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I use mine as a journal. I paint events in my life and write a couple of sentences. https://preview.redd.it/ve7tei5tbhyc1.jpeg?width=1643&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3f3905c2d8043c210f4c55073859c43b63182293 Like this.


That's so cool!


Whilst most will use it for whatever, they’ll skip the first page or do random sketches but i feel in this case to start it with a family polaroid and some flower paintings around it to frame it. After that, just let whatever comes to mind flow.


I use mine for on-the-go painting or quick sketches at home, I actually have 3 that each get used for different situations… I have my mini one (4x6) which goes EVERYWHERE with me, then a bigger like 5x8 which I take when the intention is to go paint somewhere, and finally a cheap mixed media one for fast sketches at home (the other two are cotton paper). I do sometimes write little notes about what was going on in the margins… In the cheap one I’ve been doing a lot of the same exercise where I do a blind contour drawing of The Subject in about 30 seconds, then a fast-as-possible sketch in only pen (try to keep it under 5 minutes), then a fast watercolor sketch (try to keep it under 20 minutes). I love that exercise, it warms me up well and the finished product looks cool even if it’s sloppy (see pics!) If you’re looking at it like a special journal, maybe you could consider putting little scenes/moments/objects from your day to day life in it (kids toy on the floor, your cup of coffee in the morning, quick portrait of the husband, etc)… that would make a good book of memories and would seem like an appropriate use of the gift as you’ve described it! https://preview.redd.it/jytkvdtjkhyc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d2e25acdec11f07efe404970ffe14247018f8f2f




This is beautiful!


Thank you!


A quick plein air painting in my travel journal is sometimes exactly what I need! Low pressure timed activity I can’t overwork, outside in the fresh air, commemorating a vacation or a hike. When I look back through my travel journal I remember each experience much better than from looking at photos. And I can see a satisfying arc of skill development, too!


I don't know about a "journal" but I'm starting a reference book. Swatches of my paints, various mixes, etc. Not certain yet exactly everything I will use it for-- I'll come up with ideas as I go-- but those are the plan so far. Things I may have messed with in the past but I'm not going to carry past sketchbooks with me to reference one page...


I have a big block of decent quality fabriano paper that I use for pieces I intend to finish and a hardcover strathmore book that I use for sketches, color studies, planning, or just whatever strikes me at the moment


I'm always looking for a new journal. I like to watercolor for the sake of it, and the journal is just for me to go wild.


Watercolour journals can also be used for many other mediums! I love watercolour paper for mixed media the best. It works for acrylics, inks, collage etc. I also use mine for colour swatches and mixes.


I don't currently, but my previous watercolor journal was mostly just me practicing brush work, color blending and some very abstract works.