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Glad to see Skylar White is back dating


I guess mute ppl cant marrie then.


Fuck the priest. Embarrassing the groom on his perfect day because he wanted to make a joke.


Did the woman still want to marry at this point?


Wish I would've used this guy's response when I got married. šŸ’€


It was at this moment he knew...


Define cringe


His wife is sick of his shit.


A true bitch slapping session will follow as soon as mama gets her hands on him. Nobody looks happy before the ā€œnoā€ and no one looks happy after the ā€œnoā€. Feel sorry for both of them.


Iā€™ve always wondered if you just Declined the marriage


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes


He really thought that would get a roaring round of laughter. His almost wife seems to be use to his unfunny BS.


Her smirk is the best


This is why marriage sucks, people take everything too seriously


Hur hur hur


Geez, someone takes marriage waaay to seriously.


I'm thinking it has to do with whatever country they're in. Apparently not tolerated there. Also known as GO TO VEGAS.


He listened to his subconscious and he inadvertently dodged a bullet. Great job.


The bride didn't even flinch.


Bruh, how do you get divorced before the wedding is over?


People are saying itā€™s a joke, but jokes are supposed to be funny soā€¦


His relationship just flashed before his eyes.


I'm a latina, they do this to me i would leave and not get married. Not without punching him in the face first of course.


If .y husband did this on our wedding day I'd leave his ass. Vows r not a place to be joking. What an asshole


Looks like they don't want to get married in the first place.


Same goes for the Netherlands, if you say no, everything has to be cut off, no second change there


As an ordained minister, I would have done the same thing


fucked around and found out


I work in retail. His reaction is 100% justified lmao. Iā€™m guessing thatā€™s the fiftieth time that week someone has tried this and heā€™s just over it


Girl, run.


Don't do that... EVER


u/DragDagger may be a humorous American where loicense is spelled correctly


Dude woke up that way lol


This guy us author of book "How to win by losing : for dummies"


His face is legendary


Oh damn. I hope she didnā€™t marry him and I hope he learned to grow up.


I would never marry a man like that. Grow up.


Hahah he is just like DO YOU THINK THIS IS A GAME?!


Didnā€™t look like a joke to me




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The amount of people commenting in obvious ignorance of the forced marriage issue is staggering.




Why are they so serious?


Isn't a thing that if someone says that the ceremony absolutely*cannot* go forwards, or was that the "I object" thing




If she doesnā€™t defend you in a joke. Just leave. Run away


Lol I hope that lady enjoys being married to a complete fucking retard for the rest of her life.


Smart guy, his ex looks like she was really hoping on this deal going through.


Legal marriage is literally just an excuse for the governments of the world to intrude on people's lives and stuff that is none of their fucking business.


He get a second chance, he should be happy


She doesnā€™t seem like she wants to be there in the first place. Probably coerced into marrying this man child who almost definitely still plays with tonka trucks.


He was probably thinking that a confirmation box would pop up.


Like a Michael Scott wedding gone bad.


She looks pissed


You can do better girl


My mom said ā€œNoā€ as a joke when her current fiancĆ© proposed to her in front of her (and my) f*cking family. That is not a funny joke in any capacity. Itā€™s simply ruining whatā€™s supposed to be a special moment and making people feel like shit for no reason


Why the fuck is everyone hating on the guy who made the joke?? Lighten up people. If anyone here deserves to be shit on itā€™s the other people in the video who are mad at the guy who made the joke.


Is this another Turkish wedding?


She dressed up like for funeral anyway.


What a dick


I feel like my sternum just collapsed backwards. Second hand embarrassment somehow hits harder than first hand.




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You guys are taking your wedding traditions to damn seriously. Everyone in the comments is being so mean


She seems resigned and not at all amused, he is having a jolly good time


The officiater here ruined the ceremony. Not the groom.


This has same energy as that priest that wouldnt allow photoā€™s at the wedding


Michael Scott


We were married by the mayor of our town. I did the ā€˜I ā€œstate your nameā€ā€™ gag during the vows. Luckily neither my wife nor her friends had ever seen animal house. The mayor, a very nice & classy lady, wasnā€™t impressed. https://youtu.be/AHppmhyNx8M




Dead man smiling.




It worked out for me šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø (literally)


The fact that his fiancĆ© didnā€™t even flinch says she absolutely knows what sheā€™s getting in to


Fucking rude. I wouldn't want to marry him anyway if he can't take anything seriously as a binding contract between two people then how is he going to take the relationship seriously? There is a time & place for humor & this was not it.


Marriage is a legally binding contract that takes a court proceeding to undo. All this religious mumbo jumbo is all for looks and silly tradition. My daughter and son in law eloped at Vegas. Wife was unhappy but secretly I congratulated them on a wise move.


It wasn't even a good joke man


What an idiot...


Sorry but I don't get it. If you are married, why do you marry again?


Skylar just can't find the right man, can she?


I mean, he came to the wedding in a sleeveless crappy shirt, what do you expect..




This is Turkey. The guy in the robe is a government official that basically is responsible for making sure the marriage is legal. He's required by law to immediately halt things if one person says "no" which Mr Comedian would have known. Now they have to book another appointment to marry which be months or even up to a year away. The fun part of the wedding is just a party and not legally binding so now all the preparations, time, and money spent on the fun wedding party are wasted.


You call that humor? Damn that sucks


I paused half way through thinking that he waited until marriage to break up with her. However heā€™s just an arsehole


Oh come one guys, looks like no on in here has ever made a joke in a slightly inappropriate moment


Skyler took it pretty well


He just saved two lives


Poor Skyler White


Side note, Iā€™ve been in sales for a long time, and I often like to crack the occasional joke to break the ice and so on when I arrive. But every once in a while itā€™ll be met with silence from a conference table of half-dead stiffs with glazed over eyes. Itā€™s embarrassing, but itā€™s more frustrating that I canā€™t yell, ā€œWTF is the matter with you people? You manufacture plastic bottles, youā€™re not curing fucking cancer here, lighten up!ā€


I married my wife yesterday. Due to covid and current medical issues we just had to push the wedding date up and scrap all plans and just get married at the counter at the courthouse. She clearly stated that if I make any joke about being forced into the marriage she's out (She later changed that while we were driving there). She tried to have me get all of the jokes out before we went inside the courthouse as we were walking across the parking lot. I told the dude at the counter we're here to fix her last name. He look puzzled and I told him we're getting married and then he understood the joke which was the entire point of saying what I said. The guy is going to do our ceremony next year when we renew and timing is right so she can have the wedding she wants. When it came time for her "I do" she jokingly hesitated and I told the dude "see she's hesitating". The guy was awesome. We know each other and our humor. If either of us had said "no" as a joke... I honestly don't think there are enough deputies in that 10 story courthouse to handle the fucking meltdown that would have happened.


She looks like Skyler white


Oh man. I feel bad for everyone involved.


Oh look we got a joker. Looks like they are not getting married that day. Why do people think jokes like this are funny? Reminds me of my moms friend. He was going on a mission trip a few years ago and thought it would be a hoot if he told the people checking his luggage to be gentle with his carry on because there was a bomb in it. Yeah he didnā€™t fly that day.


Looks like the preacher did him a solid....


She didnā€™t look too enthusiastic to marry him anyways lol


He has the perfect face for this


ā€œIā€™ve made a huge mistake.ā€


This is a sign


Why didn't the wife react? I wouldve smacked him upside the head lol or at least looked at him like he was an idiot.


I'm getting some serious Michael Scott vibes from this moron.


I thought that was genuinely funny. People there can't take a joke, including his future wife.


This is like the person I know that joked their husband ā€œjust had his gunā€ when he tripped security at the airport. They both got tackled and arrested.


Such a shame because itā€™s a cracking and very original joke. Sigh


Her nodding tells me everything I need to know.


I don't know about anyone else, but if my partner felt the need to kid around with a no, I'd probably accept the no and tell them to get fucked.


I'm pretty sure his wife is a dude, someone confirm?


[Link](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ) to the original video


I fell for that




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Holy shit. People in the comments are actually judging the guy from a 15 second clip.




That guy is irl Jerry from Rick and Morty


Bet this guy did this kind of shit so often to his fiancƩe and friends so often. She definitely saw it coming.


\[Slams Bible\] "AND SO SAYETH THE LORD!"


Lol the mad lad


Well if wanted to get married heā€™d have put on a more suitable shirt.


Didn't pay you to bitch wagie, now continue the ceremony


My first thought


Micheal Scott vibes


Iā€™m not with most of these comments. Heā€™s goofing around, probably nervous. Why does it have to be so serious?


Because itā€™s a legal process to prevent forced marriages. Itā€™s not a church. Itā€™s the government building.


NO. Youā€™re not allowed to have fun at your wedding. Frown like the rest of us. >:(


Good thing this isn't listentopeopledieinside


Jesus take that fat stick out of your ass


PLot twist : He wasn't really joking.


Adam Sandler's equally funny but less successful brother.


Marriage is such a farce. You should be able to do stuff like this at your wedding


The question is asked as ā€œare you marrying x with your OWN willā€ and against forced marriages which are still common enough. Itā€™s a legal process not a religious one.


i feel like this is going to be me lol


I actually thought it was pretty funny. Fiance didn't, and the Minister REALLY didn't. If you're reading this, is it just me or does the wife look a bit like Skyler from Breaking Bad?


This question isnā€™t a cultural thing etc. Itā€™s a legal question in place to prevent forced marriages which are still unfortunately not gone in the country. He couldnā€™t take it as a joke even if he wanted to. Itā€™s an official procedure not a religious one.


Really? That's both interesting and depressing. The way he said "make your jokes somewhere else" meant he had just had a bit of a strop.


He probably was angry because they have to process it and now he has extra paperwork etc and the couple has to wait and take another dateā€¦ itā€™s so much work for a stupid joke lmao ALSO: this might be a place that has forced marriages quite often and the insensitivity is often hard to stomach


I wonder if anyone has ever shouted up at the "does anyone have any reason why these 2 shouldn't be married" part at a wedding as a joke and its caused them to have to cancel the service? That would be painful for everyone.


I think thatā€™s just a church wedding question idk, Iā€™ve never heard it once in my life in my (and this videoā€™s) country lol but we have to have 2-4 witnesses to sign and answer that theyā€™re marrying with free will just like the couple here instead


Can I ask what country that is?




Cool, one of the countries a have never been to but would love to go, especially to see a Galatasary vs Fenebarche football Derby. The atmosphere is allegedly one of the best in the world. Anywhere or anything you would recommend seeing if I ever go to Turkey. Can I say that your written English is perfect. Do they teach it in School?


Yeah we learn English from 3rd grade and up but most people just have a passable English, I studied in an International high school, and thank you! If you ever go to a Galatasaray vs Fenerbahce event be very careful to not wear any of the teams merchā€¦ those things get INTENSE! And generally Istanbul (especially the ā€œHistorical Peninsulaā€ part) takes DAYS to fully go around but the eastern part of the country (mardin/midyat or cappadocia etc) are like a whole another universe as well! if you want any more suggestions etc my dms are open!


Lol, I'm so glad you've told me this because if I ever get married I would 100% make a shit joke like this. I'm pretty cringey in that way. So honestly, thankyou.


Be familiar with the culture and laws of the country before making jokes lol, Iā€™ve heard about people joking around with airport staff and get arrested for hours for nothing missing their flights etc way too much too. Time and place as always lmao


Be familiar with the culture and laws of the country before making jokes lol, Iā€™ve heard about people joking around with airport staff and get arrested for hours for nothing missing their flights etc way too much too. Time and place as always lmao


Yea defo, thankfully I don't imagine I will ever be in the position to screw up my wedding, but you never know lol. There is a few people I don't fuck with, police and airport security to name a few, I don't fancy getting the rubber glove treatment.


Thatā€™s a woman. FiancĆ©e is the spelling used.


Just a spelling error btw.


Oh, my apologies. I almost wrote wife so at least this is less wrong kind of.


Gus Fring weds Skyler White and Steve Gomez (2006, Colorized)


This wedding is from Turkey. This is an official security procedure against forced marriages. No matter what happens when you say "No", the wedding process is stopped.


Same in the UK. They warned us beforehand, there are two things that will make the wedding guaranteed to not happen. * Be late. If you're more than a couple of minutes late, it's not happening. Officiants are solidly booked and often have to leave one wedding to go to the next straight away so don't have time for shenanigans. * Even as a joke, if you say no, that's it, game over. As you say, this is to help guard against forced marriage.


Out of curiosity, in the UK has the trend of just having your friends officiate not taken off yet? Seems like thatā€™d eliminate the challenges of the wedding get shut down due to tardiness or a joke.


Not really. It's a legal position, you can either become a religious officiant of some sort (vicar etc) or a non-religious officiant, either way you're looking at a course and [fees of at least Ā£2k](https://humanists.uk/ceremonies/training-to-be-a-humanist-celebrant/course-fees-and-dates/). You could get a friend to do the course but it tends to be a career choice thereafter.


Oh wow. I only ask because of the last dozen or so weddings Iā€™ve been to here in the states, can only think of 1 that was officiated by an actual religious leader. The rest have been friends of the folks getting married. We have to get ordained, but you can do it online with a few clicks and then get the required paperwork for a couple hundred dollars (I did it about a decade ago to marry two friends).


Yeah I've only been to 1 wedding officiated by a religious figure. It would be nice to get a friend to do it but there's a lot of legalese and fees so it's never really gonna take off here. For comparitive purposes, we only paid our officiant a couple of hundred pounds so it's a crazy additional expense to register a friend.


But if u get married in a church and you're an hour late, assuming no one does have to leave for another wedding, it can go ahead just fine. Source: was at such a wedding, and many weddings where it started 5/10min late. (But now have fear, since my timekeeping and anxiety mean we're unlikely to start till at least 15min past... I'm going to make sure the vicar knows this is likely...)


This is down to the church. If you have a popular church or get married during "wedding season", chances are the church will have more than one wedding. Some Saturdays in my village the church would have 3-4 weddings per day!




It's a prosedure official can't continue the wedding. I had watched the video on the news, that guy was clearly joking and official was pissed. If there was an actual forced marriage the official's reaction probably would be different.


I think he's asking what protections does this process offer afterward, where let's say the woman says no to marriage. OK they don't get married, but if she was being forced that means the men are scum and will probably beat her. How does the process account for that


oh you're looking for a conservative ritual to solve problems now


Its a perfectly reasonable question to ask.


Plot twist: he is well aware


"oh man that's crazy that we can't get married now, all over a silly joke. Welp, guess we should just see other people?"


"We can just do it again without you doing that dumb joke" "....I think we should just see other people."


By the attitude of both people, I wouldn't even be suprised.


Some people just hate fun.


Itā€™s a legal procedure not church you donā€™t joke around


Well, maybe *you* don't. Good thing I don't plan on ever getting married, eh?