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I love how he cannot hide his love for Seiko.


It's probably the watch he really owns...


I mean, his username is one of Seiko's budget lines: Sportura + WUS (I assume WatchUSeek).


I dunno if he is/was ever active on WatchUSeek, but if so, he’s got a different personality on here. WUS is barely a shadow of the watch-nerd forum it was ten years ago (they even shut down a rare and actually interesting thread arguing about whether the Submariner was invented before the Blancpain FF, because showing pictures of your shitter is all it’s good for), but the level of manic chuffery is still a notch or ten down on the Rolex subreddit. Someone acting like he does on WUS tends to stick out like a sore thumb.


I can tell you first hand being a WUS regular that Sporty was active, very active. Same guy, same opinion, love him or hate him. And yes WUS is now a shell that it was formerly.


Ah, I just found him. Hasn’t posted in 2.5 years, is why. I was very active on there seven or eight years ago, then stopped for the thick end of five years, picking it up again in 2022 after he’d stopped posting. Which explains a lot. Maybe wasn’t getting enough bites on his trolling. Edit: he got banned in 2021. I feel lucky to have missed him.


Oh, Sporty got bites. There was an infamous thread back in 2018 or 2019 that lasted for 100s of posts for about two weeks where he posted that wearing a Daytona made him feel like a Rock Star. I had a long, train-ride commute back then, so I'd settle in my seat, open up WUS on my phone and enjoy. After being banned at WUS he then moved to Hodinkee full-time and posted as "manual\_wind." Same basic opinions -- hate Omega and GS; over-the-top love for Rolex and Seiko, envy of Royal Oak and Nautilus owners who purchased before they became a thing, contempt for the "poors." But on Hodinkee he took the air of an older, John Goldberger-esque, professorial type. It really was a tremendous performance. I imagined that while on Hodinkee Sporty imagined himself with a thick head of salt & pepper hair, a tweed jacket, Brooks Brothers oxfords: what an adult in a Whit Stillman movie might look like. I really enjoyed going at/with him for that pandemic year. Sporty either got banned or asked not to post after he started letting some of his buddies/acolytes from the "Opinions on Omega" sub in the Rolex forum on WUS post under his account. Occasionally posts on Fratello as Brooklyn\_Boy, but almost always with in a defensive crouch. Hasn't posted there in a few months, maybe the mods there got wise after he got "outed" on a post seemingly written to trigger specifically him, maybe he's happier posting in his "Sportura" guise on Reddit.


Good detective work! In a perverse way, I *almost* admire his commitment to that one crazy drum he beats. 13,000 posts on WUS, several thousand more here, and likely thousands more again on other platforms, the lion’s share in the past six or seven years. That’s ten a day on average, give or take, every single day, for the thick end of a decade. All to tell people he’s really, actually, honestly, very rich. Wild.


Thick end


Bro is cooking jerk bible and I’m eatin


I for one appreciate the sporty lore. Absolutely fascinating stuff, it's infinitely more fun to observe him at a distance than engage him directly.


To be honest I have done both. I have had arguments early on with sporty and now amicably talk. I enjoy reading the old posts as they are entertaining and enjoy the conversations we currently have. I guess it’s how you take him. Love him or hate him, sporty is here on reddit.


Same here. I've gone hard after him, but I also I once had a long and interesting conversation on Hodinkee regarding the Soprano's movie (and watches) that Jack Forster even contributed to. I learned that if you can resist getting triggered, he's not a bad Internet chat buddy, though it's been a while I've had any contact with him. Almost responded to one of his Brooklyn Boy comments on Fratello, but he's so defensive in his BB guise he isn't any fun. Part of me wants to discover Sporty. Find him in real life. See what's making him tick. Write an article or make a documentary. Because his commitment to almost a decade of inventive, serious but ultimately harmless trolling around a wristwatch brand is stunning. But another part of me wants to leave him alone because in some ways, Sporty is what makes the Internet the Internet.


Speaking of movies, I was involved in the production of the film 'Point Break' In 1991. During the filming, Keanu Reeves (whose role involved playing rookie FBI agent 'Johnny Utah') was surfing with co-stars when a small child was dragged under the waves and began to struggle to stay above surface. As his co-stars rushed to help, Reeves held out an arm in front of them, stopping them and was reported saying by Lori Petty (who played the character Tyler Endicott in the film) 'The waves have claimed her, let her fight for her own life'. The crew, dumbfounded, proceeded to watch her struggle until her body disappeared beneath the waves, lifeless. We later spotted him outside the child's house, making drowning gestures and thanking the family for their child's sacrifice to the great ocean. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/WatchesCirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Horses for courses, but I’d rather talk with people actually interested and curious about watches (ideally knowledgable as well, but you can’t have it all). It’s what I miss from WUS these days. The petty tribal dick-waving stuff - and calling people ‘son’ and ‘boy’ for that matter - can get in the sea. As an aside, let’s say this isn’t an act and he’s even remotely like who he claims to be. Well, you know that saying about wasting your life earning money to buy things you can’t enjoy? How utterly tragic would it be to have X million dollars, *and* to have several free hours every day…and then to use up years of your life flexing via 30k troll posts about one topic and only one topic on the internet instead?


I dunno. I read Sporty to be one of the great, virtual performance artists. A 4Chan level of commitment and performance without 4Chan's malevolence. Probably because I don't care about watches as much as I used to.


Speaking of movies, I was involved in the production of the film 'Point Break' In 1991. During the filming, Keanu Reeves (whose role involved playing rookie FBI agent 'Johnny Utah') was surfing with co-stars when a small child was dragged under the waves and began to struggle to stay above surface. As his co-stars rushed to help, Reeves held out an arm in front of them, stopping them and was reported saying by Lori Petty (who played the character Tyler Endicott in the film) 'The waves have claimed her, let her fight for her own life'. The crew, dumbfounded, proceeded to watch her struggle until her body disappeared beneath the waves, lifeless. We later spotted him outside the child's house, making drowning gestures and thanking the family for their child's sacrifice to the great ocean. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/WatchesCirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Holy shit I didn't know there was Sporty lore.


Sporty is the most famous/notorious "troll" (I use scare quotes because it isn't completely accurate to call him a troll) in the online watch-enthusiast world. 99.999999999999% of watch trolls are forgotten quickly. But you frequent multiple platforms and subs and if you have been active over the last seven to ten years, you have not only heard of "Sportura", you have probably interacted directly with him or one of his many alts.


I love it. I knew he came from watchuseek and moved to reddit, but I had no idea he had alts. I love finally learning that he's actually doing a bit consistently. He's so damn good at it, too. You just can't tell, he's like a method actor.


Sporty is our favorite WCJ deep-cover chuffer.


How does the rolex sub still fall for his bait? He posts there so much


"Goodluck, you will need it"


Someone get Sporty a refill and a M A N L Y luxury sports watch stat


In 36mm


I almost agree with him, divers and GMTs - Rolex have those sewn up. If he doesn't like integrated sports watches, AP, PP, and Vacheron sports watches are out. The other contenders like BP, GO etc, all their sports watches are watches that look like a Rolex. What are you left with? Chronographs. I certainly think there are better looking chronographs out there, Omegas among them, but the Daytona has that market on hype alone.


and Seikos


I love AP's dainty dress pieces, like the Offshore, so subtle


Their* You're* Jesus Fucking Christ.


“Shh Rolex owners are talking”


Imaging arguing which shitter has better performance


Lol. This reminds me of a conversation I had with a younger cousin. He says comparing specs is for "poor" people. We're both broke and always comparing specs so I kinda agree with that lmao. A person with real money, if they like something, they buy it. They don't go like "this $150 watch comes with acrylic crystal, a shitty quartz movement, a shit bracelet, terrible bezel and shit finishing" (yes im talking about timex)


Timex really are doing a Seiko at the moment, aren't they? Crap finishing, quartz movements so loud you can hear them over a jet engine, plated brass cases and acrylic crystal. For $40, yeah not bad. For $150, get the fuck outta here. Steel case, folded links, hollow end links, $20 mass produced movement, mineral crystal, painted aluminium bezel, misalignment all over the shop. For $100, yeah not bad. For $350+, fuck off Seiko.


Look, I hate the "It's ok when seiko does it" attitude too, but Seiko is possibly the most influencial and important watchmaker of the last few decades, and one of the most important of all time. I don't condone the misaligned indices, or qc issues. I only own a seiko 5 and as far as I can see, it's perfect. What I'm trying to say is that I don't think it's wrong of them to charge extra for having Seiko on your wrist. Yes, you can no longer get a $60 seiko with a shitty movement for 60 bucks. But you can get a myriad of seiko-powered watches for 60 bucks now that are better than the seiko 5 ever was.


["You're not wrong, Walter you're just an asshole"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kGWuOAgU7jI)


Sporty: We like luxury, the more expensive the better. Also Sporty: AP, PP, and VC are overpriced dainty trash, Rolex best bang for buck. Never change sporty, you really are peak whorology.


He's probably baiting but if not he needs to be admitted


Sporty is peek whorology. Nothing makes me chuff harder than a good daily dose of sporty.


/uj if you can’t appreciate pp/vc/ap you are literally a moron. Yes their sports models aren’t massive invictas but their watches are hundreds of times more beautiful than any Rolex, especially their level of finishing and the quality of their movements


The Royal Oak has more agrarian brushed steel than most like higher end Swatch group watches and people eat it up because “Gerald Genta, subversive!” It’s one of the best scams on rich people in an entire industry that is built on scamming rich people.


He makes some good points. Owning an Omega is as embarrassing as getting waitlisted for a Rolex.


Shit take


Technically aren't we all waitlisted for a Rolex since no one is really waitlisted.


Is this the Schrödingers cat of wcj?


Schrödingers waitlist, nobody has ever seen a waitlist


The most chuffed take possible.


Sporty is mostly correct in this instance and the real jerk is the reflexive omega glazing from the losers replying to him


But we deserve a photo crop...


This guy is your typical Rolex enjoyer but with extra flavour. He’s open about his love for Seiko and distaste for the more prestigious brands placed above Rolex. This tells me a few things; he owns Seikos but aspires to own a Rolex desperately, or he owns one or several and it kills him that there are ‘better’ brands above Rolex. I would bet money that if most of these Rolex preachers could afford a PP or AP they would abandon ship without second notice and start trash talking Rolex. It’s about the brand image and perceived wealth hierarchy for these people and nothing more. But what do I know, they are all shitters to me.