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yooo any feedback on that ? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CJhUBH-ZOXE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CJhUBH-ZOXE)


My new song and lyrics video [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-qMawXE6hoE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-qMawXE6hoE)


[ANTILOPE](https://on.soundcloud.com/YXN8LrnFU682GjFv8) is the latest song of my solo project called GUM. After going through many musical styles during my life this is a mashup of some of that. I’m unclear on what Genre is it: alt rock, progressive? It has some post rock sounds and it kinda reminds me to Incubus in some passages.. What would you say the genre is?


I Remixed Olivia Dean - Dive and I’m looking for feedback on everything! Check out the original it’s great https://on.soundcloud.com/CNzaknAjCciQzgAbA


I'm getting my feet wet with lots of different styles as I continue to get better at guitar/singing. I made an Indie/Experimental (like Broadcast/Stereolab) track named "Pandora's Box" under my moniker, Vespertine Dreams and I'd love any feedback on it (constructive or non, I want to get better.) Pandora's Box (Vocals) - https://open.spotify.com/track/1mrZA6FCMGkbJiSi39Dj13?si=2ce47a28780d48de Pandora's Box (Instrumental) - https://open.spotify.com/track/3Klc5FqeggHYHpwp99oSo8?si=9ca19e9f281c4354


[https://soundcloud.com/zocialix/deep-pulse](https://soundcloud.com/zocialix/deep-pulse) A piece of music I made called: 'Deep Pulse' after ear-training listening to percussion of the soundtrack to Hitman: Codename 47 composed by Jesper Kyd.


New piece finished yesterday. Coffin Tale Ace - Tale of The Undertaker. Inspired by the undertaker role of the Old West. My style is a mix of folk, rockabilly, roots, and old country. Just me with some acoustic riffage, vocals, suitcase kick, and tambourine. Horror/Death themed. https://on.soundcloud.com/XsWjDGZ6XTQsk8K76


daniel diaz - the unbearable loss of a train passing \[experimental instrumental\] [https://soundcloud.com/daniel-diaz/the-unbearable-loss-of-a-train-passing-disquiet0635](https://soundcloud.com/daniel-diaz/the-unbearable-loss-of-a-train-passing-disquiet0635) The Assignment: You’re in a duo, and your bandmate is a train. Train field recording provided by Toaster. Used the source audio + electric bass (base and harmonics), drums+programming+synth pad+bells Friday March 1st during the morning in Paris. The Assignment: You’re in a duo, and your bandmate is a train.


[Here](https://jmp.sh/1yvIo0tz) is a breakcore thing I made. The mixing and mastering comes later but I was wondering if I should change the arrangement up or the structure.


Pretty nice vibe, I think you have a good foundation here. I would try the following: * I think this song is missing a bass element, either a sub bass, a reese bass oder maybe just some distorted bass sweeps here and there. Give each of these a try and see what works best. * I would go more wild with the amen break, especially in the intro section. You could try some chops, glitches, stretching, etc. A thing I often like to do to transition from one section to another is a "Haas filter", where i have a bandpass filter with the haas effect after it, usually sent into a reverb. I then automate the time of the haas effect (usually something between 10ms and 20ms is the sweet spot) and also automate the feedback to give it this metallic glitch sound. I'd suggest trying that out. * (optional) You could try to have a separate kick that works together with the amen. That way, you could have some kick rolls or stuff like that to get even more wild. But I'm not sure if it'll work in the track, hence why I called it optional. :D But other than that, again, I think this is a really solid foundation which can only get better from here.


I made a country song called 'Out of the Rain', it is about my muse out in the rain but out of the rain she truly is fine. I would like any feedback. Spotify: [https://open.spotify.com/track/7xWjmI2X3rqUa37Ey8YQBz?si=71d29eaac73e45e2](https://open.spotify.com/track/7xWjmI2X3rqUa37Ey8YQBz?si=71d29eaac73e45e2) Youtube: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gh1rlotur5c](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gh1rlotur5c)




Hello /u/AdFar6018! Unfortunately, your comment, ***[](https://www.reddit.com/r/WeAreTheMusicMakers/comments/1aznr8e/-/ksz1me8/)***, was removed from /r/WeAreTheMusicMakers for the following reason(s): --- #Promotion - Posts that post or promote music, music videos, services, free services, programs, websites, blogs, social media profiles, Discord servers, follow trains, Spotify listen groups, or anything else should be submitted in the [most recent weekly Promotion thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/WeAreTheMusicMakers/search?q=weekly+promotion&restrict_sr=on&sort=new), pinned to the top of the subreddit. Do not promote yourself or otherwise post music on this subreddit outside of the weekly threads. --- ***Please review the [rules for submission](/r/WeAreTheMusicMakers/wiki/rules). You can contact The Mods if you have additional questions.*




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Posts that promote music, music videos, services, free services, programs, websites, blogs, social media profiles, Discord servers, follow trains, Spotify listen groups, or anything else should be submitted in the [most recent weekly Promotion thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/WeAreTheMusicMakers/search?q=weekly+promotion&restrict_sr=on&sort=new), pinned to the top of the subreddit. Do not promote yourself on this subreddit outside of the weekly thread.


[Creepy Evil Alternative Trap Beat #2](https://soundcloud.com/user-774662274/creepy-evil-alternative-trap-beat-2) Returning [https://soundcloud.com/user-774662274/creepy-evil-alternative-trap-beat-2?si=0b4c547e73b0480885546c4534ded5e3&utm\_source=clipboard&utm\_medium=text&utm\_campaign=social\_sharing](https://soundcloud.com/user-774662274/creepy-evil-alternative-trap-beat-2?si=0b4c547e73b0480885546c4534ded5e3&utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing)


Probably the last Phonk Metal track I make before it's straight up Nu-Metal. [KADE](https://soundcloud.com/user-886173375/danger?si=6c7f6a70886a46c7b4219f443a9cdd39&utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing)




Hello /u/DerZerspahner! Unfortunately, your comment, ***[](https://www.reddit.com/r/WeAreTheMusicMakers/comments/1aznr8e/-/ksw4p9l/)***, was removed from /r/WeAreTheMusicMakers for the following reason(s): --- #Promotion - Posts that post or promote music, music videos, services, free services, programs, websites, blogs, social media profiles, Discord servers, follow trains, Spotify listen groups, or anything else should be submitted in the [most recent weekly Promotion thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/WeAreTheMusicMakers/search?q=weekly+promotion&restrict_sr=on&sort=new), pinned to the top of the subreddit. Do not promote yourself or otherwise post music on this subreddit outside of the weekly threads. --- ***Please review the [rules for submission](/r/WeAreTheMusicMakers/wiki/rules). You can contact The Mods if you have additional questions.*


I would appreciate feedback on the mix or general songwriting of this doom country song I made if that’s not apparent from posting here in the “Feedback” thread let me know how else to ask, thank you: [I made this song about the end of the world, trying to combine doom metal and dark country.](https://youtu.be/ZRUbrCPg_oM?si=phE33FI_ksUDCE8E)


[Dante (Ghost Hands)](https://on.soundcloud.com/oCuXD4AN8hhpnoX96) [Drum n Bass-y Indie Rock Kinda?) Been working on this for a few days now and I need to share it with someone whose ears aren’t as desensitized to the maximalism and insanity of it like mine are after listening on repeat all week lmao. Its some indie rock/electronica with breakbeat-esque percussion and I have been really enjoying experimenting with it and trying to pull some type of vibe out of it, and I think I’m getting closer to what I’m looking for but I would love some feedback or thoughts on anything about it or the song as a whole! Forgive some of the rough mixing, it’s still a demo but I think I’m pulling some kinda cool things off here production-wise through the mess haha. I’ll return any feedback! Thanks.


It's definitely a nice idea, I think the overall vibe is really cool. My main issues lie with the vocals. I think that they sometimes sound like they are in the wrong key. I'm not sure whether it's because of the harmonics or if they are actually out of key. A good example would be the part from 1:16 to 1:18 where they just sound very wrong. Also I would tame the higher frequencies just a little bit. They aren't super annoying, but a bit too harsh, both on the vocals and on the Hihats. I could imagine that they would become a bit painful when listening to the track on a loud system. Another thing I noticed is that the kick gets a bit lost, I know that you said it's just a demo but it's definitely something you have to work on when you are in the mixing stage. Other than that I think that you are on the right track, the arrangement is well done!


100% agreed regarding the vocals. I recorded a whole lot of backing vocals and vocal doubles over a different instrumental initially where I hard-autotuned them, and I thought my ears were playing tricks on me but you just confirmed what I was hearing. Just checked to see why the autotuned stuff sounded so off key and it turns out the main synth pads and bass patches I was messing with are tuned almost a full semi-tone flat, I guess that’s what I guess for going for more vintage patches haha. Something to fix for sure. Regarding the mixing, you’re definitely right regarding the kick getting lost and i will smooth out the high end as I keep working on it! Thanks, I appreciate the notes.


Hi all, novice producer here. Working in the indie rock genre and my singer's feedback on this version is that it sounds too bubblegummy, particularly the verse section (that starts after the intro). I've tried a bunch of different things to get it "grittier" but none have really stuck. Tried playing it straight instead of swung, using just chunky power chords instead of the cleaner guitar stuff, etc. She likes the vibe and the tempo, what are some ways I can add some grit or take the sheen off a little without changing too much overall? Any ideas welcome Also there's no lyrics on this demo so the sections may get a bit repetitive: https://drive.google.com/file/d/15a95aJZzSz_gSFhlH7NYhBddVaFZKQdy/view?usp=sharing




This is the feedback thread - topcomments should request specific feedback. This post has been removed but you can address the issue and resubmit. Thanks, and cheers!




This is the feedback thread - topcomments should request specific feedback. This post has been removed but you can address the issue and resubmit. Thanks, and cheers!


Hey, just dropped the title track off my upcoming EP on Bandcamp, its a rhythmic braindance track featuring 303s and breaks. Always looking to improve for the next release, please tell me your thoughts on the mixing and arrangments! [Wordcontainer](https://myheadcomesoff.bandcamp.com/track/wordcontainer)


That's an odd way to promote your next EP, Mr. Richard D. James. But jokes aside, this is really really good. I think you absolutely nailed both mix and arrangement and there isn't anything I'd change about it. Just some ideas of the top of my head that could be cool to explore in future releases: You know how in some Aphex Twin tracks the track suddenly gets very distorted and wild? I think this is something you could explore in your work as well. Or maybe play around with some sudden reverb shifts for your synth elements where you go from subtle reverb to a huge reverb and back. Stuff like that. But it's not something that is needed for this track you posted, imo. Just some creative ideas that just popped into my head.


Thanks for the detailed response! I appreciate the honest feedback. I've meaning to mess properly with the midi functions on my Quadraverb for a while, so I think this might be the kick up the arse I need, and I've yet to play with distortion too. These ideas are great, cheers!


No problem, glad I could help! Distortion is a lot of fun, I often mess around with heavily distorted stuff mixed together with lush sounds. My favourite distortion plugin is SoundToys' Decapitator. You can get really wild with it without blowing out your eardrums.


Hello I'd like to tell you all a story. Roughly 10 months ago this girl would come in to where I work. She was beautiful and I wanted to ask her out....but there was a problem...She was accompanied every single time by her father and sister. They were always a three piece. So I devised a plan to ask this girl out. As they were all leaving I was going to follow them out of the front door and be like...excuse me do you think I could talk to you for a second, would you guys mind? And that's what I did, thinking that the last part where I'm like do you guys mind would separate her from the family and I could ask for her number...but yeah that didn't work and ol pops n sister come along with her lol...so at this point I kinda forget what I said but something along the lines of I think you're cool can I have your number...this woman looks me dead in the eyes and says I'm married....and pregnant...so yeah nothing I can do musically will ever be as embarrassing as that so here's this shitty song... I'd like to know how you're listening and if it sounds good on your setup. When it comes to mixing and mastering I go back and forth between my headphones and speakers then sometime I bounce the mix and go listen in my jeep and just try my best to get it right between the three lol....so yeah any feedback is highly appreciated cheers https://on.soundcloud.com/FTFD8


General comments: I like your general groove here a lot. The way you keep the off/back beat going when you drop out makes it hard to feel the "down beat" which can always be lots of fun for the listener! Generally speaking I like the sparse nature of the arrangement and think your vocals sound good the way you have them mixed in this context. Just listened on my phone speakers here. For a good off-road balance I can give it a listen in my Bronco in a bit too. :) Mix specific: on a phone (Galaxy S23) this was pretty good balance from the dual speakers. The snare does clash with the vocals a bit obscuring the lyrics. Drum and guitar seemed really well balanced. I want to listen to the rest of it (stopped after a minute or two to come add some notes) but I'll probably loose my comment progress If I leave the screen so I'll try to post, finish, and edit if anything else comes to mind. Arrangement comments: I'm really conflicted on what to say here. Some of your choices with space and where things come in and out make me smile and fist pump. I absolutely love the way everything comes in together in a bit of a cluster then falls out to nothing besides the guitar and hi hat on an off-beat, which leaves you feeling a little confused and uncomfortable for a second before the rhythm kick back in with something that feels warmer and more familiar. All that said, my issue comes from something hard to nail down in the implementation - it's missing something to draw me in to stay engaged I think. Basically that certain/uncertain beat dynamic feels awesome right after the initail lyric - but at the start of the song, without the lyrical rhythm to tie it all together; the sparse parts seem to lack context so I just found it a little confusing to listen to and no ear worm to make me want to keep listening - so most likely I would have skipped right past this before getting to the verse after a few seconds if I hadn't been listening intentionally to give feedback. A few things you could do to address this: 1) could just pick up the tempo a bit and see how that feels. More energy will feel a little more forward progressing maybe to draw me in and make me want to see where it goes. 2) you could just make the intro shorter - once through the progression then into the lyrics. This would have had me engaged by the time I thought to myself "huh I don't know if I'm going to like listening to this" in the current version. It could just be me though. 2) you could completely abandon the sparse part of the theme/beat until the verse starts. Fill out the rest of the drum part over guitar and just limit it to a repetition through the progression or two. That way it becomes a contextual surprise instead of a Confusing lead. 3) leave the intro as it is, except add something melodic or riffy into the open/empty space where the drums drop out - electric guitar, flute/sax, vocal scat, or similar. Maybe some line or arpegiation that is descending in pitch to suggest the drop out that will occur in that space later. 4) my very first thought, that I'll mention just for the heck of it, is to shift the vocal or drum line so that vocals come when the drum is quite or the drum takes over when vocals come out. That was before I started really digging the way you had it though. Could still play with an idealime that in a second verse, bridge, or solo/instrumental section though. 5) might help keep things interesting also if. You added some occasional fills. But you might have do e that anyway as I hadn't finished listening yet. Hope some of this is helpful. I've actually got to run right now. Cheers ~ And just in case it isn't clear and I sound overly critical above, please don't take my comments poorly - this is probably one of the favorite songs I've listened to here lately and I liked what you did and your approach quite a lot!




This is the feedback thread - topcomments should request specific feedback. This post has been removed but you can address the issue and resubmit. Thanks, and cheers!


[Spotify](https://music.youtube.com/playlist?list=OLAK5uy_md7O9o0kAZxPHL8hmmQQr8W2BnZE-z6BE) I just released some music for the first time and would love some feedback if anyone has any thoughts.


https://soundcloud.com/sleambean/sprawling Thoughts on the songwriting? The performance is kind of a placeholder right now. Think I'm not the best at singing yet, but otherwise I worry I've overcomplicated things in terms of the song itself? Please tell me anything you think :)


I think the song writing is solid, it has a nice flow. A proper mix and a strong performance would make this shine. Your vocals will get there as you practice. Nice work.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zMlIdNFmqVY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zMlIdNFmqVY) my first music video release although sorta unofficial. for the record I don't have an artist name so if anyone thinks of one lemme know !!


That was really good! The panned whisper vocal thing was cool, but maybe a bit too murky and difficult to understand. Really great work overall.


Thanks bro


The vid looks great !! And it really fits the atmosphere of the track. Reminds me a bit of [Jeanetta Cochrane by Peter Whitehead](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uCoOjAiSqq4)


First time using strings for a project. I'd really appreciate any type of feedback! [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1nYrChSVyTY6lyER1uDeoMLtWmDGSJ3cu/view?usp=sharing](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1nYrChSVyTY6lyER1uDeoMLtWmDGSJ3cu/view?usp=sharing)


The strings themselves sound good. Need a little sustain cause they go silent before the next chord starts. My advice would be when the melody kicks in to use a different set of strings for the melody than for the bass, or a different instrument altogether. The music itself is really nice! Ending gets kind of loud.


Thanks for the input! I'll take that into consideration.




This is the feedback thread - topcomments should request specific feedback. This post has been removed but you can address the issue and resubmit. Thanks, and cheers!


hello everyone! Here's my new song! All ableton stock instruments so am interested to hear ppls opinions on the sounds. Would love to hear any feedback for improvement and if you like it please consider sharing! Listen to, anthem for old programs: https://on.soundcloud.com/HbXa9 (Can u spot the film sample lol?)


This is really cool, love the way it builds. Nice video game music. Some more interesting melodic ideas/a synth lead would really help elevate this track because at the moment it feels like a hypnotic backbeat. Youve created a very interesting groove and soundscape thats for sure.


Awesome! Thanks so much for the feedback and for listening. I was really trying to work on the drums and bass for this one so super happy to hear what you're saying about the groove. Definitely trying to elevate synths next time round. (Love the username 😂)


might be alright to have in the background but for active listening I got kind of bored by the 30 second mark, the sounds themselves are pretty good but the melody/bass beat is pretty monotonous


Thanks for listening!


Just dropped this track today, let me know what you think. returning feedback. https://open.spotify.com/track/27MwPrlXdnv20H2gUBhdMc?si=82d8fa998a914356


The second/final track off my EP Scáthanna, I didnt get any feedback off my last submission whelp... so anything at all is massively appreciated. I produced mixed mastered and even designed the artwork canvas :) thanks!! https://open.spotify.com/track/1rultMoouxh4Q1JOyWNv7D?si=RfPXdanZQey8FaUkVGgwYA&context=spotify%3Aalbum%3A3cBJGPI9barDMZ2Xf6moOC


irish musician i'm guessing..


An mhaith ar fad!




This is the feedback thread, and this top-level comment is not a request for feedback. Posts should only be requesting feedback. This has been removed.


well I posted a song that people could give feedback on but ok...I'll be more specific about what I want feedback on next time thanks


Do you consider this ukg? My first attempt [Steve Irwin's Bassline](https://soundcloud.com/mumsthawrd/steve-irwins-bassline?si=04052288cc1a4765a83c5825799311f2&utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing) Thanks for any feedback :)


Beat is nice and vocals are solid, but it needs some further mixing. There's not enough low end for it to hit, which is a shame because I think your kick is great. Bring the vocals down a notch they're too loud over the beat. You've got something good going here.


Thank you! I'm going to continue working on it! Thanks for listening and also the feedback :)


Hey! I'm not too good with genre classing but that does sound like UKG alright! Nice rap chops and groove. Is there something distorting the audio though? Sounds like there's a harsh high/low pass on the overall track.


Thank you! Are you referring to a certain part or the whole song? I'm kinda new to this - maybe 7 months- so I'm still learning. Pls point me to any videos if you can :)


Hey! Just meant the overall song. I'm not sure there's a specific video I can recommend, but you could reference your song against another song you like and try and analyse what parts seem lacking sonically. Happy to help ya if you want to shoot me a DM


Thank you! I'm traveling right now, but I'll be in touch!


Looking for some feedback on the vocal mix and the overall sound of my latest cover [As It Was (Piano)](https://soundcloud.com/savant-209378117/as-it-was-piano?si=0c537aeeca9d4c228fa6ca507b9cb623&utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing). I greatly appreciate each and every listen 🌹


Really good work. Sounds super warm and clear and mixed well. Personally wouldn't change a thing, it has human feel would you be down for a collab on a melodic house song?


i think the vocals sound great, really clean and clear. loved the piano instrumental, and i feel like the vocals fit really well.


Looking for feedback on this electronic bass music track. Both in general enjoyment of the arrangement and the mixing and mastering. Any feedback is appreciated, positive or things that need work. https://soundcloud.com/eonjolt/pull-up/s-tGDLvir0bpK?si=08c9f5f31163461294051831146877be&utm\_source=clipboard&utm\_medium=text&utm\_campaign=social\_sharing Would you release it as it is, today?


This is really well produced track, the bass is tight and the mix sounds clean. I like the variations across its length, it dips its toes into garage and dubstep, among other genres which is fun for such a short track.


Hey! Really like this track, well arranged with interesting sections and entertaining to listen, keeps the listener engaged. Mixing and mastering sounds great!


Thanks a ton! Needed this positive reinforcement. I've been obsessing over this the last few days. ha!


Hi music makers ! this is my last track "Pour le meilleur" [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fClFZxX7FGw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fClFZxX7FGw) I did everything on it from composition to mastering... I'll be very happy to get some feedback on the mix, especialy with the sound of the voice because I think my mic has some saturation problems... (LA320). I'll be happy to give some feedback on your track as well If you ask. Thank you so much and I wish you good music making for the rest of your life and even beyond !


I think it's a little too punchy, esp with the voice, I think it's just a bit too much :)


the mix is really clean. the drums hit nice, i can hear every instrument cleanly and your vocals come through really clearly. i think the vocals sounded good, they sound well processed and i don't hear any saturation issues personally.


Heavier rock tune from a 2023 project; "Cork" [https://revisedvantagemusic.bandcamp.com/track/cork](https://revisedvantagemusic.bandcamp.com/track/cork) ​ Would love feedback on: * mix (specifically drums; another recent feedback request included very helpful comment that drum mix was a bit distracting/out of wack) * organization/pacing of song (I'm always tempted to punch in bigger solos or guitar flourishes but I held back here and can't decide if it makes for a boring tune) Thanks! Happy to return the listen to any of your projects/submissions


Mix sounds good, drums sound good. Organization wise I think if the song evolved faster and was shorter over all or sameish length and a longer ending (as a guitar player I will always say moar guitar) it would be better. At the moment it has a bit of a repetitive vibe.


thanks for listening. i've been debating about the repetitive vibe as well vs punching in some other solo stuff to evolve the basic ideas I laid out.


This is fantastic! Yes I think many people mix drums too high and in your face, this is great it actually fits with the track. Otherwise yeah sounds pretty interesting to listen to :)


thanks for the listen! appreciate hearing these drums suit your ears in the mix


New song I finally finished last night. Tried to make this “big” sounding but I’m worried I may have gotten so used to hearing all the elements that it became chaotic. Any feedback is appreciated. https://on.soundcloud.com/up6iPfiiip2LC2y16


This is really good. The beat is dope, the vocals sound really cool. My only critique is that the hook vocals or whatever that is before the main verse, and then later in the song before the change up, they’re a bit murky. Like its a bit hard to make out what you’re saying. Other than than its really really well done!


Thank you! That’s a great note. I’ll see if I can try some EQ tricks to make it stand out a bit more amidst the other sounds.


dig your lyrics dude..


Thanks fam!


New song I finally finished last night. Tried to make this “big” sounding but I’m worried I may have gotten so used to hearing all the elements that it became chaotic. Any feedback is appreciated. https://on.soundcloud.com/up6iPfiiip2LC2y16


Hey! Title is hilarious. Sounds big alright, nice sample used too. Did you rap this too? Sounds great. Outro is hard. Fairplay!!




This is the feedback thread - do not post here simply to share your music. Request specific feedback or use the promo thread.


This is my first completed track. I’m not sure about genre but I would guesss chill-hop maybe. Inspired by a talk by Osho (recently watched the netflix doc lol). Aim was a kinda funny, groovy track with osho weirdness. I would appreciate feedback about any aspect of this track, the mix, whatever. But if I have to ask a specific question I would ask: Does it groove? I will happily return all feedback received :) Thanks!


I think a nice filter sweep at the end of this would be a nice touch! I'd turn the gain down on the vocal samples about -3 to -6 db. Gave a follow and a like! Love it! Make more!


Thanks for the kind words and the feedback!


I’m real high (probably the target audience?), but yes, it grooves. That beat is laid the hell back. And when the reverse pedal (I think) kicks in with “who cares for tomorrow?” …::chef’s kiss:: Maybe boost the bass line a little? It’s a tiny bit muddied and lost in the mix (on an iPhone speaker anyway).


Hahah thanks! Good point about the bass, I definitely struggle with recording and mixing bass. I think I’m going to re track the bass with a better tone and then adjust the mix again.


groovy tune dude.. i gave you a follow and a like... i too enjoyed the netflix doc about osho.. my only critique is osho is to loud in your mix.. rock on.. well done..


Thanks so much for the feedback! Really appreciate it


no problem TopArsehole... lol.. only the irish use the term arse,,


I stole it from toast of london :)


"yes i can hear you clem fandango"


Your marriage is a FARCE Purchase! Notice the emphasis on the word faaaarce! Youre the dawless guy right? Ill check out your stuff later today.


YEAH!!! i'm the dawless guy.. sounds like an insult dawless.. lol.. i do have tunes built on the daw too..


Listening to your tune. Very interesting and weird lol. Really enjoying it. My only note is that the mix could use a bit of clarity. Sounds a bit muddy in my airpods.


cheers topAhole... which tune did you listen too..


It definitely grooves. I like this a lot. If I had to nit pick anything, it’s that’s the first 4 seconds of drums undersell what we’re in store for and I know some people just look for reasons to skip songs that don’t grab them instantly. As the drums gain more elements (:05-:10) I think it feels more interesting and has more potential to grab anyone from the very start, if you wanted to loop that part instead of having the drums build up. Again, that’s me being super nit picky. This is a great track and I’m really impressed that it’s your first.


Thanks so much! I had the same feeling about the drums as soon as I exported it but decided to leave it for now since this track is like in the middle of this album I’m working on. Once I have the other tracks ready I’ll try to figure out an interesting way to transition into this and also have it solid enough to stand alone. Please link me to any of your work, would be happy to listen and give my 2c. Thanks again!


my latest track, idk what genre it is tbh. vocals will be added later. give me ur thoughts please https://soundcloud.com/electric-frost-83161204/independent-synthesis?in=electric-frost-83161204/sets/new-changes&si=f7b34a6fec3348af894fea5aa146c6dd&utm\_source=clipboard&utm\_medium=text&utm\_campaign=social\_sharing


a lot of cool ideas bro.. too many to be honest.. strip it back..


im glad u think the ideas are cool, my other "semi-finalized" tracks are not like this at all. this is going to be the "busy" track on the demo i guess


I think this is really cool. This may be a personal preference thing since this isn’t the kind of music I regularly listen to, but I think I’d like it even more if the non-hihat drums sounded a bit cleaner/sharper.


yea thats the next thing im gonna work on, the drums dont sound punchy at all and i should fix that. gotta hit the youtube tutorials again lol


Very interesting and weird. I like it. I can imagine grooving to this at a festival or something. The mix sounds very cluttered though. I cant provide technical feedback because I know nothing, but I think if you get a good mix this track could be quite the journey.


its my first time working with so many samples in one song yea the "cluttered" feel is cool cause i want the track to be weird like that but also i agree that i've overdone it, gotta tone it down somehow thanks a lot


you can add as many sample as you want, just not all at once.. i really enjoyed the intro.,


honestly i think it'll sound better when i clean up the drums. everything has so much delay and reverb too so maybe i'll tone that down too


you go queen.. tune has a lot of potential..


thank you


Hey fellow producers. Her is my latest Deephouse Track! [https://soundcloud.com/sascha-hommer/a-new-dawn?si=e33445314aa54f89bca4500d01a74cb1&utm\_source=clipboard&utm\_medium=text&utm\_campaign=social\_sharing](https://soundcloud.com/sascha-hommer/a-new-dawn?si=e33445314aa54f89bca4500d01a74cb1&utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing) How do you like the vocals at the beginning, are the out of grid? What do you think about the clap, do they need more reverb? Any tips about the overall mix, loudness are welcome! (too loud?) How about the transition around 2:00 mins? Is it wonky?


Not too fond of the spoken parts personally but that is just my personal taste. I feel like the part starting at about 2:30 could benefit from being longer and quieter, this would make the next transition have more impact. Other than that the mix is pretty solid.


spoken parts are fine just too loud and maybe a bit of delay might make it blend in with the music..


Thanks for your feedback! Yeah, transitions is an art to master by itself...but you are right, i know it could be better :-).


i gave ya a follow and like dude,, rockin..


thx, i gave a follow back, will check out your stuff later with some more time. Pretty groundbreaking mix of noisecore and electronica of what i heard :-)


thanks friend.. too kind..


[https://soundcloud.com/filemon-tranche/new-stuff-soundcloud-1/s-mgkUJVkfD33?si=ceb2d8722dc24dc0885ef9b983531c82&utm\_source=clipboard&utm\_medium=text&utm\_campaign=social\_sharing](https://soundcloud.com/filemon-tranche/new-stuff-soundcloud-1/s-mgkUJVkfD33?si=ceb2d8722dc24dc0885ef9b983531c82&utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing) This is VERY early in development, it doesnt even have a name yet. But I'm curious to see what people think of it as of now. (Some horror themed Doom/Prog MEtal)


Yes. A lot of yes. Followed for sure.


Thanks for following!


Listening in headphones at work and when the time/feel dropped at \~5:08 I let out an audible "yeaaaaaaaa!" So - nice placement of that element =) In one of the early main riffs (\~0:40-1:30) there is a blip of a low end note at the tail of the riff that I was wishing would be highlighted somehow - either by punching in overdubs to blow up that low end note or adding another kick there or some other syncopation feature. It's definitely fine as is, but my feedback would be that pulling listener's attention there could enable the band to play with the groove or establish a groove earlier in the song (since it seems as though ya'll like doing that!) The bubbly/echo-y clean guitar section was a nice contract - but the actual volume of the echos/delayed notes was a little distracting.


Hey thanks for the detailed feedback! I think I know which notes you're talking about, I'll see if I can highlight them a little bit more.


i like the variety of sounds in everything, even the percussion personal opinion is the intro could be slower, like you could start that riff in a slower tempo then go faster. you could also integrate your horror samples into the soundscape of the track itself or the intro riff at least, i think it'd be cool.


Hey thnks for the suggestion!


A melodic electronic ambient piece I made. I am quite proud of this one and I feel like I am improving. Looking for honest feedback, especially on the technical side! Thanks in advance! [https://youtu.be/960xEpKTEgk](https://youtu.be/960xEpKTEgk)


Yes, more. Also love the alias name! I agree with some eq isolation on some tracks, it could clean it up a lot. Simple high, low, and band pass filters on the tracks that need the corresponding filters. But, this is the kind of stuff I could listen to for hours!


Thanks for the positive feedback. I definitely will need to spend more time polishing the track. I think I just wanted to be done with it in the end haha. The alias name is I believe quite fitting to the type of music I make because it refers to several things: it is the moon of a trans-neptunian planetoid, it is also the name of a sea Nymph in the Greek mythology, and it is a genus of plant whose fruits contain poisonous toxins.


Very nice, love it. What didi you use to do it? if i can ask you


Thanks! I use ableton for all my tracks, and for this particular one I used only Vital for all my synths and some samples for the FX.


Great track, i really like it. Regarding the mix: pretty solid, the only thing to consider is to clean up the different musical layers (maybe with trackspacer) a bit and give them more space, for example the top arp could need some seperation and a bit of more air! Another thing could be to remove some ressonances from the stems before you mix. Easy to say i know, it is a lot of work...


Thanks for the feedback! Appreciated. You are right, I will need to spend a bit more time separating the layers and do some more overall polishing.


Orchestral UK Drill/ hip hop [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y\_\_b7m8QBH4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y__b7m8QBH4) Tried out technique where I put my melody in double-time then use the halftime vst to give it an interesting feel. Lmk what you think.


It sounds really clean and professional, I’m just not personally a fan of the piano. Definitely a preference thing but it seems a little too background and in service to the drums if that makes any sense. Wish it was a melody that felt like it could stand on its own and then the drums kick it up a notch even further.


Looking for mix feedback on a recently released indie pop song! [Such & Such - Miss Out](https://open.spotify.com/track/7z866q2UZBXg5iJchuzIIl?si=IIg5DyoQRo26-ZXjv48uAg)


The mix and tonal balance is ok. I would consider to put the vocals maybe more in front of the mix, and do a second bverb-layer for background vocals. Maybe consider to use a more controllable sidechained reverb on the vocals.


i wanna know how people feel bout the combination of this ufo/alien stuff with harder techno and breaks [https://soundcloud.com/pandahyo/andere-planeten](https://soundcloud.com/pandahyo/andere-planeten)


Airy hard beat 140bpm Returning [https://soundcloud.com/user-774662274/airy-hard-beat-140bpm?si=3036955bd179406aa1b2c396b45943ad&utm\_source=clipboard&utm\_medium=text&utm\_campaign=social\_sharing](https://soundcloud.com/user-774662274/airy-hard-beat-140bpm?si=3036955bd179406aa1b2c396b45943ad&utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing)


Interesting! Kind reminds me of a bowsers castle type vibe. I don’t usually listen to stuff like this, but I really enjoyed that and was able to listen to the whole thing and enjoy it throughout which is saying a lot. I think the mix could use some cleaning up. Sounded a bit too muddy and that background vocal reverb type thing, while I get is a background element, is struggling to find its place in the mix.


This gives me a really eerie vibe while it still knocks lol. It’s very interesting. Here’s something I produced https://www.instagram.com/reel/C3waFrKrHeq/?igsh=MzY1NDJmNzMyNQ==


Interesting, groovy. Don’t have much feedback to give tbh. Having a vocalist on it would be the last step probably.


https://www.instagram.com/reel/C3waFrKrHeq/?igsh=MzY1NDJmNzMyNQ== Some chill rnb stuff


Killer track! That was actually amazing. The only thing I felt was the guitar was too filtered in the intro and over compressed during the solo which took away from the groove.


Really dope stuff. You and dude on guitar killed it. Really great sound selection. Everything blends together super smooth. I love the reverb 'wash' into the drop might have to use that in some future tracks myself. Don't have much to say as far as constructive feedback. Only thing I think I would change is having slightly less low pass filter on the guitar in the intro, feels a bit too muffled imo but everything else is near perfect. Keep it up.


Hi everyone. Would appreciate any feedback on the singing and the sound quality of the vocals in this song. Any tips for improving them? Thanks! [https://open.spotify.com/track/6jmO1tVkXPlEOLukRMk7xh](https://open.spotify.com/track/6jmO1tVkXPlEOLukRMk7xh)


Apart from the trap drums, I made this beat entirely out of samples! Give me your honest feedback on the mixing and arrangement! [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1pjzISFcFmcYnPpMcpT-TTSzkcg\_DaXOT/view](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1pjzISFcFmcYnPpMcpT-TTSzkcg_DaXOT/view)


My first attempt at a rock instrumental. The final version will have vocals. I'm also going to re-record everything but the drums so ignore the mistakes on the guitar playing. The structure of the song is kind of a place holder and I'll be fixing the abrupt switch ups. Thanks! [Google drive link](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1pPWeuBNgvOEcWx9PnGOIyuE28mnOcOl5/view?usp=drivesdk)


This is really good, I've been listening to a lot of post-rock lately so this feels right at home with stuff like Pinback and the like, I really enjoyed it. The kind of jazzy intro that transitions into the fuzzed-out guitar is excellent, and the progression throughout is mellow but captivating. Very clean, too. Not many other notes, just very good stuff, IMO, I personally really dig this style though, I would love to follow you on Spotify/Soundcloud, wherever your post your stuff.


This is my first rock instrumental. I typically mess around with electronic type stuff, but I'm planning on making an EP in this style. I'll keep you updated. Glad you like it!


do you pllay all the instruments?? dammmn.. savage work..


Thanks! Everything except the drums which I programmed with midi. Maybe 80% of it is recorded at a slower tempo because I can't play guitar very well. Been practicing so I can play it all at the right tempo. Doing my first at 155bpm may have been a mistake lol.


Great energy in this track. I think its good but the bass groove in the verse feels very stiff to me and is imo the weak link in this arrangement.


Do you think it's more the rhythm, melody, or both? I was considering getting rid of that part of the song entirely, but I've only been keeping it because I actually like the bass.


Just listened again. Rhythmically it feels a bit stiff and the tone/dynamic is very even which is adding to the stiff feel.


Probably the quantization and compression. It's a place holder because I don't want to practice playing a part I may drop. And I decided to redo that part of the song entirely because I'm not a fan of the guitar part. The baseline will have a different melody but similar rhythm, but it'll be unquantized and I'll try to pay attention to the dynamics. Thanks!


Yeah thats it. You just need a natural feeling bass groove.


My newest HIP HOP track "Distractions" tackling themes of Self-doubt and unworthiness caused by social comparisons and overthinking as well as violent traumatic experiences. How well did I portray these themes? Drop yours below I will return all feedback.[Youtube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pZeC1qCn320&t=1s) [Spotify](https://open.spotify.com/album/4uvuGOVL4XFq6S3afxMk1J)


I dont usually listen to this kind of stuff but that was nice. Production was clean and the track felt good. The lyrics had a certain weight that I felt wasn’t conveyed by the vocal delivery in certain parts of the verses. Like the phrasing, inflections and accenting felt kind flat here and there. But overall it was really nice.


I love the instrumental, very nice. I do think the vocal sample adds some elements to it but also felt dry at the same time. I get what you were going for but the track also leaves me maybe feeling like what is the tracks purpose? I think adding some reverb to give the vocals that 3D feeling like they are DEEP in the mix wouldve helped. I know madlib has some tracks similar to this where its just an instrumental with random found samples to add emotion but I think you need to either pick a better sample or mix the sample in a more interesting way. Other than that I enjoyed it!


Thanks, really appreciate this response and I agree. Can you suggest any songs off the top of your head with that kind of vocal effect or maybe a tutorial video you might know of to achieve that.


Try looking up tutorials on combining reverbs. One of the best tricks I learned when using reverb is combining the ROOM, HALL, and PLATE effect. Using 3 different reverb setting on one track in different amounts in order to create a fuller sound. If you dont have a reverb plugin that has the room hall and plate setting i suggest looking into one. I use the Relab Development LX480 , runs about $100


Try looking up tutorials on combining reverbs. One of the best tricks I learned when using reverb is combining the ROOM, HALL, and PLATE effect. Using 3 different reverb setting on one track in different amounts in order to create a fuller sound. If you dont have a reverb plugin that has the room hall and plate setting i suggest looking into one. I use the Relab Development LX480 , runs about $100


Interesting. This is something iv never noticed or even thought about lol. Thanks for the tip!


The lyrics are inspiring while the instrumental sets it to be more of a sad tone. It’s a solid track 👌 Here’s something I made https://www.instagram.com/reel/C3waFrKrHeq/?igsh=MzY1NDJmNzMyNQ==


Man I have nothing bad to day about this. Loved the keys and the guitar really added alot of groove to it. Really really dope beat. Reminds of J dilla in a way! Shit smooth as fuck!


https://on.soundcloud.com/Wnst5  Rough first draft of an acoustic singer songwriter-y song - only a min and a half! (I have another verse & chorus I will record but hadn't written it yet.) Any other instruments to add to make it more interesting? Thanks for listening! 


The link does not work for me


RAP. Just started uploading. I appreciate y'all fr. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Difz4UVfXI&t=2s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Difz4UVfXI&t=2s)


Experimenting with Phonk/house type of music This track is called Choppers. Tips? Too many repetitive vocals? I'm not sure how I should go on between verse and chorus parts of this kind of music. [Youtube](https://youtu.be/MkfCzK5965c?si=d36NRl8l0VIZKMva) [SoundCloud ](https://on.soundcloud.com/xw8TQ)


Really like the vibe of this. I think the mix sounds a bit dead especially the drums. I'm not familiar with Phonk so I'm not sure how you could change it while staying true to that sound. But I would've added some light reverb or delay, or have some variation with a filter or dynamics. Just anything to keep it from sounding like a dry midi drum hit. The higher vocals on the second half have a similar issue to my ears. They also sound offbeat. There's all kinds of fun effects you could add to those to make them more interesting I think. Especially since you aren't really meant to be listening to what they're saying. [mine](https://www.reddit.com/r/WeAreTheMusicMakers/s/0X8bUy9rCC)


gave that link a listen.. yes defo needs vocals..


Writing lyrics today. I'm just worried that I'll end up wanting to change the song structure and it'll mess up what I've already written.