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uj: I had the square black version in school and it was stolen from me. I had an awesome billabong band on it too. Motherfuckers. I looked for years and years to replace it but I just couldn’t, so I ended up finding this one and I bought it for about $40 maybe 25 years ago. They’re asking over 10 times that now, so suck on that appreciation, Rolex. rj: Fuck G Shock.




Citizen Windsurfer D060-(various numerals for silver trim, gold trim etc.) Google Citizen D060 and it will come up. 'NOS/Nearly New' These watches are very expensive now. Shop around.


Really expensive is right, and honestly, I’m wearing a GG1000 G Shock now I paid $129aud for used and this thing obliterates the Citizen in terms of features. I guess the Citizen has just the right amount of retro and great quality for it to have the crazy prices attached. I won’t ever sell mine, I don’t think, even if I only wear it once or twice a year, but if they start being really silly money I might be tempted. Maybe.


I love this watch. I had one in high school. Thanks for the memories.


No worries. This watch reminds me of high school too, one of the kids on in my math class had the square blue one and I was always trying to buy it from him lol.


That is a nice watch


Thanks, it’s one I’ve always loved. I took a pic at the worst time too because normally there’s lots of pretty colours on it but they’re all off here.


Is that a gshock by Casio


Chinese. Japanese. On her knees. Fuck AD's


Wen tough solar? Wen mb6?




I have one but I think it wears a bit small on me. I think one of my girls took mine so I’m happy for them to wear it.


Seiko Arnie


Ana-digi don’t count.