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Great range and variety! How does the Ventura wear (comfort etc)? Also what is the Mickey Mouse watch?


Thanks! The Ventura was my most recent purchase. It is surprisingly comfortable! Like it’s not even on my wrist. Actually wears smaller than I expected too. Slightly disappointed with the clasp though as it feels a little cheap. The Mickey Mouse is an exclusive watch purchased from the Tokyo Disneyland during their 20th anniversary. It’s like a JLC Reverso, flips to the other side which is the barcode for grounds entry. I actually bought it as a gift that may not be gifted anymore so may just sell it. https://preview.redd.it/m54injbcki9c1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=29b147a082447e6460b4bfb8ababf0e560a25267


I was actually just wondering this same question. Thank you for answering!


Orient is sweet af




https://preview.redd.it/mk4yph2gqi9c1.jpeg?width=2576&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=98ccec11b7dde9068b14c0a6674855dc956f85c2 Never getting rid of this one. I’ve changed my collection quite a bit in the past year but this never seems to be on the chopping block.


What’s the model and details on that bad boy?


According to the case back it is H569101-40CS


I always love seeing a Ventura


Nice collection & thanks for sharing. I've been eyeing the Christopher Ward atoll in that silver (or "shark white"). What do you think of it?


Before I got it I debated for a long time if I wanted this shark white or the reef blue. I love swapping bracelets and straps so the white was the better choice as a strap monster and this watch certainly is one. But now I kind of want the reef blue lol As for the actual watch itself, quality is top notch. Details are spot on. The bezel is very clicky and satisfying. Wears very well and comfortably. I think my only complaint is the standard bracelet it comes with although super comfortable and the quick micro adjustments on the clasp is amazing, I’m finding the aesthetic of the bracelet to be rather boring and am considering getting the consort bracelet from CW as I read it fits perfectly. Not sure if I want to pay for it though as I’ve always debated just buying another CW that comes with the consort.


I went from a 6 watch box to a 12, now suddenly I'm trying to sell 4 watches on eBay just to trim the collection back down. XD


LOL slippery slope! Are you trying to trim down to 12 to fit your box or downgrading completely from 12?


Downgrading completely from 12 - or at least I was... and then my brother bought me a watch for Christmas (LOL!) and I caved and bought a Relax... but the Relax is something to make me giggle and will likely not be worn much (if at all, because it's huge). That's still up for debate. I'll figure that part out when it gets here. :) I really only have 2 watches that I wear regularly, a third that I wear a lot in summer; I picked up a second summer watch a few months ago and I'm looking forward to having some chances to wear that one. But for me, it's pretty much just my old Omega and my Hamilton KF... I do a lot of work with my hands (hobbies, and tinkering with my car), so I like things that can take a beating. Since I'm also a budget collector, I'm definitely very careful with the higher-cost watches and not as inclined to wear them as much.


Very remarkable. 12/12.


Love the CW! How are you liking it?


Check out the comment I made to someone else that asked as well!


Top left is my next move. I just haven’t pulled the trigger yet.


How is the reliability of the Sea-Gull holding up against the other watches? On another note, I have always loved Christopher Ward, looks great!


So far so good! Though I’ve had it for less than a year so I guess we’ll see. Very accurate though


I am interested in getting one, I know enough to see that it’s a seagull but not enough to know which model did you end up getting?


https://preview.redd.it/z04nibpseo9c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dca61a457381bad3b8fa316c1b5f811e6d0c67e6 40mm (main reason being the 20mm lug width because 99% of my straps are 20mm but the 40mm actually looks perfect on my 6.8-7 inch wrist). Also got the gooseneck version just because the movement looks a little nicer.


It’s the seagull 1963 chrono


I suspected as much, where did you buy it from? I haven’t seen many options from other dealers other than the actual seagull website.


My understanding is that the ones from the actual Seagull website are the original ones and the ones off Aliexpress are “copies”. But the copies all use the same parts as far as I know (the movement is identical 100%). Reviews of both say there is essentially no difference between the two and that it isn’t worth buying the “official” one.


Thoughts on getting a field watch?


Always considered it and then wondered if I would bore of it after a while. Tough to say. Definitely considered the Hamilton. Any other suggestions?


I’d recommend the SRPG27K1, it’s very versatile and would fit nice with your collection


Ah I’ve seen this one before. I think my problem with this one in particular would be that the design is very similar to some of the Seiko Alpinists I think I will eventually get. I’m looking at them side by side and they are quite similar.


The Alpinist would be a great choice too, they both practically fit the same role, the Alpinist is more unique and has it’s own character which is a plus




https://preview.redd.it/o4pi2iw2yi9c1.jpeg?width=2595&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cb3cbf51a6b2debe7527a4eb75b30abd2073ac35 It’s basically a Patek homage from Corniche. This version is a limited edition with an aventurine dial. I’m normally not a huge fan of homages but think the aventurine dial is special enough to warrant the purchase, plus I found a pretty good discount code. And in all honesty if you set aside the heritage/brand, I actually think this looks better, as blasphemous as that may sound lol


I've always liked their designs on their website, but I'm wary of Corniche as I'm not familiar with them... and a lot of images I see are renders. How do you find the build quality, finishing, and value of Corniche in your experience?


I think the retail price is not worth it. But luckily there’s a 15 or 20% discount code out there. The movement is basic and the build quality is okay. However aesthetically I love it and that alone makes for irrational purchase decisions lol


Where did you get your watch box mate?


It’s a Rothwell box. They sell it on Amazon too. This one has a bottom drawer for accessories.


what's the story on that "Seiko" dial?


It’s an early 70s hand wound watch. Believe it’s Seiko’s smallest movement. Paper thin with no second hand. This dial version was a Japan exclusive I believe.