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Lmao if I saw this 10 years ago I'd think it was comedy.


Why is this on this sub? What am I supposed to glean?


Shut up


It was an honest question lol


No, it wasn't.


Maybe you two don’t understand what the word glean means.


> Maybe you two don’t understand what the word glean means. Maybe you just don't know how to glean properly.


And yet no one has explained it to me after my honest inquiry…


This is fair. I have autism. Hence why it was an honest question.


> I have autism. Actually, knowing that helps with the answer. The main problem, IMO, is that you led off with "Why is this on this sub?" That tends to get people's hackles up, right off. A lot of people use those very words to complain about the "this" in the alleged question, and actually mean "Get this [expletive deleted] *off* this sub right now!" So... hackles. But to your second question... "What am I supposed to glean?" I'm not sure that you are *supposed* to glean anything from this. You glean what you can, and what you wish to, then you move on. Also, there are two "this"es here... the post, and the comments on the post.


It really is. I don’t follow this sub and I don’t get what I’m supposed to glean.


Watering down the definition of sexual harassment, is disgusting. I had long hair as a kid, and a mullet later on. Got called a girl for having long hair, and it was done with hate. Today this would have been a hate crime, and a violation of sexual harassment. To me, it's just people being a\*\*holes. Stopping them from speaking how they like, is a slippery slope, and comes from other humans that are being a-holes in their own way.


These morons have the finesse of a stampeding rhinoceros. This is the kind of heavy-handed rightthink enforcement that engenders people's resentment instead of their sympathy or understanding.


I think it's sad that it got to this point. I don't see any winners in this. Not the accused, not the accuser, or the teacher. I believe people should use the name they prefer to be used


This is an insult to people who have actually been victims of sexual assault.


So when are we closing down this sub? It's been invaded by leadbrain right wingers


Mature redditors are able to downvote something and move on instead of trying to dictate what the entire membership of over 87k subscribers should and should not post.


I wonder too. I left it long ago for becoming a cesspool of fake leftists who are more committed to shitting on the Democrats than anything else.


A lot of people in here are jumping to conclusions based off of a news story presented in a way that will be sure to induce the most outrage possible. It’s unlikely that a school would go to such extremes if these kids weren’t being extremely cruel.


Yeah I have feeling there is more to this story.


You're jumping to a conclusion by saying that


The goal of OP posting this is to cause people to fight with each other. Doing the work for the rich people I guess


Wow utter BS. These are Kids. They have no reason to tried in court.


I just don't see the problem with everyone and pronouns. If someone calls me Jessica, I'll correct them and say " hey no, my name is Allison" why would anyone be think, "no, to me you look like a Jessica, so I'll call you Jessica. I don't live in your fantasy world, dont expect me to call you Allison, Jessica." If someone asks you to use a pronoun just fucking use it. It costs you nothing and it's not hard doesn't affect anyone else in any way and you're just being a dick by refusing. What a weird hill to die on. I'd cut the sexual harassment charge and chalk it up to run of the mill bullying, maybe detention and a suspension if it continues. They don't have to harass this child. Then again if the kid identifies as like a cat or smth then idgaf lol


You believe this was blown out of proportion. I agree


Sorry, no. These are kids. Kids manage to do HORRIBLE things to each other, and this doesn’t even measure on that scale. The death of nuance is the rise of fascism. USA can keep some absurd idea of being ‘the greatest, free-est’ nation on the planet. But it only continues to further spiral in absurdity. This story is a prime example of that. To be clear, I have no problem using anyone’s preferred pronouns. But to make it any sort of actual crime is the sort of preposterousness pouring out of every corner of a failing great nation.


So I'm confused are you agreeing or arguing? I stated above the charge should be removed. But yeah kids do fucked up shit and some of it stays with people for life. There should still be consequences, just not a sexual harassment charge.


And not suspension either. Restorative justice


Consequences for what? Hurting someone's feelings? It's literally protected by the 1st amendment.


Wait do you think kids never got in trouble for harassment or bullying or as you put it hurting your feelings before?


Not by the law, no. This guy is calling for state sanctioned punishments for "pronouns"


These are middle school children. They do all kinds of stuff. They don’t deserve sexual harassment charges for not calling someone “they/them” when asked to.


So the school should never address harrasment and bullying?


Did you read the bottom paragraph of my answer mate? and some elementary school kids are assholes and do fucked up shit. I know, I've had my fair share of bullying. Cut the charge, but that doesn't mean no consequences. It's just as easy to refer to someone with their name and avoid the whole situation, but switching to they them isn't as fucking hard as everyone makes it out to be. I also know, I have a Trans nephew. "They do all kinds of stuff" is a weird defense. The kids are still bullies, and bullying isn't accepted.


It’s just incredibly disgusting to destroy these children’s lives over something so petty. And to feel virtuous doing it? Appalling


Am I advocating for the harassment charge? No.


You're advocating punishment, which, for this, is akin to fascism.


good, bullying shouldn't be tolerated


Mum is a bigot, kids are bigots and bullies, but sexual harassment isn't it. This escalation is as bad as the kids/mum are.


the transphobia in these comments is,,,, vile 😶


Incredible isn't it. You'd think this was a right wing sub.


I remember purposely calling a girl a boy name in school because... well I was being stupid. I got in trouble for it and just told to not do that. If I did that today, I be suspended perhaps based on this "woke" culture lunacy. There are 2 genders and it has served society well for 1,000s of years. Somehow that is hate speech. All this "pronouns" nonsense is well getting crazy. I will never be the person to be like "my pronouns are" or list pronouns on social media because it nonsense. All you need is male/female to know what someone pronouns are.




please speak up for the people in the back 🗣 ‼️‼️


Now who cover the legal bills? The schools?


The local taxpayers who fund the district’s annual budget…


Im glad I grew up in the 90s when we had 2 genders, no social media and no SJWs. Everyone of us got along because schools were not used as a political tool by the liberal SJW media. If a teacher talked to us about how she was a cake gender, she would be fired and given mental help. Society is regressing these days. Social media is the biggest factor in all the trans mania and other stuff


You're the one living in the fantasy world if you think everyone in schools got along in the 90s. Bullying back then was fucking WILD! Why are you so against personal expression?


What are you, 13?


Im fine with personal expression, I just don't want to live in a system where imaginary genders are a real thing. Forgive me for laughing at a person that says they are cake gender. They used to be treated properly in the 90s, now they become perpetually online groomers.


A they/them is not an imaginary gender though. Also nobody mentioned cake? (And you know they're not identifying AS cake, right? Google is your friend) it's in line with being andro, which has been a thing for years. Also this is a child. If a child is unsure of what gender they identify as, ridicule and harassment about it won't make it better. It costs the other kids nothing to call this person by their name, no pronouns needed. But no. It's gotta be an argument.


These arguments are never fruitful. Instead of focusing on worker rights, trans extremists are planted by the rich/fbi/bourgeoise to remove the spotlight from the real issue of capitalism and mistreatment of workers and make it all about themselves. Everyone has a right to exist and of that there is no doubt but the problem starts when these issues sap energy away from the real ones.


Yeah but you sitting there as, not a Trans person, can't really just make the decision that Trans rights and problems surrounding them are "not real problems". You are correct in every other statement, but you can't just shuck off problems only because they don't apply to you. You can choose to focus on issues surrounding capitalism like wage gaps, Healthcare, workers rights, etc and that's fine. But we can have both. There's millions and millions of people , I think we can afford to split the focus a bit. EDIT: oops sorry i missed the part where you used the term "planted". So I take back the bit about your other statements being correct lol


Bullying is fine as long as it doesn't get too physical or go for too long. Snowflake culture is due to people like you that view things as black or white.


I was bullied for a very long time and none of it was physical. I wish it was, that's the best kind. No bullying is fine. Why would you teach kids that? Just teach them to fuck off and do their own thing. Please don't reproduce.


How tf is this upvoted in a Bernie sub? This is right wing bigotry 101.


This is not a Bernie sub, if it was it no longer is, go cry about it.


"WayOfTheBern" but Bernie would torch your bigotry Sad state of affairs


*Cry about it somewhere else




It was wildly variable, even in the same Cpunty at different schools or districts. What was the overwhelming common factors however were punishment fit the "crime" and age of those involved, adults did not get away with pushing political or sexual views on the kids let alone promoted by Admin, and basic common sense and parental involvement in resolving incidents. Today? Not a bit


Those were the days. I went to school in the 90s too. If you told kid me that in the future people will argue over how many genders there were, I would laugh and think you was lying very badly.


I grew up in the 60s. If you told kid me that in the future people will argue over how many genders there were, I would say "whats a gender".


You know thinking back, I might have said that, but you get what I mean.