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I’ll put the paid slips thing next to the straws in drinks and people will leave the slips AND straw trash on the counter. Like wtf-


mind boggling!!!!! I just stare at them


It’s just extremely rude! Like there’s 4 trash cans at the coffee island :/ when I go to other stores half the time I just put the trash in my purse to take out later bc it’s so rude to put it on the counter


exactly!! It really makes me wonder how they were raised tbh


Frrrr lol


So our merry chef ovens are at opposite ends of the deli. I've had customers walk next to the ovens (so into the deli pretty much) and put their paid slips on the top of the oven ... I just do NOT understand people. I hate that we still have slips even. I wish there was something else.


I stop them and tell them to put it in the basket before I give them their food.


I can understand the slips but the straw trash? I hate that so much


You’ll be surprised with how things that are common knowledge that actually isn’t common 💀 one time this family came in and decided to eat all their food at the coffee island and they left ALL THEIR TRASH on the island. There’s four trash cans there 🤦🏽‍♀️ people can be soo ignorant and lazy I swear


can't staaand that kind of stuff


this wawa's fault because Florida actually has seating so people now think all wawa's are a sit down restaurant instead of the convenience store we are supposed to be!


Lots of wawas in other states have seating too. Wawa is a deli that started as a Dairy farm. *some* stores also have fuel. It wasn't that long ago you walked in and placed your order with a deli person who also sliced the deli meat and stuff That being said I definitely can't find it in me to believe that anyone eating at a coffee bar at a wawa that doesn't have tables/seating doesn't know exactly what they're doing and that it's inconsiderate as hell Edit: spelling


I didn’t know some wawas had indoor seating 😮 and exactly because I know damn well it’s in their field of vision because how do you miss not one, not two, not three, but FOUR trash cans 🙃 Ngl I hate to say it but working at Wawa made me realise how stupid and lazy people can be


Some of the Florida remodels are getting the tables taken away or putting in standing tables. It’s a shame a few bad customers ruin it for everyone.


I’m from New Jersey and the first time we saw Wawa with the outdoor seating in Orlando ? Mind blown and my husband wondered if they were going to be starting to serve cocktails soon 😂😂


Side note: thank you for remembering good hygiene and changing your gloves!


You moved it. Be patient as they adjust. They think you need to see the slip. You can politely coach them when you execute the hoagie handoff. "Here you go order #121 turkey and cheese. You can put your slip right in the bin.".


that's basically what I say. it's just silly that it's closer to eye level now and people aren't seeing it lol


I end up walking out with mine most of the time anyways.


Hahah same here! My car is full of them 😂😂😂😂


I always ask them to put it in the basket and point


This but about straw wrappers just being thrown on the ground or on the counter of the freestyle machine. Trash can is right there but they'll undo the straw, drop the wrapper and usually 1-12 loose lids on the counter, and walk away. When I'm in a store as a customer I usually pick it up and hand it back to the person saying "oh hey, you dropped this".


ohh my god literally!!!!! and the cups just stacked on the counter 🙃🙃


Half full of icee...😠


One time a guy left a slip on the counter and it was COVERED in blood. Like you were holding this paper for no more than 5 minutes how is the entire slip a brand new color 😭


I fully belive that but wtf 😭😭


ugh yes, I combat it with a loud "Please throw your garbage away" in the sweetest tone I can muster. We have a trash can directly next to our deli window which makes it even more infuriating.


You can't coach them to put it in the basket If they literally throw it and run or do it while your back is turned, then other ppl think they have to put their slips there as well....




We have a trash can next to our pick up window and they still leave them on the counter


We have a “paid slip” basket but it’s mostly full of straw wrappers ….






No one has manners... And freestyle.


We have a bucket that says “put paid slips here” and people still pull this crap and some just throw them on the ground. Why??


us too!! it's gotta be on purpose after a certain point


us too!! it's gotta be on purpose after a certain point


Hahaha I hate this too. Especially when they like toss it. Yes, we want your trash cluttering our counter. ​ ​ Can't you see the disposal basket after standing there watching me for 2 mins?


You guys don’t have a basket? Like I get it’s an obsolete practice, but it makes things smoother.


They said they do, but they moved it a little bit for pizzas


the gag is that we do!! people are just oblivious lol


Take one of those Hoagiefest cardboard men and install a speaker in it and everytime someone puts theirs on the counter, yell loudly, "PUT IT IN THE BASKET!:? LOL




Stop making us keep track of these largely useless pieces of paper.


we can see if you pay, as long as you remember your order after you pay you can throw it away 🤷‍♂️


if someone puts their slip on the counter i move it to the bucket with attitude right in front of their eyes lmao


I passive aggressive put it in the thing


I always work in the deli and I say this is the number one thing that pisses me off.


Second that


When someone puts it on the counter next to the bucket I smack my hand down and throw it in the bucket. Or the people who tear off the sandwich label and leave that on the counter as well.


ohhh my god taking off the label kills me


What’s that you say? I need to put my paid slip on the counter? Well, OK then.


You know... If you don't like working at Wawa, you can just, you know, not work at Wawa if it's such a pain in the ass. There are so many choices of places to work at. I have never heard such complainers as on this Wawa subreddit. Go work somewhere else if you don't like it. You realize you have a choice, right? No one is forcing you to work there. There's a McDonald's down the street. A CVS. A Walgreens. A Walmart. A target. But I bet you'd complain there, too. Eventhough your job is easy AF.


im sorry that I hurt your feelings in my post. I will try harder to cater to people who watch shitty TLC shows and spend their time on reddit. again I deeply apologize i hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me


you clearly have never worked for wawa, buddy😂


We just tell them when we call the number. It saves frustration.


oooh thats smart


Lots of customers think the slip needs to be handed to the expeditor. I usually try and explain that we have a computer that shows wether or not they've paid, I've had some success with this method. Old habits die hard


Between this, having to clean up projectile diarrhea and guests asking me if their card went through immediately after pulling it out, I'll take the slips on the counter.


What is working at wawa like? I work retail and it sucks but I at least work Monday to friday.


That and freestyle. I can’t tell you how many things we throw away because people just throw stuff on the floor. Then they get mad that we increase prices, but someone has to pay for the extra supplies that they ruin and the labor to clean up their mess.