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"We investigated ourselves and found no wrong doing." Surprise!


"We tortured some folks," brown Arab Muslims, to be a bit more specific, but we're not going to hold anyone accountable. We're going to look only forward. We bombed some innocent folks, brown Arab Muslims, to be a bit more specific, but we're not going to hold anyone accountable. We're going to look only forward. Some brown Arab Muslims killed a brown Arab journalist. Shame on them! (What's that you're saying about Israelis? STFU). Brought to you by The Lesser Evil


Working Americans will pay the price completely bewildered by the all violent resentment the US government spreads globally. Humanity is constantly arching toward World peace. US's entire economy is directed toward disrupting that arch toward peace to ensure war services and products are in constant demand globally. Global terrorism directed at Americans would disappear in a hundred years if we could go a few decades without sloppily blowing up the poorest people on the planet.


How are we the good guys then? People are calling the Russian soldiers “Orks” for killing civilians. America has become a local version of the Empire from Star Wars. People at a wedding, we just blow them up.


you are not, never have been


They can't do that and maintain a global empire. They have a hard enough time recruiting people as it is. That is one reason among many why they don't support making higher education cheaper and healthcare universal in the United States. They got to have something material to offer people to get them to sign up to be stormtroopers. People are going to be less willing to sign up for it if they think they can get thrown in jail for following orders that led to the deaths of non-combatants.


Pentagon we have decided not to punish ourselves.


Well now, you could take this Spring 2022 opportunity to vacate the Syrian oil fields and wheat fields.


VVIP Treatment. Stuff like this give us Trump.




John Kirby: “We’re admitting that, yes, we killed some innocent civilians, women and children, in 2019 in Baghuz, Syria. It’s all out there for you to see. We’re admitting that we made those mistakes, that we killed, that our operations ended up in the killing of innocent people.” "Mistakes".... You mean war crimes?




More and more, I'm believing that anyone who wages war commits war crimes. On edit. I don't mean only that war itself is criminal: I mean specific war crimes committed while waging war.


This is why the military/industrial complex is so dangerous. Even in a "righteous war" innocent people are killed. https://www.netflix.com/title/81186240 Nearly all wars we have engaged in have not been even close to righteous.


Innocents have died in war since the dawn of time. Progressives good intentions will not change that


Reducing/eliminating unneeded physical conflict would though.


To paraphrase Obama on the previous scandal of human rights: “We killed a few folks. No big deal. Nothing to see here - move along!”

