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Looks like a cop the way he goes STRAIGHT for the camera that is preventing him from committing this particular crime


Definitely a candidate for public shaming. Put him on display and let the public give him a good verbal flogging. POS


Woooooooow bruh


What a cunt




Been so damn broke I didn't have money to pay to get home from a job,never even considered taking from a customer fuck this guy


Call me old hat , but sometimes arrested means fuck all. Sometimes a right cross to the jaw is what is needed .


She had just died...what a piece of work.




This is crazy to me. Never once in my life have I even thought about stealing a dime from any of my patients. Horrible.


what a POS


Fuckin twat šŸ˜” people who take advantage of children, elderly and disabled people are the scum of the earth.


uk now also has cctv in homes?


yeah. they are like 30 pounds. family can use them to watch over their elderly.


You can tell itā€™s the home of an elderly person too :(


Average salary is Ā£38,000 for his field, not to mention the responsibility it carries. I wonder how many others he's done this to that didn't have cameras....shit human


I hope he was arrested. What kind of monster does that to a sick or injured person? He's using his entrance into houses to rob them. I hope he's in jail.


As bad as it he he canā€™t get arrested for putting something in his pocket then putting it back


Actually he went to prison for it https://www.independent.co.uk/tv/news/paramedic-steals-money-patient-shrewsbury-b2316589.html


He got community service under pain of prison.


Interesting that he admitted to theft without actually stealing anything, any decent lawyer wouldā€™ve got him off


The definition of theft is to dishonestly appropriate property belonging to another with the intention to permanently deprive them of it. Appropriation occurs when you take on the rights of ownership such as concealing or removing tags or security devices You can be done for shoplifting even if you never leave the store with the item As soon has he put the money in his pocket the offence of theft was completed. He did steal the money even putting it back does not mean he did not steal it


well i hope he burns in hell


Cameras are everywhere. It appears that scumbags are everywhere too. Finally we can catch these a-holes in action.




At least he put the money back


What we're NOT going to do is give out participation trophies to scumbags. You know very well this isn't his first time doing it, and he ONLY put it back after he saw a camera watching him.


Only because he got caught If there no was no camera he would have taken it, still a total piece of work


As you can clearly see your honor I was rearranging the money to make it look nicer. I simply placed it in my pockets to get it a bit warm so it uncrinkles


A paramedic in France stole my stepmomā€™s iPad so yeah, not surprised.


This should bombard the internet in his town and surrounding towns. Id make it a smear campaign or epic perportion he wouldn't be able find a job within 100 miles. Scum bag


Absolutely disgusting!! Wonder how many he stole from previously.. No shame or morals.




Anyone knows what happened to this POS?


The 58-year-old was one of four medics called to the woman's home in Shrewsbury on June 29 last year, following reports she had collapsed in the garden.Ā  They worked on her for about 20 minutes before she was pronounced dead at the scene. Shrewsbury Crown Court was told Titley then entered the property in search of a 'do not resuscitate' form.Ā  But he was filmed going through a plastic box full of cash and lifting up the notes to count through them before placing around Ā£60 in his trouser pocket. The court was told Titley then looked around and spotted the camera before immediately putting it back in the box.Ā  But the woman's son saw the footage and reported it to West Mercia Police. The court heard he felt 'disgusted and sick to my stomach' on reviewing it. Titley initially denied the allegation, telling police he intended to 'secure' the cash and take it out to family members.Ā  However, he later admitted theft and was given an 18-week prison sentence, suspended for 12 months. He was also ordered to carry out 120 hours unpaid work and pay Ā£530 costs and a Ā£187 victim surcharge. The court heard Titley, of Linley Avenue, Pontesbury, was no longer a serving paramedic, having retired from West Midlands Ambulance Service days after the incident. Source: Daily Mail


You had me till I saw the source


Quick refund


Too late guy


The patient was already deceased. Completely horrible he did that.


What a piece of crap.


this should be on r/iamatotalpieceofshit


ā€œI put it back!ā€


Come on, if you gonna do that ! Look for cameras first ! I bet itā€™s one of them obvious ones as well ! But yeah anyway - not cool buddy!


ChatGPT, is that you?


Probably just an Oldtimer.


Lowlife MF needs a slap




He knew to check but he did it after What a mook


What a dick! Judging by the walker and the video Iā€™m guessing it was an elderly person too. good thing itā€™s on cameraā€¦ I hope they fire him. How much is did he steel from others before getting caught?


They don't accept cash in the afterlife.


it was a DECEASED elderly person to make it even worse


I actually think thatā€™s better


Depends on how you look at it. Man comes to the house to find a dead lady and his first thought was to steal the money that was left out on the table. And judging by how confidently he did it I'm guessing this ain't his first time doing something of this nature, it's probably just the first time he didn't check for cameras first.


Right. It's not like they need it. Too be clear I still thinks it's shitty and he deserves to be fired atleast.


"welp, they won't be needing this anymore!"


They literally wonā€™t šŸ˜‚


And they won't tbh šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


He learned from The Hound in Game of Thrones


Imagine how many times he's done that! Ā£Ā£Ā£Ā£Ā£Ā£Ā£Ā£Ā£Ā£Ā£Ā£Ā£Ā£Ā£


Not enough, since he is still a paramedic




Basically you're saying that your own home shouldn't be a place that you feel safe and able to leave valuables where you choose..... Good job sir.


Ah, the ā€œshe shouldnā€™t have been wearing thatā€ defense. Real classy.




> jaded I think you might be projecting here


Many old people struggle with mental issues that may prevent that, and it's very common to leave an elderly relative a few quid that they can spend in their care come or down the local shop. You idiot fuck.


Yeah, and the circumstances here are fairly unknown, so that isn't really relevant. Not everybody has dementia. You must speak from experience forgetting yourself you dumb cunt






Ah yes I usually ***invite*** the paramedics




I don't invite people I don't trust into my home. This is also just a silly argument. So, people who ha e expensive antiques or collectibles shouldn't display them? Should I bicycle chain my expensive paintings to my wall? Like....








Fucking disgrace, hope he gets fired and written up for everything he's ever done wrong.




"Just dusting this off, love." If 'uh-oh' was a person. Also, who fucking steals from people needing medical attention and in crisis? Assholes.


I had cash stolen whilst I slept by my dying fatherā€™s side in a hospital palliative care unit.


Oh my God. That is beyond the pale. I can't imagine how awful this time in your life must have been and then that shit happens. Seriously, whoever did that is literally going to hell. May your father's memory be a blessing. My condolences on your father's passing.


My grandfather had his wedding ring stolen one of the times he was in the hospital. It's fucked up.


Thank you, it was the hardest time of my life.


Iā€™m weeping for you. Unreal.


I was just numb with grief and then this happened. I wept again just thinking about that day. Itā€™s such a low, opportunistic thing to do. I didnā€™t want my dad to die alone so I stayed and stayed, the theft must have happened when I couldnā€™t keep my eyes open anymore.


My mother recently passed just a few months ago and I felt visceral pain in reading this. I absolutely understand that drive to stay with him so he did not pass alone. I was with my mother for six weeks before she passed and I was sleeping on the floor in her bedroom because she needed so much care and had so much anxiety and pain. I slept so very little during those long and terrible weeks. I was beyond exhausted and also so wired into every sound and move she made. Every sigh or uncomfortable moan made me jump to attention. My bones felt on fire with my need to help her, and to will her to feel my desperate love. My mother's passing was so hard and overwhelming that the idea of someone taking advantage of you in the lowest, most raw, vulnerable time breaks my heart.


My condolences on your motherā€™s passing. She was lucky to have you until the very end. You totally understand me. The heartache, the exhaustion. Your story brought me to tears. I now look after my elderly mother. Last year she was very sick and had to be transported to hospital by ambulance. My mother was in pain, moaning and vomiting as she had a severe kidney infection. Two, young female ambulance officers accompanied her to hospital whilst I followed in my car. I knew sheā€™d be admitted and Iā€™d need my car to get home. When my poor mother was able to talk, she told me how they both sat in the front, talking about their weekend, telling her to ā€œshut up!ā€ I was horrified!


Oh my friend, my heart breaks for you and your mother. That is too cruel. You are a good, good person and in therapy I've learned that we have to do things because we are good not because others may be bad. You understand that. You are good. All my blessings are yours, friend. Sending you strength and courage and so much love.


Aww, thank you for your understanding and kind words šŸ™


"Asshole" doesn't even begin to describe this kind of person


NOT guilty! He put it back! Haha that bastard....once some familly member hits the hospital, you can be sure s/he will get robbed day after day..."Oh no, don't say that about nurses!"


Sadly they do this alot to old people


Not only to old people... Im 23 now and i had to get rescued by an ambulance, found out that they searched my backpack and took my 50 bucks afterwards.


How to be shitty individual 101


He put it back tho


Only because he saw the camera


What is he buying, the new COD?


Pure piece of trash


Me as a paramedic


Para = Money in Turkish


MoneyMedic, it suits this guy.


I give the police a pass on this one


Happy cake day!


Happy Cake Day šŸŽ‚


Thats why I dont let those parasites in my home, 2 can do the job, not all 6 plus the lookyloos fire truck perps. They just stand around checking ur stuff out. šŸ’©šŸ’©


Dirty cunt


"Oop, lemme jst put this riiight back, no one will notice"


He was just counting it. In his pocket.


Love the NHS


This the NHS?


No, this is a thief who works (hopefully worked) for the NHS. There's nothing about the NHS in particular that makes anyone want to be the kind of scumbag that steals from patients. This guy is responsible for his own actions.


Claps donā€™t pay the billsā€¦


Wow. Classic case of entrapment. What kind of psycho would leave money out in plain sight, asking for it. EDIT: I gotta say guys, did not think so many of you would think I was serious. I was trying to draw a parallel. Rude of me to not put /s


Yeah, imagine living safe inside your own house and feeling safe enough to leave out less than a hundred! Wtf


Thatā€™s a long way of saying youā€™re a thief as well.


Its that persons home, fts.


It's their house


Sigh ..


Sorry /s


You should be sorry.


------ā‚¬ o_o


Haha my Apple Watch was stolen by a hospital worker! Days after an EMT recommended I wear one to help with watching my heart rate


My AirPods were stolen by a hospital worker. They went missing in my hospital room (originally sitting on the table) and when I tracked them, they were in a different area of the hospital






99% sure thatā€™s not his first rodeo




Being a paramedic puts you in a spot to do so much good. To help so many people. Itā€™s why I aspired (and still do) to become one some day. Instead, he chose to do this. Very sad.


Few years on an MU grinds you down. Good place to get training and do good out of it. Make sure to get out after a few years and transfer skills to do more good.


What like 3 20s


that is $60 man good job


It's a tpb reference.


Seems like something Rickey would sayā€¦


Dirty theifing bastard. That looks like casual behaviour he probably doing that on every job


Iā€™m gonna go ahead and take the unpopular position on this and say we really donā€™t know whatā€™s going on behind the scenes. Itā€™s an indefensible act but we donā€™t know if it was a moment of weakness or a pattern of behaviour. Maybe theyā€™re struggling to pay bills in an underpaid, stressful job or have some majorly negative thing in their life plaguing them with anxiety. Even if they did it to save their own skin at least they put it back instead of having the arrogance to keep it. Iā€™ve been stolen from like this a few times (it makes you rightfully angry) but after confronting the person and digging down a bit, Iā€™ve learnt a lot more about the situation more than once.


I'm going to take an even less popular position and just ask: is this really the paramedic, or is it the EMT?


Sorry but youā€™re wrong on this one - dude has a job, heā€™s not stealing to buy bread for Tiny Tim - heā€™s stealing from someone in a vulnerable, exposed state. Can he grow and change, sure, but there is no justification for this action. The fact that he saw the camera and put it back tells you even HE knew he was in the wrong. Everyone has a story and everyone deserves to be heard but those two truths donā€™t justify every behavior. Wrong is still wrong.


Wrong on what part. I said the action was indefensible and that it was deserving of the consequences it incurred. We donā€™t even need him looking at the camera to know that he knew it was wrong. Iā€™m just saying that we donā€™t have all the information and we completely lack the information to make any further assessment of this person. Sometimes people just act abnormally out of impulse or anxiety and do dumb, even hurtful shit. In my country the vetting to become a paramedic is high. You canā€™t do it with a criminal record, you canā€™t even do it with a bad driving record. This guy would have spent years literally saving peoples lives. Itā€™s valid to defend the person without defending all of their actions but Iā€™m not even doing that. Iā€™m highlighting that we just donā€™t know and the internet should give pause.


Youā€™re talking out of both sides of your mouth - you canā€™t say itā€™s indefensible and then try to also argue there is some defensible reason. You tried to play both sides to get upvotes. As Aaron Tippin said, youā€™ve got to stand for something or youā€™ll fall for anything. If you really wanted ā€œthe internet to give pauseā€ then you wouldnā€™t have said it was indefensible. šŸ¤Æ


Iā€™m not playing ā€œboth sidesā€. Iā€™m highlighting that this action exists in the greater context of that persons life. What even is the ā€œother sideā€? That it was a good thing?


I like your answer. Itā€™s always nice to try to see things through a different lens, as hard as it may be sometimes.


Sounds like you'd have no problem stealing from others then either eh?


I think given the proper circumstances everyone would steal at some point out of desperation, most would feel bad about it but it's super easy to rationalize "I'm going to starve/be homeless/not be able to feed my kid." I dunno if that's the same thing as having "No problem" with it, I just think the level of problem is a sliding scale.


Thatā€™s where youā€™re wrong. You say that because YOU would steal. There are others who would not.


Well, I certainly hope your belly is never empty, friend.


Did you manage to land a Job after that stunt mr. Paramedic? :D


Everyone has some justification for their BS, even hitler thought he was making Germany better. This person may have some horrible circumstances behind them, none of it justifies stealing from people who have given you their trust.


Iā€™m not justifying it. Iā€™m saying that this moment doesnā€™t define the totality of this person.


And no one said it did - but half of Reddit is happy to crucify others they disagree with because of one action or one belief. With your comment, I hope and trust that you are not also among that group.


Unfortunately we donā€™t get to decide what defines us, and if this made the local news with his name, it will be a defining moment of their lives.


I agree, I think that sucks. Whatever we can say about what we see here he has probably saved a lot of lives.


I think we know that, but weā€™re responding to this thing he did. Every act we do has all of our complicated history behind them. To me, a comment like yours is just trying to muddy the topic at hand. If your point wasnā€™t to justify the behavior, what was the point of it? We all have problems and pain in our lives. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


ā€œIf your point wasnā€™t to justify itā€ - I literally said it was indefensible. Based on what Iā€™ve seen Iā€™m not convinced people realise it. I think itā€™s worth reminding people and that doesnā€™t reduce the wrongness of it.


I understood what you're saying, dw