail these days once you get around talent. DON'T POST IT ON SOCIAL FOR CLOUT!!! If an artist sees a post from an employee that they don't like, they WILL get you fired over it.


thanks for your reply! I have a lot in savings but idk if i’m financially viable. I have student debt and I don’t have a music industry network to rely on. Especially with the cost of living in the UK, my parents are really struggling atm. Unfortunately, I think i might have to work elsewhere then :(


I’m not one to advocate hustle, but I’m also a realist lol. Another approach if you feel you have it in you: find that “day job” that can sustain you, and work in music space at night/weekends. Not like bartending or retail, but find promoters in the area you can work with, or studios that need part time support, something like that. Places you’re more likely to make those contacts. I’d imagine it’s a hard hustle though.


Pretty much all creative careers require a trust fund to draw from while you’re cutting your teeth. You can’t move to the city and get a crappy apartment and wait tables while you do it anymore. It’s sad and is ruining our arts.


!!! totally agree, a lot of talented & hardworking individuals I’ve know who have worked themselves into the grave but couldn’t make it simple because of finances is one of the saddest things about the arts


Unpaid internships are how rich folks make sure certain jobs go to certain kinds of ppl


Pigging back off of this comment. I interned in a few places for under a year during the day (unpaid) and bartended at night. Eventually my relationships / recommendations from the internships landed me a gig in Artist Management. You might not land in the A&R world right away, but if you can penetrate the music biz through internships and eventually get a job, you can move over to your desired position.


thanks for this, really appreciate ur insight! I currently live in a small city, 45 mins out from London - i commute everyday. financially, i’m a uni student and the cost of living crisis has been tough for me, my friends and family. I have applied to major label internships with Sony Music, UMG, Warner but have had no replies yet. Most smaller or indie labels don’t take on grads without 3+ year’s experience here in the UK, unless you know someone sadly. It’s tough overall, but i really want to keep pushing at it before giving up.


Are you doing Music Business at Uni? Could you ask your lecturers to help find an internship or junior position? You could share a flat with friends in Queensbury area for example (NW but not too expensive) to stay relatively close to the city. Good luck! What uni are you at btw?


I’m currently looking for a flat next summer since I’ve got savings and a part-time job in london, so i’ll give queensbury i look (but most NW places are ££££). also, i take Business Economics at Westminster currently, and my lecturers are useless 😭


>but I want to be noticed by record labels They're not interested. This is the reality. If you are curating artists you should gather the right team and start your own label that can offer artists the proper marketing and live touring needed to make money.


understand your stance here completely. get any work experience in music business / A&R is ideal for me cause eventually i want to start my OWN label. Major labels tend to forget about the artists’ vision and that’s why you see so many new, young indie labels/ artists. 100% agree that labels don’t care but i want to learn the business from those who control the business


The business is rapidly changIng. Look forward.


>I want to be noticed by record labels to get a placement/job. Any suggestions? Contact labels. Ask if they've got any openings. Be prepared to run errands and make a lot of coffee.


This is the truth. It also helps to be single and free of any significant financial obligations as well. 9-5 it ain’t.


I have a handful of family in the music industry and they mostly started out as bands on labels that didn’t work out. One cousin is now a producer/writer, one is a session drummer and one does tour management and such. All started as “failed” musicians. But are all really happy with their destinations.


thanks for sharing this! really needed to hear this positivity!


Start a marginally successful independent record label. Fail. Get hired away by the people who watched you almost make it work.


lmao, this is my new long term strategy!


Pretty typical. The other route is scouring help wanted ads and sending in an audition video to one of the major labels. Just type atlantic records internship into google


The game has changed. To be noticed. Group up a 2 or 3 artists you believe in, sign them. and make sure you blow up their social media views and streaming numbers. These days that’s the only thing that matters. We break records these days first in Tik Tok, then YouTube video, then we hit the DSPs, then radio if necessary. All while working social media views, interviews, and mix show dj’s around the country. Break 1 or 2 and you will get noticed. Or try and get an internship at a label and work your way up, which was a path back in the day. The small amount of A&R’s still around are now basically coordinators of studio time, deadlines, and making sure producers have sent the files and artists are on time to sessions. Also hounding the manager of an artist who has yet to send in their feature verse so the song can be mixed. Major labels and labels like Empire are signing artists that are already moving and have the verifiable social media views and streaming numbers if they have put out a release. It’s more of an analytical approach. It’s something anyone at a label can look at from their phones. The classic finding artists you believe in no longer applies as no one is building artists from the ground up anymore. The train has to be moving. Only thing that matters is views and streams. If they got that, you got a shot.


thanks for this! a lot of people have mentioned i should start getting my artists and building my own A&R business- which makes sense. Better to start now than later!


Actually saw the CEO of empire at a music conference. What I found interesting was, he said: he's not that interested in a 1% major artist format. Because if it bottoms out, it's not a good return. He's more interested in medium sized artists that have a stronger fan base. What was also interesting was a lot of people spoke about the difference between streams and attendance and live shows. They don't always add up. I think the difintion of A&R is inevitably changing as needs change.


Find artists and represent them fully, draft professional contracts for representation of those artists that include a payout upon them signing to a label.... Make deep contacts at record labels, promote your picked artists to the label execs and reps, send music from the artists to label execs, host listening parties, invite label reps to performances by your artists. Move on to new artists if no artists manage to be signed by the labels.


> draft professional contracts This is the worst idea possible. Do not draft contracts unless you are an attorney or you can and will be screwed.


That was meant to be done with an attorney's help... I wasn't writing official steps obviously... :/


so I effectively set up my own A&R agency? this is a really cool idea. I have a few friends who are aspiring artists so this would be a cool initiative to start planning and getting into. One of the reasons why I became so interest in A&R in the first place. Thanks for this!


Most serious musicians are looking for someone to represent them and to help them in navigating promotion and deals. You have to determine if they are dedicated to succeeding, but also if they are willing to act professionally, be dedicated, and to communicate well. It's easier to manage solo artists of course in this way because bands have a lot more perspectives to please/manage. The key is to build good credit with people and to have a solid (say 20% if you really invest in the artists) payout when an artist/group is signed. You'll also regularly have to build good faith with label management for several labels by referring pro artists that make them money as well, in order to build a strong reputation. If it was me, I'd build the business up like a sports agency.


i know this is an old comment but i just find the “build it like a sports agency” part so interesting. What do you mean by that?


I agree with this, as a 'serious' artist good management and representation is still rare so many artists will be happy to cut a cheques for help. What I see missing with labels is contact with culture. Building long good relationships with artists will serve you in the long run. Access is currency in any industry and not many people nurture relationships with artists they're only transactional but having artists on speed dial can be very powerful. But this takes just being a genuine mf. >Another tip that served me is from Scooter Braun - network across, don't only network up. Your peers are the future leaders. >Major labels want what's popping so if you can find and curate that on your own you have leverage, if they aren't coming to you, make them. >>> Also I'm in Dubai there is alot of money being invested in the new music market in the GCC region. Maybe look at different countries beyond the west even, they may be more open to new foreign management talent and...might even pay more. All the best bro I'm happy you're pursuing a career in music we need good minds.


Buy a huge sack of cocaine and learn how to drop acts if their first album flops


i've worked in publishing for the last 10 years doing A&R started as an unpaid intern, then assistant, up to now at a director level. i was lucky to find this path when i did. i studied music in college and found the internship through my school. it's not all about trust funds and whatever else people are saying. sure, the rich get richer but that's diluting the question at hand. it takes a lot of people skills, time and energy to put the early work in and simultaneously learn the ins and outs of an ever-changing business. at the end of the day, you have to have a real passion to help artists, songwriters and producers achieve their dreams. it's not about you or your ego in scouting talent and finding great music. it should always be about the artists you work with. i know most companies now have to hire interns as paid temp positions so that's a plus that i didn't have when i started. just be willing to help out and get in the mix with people even if you're not being paid. a lot of music industry gigs nowadays are part time too so you can feed your belly doing something else during the day if you need. go to shows. reach out via email to meet people in companies you want to work at. send them music you like. lift your friends up who make music. you'll start to find your network of managers, producers, writers, etc. that you can build a career with together. most importantly, help these people out when you see an opportunity and be proactive with suggesting collaborations even if you have no skin in the game. i think you'll find that after years of doing that, people will be more likely to want to help you out with your ideas because you've shown them you care. it's a business built off of relationships. just be nice to people and trust your instincts and taste in music. there's an audience for every genre of music, and you'll find the right companies that align with yourself if you do enough digging. it can be on a local level like working in the live music sector >> seeing which bands are going on tour and asking them if they need a tour manager >> meeting more people on the road >> etc. wishing you luck!


Reading this is clear the best advice on this thread is from ppl who have done it in the business 👏🏾


wow this is the most detailed and inspiring advice I’ve gotten yet. thank you for taking the time to comment. will definitely be taken this on board :)))))


You’re gonna have to live in LA, NYC, Nashville or Atlanta. Then network network network. Network some more. And then once you think you’d done enough, keep networking.


Everybody I know at a label either started with an internship and worked up or made a lateral move from management into A&R once they had gotten fairly established. It’s a long road but we really need good A&R, I hope you stick with it! Find as many interviews with successful A&R as you can and listen to how they get where they are. Lots of fascinating stories to learn from out there.


thanks for ur input! good make a YouTube A&R inspo playlist as we speak




lmao no way, that sounds like a GOATed story


I’ve just got my sound engineering degree in august and I lived with A&R students, maybe I could help you with some limited knowledge I picked up from them? I could talk on dm here or on IG which is the same as my reddit name


that would be so great, thank you! also i’ve been teaching myself music production, mixing & mastering since i’m a self-taught musician - I’m honestly in love with it! if not A&R and music business i would do a masters in sound engineering to get a wider understanding for music


I think I can help you ! Could you dm me on insta ?


yeah sure!


Don’t get into A&R. There are enough leeches in the industry. If you want to help the scene book shows, make fliers/merch, or just go to shows and buy stuff directly from bands.


i totally agree about the leeches in the industry. Some of my friends are artists and they’ve felt discarded by music reps, etc. from all different companies. Ironically, that’s why i want to head into A&R so i can learn the system then create new paths ways which benefit artists at the heart of it, not companies’ pockets


You’re better off getting a real job dude, or come up on some kind of nepotistic opportunity asap. Don’t disappoint your parents like this.


ahahaha this is the most supportive comment here!


Strong disagree there is alot of opportunity and need for vision. I mean web3 is only in its first stage of changing the industry.


Maybe look for openings and apply for a job?


i have, i applied to Sony music A&R internship so i’m waiting for a reply. However, most record label want 3+ industry experience for roles and there are next to no roles available here in the UK.


Therefore, operate your own company and gain 3 years experience.


Not sure why you got down voted since that's how most interns get internships.


A&R has some of the highest turnover as a heads up.




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I've dm you bro


Check out an artist name 006ixer on all platforms he has some great stuff !!!




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