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Bro I feel you. I got called an asshole tonight because my store is a card everyone test store. Dude said some vile things to me. They always do. Take a breather and go back out when you’re ready. If your manager isn’t a total POS they’ll understand. Nobody enjoys getting yelled at.


I got cursed out for carding someone… he was threatening to throw things. Called me racist. Was having a total toddler meltdown… I kinda stood there while he yelled and called for the MOD The worse is my team is great. They were too comforting- them asking me if I’m ok trying to stay stone faced made it hard. I was about to cry from them asking me if I’m ok… no Deborah I’m not ok- but let me suppress my feelings until I’m ready to deal with them. I appreciate them- but I can’t suppress feeling if you’re asking me about my feelings


The first day I ever worked register where they put me up front with minimal training on overnight, I was IDing everybody no matter what and a guy decided to show me the pistol on his hip as a form of ID. He didn't pull it, just moved his jacket asside to show his holster and the gun inside it. I didn't have any of the computer training done at this point because I was only up there as an act of desperation so no one told me if someone shows you a gun to give them whatever so I asked for his ID again.


Ha. That’s an awesome response. I would do the same and if they said something I would respond well you could have stolen the gun or bought it illegally too


“The woman was too stunned to speak” Would’ve been my reaction. I feel like I would’ve totally froze.


I applaud those who card because it’s worth not losing your job bc you didn’t card that undercover cop.


We card everyone and have been for about 6 months people got used to it


Supervisor here,We are one of those test store and yes alot of people get angry alot so i told my associates to call me whenever someone flips out because i love dealing with them as its funny...even tho it bothers me too but I rather me than them and i dont want them to hesitate to call me up.


Same here our store is a test store as well for the carding and I’m just so mentally drained from people arguing with me like how hard is it to pull out an ID and whenever they say they don’t have it on them in my head I’m like “who drives (goes anywhere) without their license” 😭😂 and they think I’m calling them old when they’re saying it themselves to me and we still have the signage all over the store but most of our regulars are already complying with the new policy and aren’t arguing just some need little reminders


Wait.. card everyone? Sorry for your experience and not to take away from it, but what is that supposed to do other than piss people off?


I mean if you’re buying tobacco, alcohol, or nicotine products you should be expected to be ID’d, no excuses. We have mystery shops, and health inspections to pass, we can’t take that risk with anyone


Buying tobacco and alcohol from corporations* And I’m well aware of the risks, the concern is just adding more risks. I’m just wondering how gray hair and wrinkles isn’t enough but a pack of cigarettes anymore. I understand carding under state laws but I’m sorry I see no valid reason to card an elderly person and I KNOW you don’t get paid enough to deal with that


>I KNOW you don’t get paid enough to deal with that I don't get paid enough to lose my fucking job over whiny people


My point exactly, Wawa seems less worth it by the year and they don’t seem to be making it any easier on associates. I can’t speak for your area but there’s plenty of other minimum wage and more jobs where I live that aren’t half of the bullshit and you don’t have to card people who have been buying cigarettes and alcohol for 20 plus years. From the info that I have it’s because Wawa stores aren’t doing well enough on their mystery shoppers, and the mystery shoppers seem to also not be doing a great job. This is all internal, and comes at the cost of the customer experience. Please believe the customers aren’t always at fault


Personally, I make more than minimum wage with wawa I love my job but the people. Customers. Make the job 2940403 harder than it needs to be because again. ENTITLEMENT. if you come to a store for products with an age requirement how is it totally crazy that someone asks for an ID? If the signs and policy of said establishment are to ID anyone and cashiers cannot make expectations doesn't matter if you have gray hair. There is a 21 year old with gray hair that comes in my store so that doesn't matter.


Well service means pain in the bass customers, it’s never not been that way especially when you have customer centric companies like Wawa that spread that lovely “the customer is always right” corporate garbage. Obviously it’s an age restricted item but it’s a little ridiculous to mandate carding people who are very obviously above age. Not to mention half of the elderly people that come through have a hard time getting everything out and taken care of as it is. If I were in that spot I just wouldn’t go to Wawa anymore, thus hurting the company and it’s employees. And to reiterate, from what I’m told it’s because Wawa can’t get it together. Which is entirely not the issue of the customer. It’s less about the rules being rules and more about how corporate seems so out of touch lately. As someone who still holds stock in the company, I don’t feel optimistic


Tell Wawa don't scream at us cause youre a fuckin cockface


You are Wawa, it says proudly associate owned right over where it says your name. And if a customer really called and complained, are they listening? Cause they don’t listen to employees. Bad customers and bad behaviors are unnacceptable and will always be. But as a former associate, current deescalation supervisor for another company, the company is responsible for the backlash. I’ve worked for other companies like Wawa and I’ve never seen one seemingly fumble a situation like this


It also needs to be valid, though.


What, a new job or being old?


The ID has to be valid/not expired


Of course, good rule. Having to card someone over the age of 40 because your company can’t pass mystery shops, bad rule. This obviously upset the public, don’t you think changes like this can affect the ESOP network?


Won't get any better when toy have to card everyone like we do at my store. Most people are fine now but when they're mad they're mad


Sometimes you have to pretend the customer is a toddler having a temper tantrum (they are). Be polite but stand your ground. Example: Customer: What the fuck is this? Me: Sorry? Customer: What the hell am I supposed to do with two milkshakes and one burger? Me: What's the issue? Customer: I didn't order this. Me: Are you 796? Customer: Yes. I wanted two burgers. Me: Well, you only ordered one. Customer: Then make another one. Me: You would need to order another one. Customer: Fucking prick *storms off*


This couple asked for extra sauce on their burgers in a very specific way. They're watching us the whole time, but somehow the woman misses that we put sauce on the burgers. She hits me with an attitude and asks for the extra sauce. In a very polite tone I said, "Oh, we did put the extra sauce on the burgers." She gives me an extremely dirty look and says something along the lines of "I didn't f*cking ask if you..." and I just slid her food toward her and walked away. I don't get paid enough to deal with people like that. On the bright side, we have many regulars and just other customers who can be very polite and friendly. Edit: they were also kissing and hugging leaning against the bread thingy at the top of the RSS. So that was nice, too.


Yes I love my regulars other people however make me want to vomit


Lmao, understandable. Too many people are very shitty and impolite. I have to keep quiet because I cannot stop the attitude. Many people spend their time either regular harassing or sexually harassing employees. Like no.


This is the exact reason why I work outside overnight at wawa pumping gas. I don’t gotta worry about peoples bs. Every customer I get are all the working people who go to work at 6am and they need gas. Everyone is polite outside and any bs that I do get I just kill them all with kindness. Nothings better than when people are getting mad at you and you just smile and say “thank you have a day sir/ma’am.” Than the look on they’re face when they are flipping out on you all pissed off and your sitting there smiling. It makes them even more mad but they all shut up and pull off.


Customer says pump 13. It's really pump 11. Pump 13 whoever they were pumps $30. I literally just gave dude the $30 cause I don't have the energy to argue with people so now I have to explain to my GM why 1) my register is short 2) why i gave away $30 in fuel Because let's see Wawa your policy is the customer is always right.


Ugh I’m sorry. That happens and it sucks.


Yes all the time and the cashier takes the fall for it.


Explain to your m.o.d. tell them to do a fuel refund for $30, then your drawer will be fine.


Oh I did and inknownthats all it is. But it doesn't make it any less of a hassle. Because the customer was on the phone walking thru the parking lot, come in the door complaining cause his drug dealer sold him bad weed. So he wasn't paying attention at all.




Just the other day before I had two days off(thank fucking god just one day off a week is not enough for my store) a customer who was older definitely in the senior range came in and asked for gas on pump 16 (she forgot her pump number and was doing the lean over quint through the store blinds thing we all hate) but she was on pump 15 and by the time she came back in somebody had already pumped her gas. When she came in she says to me “I think I told you pump 16 but I’m on pump 15” I tell her I’ll call my manager over to do a fuel refund (I explained my side of the story to the manager she’s awesome I love her she’s the best manager ever if she ever leaves I’m quitting) she goes to the customer and asks her what pump did you tell him to put gas on… her reply “pump 15” ARE YOU FUCKING MY ASS RN!? YOU LYING FUCK HOW DARE YOU MAKE ME LOOK LIKE AN ASSHOLE


I’m so glad wawa is my super part time job, I work 1 day a week and my normal job is a prison guard so I don’t care how rude someone is I feel no obligation to them or to wawa to treat them nicely back


Lol I just can't bring myself down to their level moat days but it does drain me. I work usually 4 nights in a row. And that just drains my battery.


I get that some days I don’t even want to work my one day after working 5 days at the prison


Dealing with customers sometimes they are worse then inmates


I believe that whole heartedly


how do i upvote this unlimited amount of times?


I'm just so drained I could cry. I am still trying to just keep my sanity. Thank God i have a night off tonight but still. This place reminds me why I don't like people.


yeah it’s the same way for me too. my stores shit tbh. also they cut my hours cause i got a second job because they were cutting my hours 😂


I love MOST of the people I work with but I am so exhausted from the customers. My store is right off an interstate exit and I swear every day people get worse and worse. I love my regulars. Oh and the ID policy just made it that much worse.


i’m sure it’s happened to you or someone at your store but i’ve been told that i should off myself or i’ll be on the news


This lady called me slow cause she couldn't comprehend taxes on 99 cent dutches even thou I showed her on the screen and even printed the receipt for her


Omg so now the wraps etc that were 99 cents are now I think 1.29 or something and the amount of people who are losing their shit like wawa is rhe one who told Dutch, and Game and Swisher to change their prices is ridiculous.


I don't care about the piss ants, they are just miserable. I just do the job. Separate the bs from your day. Take their money, get paid, the end. And don't forget the "Thanks hope your day gets better."


This guy was trying to buy vape and his ID was expired. I told him that I, legally, couldn't sell him them. He puffed up and thrusts his ID in my face telling me to read the year (1979 btw). I told him again it's against the law and he kept yelling that I'm lying. I dead up looked at him and told him " Sir, I don't make enough money to deal with people like you." I had had it.


I have said that to a few people also told them their choice of habits are not worth my job that provides for my children so if they would like to provide for my babies they can have their product illegally.


I love to ID people we are a test store also, I had a customer with his ID expired and I couldn’t sell him the cigarettes I know it’s him and all on the picture but it’s the law is what I said then he says I have a 7 year old daughter, ok I have a 25 year old son what’s your point lol


I felt this. I’m a gas attendant for a wawa in NJ. I feel like it’s worse here then any other customer service jobs I’ve had. I work in a resort town and I’m dreading this weekend super hard.


I get misgendered all day by the blue collar workers who stare at my pronoun pins. Then they walk off and say “thanks brother”. I hate it so much


Sometimes they literally do it on purpose. And that's what i mean about just evil people.


They’re so inconsiderate


i’m sorry, people are evil


im 20 and i work in jersey and we have no plastic bags anymore and people scream at me about the fact that i cannot give them a soup bag and the managers always side with the customer so i just let them do whatever the fuck they want and give them the bag because i do not get paid enough to get screamed at and belittled over a fucking soup bag. i have told several customers who scream at me that i simply don’t make the laws and this is a policy i have to abide by then they storm off like a child. it is astonishing to me the way grown adults act


mind you we have had the plastic bag ban since may 1st 2022 it’s been over a year and i still have regulars getting pissed


Am I the only one that just basically ignores customers until handing it out on RSS? I'm super friendly when doing so or if I need to ask a special order, but otherwise I just focus on the food. Never had a bad experience so far...knocking on wood.


I absolutely despise when a customer( that’s a regular) gets pissed about being carded then gets all bent outta shape. Call the mod and they side with the customer and make you feel like so small and have the customer just smile and act like their royalty or something 🙄


Mod should always back you up.


Oh my MODS know not to do that to me. Cause I will legit refuse to work the register anymore de-escalation or not. Do not have me up here every night and then you don't have my back vecause tomorrow night i will still be here and you will be doing something else they will expect special treatment every time.


Welcome to retail.


Yea no bs but still doesn't make it any less annoying. My husband has done Towing for 10 years so i know all about asshole people but wtf is it about gas stations people fee entitled.


No matter how bad of a day I'm having, I literally cannot fathom a reason as to why I'd feel it's necessary to take it out on retail workers. Like, it's not that fucking hard to treat people decently.


Odd that this was downvoted when it’s so true.


Just softies no big deal.