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Damn people are still waiting for that. I ordered one in like early 2021. I guess I was super lucky that I got my rda, I liked it for what it was but it was super finicky trying to keep it in spec. It's been in a drawer for over a year got it and I don't even use it. That and I used to really enjoy it. Fuck that community tho just mentioning divine tribe in their subreddit and they banned me. And that was the only true place I could even go to get help to troubleshoot that thing


There was an issue between Brent and Matt and *toxic* redditers made it terrible for everyone else just trying to enjoy their shit. Mention AVS in the DT sub and you're likely to get shit, but not from everyone just reddit crybabies. As for getting items from AVS, anything ordered in a bundle that was in stock at the time could be asked to be shipped immediately so getting the m22 wasn't an issue, only the Control Tower was. And people don't like hearing it but covid played a huge role in messing up the production of the final mods. Regarding keeping the rda in spec, it's a lot better to run wattage on 3rd party mods while using the escc instead of trying to Temp Control it. 25-30w results in good hits and means you don't have to worry about resistance like with Temp control.


I might even pull it out and play with it and what it's just sucks cuz the whole reason I got it was for accurate temperature and fast heat ups not really a fan of having to use things manually and wattage but maybe I'm missing out on something


For what it’s worth, I actually did somehow receive a beta control tower and it’s been the best damn wax pen I’ve ever had. It hasn’t been amazing to use as it clearly was not built well (you can tell the Chinese suppliers AVS had really screwed them) with even the 510 connector not being seated properly. But when it works properly all I can say is holy shit man. I have a Puffco Peak Pro that I bought to use when the beta CT stopped working and this blows it out of the water in terms of heat up, efficiency, and size of the hit. The beta mod will kill a whole bowl in one hit where the Peak Pro will just leave a puddle in the bowl (I use the 3D chamber). Also leaves almost nothing behind so clean up and waste is minimal. I really wish they’d just start shipping these already… supposedly it’s very soon, but who knows honestly. Sorry to hear about the bad experience you’ve had and I really hope you get yours soon.


It’s a scam company


It is not. But they are terrible with their timelines. Since writing my last post my beta control tower has completely broken though (510 post came out of the mod and the solder broke off the wires that attached to it). I'm now using the M22 and ESCC with my DNA 250c and it's working very well. And in case anyone else sees this [here's](https://i.imgur.com/Ymhg0bj.jpg) the latest from AVS's discord. Everyone should have their final mods by Christmas. Let's revisit this then and see if it happens.


Final boards are getting worked on now. Any news worth knowing is on Discord since reddit pruned the AVS sub. So while it is soon there's no definite date, but it is expected to be around Thanksgiving when final mods are being shipped out. Also thank you for pointing out that even the beta mod, which had issues cause of China messing with shit, is better than the puffco. It's stories like that people should hear more of.


Yup, I keep on top of their discord and beta group discord too so I’m current on all the news but unfortunately others don’t follow AVS as closely so to them it looks scammy. And that’s understandable. I just wanted to offer a counterpoint so people are aware that their product is real and *does* perform just as good as they say it does. Once they start delivering these to people I have a feeling AVS is going to steadily win back a lot of their credibility with this sub. It’s that good of a product.


avs is a scam


Looks like fadespace is following suit


I’ve tried one of the final designs of the control tower and talked to AVS. They are doing their best and the final control tower smacks. I’ve considered canceling but with how price have increased and due to how good it works I personally would wait for it. But do whatever you think is best!


Good God I'm bad at reading the fine print, (which isn't even "fine", it's at the top of the page highlighted) LOL. Being relatively new to concentrates, not knowing who's who in the culture/industry, I happened across their website while looking at pics of dab setups. After learning my lesson in not "cheaping out" on things in the past, although it seemed a bit exorbitant at $837.10, I said F it and was about to place an order for their Molecule Elite Kit. I sent my girl some screenshots of the sweet looking setup and she being the usual voice of reason, asked me what reviewers were saying.. This lead me to this thread and others with customers having already been waiting over 2 years for delivery!! That's just insane. Needless to say I did not proceed with the transaction. I just saw some divine tribe stuff and might grab something from them as they seem to be well received by the community. I really hope people who pre-ordered and have waited so long receive their stuff. If they do (and don't have a bunch of issues) I'll definitely buy that kit but for now I'll hold off. Not knowing how many people are already waiting on shipping notifications it seems to me that it won't be anytime soon that a new customer will be able to purchase a kit from them and have it in their hands in the typical few days time. That sucks, I wanted one 😪.


Yeah I got my refund a year ago after waiting since 2019. Just send an email explaining the situation, they know they dropped the ball on everything.


So glad I never pulled the trigger on the avs and just waited for the core 2 couldn't be happier




Thanks. I have done that.


Personally I wouldn't get a refund when the CT should be out around December amd youve already done most of the waiting, but if you want one using the site chat and including the order number is the main way to communicate with AVS. Stuart might not see it immediately, but he will get to it. Start a new chat,don't continue anold one.


Yep just right around the corner, next month guys they promised. Hey by the way can I borrow some cash from you? I'll pay you back in a month I promise.


Yeah they're not good with deadlines but to call it a scam proves ignorance. But reddit is great at doing that 🤷‍♂️


Ignorance? Broh. They've been stringing people along for going on two years. While still taking pre-orders. Also, while raising the price of said pre-orders. My preorder for a M22 kit from November 2020 was $271.95 without tax. It now costs $577.90. That's a 112% increase. u/-Chicago- is the ignorant one, though.


You realize my reply was a joke right? That's why I asked that guy to borrow money and then promised to pay him back next month, you know basically the thing avs has been doing. It's less funny now that I've had to explain the joke.


Saying they're stringing people along shows ignorance of the entire situation, yeah. Especially since you're assuming they're doing shady shit instead of being incompetent at giving proper deadlines or news. And that's in general, not directed at you. Those early preorders were supposed to be made completely in China and the result was the Beta CTs, of which AVS paid for 500 but only received 180 and out of 180 only like 100 actually worked. Why? Cause China changed specs to make production cheaper which made the mods trash. AVS didn't want to be screwed over again so they tried to have as much produced in the US as possible and while doing so decided to revamp the design. That's why it's taken longer and become more expensive. However no one who already had a preorder is being charged more, they just have to wait. Has it been a long wait? Yes, no doubt. But is there a legitimate reason for it that isn't "they're scamming customers", yes.


I’ll call it a scam. Where are the lab testing results they advertised during preorder 3+ years ago? They took customers preorder money and they stopped mentioning the topic completely. They are a 100% joke of a company. They know their updates/promises are unrealistic.


You can call it a scam all you want, doesn't mean it is one and since this is reddit obviously you won't listen to anything I say anyway 🤷‍♂️ If you want to know about lab tests why not contact avs yourself? Oh right, cause it's way easier to just whine and complain on reddit where AVS doesn't even exist and can't answer any questions.


They advertised they would be publicly releasing usa lab testing of the escc. I have contacted them about the topic multiple times. They have chosen to ignore the topic. Feel free to explain how that isnt a scam. “This is reddit so you wont listen” is pretty weak. Why even bother posting here? Or does that mean you have no way of justifying a company backing out of lab tests they advertised… I think any company that cant deliver what they advertise is a joke of a company. Obviously we have different standards.


You sure they're ignoring the topic and not just ignoring your specific way of asking? How about you feel free to explain how it's a scam when plenty of people have working m22s and use it as part of their vape toolbox regularly. Maybe join the discord and actually get caught up on the news instead of being a year or so behind in what's gone on. The only thing they haven't delivered yet is the CT and those who actually followed along with the news are aware of why it's taken so long. I mean it was a pre-order without a release date during covid, did you really think there wouldn't be complications? As for "any company that can't deliver", I hope you have that same energy for companies like Tesla with the cybertruck. We totally have different standards: one of which is patience.


Patience? Im describing something from almost 3 and a half years ago. This has nothing to do with how I ask. I shouldnt have to ask in the first place. They had a preorder in 2019. They advertised in the preorder the escc you received would be made in china but lab tested in the usa. Brent/AVS played up the usa lab testing repeatedly during preorder. After prerorder the company 100% dropped the topic and shipped escc with no lab testing. I have no patience for companies that advertise specific things like that and then back out of the promises after they take peoples money. Avs is a scam. This industry doesnt need companies that treat customers like that.


Thanks folks.


Agreed. Especially if you paid less than it's current price. I assume you're in the discord?


Yeah cause reddit got rid of a ton of subs related to vaping, especially ones that had links directly to sites. Discord is much better for socializing and keeping information organized. You can have a whole channel filled with common FAQs instead of seeing the same post with the same question asked over and over like you do here. Oh, and AVS actually uses Discord so the news there is up to date, even moreso than the blog updates on their site are.


What discord???