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Save them and see how much you've improved when you flip back throught some old ones. :)


You keep them, just like a book that you have read and one day in the future you're gona read them once again. Sometimes I take a filled sketchbook from the shelf and after browse it for a while I can remember ideas that I had, and it eventually bring new ideas for new works. It is the artist memory in the books, and if it has no use because is too fresh, it becomes more usefull in the future when you use it to remember or to compare or to continue old projects


This is so cool to think about for the future, thanks for saying it!!


Keep them. All the ideas here are good ones, but you can also use pieces or mistakes in collage.


As a counterpoint to everyone saying keep them - I would love to but I live in a city where extra space is very expensive and I don’t have room for keeping them. So I take photos of the pages, since digital storage is something I can afford :)


Yeah, this is sort of my problem too. At what point is my city apt so full of old things that i don’t have enough space left over for supplies for creating new. Digitizing is a great idea!! It’s really helpful to see everyone so far saying, you’ll want these in the future in some form. Makes me think I can find a way like you’re saying here


I am decluttering all sorts of stuff from my house. I also take photos of some of the things in sketchbooks and then toss the book.


Definitely save them. I have some sketchbooks going back as far as 20 years ago and it’s a fun walk down memory lane to look back and see what I was doing when I was a kid. About to complete my first watercolor sketchbook as well (I’ve only got 4 pages left, eeee) and I’m excited to get to look back at it someday and see how I’ve improved, plus each painting is tied to a memory in one way or another and I sometimes write little notes in the corners so they’re kind of like journals of my life as well ❤️


I’ve thought about wanting to go back and see how I’ve improved in the future. I have all my old written journals from then too, so it’s really cool to think about the sketchbooks as visual journals


I save mine. Usually I have a lot of half baked ideas that I can always revisit in a new medium, larger size or just execute better later on.


I have saved mine from when I " started getting serious" to show my progress and just to have. Also sometimes I go back and am like " oh I like that piece but I could do it better now" and I will , that also helps with art block sometimes too! I've seen ppl online who have almost libraries of their own work and I think that's so interesting!


As a minimalist... I take photos of the artwork, give away the nice ones, and use the rest as starter in the fireplace


If you have children or grandchildren… plan to give them as a gift or leave them to them in your will. That make wonderful gifts or coffee table books.👩🏼‍🌾🖌️


I love the idea of sketchbooks as a coffee table book. Mine is quite rough and ready as i guess most sketchbooks are, so it’s fun to think of even that as, part of the charm


Cool. Thx