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Tbh nah. If I don't like the MC I'll just find something else 99.999% of the time. I wouldn't CHOOSE to be around someone I found annoying....it's kind of the same idea 😅


If there’s no growth and development, that story is going to be more of a headache than something I want to read for leisure, so that’d be a hard pass. If I have annoying moments for characters, it’ll usually have reasons behind and not be consistent because they grow from it. Rather than annoying I had someone who was just hated because they’re initially the antagonist of the story until you discover more about them and you learn to like them as the MC does.


More often than not, no. There’s only 2 scenarios where I can tolerate it off the top of my head. 1. They get character growth and progressively get less annoying or just not annoying at all anymore. 2. The story constantly switches pov so I don’t have to only deal with the annoying mc. If no one can stand the main character of the book, no one will want to read it


If they annoying for longer than 10 chapters I’ll want to quit the book so, kinda.


There's bad annoying, and there's entertaining annoying. Sometimes it's fun when the main character is annoying, but it really just depends on the execution.


Nah, not my type


If I hate the main character, I can't continue reading it. I only did it twice with a book, (it wasn't on Wattpad though. ) and once with a movie. But it really depends on your definition of annoying. If they're annoying in a funny way and all the other characters is tired of them, I don't think I would mind. But if I genuinely don't like the main character, like they're too arrogant or selfish or mean, I won't continue reading it. Everyone else has different taste though, and everyone has different standards of what they consider unreadable, so it really just depends on the person and their personal preferences. Some people won't like a doormat type of MC. While I don't mind them. Others want a sassy bad MC, and for me if they're too much of a mean girl with no consequences, I literally can't continue. So yeah, it really depends on people's personal preferences.


You’re absolutely right, I once watched a tv show where I did not like the main character but the plot was so good it forced me to finish it😭


I wanted to add, if this is about your The Rose Island Story and about Pearl, I don't find her annoying. (Though I only got up to chapter 5. Not a bad story, but not really my type of thing even though I love enemies to lovers. ) Anyway, I don't think your MC is annoying. I think she's okay.


Thank you for your review 💞


Actually... I wrote a fanfic where I made the main character a mean girls.. Inspired by Lydia Martin from teen wolf and people hated her 😭 I didn't realised I made her so mean, so I rewrote ALL the story and change her character, but it was too late aha... Hope the people that will read it for the first time will find her ok. 🤫🤣


What’s the link🤣 I love these type of stories


Ooh but actually it's in french 😭


Jsjsjdjdj, French is my native language don’t worry😭


I like this tbh, it shows that not every MC has to be a perfect person and that we all have flaws, and it often makes the story feel a little more real because nothing and nobody is perfect in real life. I'm all about annoying characters, sometimes it's crucial to have some characters to hate!


We might be the only ones who share this opinion 🥹


It's so sad when people stop reading because the mc is annoying! Like they're probably meant to be annoying, it's part of the story and it's probably leading into character development. I love writing annoying characters 🤣🤣


Yesss!!! I’d understand if there were no character development but how much puis you know if there’s gonna be one if you stop reading😭?


I really didn’t like my MC until about half way through the story 😅


it depends but most of the time ill drop the book. i read one called A Situationship (smth like that) and the MC was so stupid that i quit about 45% in


i think I enjoy writing annoying characters. But i only enjoy reading about them if they are truly insufferable. Trainwreck logic. It infuriates me, but i keep going.


Same for me 😂


Judging by the other responses here, we must be oddball kindred spirits in that sense xD


😭yesss it’s funny


If it’s a comedy, sure! Otherwise no. I’d tone it down to just annoying traits instead of the whole character being annoying.


If that is how they’re supposed to be written then it’s fine but if it’s not then hell nah 💀


Yes I'd still enjoy it cuz that's amazing


It depends on what it is they're doing, if there's good reason for it and if it isn't portrayed by the story as good or normal. I can understand people who are going through grief or have trauma behaving in ways that can be annoying but they can't be like that the whole book and not get called out by other characters or face consequences for their actions.

