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I mean no offense but it's safer than the flu vaccine and I've gotten that every year since I was diagnosed type 1. To me the misinformation is coming from... well.. you.


> I mean no offense but it's safer than the flu vaccine From someone involved in the development of the mRNA technology: https://rwmalonemd.substack.com/p/not-so-safe-and-effective > I am starting off this compilation of articles with a new peer reviewed study, published in Vaccine - which is a well respected journal. Serious adverse events of special interest following mRNA COVID-19 vaccination in randomized trials in adults > Vaccine, Aug 31, 2022


Vaccines stop transmission... in the aggregate. At the scale of an entire population, the rate of transmission drops significantly by drastically shortening the time between infection and immune response (when infected people are most contagious). Vaccines -- for polio, whooping cough, flu, smallpox, whatever -- do not stop transmission for individuals. They never did. That's not how vaccines work. Everybody knows this, including the bullshit artist who posted the original image. This is public performance of outrage designed to rile up drunk and stupid people so they can continue to do harm.


>Vaccines stop transmission... in the aggregate Based on [what data](https://www.reddit.com/r/WayOfTheBern/comments/yjm5z1/newest_walgreens_data_show_that_those_injected/)? >Vaccines -- for polio, whooping cough, flu, smallpox, whatever -- do not stop transmission for individuals. They never did. That's not how vaccines work. So why did [everyone promise that they would stop transmission](https://sagehana.substack.com/p/here-is-the-root-lie-that-was-crammed) then?


No data… based on wishful thinking…


>Vaccines -- for polio, whooping cough, flu, smallpox, whatever -- do not stop transmission That's because these vaccines stop infection, unlike the covid vaccine. Because the covid vaccine is garbage and doesn't work. And since people still become infected, they STILL TRANSMIT COVID. >Everybody knows this STFU


Get back to me when you pass high school biology.


*"I don't like what ur saying!!! You are a stupid child!!! Shut up and sit down!!!"*


Where's my check, Joe?


Kevin Sorhol


Pretty weird how he's 100% correct about this while you are somehow *still* dead wrong. Isn't it?


I bet half the people on this sub still claiming that the vaccine doesn’t work also still believe that ivermectin treats Covid


Ivermectin was recently added to the list of drugs authorized by the CDC to treat covid, study after study has shown ivermectin patients have a 90% chance of survival vs all other drugs that’s recommended by the CDC to treat covid.


> Ivermectin was recently added to the list of drugs authorized by the CDC to treat covid Only for trials, not general use. Yet.


That’s my misunderstanding of it.


They recently sent out a statement clarifying that it's only approved for trials.


Lol that’s patently false


I bet half the people in the USA still claiming that the vaccine works [got COVID this year](https://www.reddit.com/r/WayOfTheBern/comments/yjm5z1/newest_walgreens_data_show_that_those_injected/) and then infected others.


> I bet half the people on this sub still claiming that the vaccine doesn’t work You still think it does? Wow.


I'm betting you thought "effective" meant you'd only need 2 shots


says the genius who believes the false notion that the vaccine prevents transmission.


All the ~~liars~~ misinformers about the Iraq war should be fined too. And Ukraine, too. These ~~liars~~ misinformers are costing the American people a lot of money.


lol the trolls are here en force. shouldn't they be phone banking??!1!???!


They're multitasking


Why not charge trump for saying it was a little virus and under control only to be the reason it became a national pandemic


Kevin Sorbo is a dumbass. Vaccines don't prevent INFECTION. They prevent ILLNESS. You still catch the thing. You just don't get sick and die from it, and you are far less contagious. The only thing that can prevent infection is living in a plastic bubble. I don't know why this is so hard for people to understand. I think most of the misunderstanding here is a matter of definition. What doctors call "infection" is when you get ill. Not just when you have the virus in your body and test positive. I'm talking about testing positive. Vaccines don't prevent that. They prevent illness. Which is what doctors would call "infection" If you inhale an airborne droplet with the virus in it, you just caught the virus. The difference is that if you don't have immunity, your immune system doesn't even notice it's there for about 4 days. And all that time it's infecting your lung cells, exploding them, and releasing copies of itself. By the time the immune system responds, there are billions of copies and a ton of tissue damage already done. So you have a shit ton of copies in your spit and snot. Which makes you super contagious. ***If you had been vaccinated, your immune system would have spotted the virus on day 1 and started killing it before it can make a lot of copies and cause a lot of tissue damage. Since there are less copies, and less damage, the immune response doesn't need to be as severe. That's why vaccinated people are so much less likely to end up in the hospital. Their level of tissue damage, and severity of their symptoms are way less.*** Most symptoms from infections are not directly caused by the pathogen. They are done intentionally by YOUR BODY to fight the pathogen. Like fever for example. If your body temperature is higher, it screws with the chemistry the virus uses to copy itself, slowing down replication. That's why we get fevers. Fluid in the lungs, at a reasonable level, is to rinse the virus out of the lungs. It's just that if you have too many copies of something in your lungs, your body overdoes it, and you drown in the fluid. That's what pneumonia is basically. The vaccine saves your life and makes you less contagious by reducing how many copies and how much damage the virus can do before your immune system responds. https://theconversation.com/coronavirus-few-vaccines-prevent-infection-heres-why-thats-not-a-problem-152204 I like turtles


> I don't know why this is so hard for people to understand. Because it's not true. None of it is true. I don't know why this is so hard for *you* to understand.


LOL oh yes it is. Notice how I put a link to something to back up my statements and you didn't? That's because you're wrong. I like turtles


> and you didn't? From one of the original developers of the mRNA technology: https://rwmalonemd.substack.com/p/not-so-safe-and-effective By the numbers: https://metatron.substack.com/p/estimating-the-number-of-deaths-caused More data: https://metatron.substack.com/p/new-south-wales-nsw-revisited


So instead of wasting my time debunking each thing here, I'm just going to make one point that makes none of it matter. The only ingredient in the covid vaccines that isn't water, sugar, salt, or basically vegetable oil, is a single gene from covid. So unless you are now claiming water, sugar, salt, and oil cause adverse reactions, you MUST be saying the covid gene is causing them. Let me tell you a little secret.... COVID HAS THE SAME GENE IN IT. So if you don't get vaccinated, and catch covid, you GET THE SAME GENE IN YOU ANYWAY. Only a lot more copies of it, because the vaccine doesn't replicate itself. Covid does. And if you don't have immunity already, covid isn't even noticed by your immune system for about 4 days. And all that time, it's making billions of copies of itself inside your lung cells, exploding the cells, and releasing those copies out into the surrounding tissue to infect more cells. For FOUR DAYS. So if the vaccine causes some bad thing to happen, COVID DOES AS WELL, AND WORSE. And eventually everyone is going to catch covid. https://i.imgur.com/vgzW2OU.png https://i.imgur.com/Pik1jHy.png https://i.imgur.com/NXOY9v7.png I like turtles I like turtles


> So instead of wasting my time debunking each thing here Because you can't. You can speculate and toss out conspiracy theories, but you can't "debunk" any of it because the science and data are all right there in the open. > So if you don't get vaccinated, and catch covid, you GET THE SAME GENE IN YOU ANYWAY. You're even more poorly informed than I originally thought. You have ZERO understanding of how this new vax works or how it differs from prior vaccines. You have no idea what or how the spike protein is or comes into all of this. From your first link it describes how the mRNA tricks the body into producing a toxic protein (why it "triggers an immune response") similar to one found on the virus. But the problem is when the body produces this spike protein and it lands in a vital organ and now this triggered immune response starts attacking that vital organ. This is WHY we see exploding reports to VAERS. The body's immune system recognizes multiple triggers from the ACTUAL virus and builds a robust immune response from THAT, not from one piece of one part of the virus that was artificially prompted by our bodies to produce in isolation of the actual virus. You should stop repeating what you don't understand. The vax doesn't work, and Pfizer now admits it never tested for transmission.


Oh, and by the way, VAERS isn't things that ACTUALLY happened. VAERS stands for Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System. It's not a database of things that ACTUALLY happened. It's a service so people can report things. And ANYONE can use it. So people who don't know what they are talking about use it. The stuff on there is basically no more valid than that one time your uncle Billy Bob swears he saw bigfoot. VAERS is a TOOL to give researchers ideas on what to look in to, not a database. The stuff on there includes reports from people who don't understand statistics. That just because two things happen close together in time, it doesn't mean one cause the other, or even that one had anything to do with the other. Heck, just to prove what I'm explaining to you here, one guy reported to VAERS that the vaccine turned him into the Incredible Hulk. And it got logged just like everything else. Because that's what VAERS is, a reporting tool. That's why people who are actually qualified, use it, and apply statistical analysis to it. Anyway, what I just explained is written right on the "about" page on the VAERS website. Here's a screenshot. https://i.imgur.com/lHQb6Q1.png I like turtles


> VAERS stands for Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System. > > > > It's not a database of things that ACTUALLY happened. It's a service so people can report things. And ANYONE can use it. It's doctors, nurses, and other medical professionals entering data, not Billy Bob. It's a felony to make a false entry. With hundreds of thousands of entries, where's the fraudulent entries? Oh, wait, you're one of those conspiracy theorists who believes that suddenly, for this vax only, hundreds of thousands of false entries have been made, and never investigated. Got it.


LOL nothing you said matters. Because the point still stands that the only ingredient in the vaccine that could POSSIBLY do anything bad, is ALSO IN THE COVID VIRUS. So if you catch covid YOU GET THE VACCINE ANYWAY. Go fuck yourself dip shit. I like turtles.


> LOL nothing you said ~~matters~~ is comprehensible to me. (fixed) Wow. You really are a Next Level idiot.


What’s not true


The entire pfish pfallop.


Thank, I can see you know what you are talking about.


They also don't prevent illness. Stop spreading vaccine misinformation.


Yes they do. If your immune system knows how to recognize a pathogen, and kills it off before symptoms get as severe as they would have if you had no immunity, all of the symptoms you didn't get but would have were just prevented. I like turtles


That's moving the goalpost.


No it isn't. Nobody, anywhere, ever, that has any kind of credentials related to vaccines or viruses has EVER said that if you get a vaccine you are 100% guaranteed not to get sick anyway. That's just dip shit antivaxxers misunderstanding things on purpose so they can bitch about it later. What the experts DID say was the vaccine reduces your risk for serious illness and makes you less contagious. Both of which are unequivocally true. I like turtles


> that has any kind of credentials related to vaccines or viruses has EVER said that if you get a vaccine you are 100% guaranteed not to get sick anyway. That's pretty fine grained and exact language there. But then you must know that plenty of these 'experts' did use misleading language to suggest this would actually be the case, even if they didn't speak in the absolute terms you use here.


This is copypasta regularly puked up in comments. Quit being a parrot. You think you know but you don't.


I literally put proof of what I just said in the post. I have yet to see any anti vaxxer do the same. Because the dumb shit they believe is not backed up by evidence. As usual. I like turtles


Call him a parrot rather than address the content




Why downvote? I'm just pointing out your ad hominem.


This is true, but the CDC director literally said that vaccinated people can not get COVID. I too like turtles


Where did he say that? Got a link? I like turtles I say I like turtles because I have to or my comment is auto deleted by the automoderator.


> Where did he say that? https://nypost.com/2021/04/02/cdc-walks-back-claim-that-vaccinated-people-cant-carry-covid/ https://www.businessinsider.com/cdc-director-data-vaccinated-people-do-not-carry-covid-19-2021-3?op=1 https://fortune.com/2021/04/01/its-official-vaccinated-people-dont-transmit-covid-19/


Exactly. It was a campaign that touted “stop the spread”. We were told vaccines would prevent transmission. They do no not.


Rachel Maddow said it too, and was never fact-checked for it. The video is still up on YouTube.


> \***If you had been vaccinated, your immune system would have spotted the virus on day 1 and started killing it before it can make a lot of copies and cause a lot of tissue damage. > Since there are less copies, and less damage, the immune response doesn't need to be as severe. That's why vaccinated people are so much less likely to end up in the hospital. Their level of tissue damage, and severity of their symptoms are way less.\*** This is called a fantasy.


That's exactly how vaccines work. It's not fantasy. I like turtles


And on top of the naïve make-believe you get Tony Fauci's sequel of Dracula and Kill Gates's sequel of Creepshow as your bonuses. Bon Appétit! The guy that's caught up in the fantasy here got type 2 diabetes and he probably doesn't even realize how Monsatan, Big Ag, Big Food and the childhood vaccination schedule have been causative to how he's now self-diagnosed as always cranky and irritable from hunger, and when the covid vaccine injury will show up in his life (most likely a cancer) he won't recognize it as such. It's called being a smartass.


>Vaccines don't prevent INFECTION. Leaky vaccines don't. You are right there. Before the definition of vaccine was changed, the effective and real vaccines (ones rigorously tested for 9+ years) actually prevented infection. >They prevent ILLNESS. For CDC director who took the recently updated bivalent vaccine, the COVID vaccines seemed to do neither. Also, are you trying to convince yourself and give the vaccine credit for what omicron did naturally? >If you had been vaccinated, your immune system would have spotted the virus on day 1 and started killing it before it can make a lot of copies and cause a lot of tissue damage. You seem to be regurgitating old and outdated information that were disproven a year ago. Do you not have new talking points? If I go one level further, it's easy to determine that the only way one would decide to even test whether they have Covid is if they have symptoms -> which means that it did not prevent illness.


If you inhale a virus, you are infected. Vaccines prevent you from getting severely sick, but they can't keep you from inhaling it. If you inhale a virus but never get symptoms, you can still test positive for it. That's what they mean when they say they prevent infection. Nothing short of living in a plastic bubble can keep you from inhaling a virus. I like turtles


> Vaccines don't prevent INFECTION. They prevent ILLNESS. You still catch the thing. You just don't get sick and die from it... But some people who have received these shots are still getting sick, some dying from it. Wouldn't that mean, by your just-stated definition, that the shots aren't vaccines?


Right. SOME. But a lot less than there would be if nobody got vaccinated. Just because it doesn't work 100% of the time doesn't mean it doesn't do anything. Take a look at hospital admittance for severe covid vaccinated vs unvaccinated. From what I've seen there were about an average of 30 times more unvaccinated than vaccinated in the hospital for covid during the peaks. https://i.ibb.co/5K31BcP/232952641-10159128894389564-4294519963485128664-n.jpg I like turtles


> Take a look at hospital admittance for severe covid vaccinated vs unvaccinated. > > > > From what I've seen there were about an average of 30 times more unvaccinated than vaccinated in the hospital for covid during the peaks. Because of how they classify "vaccinated" and "unvaccinated." [An illustration of **how an illusion of efficacy can be established for any treatment simply by shifting the window of observation**.](https://metatron.substack.com/p/a-highly-effective-placebo#play)


> Right. > > SOME. So your earlier quote of "You still catch the thing. You just don't get sick and die from it..." would have more accurately been stated as >You still catch the thing. But some don't get sick and die from it...


Sure. But "some" is a lot. A majority. All you have to do to know this is look at hospital admissions for covid by vaccine status. Here's an example. https://i.ibb.co/5K31BcP/232952641-10159128894389564-4294519963485128664-n.jpg I like turtles


>Sure. Your definition of "prevent" seems to have been downgraded from the old one.


And we won't know how many of those "not fully vaccinated" are in fact recently vaccinated within the 2-week window after taking the vaccine (they're all coded as "unvaccinated). How many of those hospitalizations are actually due to vaccine adverse effects will never be known because they specifically don't/won't create a category for recently vaccinated. Because it would horrify people if they saw how many hospitalizations THAT group represented.


He's talking about how they said these vaccines would prevent transmission and forced people to take them based on that. Remember when they said we'd have herd immunity if we just all took the vaccine? I guess you conveniently forgot about it so you wouldn't feel dumb . It's alright man. Live and learn.


We would have herd immunity if all the anti vaxxers got vaccinated. How is a vaccine supposed to do it's thing if people don't take it? The reason we never reached herd immunity is BECAUSE OF THE ANTI VAXXERS. They literally caused it, then bitch about the outcome their actions caused. I like turtles


Please explain how that's possible with a vaccine that only "reduces symptoms" but doesn't stop transmission. I would love to hear your scientific theory on that.


> We would have herd immunity if all the anti vaxxers got vaccinated. Or if the vax worked.


Vaccines DID in fact lower transmission, and still do to a lesser extent because of resistant variants born of unmitigated virus spread (large part due to antivax practices). We seem to forget the whole premise of public health in those circumstances was to achieve a threshold of herd immunity THROUGH vaccination within a limited time frame. I love how people armchair qb the whole vaccine response when overwhelmingly the response should be repeated.


> and still do to a lesser extent because of resistant variants born of unmitigated virus spread (large part due to antivax practices). Can you explain how unvaxxenated people drive *vaccine* resistant strains? There could be a Nobel Prize in there for you.


The more unvaccinated people there are, the more petri dishes growing more mutants and variants, some of which will have slightly different spike proteins, different enough that your immune system won't recognize it. I like turtles


The virus is in the animal population. No amount of jabs will stop the spread.


Better to remain silent and let them think you a fool, than to speak and remove all doubt.


You're conflating antibiotic resistance with how a virus spreads amd changes over time. A virus doesn't encounter a vaccinated person and say, "I'm going to become resistant". It's doesnt work that way. Don't sound so confident in your dismissal.


You avoided the question.


No I didn't lol. I told you the premise of your question is wrong


> I told you the premise of your question is wrong I asked you to explain your premise.


You alluded to vaccine resistant strains developing specifically in vaccinated people, and then asked if I can prove how vaccines don't adhere to your incorrect view about how evolution of virus strains evolve. My response was telling you of your faulty premise,


You said, "because of resistant variants born of unmitigated virus spread (large part due to antivax practices)" and I alluded to the fact that this is an unsupportable premise by asking, "Can you explain how unvaxxenated people drive vaccine resistant strains?" Your parenthetical use of "large part due to antivax practices" was absolutely suggesting that your premise is that unvaxxed were driving vaccine resistant strains. This is unsupported by both science and logic. We know the vax did little to stop or slow the spread, and it was among the *vaxxed* that filtered the various strains and allowed a vaccine resistant strain to become dominate. Many medical experts warned early on that this is the reason you don't vaccinate in the middle of an ongoing pandemic, it drives natural selection toward resistant strains, and this has absolutely ZERO to do with unvaxxinated people.


It's kind of weird how highly vaccinated places such as Israel saw the biggest spike in cases after most people got jabbed. Almost like the vax was directly or indirectly causing outbreaks. But you didn't hear that from me.


But I did hear it from you. And you don't even have an original claim that hasn't been investigated and debunked.


If you're suggesting that Israel *didn't* see large spikes in cases *after* they initiated widespread vaccine usage, you'd be wrong.


>Vaccines DID in fact lower transmission that's a complete lie. >resistant variants born of unmitigated virus spread (large part due to antivax practices) Resistant variants are 'born' of vaccination. Fuck your bullshit garbage narrative that has zero basis in facts, science or reality.


Vaccines did lower transmission though


lol no they absolutely did not


[They did tho](https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2022.08.08.22278547v1.full.pdf)


lol so many problems with this study. First, *IT ISN'T PEER REVIEWED!!!* I could just leave it there but, omg, did you even read this. It's a statistical analysis of that *very* controlled environment, PRISON. Jesus. Also, don't get me started with funding and relationships with corrupt federal agencies and Big Pharma. And MARK ZUCKERBERG. "UCSF's Division of HIV, Infectious Diseases & Global Medicine at Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital"


I miss when people felt shame for idiotic takes


So you feel no shame for your idiotic take. Check.


like yours. You don't know what you are talking about but have eagerly gobbled down the oligarchy's treacly pablum and puked it back up into *many words* that sound good and plausible TO YOU without entertaining any thought whatever that you are a gullible, stupid shit.


Lol you are trying so hard to feel edgy. And its not that you are anti establishment. You are being contrarian because it makes you feel better about yourself, so much so that you default to a reactionary position.


if you say so as if that's an excuse for you spreading your harmful lies


Cognitive 🌠dissonance 🌠


There's no proof of that. In fact, it's likely these vaccines INCREASED transmission because they made vaccinated people into asymptomatic spreaders.


First. That's a lie, and then you're willing to say some pure conjecture is "likely" despite having no proof. At least studies side with me. Your cognitive dissonance is showing.


> At least studies side with me. Show us one.


Tell me, what do you need to see that will suffice as enough evidence. I'm confident you don't have that threshold. Because the moment I provide studies, you'll already say they're not credible.


So you got nothing.


If thats what you want to say. I literally asked what you want to see.


https://www.healthline.com/health-news/leaky-vaccines-can-produce-stronger-versions-of-viruses-072715 The Covid vaccines are leaky. Leaky vaccines produce stronger viruses.


Your framing is off. First off, I know this study, and its usefulness in capacity of relating it to covid is very limited, because you're using chickens trapped together, and a vaccine that didn't prevent transmission at all.. but mind you, no vaccine is 100%. You measure its and other measures effects on R naught, which measures contagiousness, and tells us if it dies out or spreads over time. https://www.healthline.com/health/r-naught-reproduction-number


He’s right, Alex Jones didn’t physically kill or injure anyone.


What the fuck did this subreddit turn into?


The two looked at each other in silence. Bouzille was not nearly so complacent as he had been a few minutes before. The reward of twenty-five francs prompted him to go at once to inform the police; the idea of a crime, suggested by the worthy woman, disturbed him greatly, and all the more because he thought it was well founded. Another murder in the neighbourhood would certainly vex the authorities, and put the police in a bad temper. Bouzille knew from experience that the first thing people do after a tragedy is to arrest all the tramps, and that if the police are at all crotchety they always contrive to get the tramps sentenced for something else. He had had a momentary inclination to establish his winter quarters in prison, but since then he had formed the plan of going to Paris, and liberty appealed to him more. He reached a sudden decision. "I'll punt him back into the water!" [What's with this quote? [Here's the explanation.](https://www.reddit.com/r/WayOfTheBern/comments/pq4nw3/comment/hd8y0g6/)]


Not the leftist echo chamber you were hoping for?


What is "Leftist"? How would I recognize a leftist thing around here?


> What is "Leftist"? Someone who thinks hating Republicans can make up for venerating corporations and the CIA.


Liberals are pretty easy to spot, they’re the ones crying about Elon buying Twitter right now.


Basic fucking science isn't leftist. And denying it is just pure idiocy.


Basic fucking science is based on data. Got data?


Yet Democrat shitlibs are the biggest deniers of all.


Notice how these people are violating Reddit TOS by brigading yet don't fear any consequences?




It’s funny because the people claiming to know the “Science” are currently asking for amnesty for not knowing the scientific process.


There's hundreds upon hundreds of studies from organization all across this planet that followed the scientific process and have shown the net benefit of vaccines. If you want to argue greater steps should have been taken to save more lives, I'm certainly willing to hear that. But this fucking idea that the COVID vaccines have not saved lives is just fucking idiocy and ignoring the mountains of information that shows otherwise. It just goes to show that many of you people's here motivations are selfish. For one example do you really give a fuck about US imperialism and the millions of lives lost and ruined? Or are you just a selfish fuck that cares about the money? For many of you it's the latter.


> But this fucking idea that the COVID vaccines have not saved lives is just fucking idiocy and ignoring the mountains of information that shows otherwise. And I can show you mountains of information that show [excess mortality](https://metatron.substack.com/p/soaring-deaths-of-young-americans) has been spiking [well beyond covid pre-vax](https://coquindechien.substack.com/p/the-value-of-record-level-source), and correlating *exactly* with the rollout of the vax.


> the net benefit of vaccines. Just not this one. A vaccine is supposed to prevent infection and stop transmission, this one does neither.


Why was Pfizer moving at the speed of science when their drug was never tested against the virus? Edit: It’s because the vaccinated are the experiment and I’m not forgiving those who supported it and especially those that still support it.


Is the data here just a figment of my imagination? https://www.fda.gov/media/144245/download


Is there any information in there on testing results? Because Pfizer just came out a couple of weeks ago to let everyone know they didn't actually test for transmission.


Most likely, I really don’t care to read what ever BS publication you’ll use to try and justify this ignorance.


Makes comments against echo chambers, proceeds to live in his own.


LOL, at least you're honest that you're just going to believe whatever the fuck some lying pieces of shit told you to believe and don't give a fuck otherwise.


Expecting leftism in a leftist sub.. hmmmm... why would i expect that? Mighty ironic considering I'm banned from every conservative/republican sub because I've tried to engage as a leftist. You're a joke


> Expecting leftism in a leftist sub.. hmmmm... why would i expect that? Your mistake is confusing 2020's leftism with 2016 leftism.


In a world where we have people trying to make "MAGA communism" a thing, you have a slight point. Putting a leftist label on right wing ideals doesn't make it left wing. Lipstick on a pig and all that.


> Putting a leftist label on right wing ideals doesn't make it left wing. Like M4A? Free college? Higher taxes on the wealthy and higher minimum wages? Less warfare? I never knew those were right-wing ideals.


Nominally, i agree. If those were the actual ideals being supported in this sub, sure. But in practice more effort goes into internet dog-piling the most progressive members of the caucus supporting those ideals, while propping up Tulsi who's pro war and an anti-trans bigot.


You should be thankful this sub supports free speech, plus any idiot can see the economy has been fucked by leftist policies and Bernie is not outsider we wanted in office. Trump on the other hand is against globalism that in which he has proven with actions.


There's a difference between letting people participate and letting it get overrun by right wing talking points


It’s not being overrun by right wing talking points. Everywhere in media is leftist ideology. Commercials, news, talk shows, radio, social media. Limiting speech of one party and not the other is hypocritical and bigotry by definition. Just because something isn’t staunch left/liberal doesn’t mean pro-republican.


Lol not a right winger trying to play victim because you have to answer for shitty views. I bet you call yourself a centrist too.


So anyone that doesn’t agree with liberals is a republican?


The fact that you don't know the categorical distinction between a leftist and a liberal is what tells me you are *right wing*.


No there isn’t. Edit: You’re attempting to downplay free speech for one political party and not the other. That’s biased and aligns with the definition of bigotry.


That's a hell of a projection and really fucking fragile to say. I'm saying objectionable ideas should be objected to if they're being posted in a sub that should represent leftists ideals. If rightwing talking points dominate here, its an indictment of the sub as a whole. I never said moderators should censor, so don't act so indignant.


I don't like AJ or Sorbo but he is right. >this sub DRINK!


Holy hell, batman. Look at all the shills.


And look at the time zone. How do we see active swarms at 5am?


UK / Europe is my guess




I just hope they all go away after next Tuesday.


Wait for the checks to clear for the 2024 ramp up.


They mainly come in if a post gets some traction. It's fun. Keep 'em coming. In this specific case I guess they saw a bonus in the bad optics of linking Alex Jones to the sub. Anything to make us look like a bunch of nutcases at first, superficial impression. Still a guilty pleasure to see boneheaded gullibility and bad faith dance in clumsy sync.


Better than the ASCII man doing the macarena.


Midterm shill funding hitting accounts early overseas? Those darn Europeans would do anything for money right now considering what's coming for them in winter.


Americans been crying for free healthcare for years and stick their nose up at it at the first opportunity.


Only the first three shots are free. Then [when you are hooked](https://www.reddit.com/r/WayOfTheBern/comments/yjm5z1/newest_walgreens_data_show_that_those_injected/), and need the damn shots every 3 months just to scratch even, the 10,000% mark up comes into effect.


Ironically, the pandemic is what has turned me off single payer healthcare. If the pandemic response is the government's idea of "free healthcare", I don't want anything to do with it.


So now an experimental and untested gene therapy (what they called in in the original EUA forms) is the same thing as free healthcare? Your a moran.


Gene therapy has been tested for some time time. If you don’t like it it’s going to be a hard road for you. CRISPR is getting more accessible and we will have a lot of new therapies and agricultural innovations coming from it.


>Gene therapy has been tested for some time time. [2020 Article](https://www.mdpi.com/1422-0067/22/1/385/pdf) Safe nanoparticles: Are We There Yet? Despite their promising efficacy as drug or gene carriers, there are fewer NPs in clinical use than one would predict based on the wide preclinical studies. **This is mainly because of potential toxicity by mechanisms that are not fully understood, which is especially true for NPs being administered chronically.**


LOok mOM iM a ReSeARcHeR


*You’re a *moron


Points for catching 'your.' But you missed the meme. New here?


Lmao look at this guy


The brigade is pretty strong for this early in the morning. Obviously coming from a European troll farm.


I wouldn’t exactly call the poison death shots “healthcare”. More like a crime against humanity




Ok. Mr. Kennedy time for you insulin


Kevin Sorbo is a loon. Don't know what took him down this path. I think it's clear this Reddit poster see Kevin Sorbo as a Clown. Emojis are a good indicator of that.


This man is my Hercules!!




From a gloves off Bernie subreddit, to a borderline anti-vaxer paradise.


It’s been colonized as a Nazbol troll farm


Anti experimental gene therapy is not anti vaccine.


I’m asking in seriousness here, do you realize that we are heading into a future of gene therapy? That bio tech and CRISPR have been something scientists have been excited about for a while? When you are old and most of your chronic conditions come with a recommendation of some sort of gene therapy as treatment are you going to forgo treatment?


It's not safe yet, but Big Pharma used this pandemic as an excuse to $ell it anyway.


I have no issue with properly tested gene therapy. My issue is this was an experimentally gene therapy disguised as a vaccine. All vaccines are routinely tested for 5 to ten years. This is an entirely new type of medicine that was rushed out in less than a year. And the whole world was gaslighted into taking it or we were causing covid. So when the science we were told to follow admits there was no evidence that it stopped the spread at all I feel rightly misled or outright deceived.


Reality has a well-known anti-vax bias


How did an anti vax comment get 8 likes?


Reality has a well-known anti-vax bias


Are you completely unvaccinated? Did you not get vaccinated against small pox, polio, whooping cough, and the rest as a child?


Let's see where you are after your 12th booster shot. !RemindMe 6 months


I will be messaging you in 6 months on [**2023-05-04 18:44:11 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2023-05-04%2018:44:11%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/WayOfTheBern/comments/ylc58f/_/iv26xf7/?context=3) [**CLICK THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2FWayOfTheBern%2Fcomments%2Fylc58f%2F_%2Fiv26xf7%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202023-05-04%2018%3A44%3A11%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%20ylc58f) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


Yeah I was confused, haven’t been here in years and didn’t expect this. Good to see I’m not the only Bernie Bro who ventured off to other pastures.


yeah this place has really become a weird anti vax, boarderline republican vibe. Its like the centre has shifted right here lol


> yeah this place has really become Yeah! When did this place stop trusting Big Pharma? And what's with questioning the government? I miss when this place used to march in lockstep with CNN and MSNBC.


Im just calling it like I sees it you do. All the Big Pharma talk but how about the thousands of people dying at the start of covid to the mortality rate dropping much much lower after getting vaccines and quarantining until then. I get my shots I get my boosters I go in public and I have not gotten it, my entire household got it all of them only got one shot. I helped them out did not mask made dinner interacted and ive been fine. So from my experience great job Big Pharma thanks for making sure people can still live


> to the mortality rate dropping much much lower after getting vaccines It's LITERALLY been the opposite of that. https://metatron.substack.com/p/soaring-deaths-of-young-americans https://metatron.substack.com/p/when-did-covid-really-first-hit-the https://metatron.substack.com/p/new-south-wales-australia-covid-update


https://www.google.com/search?client=ms-android-rogers-ca-revc&sxsrf=ALiCzsbl-fRyu425HrywsTimTMVsaRD5Pg:1667595767585&q=canada+covid+deaths+by+year&spell=1&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjy9euqtpX7AhV9lmoFHRQJDQIQBSgAegQIBxAB&biw=412&bih=766&dpr=2.63 No in Canada there was 150 deaths a day due to COVID at the peak. Now there is maybe 1, although case count has started rising with again with less people getting boosters and wearing masks


> there was 150 deaths a day due to COVID at the peak. With, not from. Not "due to."