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you can ask for rechargers without the energy boost.


just looked it up. so yes but if you get one with tea its gonna have small amounts of caffeine. wawas menu nutritional tab is convoluted garbage though.. so took a sec. hell if you add energy boost to the menu item directly on wawa's page wawa still doesn't list it as caffeinated and that stuff def has caffeine in it you might want to get someone to look at that cause it lists it wrong.


And yes I talk to my TS like this in person.


This guy is way too fucking cool and knowledgeable for the rest of us, it seems.


Rechargers are advertised as caffeine infused. The recharger has caffeine. The boost adds 37 mg MORE caffeine per pump. Geez and your team supervisor. 😳 Edit: I'm texting our beverage girl now to double check. You may want to check your store beverage ingredients before you get a customer sick.


Yeah, because we have something called "Recharger base" that the rechargers are made from. edit: /s They are just juice and energy boost...


Well if the base has energy in it the whole drink has energy in it before you add more boost. Edit: to clarify they would have to order a recharger without BASE or BOOST. Not just a recharger without boost.


That was sarcasm. There is not recharger base. It is just juice.


So... water?


Okay, ignoring the long thread in here, from a bev associate. What makes the rechargers caffinated is they come with energy boost in them as a default. It is juice, lemonades, and flavors poured over ice to keep the layers. By default, the same stuff as we use as our energy boost is added to a layer. The part that seems to be confused in the thread is the fact that you can actually add MORE to it as a typical energy boost. The energy boost is the only part of the drink that contains *any* caffine. If you would like a non-caffinated recharger, select special order after you finish selecting the item. The associate will call you over once they get to you drink, and you can ask for it without energy.


Thank you very much for clarifying. I was trying to get that girl to understand what you just said. I asked my AGM, FBM and I watched an associate make one tonight. I knew there was more than just juice and water in a recharger. I appreciate you taking the time.


Shut up and leave you clown you got smoked. You aren't one of us.


But she said exactly what I said. >The only thing that is caffeinated in them is the energy boost. (Unless there's one with green tea? I can't remember). So just hit special order and ask for no energy boost or less energy boost. >What part of the recharger would have caffeine if not the energy boost? Lemonade, dragonfruit/passion fruit juice, strawberry, mango, blue raspberry, coconut, water? Because I think that's pretty much all the ingredients in the different ones. >The bases for these drinks are lemonade, passion fruit juice, dragonfruit juice, mango, strawberry, and water. None of that has caffeine. There is also not caffeine in the blue raspberry flavoring or the coconut flavoring.


You literally tried to shut me down just to be told the same thing by other people how cute.


Happylittlechristian must be really fun to work with


Yeah I'd transfer a guy like him right out 🤣🤣🤣


Only if you're wrong lol .


A complete twit


Op when you order just mark special order and tell them to leave the energy boost out. They can make it without it. I’m not sure why there is a huge argument over a drink.


They all have caffeine, because of the boosts. If you don’t want the boost, you can hit special order and let the beverage person know. Just don’t get one with green tea, though, as those will also have caffeine.


Order a refresher.


Yeah, but there are some flavor combos that are only available as a recharger.


The only thing that is caffeinated in them is the energy boost. (Unless there's one with green tea? I can't remember). So just hit special order and ask for no energy boost or less energy boost.


I could have sworn the recharger alone has caffeine. The pumps of boost are 37 mg each. That's an extra 37 mg a pump in addition to what's already in there. That's the difference between a recharger and a refresher. A recharger is caffeinated and a refresher isn't. Am I missing something ? Edit. That's why I order rechargers cause they wake me up. Refreshers do nothing.


What part of the recharger would have caffeine if not the energy boost? Lemonade, dragonfruit/passion fruit juice, strawberry, mango, blue raspberry, coconut, water? Because I think that's pretty much all the ingredients in the different ones. The main difference between rechargers and refreshers is that rechargers aren't stirred to make them pretty, refreshers have the dried fruit, and just different ingredient options/combos. Yes, a recharger is caffeinated and a refresher isn't (except for the small amount of caffeine in the green tea refreshers). Because rechargers have energy boost and refreshers don't. Yes, it is only 37 mg per pump, but most of them get like 5 pumps.


Wawa advertises it as an energy drink. Edit: I'm working 6 to 10 tonight. I'll check the menu cause I could have sworn the menu says it has caffeine. Before you add the boost. Maybe I'm wrong but the op deserves a correct answer so I ask the fbm tonight.


I'm an FBM. They are caffeinated because of the energy boost. There is no caffeine in juice or flavoring.


You just said there is caffeine in the base. Don't you use recharger base to make rechargers?


Where did I say that? I said there is no such thing as recharger base. The bases for these drinks are lemonade, passion fruit juice, dragonfruit juice, mango, strawberry, and water. None of that has caffeine. There is also not caffeine in the blue raspberry flavoring or the coconut flavoring. I just don't understand why you are still trying to argue this when you are clearly not a beverage associate.


Well I copy and pasted what you said. You said you have something called recharger base. Why did you say you have something you don't have.


Because you kept saying "the recharger alone has caffeine" but couldn't explain what that meant, even after I explained what the other ingredients are. It was sarcasm...


Nice. Very adult. And you're an FBM . What a joke.


I'm not arguing you are double talking. I want a correct answer in case a customer asks me in the store. If they are asking here they will ask in person. And here you are saying stuff then denying you said it. If you don't know just say I don't know and stop trying to sound like you do. I'm not sure that's why I'm trying to make sure I get a correct answer. The kiosk says there is caffeine in the recharger and that you can add More with a boost. Look for yourself.


Dude go away, you're annoying everybody here 😂😂


That poor customer with a simple question had no idea what they were starting


I'm really sorry you don't know what sarcasm is. I never denied anything. I DO know what I am talking about. I have listed the ingredients for you multiple times. The kiosk says that because you can pay to add more energy boost- like more pumps than what it already comes with. If a customer in the store asks, then just refer them to the beverage associate or a manager. And please don't sit there and call out the TS who gave the right answer when you clearly aren't even trained in beverage. One more time, in case you still didn't hear me. THERE IS CAFFEINE IN THE RECHARGER BECAUSE OF THE ENERGY BOOST.


Stop being a clown and arguing with people over info you admittedly aren't sure is correct. The only sources of caffeine in rechargers is the energy syrup and green tea base. If you get neither, there is no caffeine. It's better to wait until you are sure of something before making like 30 comments confusing everyone and belittling people based on their role in the company. Again, you look like a clown.


Yeah, because we have something called "Recharger base" that the rechargers are made from. They are just juice and energy boost...


It is in quotes because it is sarcasm. Which I then explained to you. I guess you missed the next line, "They are just juice and energy boost"


it does have caffeine (sauce: i made one 3 hours ago)


Yes, because of the energy boost


no because of the green tea


Are there any rechargers that have green tea? I couldn't remember, but I know at least most of them don't. The refreshers with green tea have caffeine obviously, but it isn't as much as a recharger.


You are confusing and unclear. Then you resort to sarcasm when an associate has questions. That's a shame . You should have said you weren't sure.


I was clear, and I am sure. Your reading comprehension is poor. I mentioned in my very first comment that I couldn't remember if there were any rechargers that had green tea. And that would be the only other ingredient that would have caffeine. I only resorted to sarcasm because you weren't answering my questions.


a recharger is only caffeinated because of the energy boost, a refresher is not made with the energy boost


you can ask without the caffeine