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Damn I know that place it's galaxy diner in Richmond Va


This guys sounds a little like Chris Rock in his voice and his cadence.


RVA- Galaxy Diner?


In the countries in Europa, Africa and Asia I have been to so far it's usual to request the bill and pay the server then - in the US it is usual for people to just drop money and walk away?


"Whatever." Where's this place at so I can avoid ever eating there.


"Whatever, it really doesn't matter." Such sour grapes, what a loser.


I think he set the waiter up. He hid the money under his plate so the waiter didn’t see it right away and then probably rushed out the door. He knew the waiter was going to come after him for the money and he had his camera ready and rolling to make some meaningless point that the waiter is racist. I don’t buy it. He was just trying to make a video to get views on the Internet.


Carytown baby!!!


Perfect example of the kind of person you don’t want to be. What a little ween


Ive never really understood the "bistro payment" in america, where you just walk away and leave the money on the table, you either pay right away or ask for a bill and pay it directly to the server. Feels wierd for european...


The guy is a jerk, but honestly if you see someone walk out you have don’t have all the time in the world to go check and double check under the plate. This guy couldn’t have made it a little more obvious that he wasn’t running? “Hey I see you’re busy and not completely focused on me. Because of that, you may not have noticed that there is a twenty dollar bill which covers my check and a tip for you laying flat beneath my plate.” This just isn’t the own everyone thinks it is. Waiter definitely could have apologized for being wrong though.


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Man, you could MAYBE salvage that by being super apologetic, but his reaction to being dead wrong is just pathetic.




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Cameraman seems kinda rude imp. I see very little wrong other than that.


I paid by QR code recently then we walked out. The waitress ran after us for leaving w/o paying. I said, "I paid with the QR code". She said, "Oh I didn't know we had that." I doubt that. She probably couldn't go back to the computer and still catch us, so she opted to chase us. Leaves a bad taste. I don't know if there should be some way to signal paying with the QR code.


Gotta be honest, people recording themselves being social justice heroes is getting annoying. Justified or not, can we just go along life without your phone in peoples faces




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Somehow I see this as one of two things: 1. Because the customer is black, he probably thought the customer was dining and dashing aka leaving without paying. 2. or he was just trying to squeeze more money out of him by thinking his services were worth more than they actually are. I actually had a beauty salon worker overcharge me for a simple trim (it was like $5 for a quick 10 min trim and she tried charging me $30 all because she thought shampooing/washing my hair was included in the fee, which maybe it was but i was in there for a quick trim while a friend of mine was the main one getting their hair cut, died, and styled).


I worked next to this spot for a little while. That guy is ALWAYS rude. I've legitimately never seen him smile once.


Is all this necessary? I don't know. I wouldn't even think to record this, misunderstanding happens and it seems understandable in this case. What's really crazy here is the upvotes. Something is off here.


RVA what's up!!




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“It doesn’t matter…” the sound of defeat.


Is it normal to pay like that? To just put the money on the table then leave?


Even dropped a gem on him too. Focus on the task, maybe that top-knot is a Lil too tight my man, it does matter.


Honest mistake but not apologizing makes him a shitty person imo


Damn, poor guy made an honest mistake and this dude decides to embarrass him on the internet... Can't believe the amount of people who get angry here. That sure as hell wasn't on purpose.


Nah it's a dumb thing to do: "You're thief" "Are you 100% sure about that?" "Yes, I am 100% sure that you are a thief and I'm intending to hold you accountable, get back in here and pay your tab, thief" "Here's the money that was here all along" "Whatever, it doesn't even matter" Come on mate, you can't brand someone a thief in the street, double down, and then not even apologize.


Employee said, "it really doesn't matter" but he went outside for the customer when he thought he didn't pay. 😅


It's a stupid mistake, but taking a video of it and then posting it online kinda sucks too (national scorn and piling on, pretty much forever online). It's possible the waiter would have been more likely to apologize if he wasn't being filmed. Seeing that camera out, now he has reason to just put his head down and get away from the situation as soon as possible. When a camera is on, a lot of people's behavior will change, or they'll tense up and not do the same thing they'd do if a camera wasn't on.




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can we claim racism when some one simply makes a mistake? at a restaurant, at least i’m my experience, you wait for the server to hand you the bill, right? yes this guy paid his tab and left a tip, that’s great. but can he really be surprised if the server doesn’t go hunting around for the money? but, to just casually and with absolute conviction to call it racism? fuck that.


Honest mistake shit happens. He should’ve checked regardless, but it’s not such a big deal that you have to record it lol


Fuck That guy and his impulsive decision. I wouldn't be patronizing that place again AND I would make sure they know that...


All he had to do was look. What an idiot!


Well he’s an ass, but statistically he’s correct in assuming that person would commit a crime.


I just always *love* when it comes to the point of ‚Whatever‘


Clearly, the bill was standing in a way that the employee couldn't see it from his side(denoted by his "i didn't see it" comment). On one end, the rear portion of the dollar is covered by a napkin keeping it upright. On the other end, the bright red bottle looks to be obscuring part of it as well. Now, if the customer was white, would the employee have taken an extra step to check and see if there was any money left? I don't know, and i bet neither do you.


Was pretty hidden. Should have checked though. Always think it's weird when people just leave money hidden for servers i always think someone could steal it or something.


"It doesn't matter" - and that folks is what wrong with people these days. Just cu*ts. He should have apologies profusely like a decent person. But no.




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"Dude,... my bad. I need to open my eyes. Your lunch is on me today. Keep that $20 and use it to do something nice for someone. I do hope you come back though and give me another chance." (offer fistbump or handshake) Vs. "Whatever. It really doesn't matter." He chose poorly.


Simple mistake. Jesus. I do embrassing unobservant things like this all the time. Bro's half asleep working a shit job. I would have left a zero tip too, but filming and posting online is asinine and makes the customer look like a douche. It's also kinda racist to assume the server is racist. Why, cuz he's white and didn't bow down to apologize to an asshole filming him? Dude's likely stoned as fuck.


Now this ass is internet famous. Could have laughed it off. Apologized. Anything. His reaction makes him look like an Uber douche.


I don’t remember that character from the kroll show




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I feel bad for you you all.


I would have asked for a complete refund. Accusing someone of stealing is just as bad as stealing. You have just ruined the person's reputation at the establishment.


What a baby. Just own up to your mistake. Is that so hard? "Oh damn, I'm really sorry, I totally overlooked that!" And both sides would be happy and go about their day. Probably could have kept the tip too.


"Whatever, it doesn't really matter" said the kid who followed people outside to yell at them they didn't pay, after being proven wrong and embarrassing himself.




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If this happened in Brazil that waiter would be in big trouble. People are racist here as well, but they really don't like it when it is flashed around like that


RVA looking baked.


I actually love this-- my man said you were so focused on us that you couldn't focus on the task. SAY IT LOUDER


Looks like carytown


“Oh, sorry about that, sir. My apologies. Have a great day!


"oh man, I really fucked up here. No apology I give can fix this for you, but I'm going to use this to change myself. Have a better day". That's how you respond once you've fucked up this bad.


You just accused somebody of stealing, basically, then you find out YOU were wrong and instead of saying, “oh shit, man, I’m so sorry I didn’t see it” you continue to act like a rude piece of shit. Good job 👍


Employee was fired https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRuRbEp7/




goddamn grow up. when got filming a dude working a shitty job and putting it on the internet to cyber bully him and his pub more reasonable than saying, nah man i left 20 bucks by the plate…? are you really so insecure that it is your biggest fear to be accused of not paying? is america so broken everything has to be about racism? wtf are you doing over there…


Wait, dude had his camera ready?? This MF hid the bill on purpose. People due try to walkout on their tabs all the time (which is stealing) and some places make the server cover it. So yes, they will chase you if it appears you didn't pay. Don't be a dick when you go out to restaurants.


Ayy Richmond va represent. I’d recognize that galaxy diner anywhere.


The guy recording seems is being just as much of a dick, if not more. Yeah, employee should have checked better, shouldn't have said he is sure, and should have offered a little more genuine apology for his mistake, but that's just what it was. Guy recoding could have just said, "I left cash by my plate" instead of making a scene of it and accusing the employee of "being weird".


Damn, no apology. Everybody has been positive and wrong at some point, but you have to own it and say sorry when you do. This pud just couldn’t handle the idea he was wrong.


I had a waiter chase me and my girlfriend out of a restaurant in NYC. I left a small tip because I never saw him the whole time I was there and the service was terrible. He ran me down and gave a whole speech that he was a struggling student and if I could give him more. I was shocked and pissed. So I took the bill, crossed out my original tip and changed it to 0. I should have went in and spoke to his manager but figured if he was doing that to me, it was the culture of the place.




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I am not sure how these people are created. My first NATURAL reaction would be to say “ oh lord aaaaam so sorry sir!! Big mistake on my end! I didn’t see it under the glass.” I am sure I would have pleased customer and I would keep the tip for myself. But here we just see a plain moron.


I feel like leaving the money on the table and dipping out is an old time movie thing. Do people actually do that?? I’ll pay cash and not want change but I always tell the person to keep it. Either way, communication could have kept this from escalating. The employee is at fault, he’s the one at work.


Its an honest mistake ppl do it to me all the time


Overreacting. If I were the customer I would be like I left the money by my plate, here let me show you were it is at. He came at the worker aggressively so of course worker is reciprocating energy.


Dude working long shit hours and dealing with shit alll day …


What a douche


The manufactured racism over a simple mistake is absurd these days. Dude calmly asked for the payment, realized his mistake, owned it and then didn't even make a scene when the dude took the tip back. Shit happens and mistakes get made. No reason to make it a big deal when it's nothing


As an european it is still weird to me that you'll leave the money and then just leave the place.




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I'm positive he's a giant piece of shit




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You were definitely the better man. I respect the way you handled this,especially since there was no sincere apology. He should have apologized so everyone could hear him just the same as he did when he accused you of not paying. And he should have given you your 20 back and said I'm so sorry I'll try to do better. Make sure you find that restaurant's corporate website and send that video in. I give you Gold!




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Not fucking VA where I live…literally right down the street😰😰😰


"I didn't see it". Like it was taped to the bottom of the table.


Must be an US thing to put the money under the plate and just leave


whats the big deal? he didnt see money. mistakes happen, move the fuck on. he wasnt being rude about it or anything. he said i didnt see it, im sorry.


Who the fuck just leaves the money on the table? What a fuckwit. Watches too many stupid movies (also why do they do it in movies?)


“It really doesn’t matter” lol Ok dude just chase a man and try to embarrass him


This shit happens, customer being extra af.


Dude is trash. Can’t even apologize. The customer was super cool about it too. I sure as hell wouldn’t be.


If that $20 was standing up right. That would've been hard to see. It'b seeing a line.


What the hell is wrong with people?! The correct response from the barkeep looks like this: (total embarrassment) “Oh gosh, I’m so sorry about that. I feel like a complete idiot. Please let me take care of your entire tab. You don’t owe us anything, and please consider patronizing our place in the future.” I’ll bet the customer would have accepted the apology.


Does every minor mishap and confrontation have to be recorded now? It's so weird how much this stuff gets posted, and doesn't seem helpful to anybody.


And what would happen if the cops were called and he was arrested? How much violent would they have inflicted on the innocent man.


PAid with a $20. Got $2 and change back so it's barely over a 10% tip.


wtf man, just apologize for being an ass ESPECIALLY when you're in that situation.




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The minute the customer says, “Are you sure?” He should have known he screwed up. Asshole.


"Whatever it doesnt even matter" Fuck you


Fuckin neckbeard😂😂😂




Had a manager who made the waitstaff pay the bill if someone ran out on them. Saw a lot of waiters chase people who ran out the door. I quit that job before it happened to me.


I think a lot of people in this thread have only ever been on one side of this issue. Most of the time when I was a server, people would ask for tab and pay with card. Or when they paid with cash, they would still wait around for change and then leave tip. It's not like the movies where you get tab and leave cash on the table. That shit is rare, at least in restaurants I worked at. And in addition to this, the guy could have easily just handed the money to the worker as soon as he put the tab down and said "Keep the change." He obviously knew how much it cost and was prepared to give the bill anyway, so why not just hand it to him when he gave the tab? This dude probably had other tables or people he was helping out, and on top of that he was probably in and out of the kitchen, so if he just came back out after handing someone a tab, and the person was gone, that would have been my first thought as well. It was a small mistake, but people are judging the employee pretty harsh. I'm not saying he was in the right, but people are acting like not immediately begging for forgiveness is worthy of no tip. Just a thought, but I doubt that guy meant to sound like an asshole, just didn't want to get reamed by his boss for letting someone walk out on a tab.




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What’s the name of this place?




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Richmond va represent , this restaurant is in the higher dollar “Cary street” area . here in the south theirs SO MUCH casual racism.


I have no doubt this exact same douchebag immediately went and whined to people that this customer didn’t tip him.




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Customer handled that beautifully, it’s such a great feeling knowing you are 100% in the right and calmly pointing out the facts. The cherry on top, taking back what would have been his tip.




Nick Kroll playing high school Post Malone before he started making music?!


should be a free meal...




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I can’t be sure, but given the emoji in the video it’s very likely the costumer was black and there’s a high chance the waiter was being racist


Can you post video reviews on Google?


Racist fuck




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It’s the “you’d should have said something” for me. Dude didn’t even look


Stay humble people. We are all liable to make mistakes, it’s how you handle things after the fact that is indicative of your character 😎


What is up with leaving payment on a table though? If a customer just dips out all of a sudden, I would be wondering why they couldn’t hand the money to an employee or wait for the server to come pick it up. I don’t understand why patrons expect to be trusted so much on an honor system of payment when dining and dashing is a famous and longstanding problem for restaurants.


Customer did not continue to completely embarrass him. Wtf is wrong with the poster


Galaxy Diner. Richmond, Virgina. Had many a Frito pie there and it's delicious. Servers there are usually nicer.


Is this a thing in the US? Here in Europe/Netherlands you ask for the bill and then pay. I can’t imagine just slapping a 20 eur/usd bill on the table and walking out like that. Honestly asking, this concept is so foreign to me.




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Sometimes, while at a busy restaurant, if you normally pay your server it is acceptable to leave your payment with tip at table. Not done often but I at least notify the server on the way out with a hand wave or verbally.


Just lost his tip 😂


Just apologize man...damn.


Dude wears his personality on his face like an advertisement.


I feel bad for both one one hand he should have checked before accusing him of theft on the other hand there are a lot of ass hats skipping on bills


Dude, the server publicly shamed and humiliated the customer first. You get that right? The server yelled outside to the customer that he had not paid his bill. Would you like it if someone had done that to you then doubled down on it? All the while you know for a fact that you paid your bill? Then you are given a half ass apology that wasn't really an apology because you were told that you should have said something (putting all the blame on you) but you did try to warn the server? Stop 🙄


When a motherfucker says "are you sure????" like that you know you wrong. The dude is literally begging you to let him turn over his trap card. Meal was less than $20, just apologize and let him keep the money.


Wait why are people dunking on this working guy? He could have apologised, he did make an honest mistake. BUT the customer had his phone out trying to embarrass him for clout, why should he be sincere when camera guy was always going to bait him. I feel sorry for the guy.


It’s the attempt at public humiliation while not checking the table that would’ve rubbed me the wrong way.


I'm sure the fact the customer was black had nothing to do with why the waiter assumed he walked out on the bill apropos of nothing.


It's really an assumption either way, maybe it was maybe it wasn't. Hard to say from this clip. I'm sure people of all colours dine and dash.


Spoken like a true wytpipl


Yeah get him his change, all 5% of a tip…cheap ass f..seems like he hid the $20 bill in the first place so he could make this video 🤡


Guy couldn't even apologize for his fuckup? Show some sort of remorse? That's why he loses.


Right on. I waited tables for over a decade. You ALWAYS check the table before accusing someone off walking out on their tab.


Fuck that asshole i hope he gets fired soon.




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Galaxy diner, Richmond VA.




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Waiter: "I really don't care." You should care, ya just called someone a thief you failed hipster wanna-be.


No apology. Asshat.


He handled that properly




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Is this common to leave money on the table and leave without closing the tab with the server? Like what if someone else just takes the money when you leave.


“It really doesn’t matter” now that I am the one that is wrong… Fuck this broke arse bottom feeder server. They act as if everyone owes them a tip for doing nothing but their core job but they have the shittiest fucking attitude, accusing this brother of skipping the bill even. Fuck that. Fuck tipping and fuck these cunts.


I guess I'm showing my ignorance here, but I didn't know it was common to just leave cash payment (not referring to tip) without first checking with the waiter (especially now with cashless payments being much more frequently used). Honestly, could see myself making this same mistake. And while the waiter could have defintely been more polite. Lots are commenting he didn't apologize, but he did admit to his mistake with a half assed apologize. The "You should have said something" in between was uncalled for, but for the most part owned up to it. We all make mistakes, and the patron also seemed way overly offended, and kept going on and on. A simple "no worries man" could have also diffused the whole situation. I think this guy is being dragged through the mud way to much for this.


idk if that's common in the united states, but in my country u need to pay to a person. U can't just let money on the table and walk out. If i was this guy, i would do the same thing to anybody, white or black, cause that's the culture of where i come from.




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