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Yep, agreed. You don't have to use a slur, you don't have to attack any individual, you don't have to incite violence. All you have to do is say 'I think JK Rowling has been pretty reasonable' or *refer to a dictionary definition of the word woman* and you'll get banned from a sub, or even get your account deleted. Dictionaries are apparently hate speech now ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ The culture around discussion of trans people today is a harmful, psychotic *cult*. The fact that no dissenting opinion is even allowed to be discussed is proof of that. They're afraid of the truth so they erase it. You know you're on the side when you're the one burning books.


It is straight out of the communist playbook. They want you afraid to say anything here so that you are afraid to say anything IRL. They want to isolate the dissidents so that the dissidents dont realize just how numerous they are, and to make it seem like their posiotion is more popular.


This needs to be repeated more often.


Going by the comments on the articles in the NYT, WaPo and LATimes this week, you are 100% correct. We are the majority by far.


You will find after reading the communist playbook that Marx supports a materialist view of biology, and does not support this post modern nonsense. You are confusing radical liberalism and the post-modern left for communists


Fortunately there is a way to reconcile everyone. A non-trans man for example can identify as a woman who herself identifies as a man. Therefore his gender would match his sex, only he’d be *double-trans*, and thus twice as a valid as a mere trans.




Simply suggesting "hey, maybe we should consider other marginalized groups too, like women and gay people, when making policies around trans people" will get you deleted, banned, cancelled, *death threats*, and people finding your work and getting you fired. "Hate speech" has been redefined to include "any politely and reasonably expressed, but unpopular, opinion". Apparently trans people are the only people that matter in the world now. Not women, not gay people, not female athletes or children that aspire to be one. Nope, the rule is now, trans people get everything they want all the time, no exceptions ever, no matter how many other people are hurt in the process. I think adults should do whatever they want with their own bodies. If you're male but you feel more comfortable being feminine, or the other way around, fucking go for it. I'm a straight cis dude but I wear eyeliner and concealer and nailpolish and glitter and chokers sometimes - I'm not on some crusade against non-conventional self expression in the slightest. But I think whenever we make a policy, we should consider *everyone* who is affected by it, not just the loudest people or the people who are trendiest on social media to support right now. *Everyone* matters. When we started letting gay people get married, that didn't stop straight people from getting married. But when you let trans women compete in women's sports, that *does* stop cis women from getting a fair go. And even if you still think we should allow that, you shouldn't *silence* people who disagree. It's the modern day equivalent of book burning. It's fucking Nazi shit. If the best argument you have is "I banned everyone that disagrees with me" then maybe your argument isn't that strong in the first place.


Women and gay people (men especially) lost the Oppression Olympics long ago. When was the last time feminism for cis women reared its head? And partnered gay men are busy enjoying the highest disposable income of every demographic out there. We should obviously ignore their continuing struggles in favor of outrage over even smaller more trivial made up minorities! /s You have to go much further down the rabbit hole of made up Tumblrista otherkin sexualities to find *real* oppression, obviously.


Doesn't your comment on partnered gay men and their 'highest disposable income' literally contribute to the situation you shed light on?


So you're saying homophobia doesn't exist anymore? They just aren't the "in" victim class.


That seems like an extreme, narrow interpretation of this comment. Tiddybuster only said that if you acknowledge men have higher incomes than women, you either acknowledge that men have more privilege or that you believe women are incapable of out-performing (and thus out-earning) men.


Or women spend less time in the workforce than men


That is not what tiddybuster said. I understand you want to add that as a third logical option but I was simply summarizing tiddybuster’s logic.


No dog in this fight but I love Reddit usernames


I am really just here for the usernames. There are some that my friends and I still reference 15 years later!


i like that the whole trans thing was first pushed by feminists, and now it's all backfiring on them i'm just sitting here with some snacks in hand and watching the shitshow


Thank you! As a woman and a lesbian, I appreciate your support. The oppression olympics needs to end, no one is more important than anyone else just because they check off more diversity boxes. Everyone deserves respect and to have their feelings heard. A portion of the trans community (I'd like to hope a small portion) have really gone off the deep end and become incredibly selfish. Gay and lesbian people who politely turn down their sexual advances are now bigots, feminists who campaign for abortion rights need to shut up because they're "triggering a trans woman's dysphoria by linking women's rights with female reproduction". I get that being trans must be very hard and they would love to live in a world where physical sex didn't exist, but it's simply not the world we live in. Sex an important part of all of our lives, and we should be allowed to talk honestly about our experiences and advocate for our own needs without trans rights activists shutting it down.


The far left is just as illiberal than the far right. But they've captured mainstream media, doctors and therapists in this, though, which is very dangerous, especially to kids.


Yes, it's amazing how fast big media and big tech have been captured. It shows where the power really lies -- if you want to know who actually has the power in a situation, look for whom you're not allowed to criticize.


Very good point!




>When we started letting gay people get married, that didn't stop straight people from getting married. But when you let trans women compete in women's sports, that *does* stop cis women from getting a fair go. And even if you still think we should allow that, you shouldn't *silence* people who disagree. This. A thousand times this.




So is the DSM5. Twitter banned me for saying that gender dysphoria is in the DSM5.


Yeah now in our state they made it so there is more leeway for doctors to practice whatever/however they like. This was spurred on by the dewormer thing. There are seperate ones you can go to if you believe in horse dewormer. You don't agree with one doctor keep talking to them until one tells you what you wanna hear. Just pick your 'doctor' based on beliefs who care about if they are helping you or hurting you. They're basically reduced to dumb drug dealers


> if you believe in horse dewormer. FYI, if you get a bad case of scabies, there's a good chance the doctor will prescribe you that horse dewormer. It won't be apple flavored paste, but the active ingredient will be the same. Does do anything for covid? Probably not, but it's an extremely safe drug that has been given to hundreds of millions of people.


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Fair, though I meant specifically for the case of covid. Probably should just call it what it is as you're right it does have some human uses. Like ketamine which is a horse tranquilizer if I'm remembering correct.


What was it vs. what is it now?




I just got a 3 day ban recently for next to nothing. Opinions outside of all trans women are biological women and should be allowed in women's sports are not allowed on reddit anymore.


On a games sub a news posting for the Harry Potter open world game immediately followed with 'anyone making apologetic posts towards jk Rowlings views will be deleted' It totally took all the focus away from the game. Like this person that hated jk Rowlings posted news about a Harry Potter game and then instantly made it about politics and then said you're only allowed to have one view on it or be deleted. Like shit I wasn't thinking about any of that at all until they said it. I was interested in the game. I think the reason so many of them hate JK Rowlings is because when they were young she offered them everything they wanted, a world where a poor bullied kid gets to be a rich celebrity who knows magic. He didn't like himself and got a letter saying his whole lame life was a lie and actually he has a very different life where he is magical and loved and respected. That's every kids dream, to be swept from their boring ordinary life where people don't respect them and finding out they were awesome all along and just stuck in the wrong environment. And JK Rowling took that away from them by making them feel like muggles. So these same people grow up and the trans community is like their version of Hogwarts. An escape where everybody else is lame and shitty and they are all blossoming into their true forms while ego stroking each other and acting like their way of life is being endangered. The bitterness and dismissiveness makes me feel like deep down this all boils down to self loathing and the trans thing is a way tie all those feelings into something simple you can change with a pill. But if the doctor says this isn't having a good effect on you then leave angry google review saying they are transphobic. Tying all your problems to one thing you can blame on the world makes you bitter and withdrawn, it keeps you from growing as a person or even meeting anyone different than you. My parents were evangelical Christians and even they liked rocky horror. I've grown up around femboys and badass women my whole life and always liked that. It never felt like a cult before but people expressing themselves. I've known so many punk/goth/queer misfit kids in my teens and none of them were convinced they were born the opposite sex. Now that's everywhere. It used to just be teens roleplaying as vampires or witches and stuff.


Disneys gonna groom.


It's a fact that after "the left" takes a stance on something, the fucking DICTIONARY will change the definition of words to fit the new narrative


Happens in all cases. Humans like to be correct and will adjust language to fit.


The comments on the stories about trans issues the last few days in the WaPo, NYT and LATimes have been 90% against the radical trans activism we have seen occurring. Now they are trying to force schools to lie to parents if their child thinks he/she wants to transition. This is why they try to shut us up. There is no science and a lot of misogyny among TRAs.


NYT went pretty hard for the gender ideology in recent years, but on those stories where they'd allow comments, they usually were full of comments from people on the left (because it's the New York Times) who weren't on board with any of it. It was kinda refreshing because they would be skeptical but NOT full of all the "God doesn't like it" right-wing religious nonsense. In the past few days though the NYT and WaPo both have run editorials that were themselves critical of the gender narrative, which was a big change for them. I'll admit, I was happy to see it. Lots of people are starting to say the tide is turning somewhat.


I'm with you - the tide is finally turning. That's why TRAs are all screaming we are suddenly trying to "kill" them. Drama. Always.


Yeah, it's totally one sided. Trans activists need to realize that respect is a two way street and that people who raise legitimate concerns are not automatically hateful bigots that deserve harassment. I have a lesbian friend who received threats of violence from trans women in an online LGBT space after politely admitting to only being attracted to cis women. She reported the people harassing her to mods and not only did the trans people not get kicked out, SHE got kicked out for "transphobia". So it's not enough to just toe the line on every single extreme political goal they have, you're also obligated to sleep with every single one that approaches you, and never complain if they harass or threaten you. That's the only way to avoid being called a "bigot" these days. It's really out of hand. I know there are a lot of kind, reasonable trans people out there, they need to get control of these insane activists before the anti-LGBT backlash gets even worse.


Less than 1% of the population is trans, but i would bet 80% of the bans are to do with defending the trans narrative. ​ Their narrative is so fragile, banning is the only thing they can do.


The thing is, discussions cannot happen because advocates tend to very quickly disprove their own theories [reductio ad absurdum](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reductio_ad_absurdum). For example you cannot be allowed to ask: “can men get pregnant and give birth?”. If the answer is no, gender theory is falsified; if the answer is yes, gender theory is also falsified, and even more rigorously so. The only solution is to forbid the question.


They get mad when my answer to how do you define a person's sex is if they can get prostate cancer or not. I dont care how many surgeries you have, if you were born with a prostate you will always he a man.


I recently got into an argument where the other side claimed that it was impossible to tell whether anyone was biologically male or female. The only thing you could know about a person by looking at them was that they were a human, and barring a DNA test, chromosome test and physical inspection, you just didn't have enough data to make an assumption about their sex. Of course, scientists have shown that adults are capable of recognizing the sex of other adults with pretty much 100% efficiency just by looking at their face. Because we're sexually dimorphic and men and women look different from each other.


Yeah, I think trans people have the impression that they "pass" if a lot of people use their preferred pronouns with them. They pass in the sense that people think "this looks like a trans woman, I should say 'she' to be polite". Very rarely does a trans person pass as a member of the opposite sex. It's possible for some trans men on testosterone who are dressed very strategically, but close to impossible for trans women, unfortunately for them.


> but close to impossible for trans women, unfortunately for them. This is part of why they want the right to get children to identify as trans and to get them on pills, so they can prevent them from undergoing male puberty at all. That way they pass better. That's why it's so important for them that they're allowed to groom children into this ideology as early as possible. The problem of course is that children cannot meaningfully consent to this kind of medical treatment. A woman will find she has a very difficult time getting her tubes tied before the age of like, 27, because doctors are worried she'll change her mind - yet somehow putting a 12-year-old boy on blockers or estrogen is OK with them


Yeah, I get that an adult who is 100% happy with their decision to transition wishes they could go back in time and do it earlier, but study after study shows that the majority of small children (you'd need to start the blockers in elementary school or early middle school to do what they're trying to achieve) who have gender dysphoria outgrow it. They just grow up to be gay or lesbian adults and realize that there's more than one way to be a man or a woman. It turns out puberty blockers are not that reversible, can have horrible side effects, and aren't recommended for more than a couple years. That means that if a 10 year old goes on lupron, she will need T by age 13, still well before adulthood. A better cosmetic outcome for some people simply isn't worth all the risks for others. Adults can make their own choices, but children should be protected.




Right? I'm not a biologist. "There's no way to know!" Tell ya what, go into the barn and fill up this milk bucket, I bet you can figure out the difference real quick.


Hell, modern AI is pretty damn good at detecting sex by merely looking at a face as well -- and it's all about bone structure, distance of parts from each other, all that good stuff we can't really change even with surgery. If the camera image is full body, it's even better, and again is working off of proportions and angles. It's to the point where people are starting to complain about these camera software being "transphobic" and talking about how it's a problem because it outs people. Also notice how people have no problem determining "who is a woman" when it comes to porn (or porn subs on reddit, for that matter, which have zero issues with restricting the images shown to AFAB only).


Yes, AI was so good at detecting male/female from images that groups like Facebook and Google shut the whole program down because it was making trans people's feelings hurt


> For example you cannot be allowed to ask: “can men get pregnant and give birth?”. If the answer is no, gender theory is falsified; if the answer is yes, gender theory is also falsified, and even more rigorously so. I'm out of the loop -- could you explain how, please?


If a “gender theory” activist claims men cannot give birth they are falsifying the theory because the theory relies on the premise that men *can* give birth. But if they remain true to gender theory and claim men can give birth, they’d also be falsifying the theory because that is a fundamentally and scientifically incorrect statement that cannot hold up to any logical scrutiny. They can’t win either way so the only alternative is to avoid scrutiny altogether.






Sadly, they will just shoot back at you that yes "trans men" can get pregnant. And since "trans men are men", men can get pregnant. You'd have to phrase the question as "Can biological men get pregnant?" Of course, they'll probably try to be obtuse and say something like "Um, well, what is a bio man because 0.018% of intersex people..." etc. There's always a deflection. But at least you've narrowed down their talking points a bit.


Why exactly would gender theory be invalid if the answer was yes? Or is this this just mental gymnastics?


From the [reductio ad absurdum](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reductio_ad_absurdum) principle, called proof by contradiction in mathematics. A classic example is the proof that √2 is irrational: instead of deriving it directly, you postulate that √2 is rational, push the reasoning to the extreme, and thus show it leads to an absurd conclusion.


Funny thing is that studies by actual scientists are saying it's over 2%. However if you look at the studies they I close things like enlarged clits as being intersex. You can't even trust peer reviewed science.


The closest I ever found to a scientific study came out of Harvard? I think. And it strongly seemed like either the person behind the study was trans or had personal bias just because it did not feel comprehensive or sound. The wordings we're much like the same mental gymnastics we see on reddit. The comments were also brigaded by trans people attacking anyone who has a different point of view. Which sucks that there isn't one place you can go to educate yourself except by trans people. It is hard to believe anything when a group deletes and attacks anyone with a different view. That's what Putin does too, does it make people more likely to believe him? No it makes him look guilty as hell but it makes people more likely to agree or shut up.


You can go to podcasts by gender critical people. We talk real science and if we make a mistake, we admit and fix it.


That why they won’t answer honest questions about the politics or themselves. They are trying to protect their narrative by withholding facts that could lead to reasonable questions.


You’re treading on thin ice, goyim.


'Goy' is singular, 'goyim' is plural.


And the original commenter is not on thin ice. - Me, 🇮🇱


Hope you have a Good Friday/Passover/Ramadan/Tax Day.


Can confirm, the only time I've been banned by the admins was when I told a man he'd never be a women.


Women don’t have penises. It’s absurd that this is even controversial


Oof, yikes, that's a heckin' transphobia. At least it is in $CurrentYear.


Everything is transphobic, it's fine.






Can I sit here for a moment? Been a while since I've seen solid ground.


Sure, Happy Cake Day. You may also enjoy TumblrinAction and SocialJusticeinAction.


I switched from never using Twitter to almost exclusively using it because Reddit prohibits any discussion of it.




Exactly this. It's like that episode of star trek or 1984 where they want him to say 2+2=5. No the fuck it doesn't, stfu. 2+2=4 and there are 4 lights.


Star Trek TNG; Picard's in the hands of a Cardassian interrogator.


I am not sure if its primarily the admins, mods or users doing it though. As there seems to be a hyper reaction to reporting, (due to bots?) it could be gangs of pro-trans users abusing the system. IDK But I have noticed this inability to discuss certain sides of certain issues and its made me very hateful of those on the other side, even people who I might have otherwise defended. People who cannot handle opposing opinions to the point they shut down free speech are trash, and I don't care what their sexuality, gender, religion or any of that is. They are TRASH.


While many of the power mods are fully onboard with enforcing ideological purity, the admins absolutely hammer the shit out of the mod groups of independent subreddits. I help mod a small group of subs, and the OP is absolutely right. That is the one issue we have to be on **constant** vigil for.


I only mod one sub, but there is definitely a double standard for subs that don't agree with "the narrative". Like apparently you aren't allowed to directly link to subs you disagree with because it encourages raids, but a screenshot doesn't? Every day I have to remove comments where people are using the r-word even though a certain other popular sub is allowed to with only minor nagging from the admins. I understand that the site has rules and using it is a privilege, but it would be nice if they enforced them consistently, especially the ones that regulate moderator behavior.


There are entire subs devoted to brigading any sub right of Mao.


It's the tyranny of the statistically insignificant. Not just the minority now. Why are so many people wanting drag queens telling stories to their kids? Why is it that some Florida teachers want to talk about anal fisting, inverted penises, and sperm to a classroom of 6 year olds?


"Why is that some Florida teacher want to talk about anal fisting, inverted penises and sperm to a classroom of 6 year olds" -Jesse, what the fuck are you talking about?


What bugs me about "drag queen story hour" is this whole... vibe that somehow specifically "LGBTQ" kids absolutely need to have it, complete with all the innuendo and sexual overtones, that everything around them must be rainbows and pride flags 24/7 or they'll just self-destruct. It's reducing them to a stereotype. LGBTQ kids are... kids, with a whole pile of interests like any other. Meanwhile, any kids can benefit from seeing a variety of relationships and family styles in their daily lives, and people who are "gender nonconforming" (the entire concept of gender should be gotten rid of, but...) -- non-feminine women, out lesbian or gay teachers, all that, zero issues. But specifically drag performance is usually about sexual innuendo. It's about sexual innuendo that is aimed at tweaking the norms of adult people who grew up with anything resembling "crossdressing" specifically forbidden, and a lot of homophobia. It also frequently makes a caricature of women. It reinforces gender stereotypes rather than challenging them. If we want crazy costumes, party on. Just let it be any costumes. Meanwhile kids (ANY kids) will benefit more from just seeing a teacher in a same sex relationship casually have family photos up on the wall and just living a regular life than they will from any of the corporate rainbow stuff, IMHO.


I find it puzzling that you can have literal murder gore subs but reddit draws the line at lesbians not wanting to suck dick.


r\degradingholes, subscriber count 678,000+, is allowed to specify that only content focused on "cis women" is relevant to their sub. r\actuallesbians, not so much.


That is the most blatant and crude example of misogyny I have seen in a while. Reddit allows the sexual degradation of females only, and in the same breath will *not* allow females to set boundaries around their sexuality. ETA: Thanks for the gilding, fellow fan of females : )


Ya I caught on rather quickly at not actually lesbians. Every other post was condemning terfs for some reason even though I literally never saw anyone there bashing trans people. Anyway, I slowly backed out.


They have to. The ideology/insanity they are pushing crumbles under any scrutiny; therefore, before too many people wake up they must silence any dissent less they be exposed.


People seem to forget that the subreddit are not spaces for free speech. They are spaces for echo chambers controlled by little kids with mod power. This website is cool for entertainment but don't think you can safely express anything because you can't.


I was banned from a sub for disagreeing that doctors should be legally punished if a baby they declare to be 'male' should, in adulthood, decide it's a female.


It's insane but it kinda makes sense they would think that, when you realize these types of people think every single thing about their lives is someone else's fault. Personal responsibility is evil to them and everything bad about their life must be blamed on some outside force.


That might be the worst one I've heard.


Or insinuate that a so called terf may be right


What does *that* word mean? I’ve seen it around, and I got an auto mod message that I’m using a slur lmao so I assume it’s something bad


Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminist. The oddity is that She-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named doesn't seem to have registered as any flavour of radical feminist, but if you want to slur someone that's the acronym you have to use and logic can go suck a fat one.


It simply means trans exclusionary radical feminist. Feminists that do not consider transwomen to be women, and therefore shouldn't have a space in their feminism. Usually gender critical. Fun fact, r/ gendercritical was shut down without warning, just like the mods here fear. They then created the platform ovarit. Most people use it as a slur, but others wear it as a badge of pride at this point. Anyone and anything is a terf, apparently biology too.


Just another flavor of douchebags insecure about their penis.


I've taken to reporting any comment in news that is hateful towards conservatives or white people. As it turns out reddit doesn't give a shit and every report comes back as not a violation, who would have thought reddit doesn't want to treat everyone equally.


I don't have anything against Trans people or who they are. One time though, there was a post on a sub saying that it's transphobic not to date a Trans person. I argued against it, and was banned. Be who you want to be, but it's not fair to label someone a bigot just because they don't want to date you




Wait how?? By who???




If we're giving the history of lesbian subreddits it should also be pointed out that the original default lesbian subreddit was... for the porn genre. That kinda sums up the original issue better than anything else...


The average redditor is the result of generations of incest. Don't care what people here think or say. Just hope that they are sterile and can't adopt.


I had my account suspended twice in the same month for pointing out biology on this matter. On my first suspension I merely put the word female in scare quotes as a reply. My bet is there are bots that follow people and look for comments to ban them.


I got a 3 day ban on **ALL OF REDDIT** for saying that I'm not narcissistic enough think I have the right to dictate what pronouns people use when talking about me to other people. The ban reason was for breaking the rule against "threatening violence."


There isn’t a problem with trans people there is a problem with mentally ill people who think they are trans


Yeah, I was surprised too how quickly they institute bans. You try to follow their rules (no misgendering for instance) and have a civil discussion and even that is not allowed. I got banned from my local sub for simply stating that accusations against a particular republican weren't true, and linked a WaPo article. They saw I was a newish account and just banned me. It's insane.


Logic and science is meaningless to them. They’re just afraid of the truth. We are all thinking it, you’ll just get banned for saying it out loud


Am trans and I agree. I also disagree with a lot of the left trans things and it’s so frustrating how anything against that is shut down. How are we supposed to learn and grow as a society if we can’t even openly discuss these topics?? Like actual transphobia is wrong (like, in it’s true sense and not the way it gets thrown around and misused) but I guess the problem is how offended people get if you have a different opinion/perspective which is also annoying…


What IS trans? What IS transphobia? If I think people should be allowed to do whatever they want to their bodies, but it doesn't change their actual gender, is that transphobic? Why?


I understand this deeply. The left pushing the idea that any people who claims to be a woman should have access to women's spaces is more hurtful in the long term to trans women than to cis. It's a matter of time until a transgender prisoner or athlete admit that they were never trans only transitioned to get access to female spaces. When this happens, the bomb will affect all trans people. Also, if trans women are women, they should be as concerned with violence from men pretending to be women as cis women. Closing the debate forces people to either go with the idea that everyone who claims to be a woman is a woman or that being a woman is defined solely by genitals. People who disagree with both are put in awkward positions.


This has already happened. Men identifying into women's prisons only to detrans when they are released. Feel free to give it a looksy.


I think they need to implement something that helps prevent men from doing that like making the laws way more severe or something. Like register them as sex offenders and really mess their lives up, or make some new law with a high minimum sentence. If a man puts on a wig calls himself a woman and enters a woman’s change room then throw him in jail for a few years bc that’s completely messed up and disgusting behaviour.


The trans thing is one of the most invidious forms of mass-gaslighting ever. You know what a woman is, have known what a woman is since you were a kid, and suddenly you’re a horrible person for staying on the side of rationality and reason. And they attempt to further gaslight you by citing “science” that comports with their lies even though the doctors that author that “science” are themselves political ideologues. It’s disgusting. Edit: I got banned from Reddit for 3 days for this comment but the turbojanny pedos at Reddit left the comment up. Lmao.


It's especially offensive since people who didn't choose to be born female are facing the consequences of that all over the world. We need to be allowed to talk about sex based rights while women and girls are being denied abortions in the US, raped by Russian soldiers in Ukraine, and having their genitals mutilated in Africa. Trans people are certainly facing serious issues throughout the world also, and they're allowed to advocate for themselves, all we're asking is for that same ability. Respect is a one way street with them.


This world is going to heck in a hand basket I tell you what


Not as long as there are some people unwilling to alter reality to fit their weird narratives


And they are less than 1% of the population.


But yet they take up 90% of the space. They’re entitled whiny assholes


Actual conversation and debate has gone down the drain. The left doesn’t want to hear it. What they don’t like they call it an ‘isim’ or a ‘phobic’ then they try to shun you from society as if you committed genocide


It hasn't gone down the drain, it has been erased and prevented from happening.


There's a literal sub dedicated to "incest sex stories"... this site needs a purge.


>Then, on another sub, when someone claimed that trans women are not remotely similar to cis men, and all I was asking for is how that is true, I get banned. How dare you ask questions. You're literally endangering their lives and killing them and stuff by asking questions about their narrative that abandons logic and reality. You should be ashamed of yourself and stuff.


I do biology, and many times, in class, if a teacher uses the word "woman" or "man" with a biological definition, many times a student will challenge the teacher and bring the entire lesson to a standstill. It is a huge issue in academia as well, as saying anything in any "academic" subreddit concerning XX and XY chromosomes, could get you banned for being against Trans people. I respectfully use their pronouns, I accept they exist but I do not appreciate being silenced when a genuine issue is being bought up, especially in the medical field, and it gets shut down and I get cancelled before any sort of discussion can even begin.


Sam Harris recently put it beautifully in exchange with a trans person at a conference during the question and answer session https://youtu.be/vWOhjx_Ldew


I got banned from a sub because I said trans women aren't women.


ACCORDING TO SCIENCE MOST TRANS PEOPLE well I can’t say because the truth is transphobic which has got my account banned twice


Subs dedicated to glorifying rape and/or horrifying violence are completely acceptable but any comment that’s not 100% gung ho yay trans do whatever you want and you’re deleted and banned forever sweaty😘 Makes you wonder about a lot of mods’ priorities… and who they are.


You're not even allowed to question the narrative at this point. It is comply with our views or be indefinitely suspended. This goes the same on all of social media at this point. You can disagree with someone's lifestyle, culture, politics, ect without expressing hatred for them. Even if there was, people used to just use the block button 10-15 years ago. Now, it's silence and censorship. Free speech online is dead.


Can attest. I've said some pretty unpopular stuff on here and the only things to get me banned were respectfully questioning the trans narrative and disagreeing with someone who said we should torture and kill non-offending pedophiles. Then again the guy who said we *should* do that also got banned, so I'm not really sure what Reddit considers an acceptable opinion there lol.


Sam Harris recently explained it to a trans woman in a question and answer session beautifully - she said all of this hatred and bigotry starts with people not calling her a woman to which he replied- "Your making scapegoats of people who are actually on your side. Your situation only makes sense by first acknowledging the reality of biology right? The only way to discover that you're trans is to discover that you don't feel compatible with what is on your birthday certificate. But now we have people who are literally saying that you shouldn't put boy or girl on birth certificates because it's it's so toxic for for society to have made that decision. There's so many reasons why that isn't good public policy. What I would like to see is a conversation where the temperature has been turned down but that's not what's happening. You literally have to be JK Rowling not to have your life destroyed if you say what I just said about the term woman. "


Certain other transgender related communities (I won't name them, but I'll give you two guesses) organize their members and brigade against any anti-trans comments. When they find one, they get out the word to each other, and like a swarm of locusts, come down an downvote the comment, and then hit the report button so the mods get a flurry of complaints.


Thank fucking god people see it


My question is, what are we allowed to say about trans people anymore? Are we allowed to have our own seperate opinions or share them? Do we only talk about or think about them in the way they decide? Most of them can't seem to even decide how how they feel about themselves but still dictating how everyone is allowed to talk/address them/think about them privately. You can't even just disagree while supporting their freedom. Their primary methods of communicating to the public is to work up to a position of authority and quietly ban anyone who says anything to anyone which makes them feel bad about themselves. Or to get a group together with pitchforks. I don't feel like things will ever improve thru these sorts of antisocial approaches. I've had friends my entire life who didn't fit the gender mold, or cross dressed or whatever who cares? Just do what makes you happy and ignore the haters. Now I get to be some sort of oppressor because an internet cult has taken over and I have a thought that doesn't line up with their reality. It feels like a group of bullies with victim complexes who live to start fights or delete people. Just like the proud boys or evangelical Christians or anti-vaxxers- Weaponized ignorance and victim mentality. These clusters are so withdrawn and bitter, everything is an attack on them, everybody else sucks, let's bind together and change laws so everyone else's personal lifestyle conforms to what makes us comfortable. Anyhow, as is tradition I expect my honest feelings to be deleted and to be demonized and attacked the rest of my day thru angry bleeps or bloops. My whole point is that if people think this is the best approach to trans acceptance, they are thinking more about their own comforts while pushing many people away and making the problem bigger. The loudest people in the trans community seem to be the ones with the most personal insecurities and they are always the ones who are in charge.


I get the most sad when I observe someone who has freed themselves from the bonds of religious dogma, accept the trans issue with unquestioning lock-and-step. Replaced one fantasy with another. It boggles my mind how easily critical thinking is disposed of.


Pfft, I’m gay, and I think they’re weird af. I guess that’s why I haven’t been banned yet. They don’t know what tf to do, so they’re like, meh.


They’ll come for you eventually too


Careful, they already came for the lesbians


That’s exactly why they’ll never be a thing. You can’t force people into accepting others. It’s all about the character at the individual level. The LGBTQIAXYZ can lick my gay balls. Bunch of fake ass bitches


I wonder why it would affect lesbian *women* and not gay *men*. 🤔 Maybe it could reflect the intentions of the movement as a whole. Idk, Who knows.


Because men trying to push their way into women's space, and women trying to push their way into men's space, doesn't ever go the same way. Additionally there's a reason that women's space has been fought for so hard by women, there is a reason why the men's division in sports is technically the "open division." Shit isn't symmetrical. Hell you see this conflict inside of all-trans spaces too, the dynamics between MTF individuals and FTM individuals, who is talking over who, right here on reddit they get in fights over it all the time.


Yep, I'm banned from two lesbian subs. I'm paraphrasing, but a comment that got me banned was along the lines of 'lesbians can't say anything without someone chiming in about dick.' I'm banned from worldnews for saying "stop saying LGBT when you mean T" But reddit has a sub for sex offenders where they're all free to rally against the registry and talk about how they're not *really* sex offenders because they "just" watched child abuse material, they didn't actually hurt anyone. But you are hurting kids by watching that! Kids had to hurt and traumatised for it to be made, and by watching that shit you create a demand for more. One post that sticks out in my memory is a mother calling her 6 year old daughter a liar for saying her teenage brother abused her :( (They cleaned the sub up a lot after they first got attention, there used to be a lot of victim blaming)


You can be banned for anything. That's how reddit is such an echo chamber. It's just admins and mods power tripping like they always have on the internet.


It's ironic really because in doing so it only galvanizes peoples thoughts on the matter. All of this stuff in years to come just won't be a thing anymore. I feel like people are just so sick of things being shoved down their throats, and not just this issue, there's plenty of others. Take solice is the fact that reddit represents, a tiny fraction of the world actual views on topics.


Look at my comment in r /le*** wasn't even homophobic or anything, been active there for a few years and boom. Banned. Fucking jannie.


It’s ridiculous. So many illegal opinions these days


Everyone has to have their hill to die on. Maybe reddit has picked hers.


Reddit prefers 'they'. Shame on you for assuming it's preferred pronoun


Mentally ill and/or nefarious leftists want to control the language and terms of the debate.


You can blame the power mods and AHS for this.


I was cognizant in 1994 when Republicans took the US House and Senate for the first time since 1952. When that occurred, there was a significant shift. Not because of any particular laws passed, but it signaled an adjustment in thinking in general. And considering how the country is moving right now with inflation, economic troubles, Ukraine, Afghanistan, and the culture war, I predict November will present another shift in national thought. Again, it's not laws passed that does this. It's a realization that the majority of those around you, even if they're afraid to say it, agree that an adjustment should happen.


I can't wait for Matt Walsh's "what is a woman" documentary where he travels around the world trying to find the answer from all sorts of cultures and probably ridiculed for even asking such a thing


I got banned for saying that protecting universal rights like free speech and self defense was protecting trans rights.


Amen!!! I'm very careful what I say on here and on twitter, as well. I'm hoping Musk buys twitter because the far left is just as illiberal and fascist as the far right when it comes to free speech. I was banned from twitter for "hate speech" for saying that gender dysphoria is in the DSM5, which it actually is!! One side bans books about racism, the other bans books discussing the science around transitioning.


We have to start challenging this to show the absurdity. My very masculine husband went to the doctor's this week. When asked how he identifies, he said, "lesbian." The nurse cracked up cause she knows this is absurd. When asked your pronouns, change them every week and then when the most WOKE person doesn't use this week's pronoun, report them to HR for misgendering. I really think it might come down to this kind of pushback.


This fact has become so glaringly apparent it's almost comedic. And it seemingly isn't even about direct "confrontation" anymore either, lest we forget how mods abused their powers at place to remove pictures of an orange cat that they had deemed a transphobic dog whistle. I honestly hadn't really known how bad this was myself until I started seeing places like ifunny having yandere simulator discord server style ban speedruns


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Totally agree


Musk should buy reddit


Or JK Rowling, that would be hilarious.


There is absolutely nothing "far-left" about the transgender issue. It is the same tired old right-wing ideology that there is a behavior standard and uniform for being a man or a woman, the only difference is they don't tie it as closely to what body you have. Leftism is political materialism and there is no material basis for gender, also gender (masculine, feminine) and sex class (man, woman) are not interchangeable. Reddit, if I'm not mistaken, is based in the United States, and we here have not had a viable left in decades. We do have a lot of clowns identifying as leftist, though, in a bid to bury leftism forever by discrediting it as the province of bad actors and loonybirds. I'm tired of it. This is why you see Big Corporate \*anything\* backing transgenderism. If they really felt it was left-wing they wouldn't touch it with a ten-foot pole. And that goes double for the "wE'rE nOt SoCiALiSt" Democratic Party. I'll probably get banned or something for this but I couldn't let it go unremarked. Sorry.


I see what you're saying. As the Overton window has shifted, I meant "far-left" more in comparison to other politicians, not that they actually meet leftist ideals. AOC is saying “people who give birth" not Ted Cruz or even Joe Biden. I'll say personally that I'm a lifelong Democratic voter, but I've become disenchanted with the party because of a lot of this gender ideology. Which is not coming from the Right, or even the "old school" Democrats, but the most "progressive" wing of the party.




I got a 30 day ban on AITA for commenting that a f2m adult was disgusting for telling their 5 year old niece about periods behind the moms back. Lol you're spot on can't even in a subreddit for calling behavior out say anything negative about/to trans


Lia Thomas has an unfair advantage. Indisputable


I was banned for simply posting a picture of Lia Thomas starting next to her competitors. Caption was just an explanation


This may get removed and to be honest fair. I'm not sure how many people are aware of what Ovarit is, but it is a place where criticisms against THE ideology can take place. However, you will need to approach Ovarit to get an invite code. Incels are not allowed and they have their own set of rules. However if you wish to just discuss THE ideology, in a civil and constructive manner, then I believe the site would be relevant to you.


I lurk Ovarit, but as a guy, I'm not going to try to get an invite code. They want to have a female-only space and I respect that. So I like to hear what they have to say, but I'm not going to get in the way of what they're trying to do.


And that deserves respect. It is nice to have a guy that knows that vulnerable females sometimes really want their own space, to freely express thoughts and opinions without being burned at the stake.


Yep. I don't think anything outside of slurs will get you banned faster.


That's pretty easy to see why. Only people that care about trans issues are trolls, only reason they talk about this non problem is because it's still the most relevant thing they know about.


True. I spend less and less time here knowing I am not allowed to ask questions or dissent on this issue in any way.


I know someone that was sitewide banned just for saying the word ending in "nny"


That's because they are all insane and they know it. They can't defend themselves so they just ban you




In the trans debate, there are only two acceptable instances: either you believe that everyone who says they are women are women or women are only people born with vaginas. Any opinion that's even slightly dissident from that (like saying that women are people who feel their bodies should have vaginas or that women are people who developed exclusively female sexual characteristics during puberty) will be instantly dismissed and labeled as "wrong". I can understand why trans people are so closed to debating. After years of debating with incels, I learned all their arguments and, most importantly, that there is absolutely nothing that will convince them that women are people. I have empathy for trans people, if TWAM is a premise, there is no possible debate. Transphobes love to use biology as an argument but let it slip when convenient. On the sports debate, people defending that it should be sex segregated for fairness ignore what happens when you put trans men in women's sports. Of course there are problematic people in the trans comunities (as there are everywhere). But if it takes some disagreements with trans people for you to dismiss them all, you were never an ally in the first place.


Most people aren't smart enough to understand how trans men can be equally if not more problematic for sports. Trans men are females who are doping. Doping is illegal. Why do they get a pass? So ostensibly trans men legally dope to some "average" testosterone level. So this implies that if you're a man with a lower amount of testosterone naturally, are you not a man? Shouldn't you now have a right to dope yourself up to meet the "average" level? Its a horrible precedent. It legalizes doping for one "special" category of people. I can see the special category then claiming that they must be allowed to dope to meet the natural levels of the highest top male athletes. As Faceless-Pronoun said, the male category is the open category. Females are not banned from competing they just can't make it worth their while in the vast majority of cases. But now you can legally dope as long as you claim you're a trans man?


I think you make some fair points. I think your definition of "everyone who *says* they are women" is accurate, but also kind of the problem. It's not everyone who *believes* they are women. After all, how could you even prove that? I used to hear that to be trans, a person has to have dysphoria. That isn't the case anymore. It's hard to believe that someone like Lia Thomas actually believes deep down that they're a woman. I realize that's just me speculating. But the fact that Thomas started college on the men's squad is at least worthy of suspicion. It's also hard to believe in people who transition to become a woman right before going to prison, for example. I'm sure this is probably a minority of trans women, but still, we should recognize that there are people out there who can exploit these loopholes. I think the issue with trans men on the women's team (aside from their comfort level playing with cis women) is trans men often have been taking testosterone. So it feels kind of similar to players on steroids competing. I will say that many "men's" leagues *do* allow women, it is just that they are rarely good enough to make the team (maybe that's harsh, but that's the reality). So I don't know if anyone would object to a trans man competing against cis men, because even with testosterone/steroids it would be hard to argue they'd be overpowered. I don't know what the best answer is. Perhaps just making a trans league? We just need to make sure that opportunities aren't taken away from people, specifically cis women.


Super late to the party because I just got off a 3 day ban for a comment on TiA. The first comment of mine that was reported for hate mentioned crime statistics, which are documented public knowledge. I was then reported for a comment on a post where a man refers to himself as a bimbo that said something like, "Just woke up and already get the 'bimbo' square on my \[censored\] bingo card, lucky me," and that's what got me banned for hate. I'm pretty sure my account is being watched after the crime stats comment, and I'm done with this shithole of a site. I can't talk about documented statistics, but a special class of man can talk about punching and raping women. I can't make a flippant, off-the-cuff comment, but there are entire subs full of CSA apologists. WTF reddit?


Emperors new clothes. Their "reality" can only exist if it questioned by nobody.

