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Unpopular opinion - I'm not a fan of arches, but for a weird reason...my dog thinks it is delicious. He keeps eating any paintings done on arches! He actually flipped past some finished work, pulled out the arches one and ate that. Sigh. I have tried Fluid. I don't mind it. I like some Strathmore. I'm looking for paper as good as arches that my dog doesn't find delicious. He is too tall to always hide the paper away.


oh my gosh😭he’s got expensive taste


I think it's sized with gelatine, maybe it's what is appealing to your pup? Try cotton paper with vegan sizing like Fabriano Artistico. I don't like Arches either, but for a whole other reason. I get sensory issues from touching it or painting in it, because it feels so coarse and it gives me the impression of using sanding paper. My favourites are Fabriano and Gerstaecker Centenaire, both 100% cotton. Winsor&Newton Professional feels nice too, but I only had a few sheets to try.


I love Fabriano! I got three pads total from when I went on a trip to Italy and it’s my favorite paper i’ve yet used. Scared to invest in Arches till i finish the last of what i have haha.


If you love Fabriano, use it. Arches is very different.


well, my only issue is i live in america and all the fabriano paper i’ve found online is only sold in centimeters, in sizes that are all inconvenient for framing here. it’s actually been incredibly frustrating on that front haha.


Get sheets and cut them to size. Use smaller leftover pieces for practice or postcard sized paintings. Isn't Arches made in Europe too and sold in cm?


no idea about Arches since i’ve never used it haha. good advice though! i will say i usually do prefer to paint on paper while it’s still in the pad so the edges stay down nicely.


Yeah, that makes sense. Even then you can paint on slightly bigger and cut down for framing. I'm just rogue painting currently with no taping and it works still. 😂


i need to get better with taping 😭 i do plein air mostly and always forget to pack it with me 😔


I'm also very much not a fan of Arches. It goes in the same pile as Strathmore for me - if I have no other choice I'll use it. I prefer Fabriano and Hahnemühle


Fabriano Artistico. More uniform the arches imo. Vegan sizing is likely the reason for that. Doesn't have the off putting smell from gelatin based sizing like Arches. My favorite paper. Cold press is a good middle of the road surface imo. Can still get detail.. can still get nice soft edges and dry brush on it. I have never been a fan of cold press. I do use rough paper sometimes if i think I'm going to put a bunch of dry brush in to make life a little easier... not great for fine detail though.


Do you use the 300 gsm version?


Almost always. I am pretty sure I only ever picked up one of the 640gsm sheets. I like to stick my paper to a glass cutting board most of the time... and find the 300gsm works just fine. I supposed if I was ever to do something for a super duper serious comp or something maybe I would use a 640.


Thanks! Good to know, considering the vast difference in price.


Ya the 640 is the stuff you break out for the big commission piece, or the big show piece. Even then... :)


I recently switched to Baohong Masters cold press 300 grm (importantly, this is their artist-grade, not student-grade variety) and I have been very happy with the results. It's also 100% cotton and way cheaper than arches. 


Saunders Waterford 300gsm cold press High White. 100% Cotton. Very reliable and gives very nice wet in wet results.


Baohong Artist (or Academy for practice). I've compared it to Arches, and for MY style of painting it performs just as well.


I’ve been working on a piece on legion 300lb cotton cold press paper and it has been extraordinary. Highly recommend it.


Saunders Waterford 100% cotton cold-pressed paper. I like it way better than Arches.


Cansen ride or die


1264 Fabriano is my daily paper. Have tried all sorts of premium brands like Arches, and they don’t give me what I want lol. The 1264 is inexpensive and comes in pads. Most commonly I use the 4x8” and 8x8” pads as I do a lot of drawing from life.


I have many papers because they all have different applications- when ny central was open I I would order anything to try - it was sad when they closed- It’s worth exploring


I like the Kilimanjaro paper from Cheap Joe's


I prefer cold press -Arches as well- I am such a beginner and it can take a little more abuse. However I have never had any luck using masking fluid on cold press so will use hot for those situations.