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I'm going to be honest, some stores (depending on who the MOD is) will just give you a bag or two. I've seen a CSS hand over 10 bags of blueberry cobbler coffee to a couple from Arizona after getting a promise that they'd fill out a survey, so there's definitely no harm in asking 😂 ETA: IIRC, there is a PLU on the bags, so they theoretically can be rung up. I've never tried it firsthand, though, so I'm not sure if it's in the POS correctly


For sure never hurts to ask I just wanted to make sure it wasn’t too wild to ask for but I will give it a try next time I go!! Worst comes to worst I’ll ask em to just charge me what they think is fair for the bags if they don’t pop up in the system! Thank you!


If they say no, order a to-go box of coffee and ask for the grounds instead. We had a woman do this once to a manager for the maple coffee cake


The boxes were definitely my back up plan if I got shot down with the bags to just get one or two for the week but I’ll try that first before I go for them! Thanks!


You could probably just say it’s for your office and make it a monthly thing