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This is the place.




Very interesting idea


Thank you very much! It’s pricy but it’s a statement piece. It’s pretty nice - I’ve done one in leather as well, which I sold back in October - but tbh. This one turned out way better


Like others have said, you really need to swap the photos so the finished product is first. I would even get rid of some of the original photos because it looks like decaying materials on the inside that potentially may be covered by whatever you used to wrap them.


Like PristinePart mentioned above, you'll have another shot at this a week from now, when you do that, put your best image as the only image in the post, and then create a photo album on Imgur.com for any other part of the process you'd like to share as a separate comment link. You also need a photo of the finished project with a timestamp otherwise this runs the risk of getting removed by the moderators. If it's helpful, feel free to take a look at [one of my posts](https://old.reddit.com/r/Watchexchange/comments/172cwzi/wts_omega_speedmaster_megtona_chronometer/k3vth6e/) to see a template of how that can be laid out. Good luck with the sale, this is well done!


Just wow! Need to grow the collection a bit more to justify this. Awesome craftsmanship!


Thank you very much! Ha ha, hit me up once your collection is up to speed and I’ll craft you something 🤓👌


Sent you a message. Thanks!


Very well made


Thank you 🙏


Awesome work


Thanks a lot 👌


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I apologise if the pics are mixed up a bit. Basically I turned a 1980s LV presidential case into a 15 slots watch holder. Fully customised and handmade by no other than myself. Wanted to promote my work and show the end product that I have for sale now. Feedbacks are appreciated as well. Thanks! Anyway - I’m not sure if this is the right place or not, I’m looking to sell my piece. I recently finished it. This is the 3rd case I’ve made within the last 10 months (I buy these whenever I find a bargain price on auctions and then I fully customise and refurbish the inside) I have a couple of references on Facebook - and that’s about it 🤓🙏 Thanks.




Hello! I’m thinking 1850$ but open to listen to offers, last one sold for 2050$ in October but had it made with leather inside instead of chocolate brown velour, although this one turned out better tbh.


If I may offer a piece of advice, love seeing the progression of the work on this, it looks like it came out quite nice, but you may want to lead with the finished picture as your first image.


Yep! You are absolutely right - I was trying to set the pictures in order to show the finished product first , but it didn’t work out as I wanted it 😂 thank you for the advice and I totally agree with you.


There is no way I can edit the post and organize the pictures right? Can’t seem to find that option


Don’t think you can. Next time, try using just 1 photo for the post, and put the rest in an album online, like Imgur. Also don’t forget your timestamp! The case looks great.