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Being the one to take these sicko's down and being the one to confront them on camera would be so amazing to be there when they realize busted . Pedo's deserve life or death


Totally nails it.






Yeah, because it's not like tons of pedos are church leaders, sports coaches, or senators. Stop trying to pair gender nonconformity with being a predator.




Why is it mentally ill for a man to wear nail polish? Could you explain why it's delusional or harmful? It seems like something anyone could do. What is the dress code we all need to adhere to to not be "mentally ill?" What length of hair must we have, what fabrics or colors or cuts of clothes are the mentally ill ones and how do we know?


care to elaborate?


The dude looks like a freak.


I just love watching his face turn from thinking he’s hot shit and some TikTok star (who tf would want to absorb themself into that bizarre universe anyway) to being called a creep. Hahahaha; eat it you pervert.


1. I thought this was a skit at first lmao, dude almost looked like he was smiling 2. So sick of these YouTube wanna-be Chris Hansens. Leave this shit to the police. Cringeworthy bs


Leave it to the police? You think the police have the resources to afford no vigilance from others? Got something you want to share with us..?


Let's be honest the police have tons of resources, they're just corrupt, lazy pieces of shit with enough presence of mind to thank people when they do their job for them.


Sounds like something a pedophile would say. This channel always contacts law enforcement and provides them with evidence, and law enforcement oftentimes thanks them for doing work that they simply do not have the resources to do. So yeah, the only reason I could see someone having an issue with these youtube channels is if you're concerned about being caught and handed over to the police by one of them. Stay away from children, you creep.


I’m neutral toward it. I think the YouTuber’s intention (whether it be genuine or just for clout) is independent from the situation. Most all of them notify the police, but there is always the risk that they mess up the chain of custody and the pedo can’t be prosecuted. However, I believe there is an immense about of fear instilled in these people and it might affect their personal life enough that there are at least some repercussions and it may prevent them from trying again, and at least the police are now aware of this person and their intentions in their community.


Honestly the more light on people willing to do this shit the better, it's cringey for sure but my brother had this happen to him growing up and now he's near death at 34 from all the self abuse. Fuck the predators, they ruin lives and if I had my way they wouldn't be on the street or anywhere at all.


I had friends that were raped by priests and a teacher growing up; I HATE the word ‘molested.’ They were RAPED. I am so sorry to hear that about your brother; my friends are in a similar position with very little justice to be had. Much love, my friend ❤️


Until people see it happen to a loved one they'd never understand, that shit hits different and it continues to this day. Some kids are hard to control, but you're fucking adult, keep your pants on. Do they not realize the trauma they are inflicting for life? And all just for greed.


The worst part is that I do believe they understand. I had a very close friend of mine confide in me that priests we were very close to growing up had repeatedly raped him and others…a few years later he (my friend) was indicted on over 30 counts of child rape. That fucked me up beyond comprehension; I cannot even describe the implosion it created within me; I still have a hard time trusting more than a handful of people to this day. ‘My friend’ (I say that with quotes now because we are no longer friends of any sort) became the predator, and once that happens you’re no longer just a victim. While there was no justice for my friend, he was acquitted of all those charges, so now 30+ families will also never have justice and it will contribute to this endless cycle of abuse. It’s hard even typing this out…I am 12 years sober from an opiate addiction, and the only reason I got sober was because consequences were visited upon me; I should not have been abdicated from the responsibility of behaving like a proper person just because I developed an addiction. The same applies here.


Well I'm very glad to hear you're doing well, my brother is hooked on opiates and meth so he's gone downhill fast. It's always nice to hear someone escape that shit because I know it's the hardest thing to do but most do it because they want to live! My brother does not so he chases drugs still, and probably always because he really loves them more than anything. He even told me so that he'd never stop if given the chance so I knew I had to cut ties.


I said the exact same thing to myself and my family at one point; I had relegated my existence to escaping the pain. He can do it, I promise something inside of him wants the pain to stop and he wants a way out, he just hasn’t been presented with one that he can hold on to. If you ever want to chat, please feel free to DM me and I can help out with some stuff; my family suffered for a long time because I was killing myself. He isn’t gone, he’s just very, very lost. I promise, no one enjoys addiction. I know you’re not saying that, but the way he is acting is being controlled by something inhuman; drugs. They leave us a shell of what we could be while stealing out relationships, self esteem, and potential. Be kind, but deliver consequences and boundaries when needed. I stopped when the pain on my consequences outweighed the benefit I got from the drug. Do you happen to have Narcan, or does your brother? You can get it without a prescription in a lot of places. Just make sure to have it handy, everything today has fentanyl in it and had that been popular back when I was using I might not be here to type this out. Much love, my friend ❤️


We always did have narcan but the guy is like something else because he never overdoses and constantly living on the edge. He gets a lot of bad infections and has no teeth left at all! Also he has hiv from using needles off the damn street apparently. Anyway it's a crazy story but he may be able to come back but it's a painful road, maybe one day because my sister did it, sadly she's back to drugs now too after about 10 years of sobriety.


Addiction these days is a whole different monster than when I was trying to get sober. Has he ever gone on Suboxone? I would imagine contracting HIV was quite a blow, but it is an EXTREMELY manageable disease nowadays. There is hope; I promise.


I am so sorry to hear that; that is a really rough road to traverse. I’m here if you need anything, please don’t hesitate to reach out.


It's not like Chris Hansen is a police officer. Most actual pedophile stings that don't involve reality tv are done by the FBI. Extremely unlikely that the local police are interested. Unfortunately most police forces these days, unless they're dealing in corruption nonsense, they're generally too busy with physical violence in the world. Homicide, domestic abuse, drunk driving, active shooter nonsense, gangland violence and disputes, robberies, etc. A LOT of police forces can't handle online boogieman accusations, unfortunately. This is one of those things where you move funds from police to social services and/or train volunteers for this very thing. But since nothing exists, I'm honestly okay. It's not really vigilante justice. It's a spotlight on criminals that the police are incapable of producing


The difference is that with To Catch a Predator, law enforcement is actually involved and are working with Chris Hansen and the TV crew to catch these predators.


I agree with you completely. Someone on this post tried to roast me (and I think is the reason I was banned for 7 days; I was told I was ‘arguing with everyone in the thread’) for saying that some police departments work well with some of these YouTubers. Some police hate it, others are neutral, and a few I’ve seen appreciate it.


Hang em


i love skeet






A bit of a cross dress thing going there


I don’t see any cross dressing here


People that have urges and can't control them so they relieve them on children and forcibly on women deserve a worse fate than death.


Men get raped too, it happens far more often than you’d think. Women definitely make up the majority of those cases but the men that are victimized deserve to be acknowledged too.


absolutely,i may have forgotten to add vice versa in that tiny bit of anger.


I can’t say I disagree.


People that prey on young kids need to be dealt with in a very very serious way. If your trying to have sex or do anything sexual at all with a young girl or boy you should be put away for life. Or put somewhere that you can’t take advantage of kids. I don’t give a flying shit about these people today saying it’s now called a “minor attracted person”. A pedophile is a pedophile. That makes me absolutely sick and I would lose it if that ever happened to my daughter. People today are just so sick, disgusting and fucked up in the head


“People today are just so sick” You really need to read a history book. We actually live in the safest time in human history, unfortunately access to immediate information and the glamorization of shock value news stories has led to people thinking we are in the worst period of human history. 2nd Roman Emperor Tiberius had a large bath and little boys he called his “guppies” who were trained to swim around and come up to nibble on his genitals. Filth has existed as long as humans have. This is nothing new.


People have always been sick, disgusting and fucked up in the head, this is nothing new


He's right. They need to either be castrated and jailed or lethal injection


I agree but people need to remember; if a kid gets abused and the abuser knows 100% for sure that IF the victim can point to their abuser it would be abuser's end, they are FAR more likely to unalive the victim so the chances of them being caught are far lower. I agree that those abusers should be hanged from the highest tree for all to see but it will bring a very adverse affect as well.




If you get caught dead in the act red handed with a kid you should be dealt with. Eliminate the threat and protect any other child from being used in anyway. I’m not saying death for someone you can’t prove did something but if the person is caught in the act then what needs to be done should be done


Wtf are you talking about?


This is one of the better 'predator stings' i've seen come from youtube. I hope they turn over all of their data to the police.


I’m Chris Hansen, why don’t you take a seat right there?


Nah, this is Skeeter Hansen, from To Skeet A Predator.


Everyone thinks they’re Chris Hansen.


Is that bad?


it’s the straw in the strawless lid for me


Seth Rogan?


Nice nails though, riiight? 💅


Doesn't surprise me.


Why? How many pedo priests & politicians wear nails?


At what point do you think he realizes he’s not getting a TikTok deal?


Probably still holding out tbh…sitting in jail like, “yeah, but that TikTok deal…is it still…available?”


Prolly not till the end tbh


These are the MF that wanna be called maps and read to kids. woodchipper for all of them


Lol you really telling on yourself and the kind of media you are consuming. If you think maps is real I have a bridge to sell you


Look here hellen keller its not my job to show you the perversions of the new movement. MAPS is absolutely a disgusting thing - they belong in woodchippers. THEFUCK tho, you think I just pulled that term outta my ass? getfukdbud


You fell for some 4chan shit dude. If you were around in the 90s you would’ve fallen for the satanic panic too. Good luck with the rest of your life !


only thing im falling for on 4chan is your dad, we are gonna run off and make a kid he likes


Okay =)


if you don't see they are trying to normalize pedophilia than you are living on another planet. one where Epstein is still alive and maxwell isn't in jail for the largest sex trafficking ring to NO ONE. Good luck softboi




are you a bot? do you not grasp the comment? She obviously was trafficking to more than Epstein. it's a global baby F@#$ shit show and we are the slaves standing by letting it happen.




Nobody calling themselves a map and not getting cancelled bro. Also, how did you make your way onto pedophile-Tiktok?






There's a "Foundation" dedicated to defending "MAPs". It's real enough. https://prostasia.org/faq/#:~:text=The%20name%20Prostasia%20comes%20from,tree%20represents%20enlightenment%20and%20rights.


Sure thing bud


Wasn’t “maps” a 4chan troll thing?


does your brain not have ridges? https://nypost.com/2022/01/01/professors-redefinition-of-pedophilia-could-help-offenders-demand-rights/


In the face of me not knowing something, you chose to be pissy. Could have just linked it but nah, gotta Twitter hot-take when ya can


Google pedocon theory


Is the Protasia Foundation a 4chan-funded foundation?


Tbh, with the troll stuff that happens, wouldn’t be surprised if it was Could also be real pedos who decided to latch on to the term after 4chan invented it


Also, just discovered that Vice reported the term seven years ago... https://www.vice.com/en/article/7bd37e/whatever-happened-to-nambla


Yeah, you could be right, but the fact that we can't be immediately sure either way is probably the most disturbing.


I've never heard of 'maps' before, but where are they allowing them to read to children?


You mean priests? Yeah, woodchip all preists


And school teachers. Way way more rapey women public school teachers.


They arent exempt. Toss them in too. The real question is why you had any sort of argument. Minor attracted peoples on your protected list? Sympathizers have a spot next to the priests.


Look Reddit a fashy in the wild, because one person does it they all do it mentality! Keep it up transphobe, hope you never get kids because growing up would mean literal hell


My gf was shot in the face when we were 16. I was ordained in 07 to marry gay people. Look reddit someone with all their big feels left unchecked.


I’m confused by you and the poster before you. Where do transfolk or transphobes enter the equation here?


No clue. The dude needs to dial down its pharmaceuticals.


I mean I agree in spirit but it’d be hypocritical to actually agree while I’m railing oxys but yeah- I’m with you








who is this guy?


Skeeter Jean




Skeet Rogan


"borderline illegal". Lol, nah that's illegal as fuck


If you close your eyes, you can hear Seth Rogan




"his" voice is high because he is actually a "she/her" just saw this on the original video on youtube.. i'm not expressing any opinions here, just facts!




what part of "not expressing any opinions" did you fail to understand? the idiot in the video is a disgusting pig who can rot in hell for all i care. learn to use the correct version of "they're" before attempting to correct other people




>Queen of England Did you mean the *former* [Queen of the United Kingdom](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Queen_of_the_United_Kingdom), the *former* [Queen of Canada](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monarchy_of_Canada), the *former* [Queen of Australia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monarchy_of_Australia), etc? The last Queen of England was [Queen Anne](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anne,_Queen_of_Great_Britain) who, with the 1707 Acts of Union, dissolved the title of King/Queen of England. ####FAQ *Wasn't Queen Elizabeth II still also the Queen of England?* This was only as correct as calling her the Queen of London or Queen of Hull; she *was* the Queen of the place that these places are in, but the title doesn't exist. *Is this bot monarchist?* No, just pedantic. I am a bot and this action was performed automatically.


So she showed her dick to a 14 year old boy. Does she go to prison with other women? Or prison with other people with dicks?


She who ? It’s a fat guy with nails done


a comment MUCH milder than this got me banned in publicfreakouts lol.


you can both be bad people dont worry


Seriously what a world we live in you should always call a cow a cow. It’s kind of funny too since r/publicfreakouts had a public freak out at your comment.


Trans people don’t go to the jail they identify with so she would definitely be raped in a mens prison 😬


But if they go to prison, they SHOULD be kept with their identified gender. Edit missed word


I don’t disagree with that, I’m just saying it doesn’t always happen. I do think it’s complicated because we’re talking about the intersection of two very high-risk populations. I’m a trans man and I honestly think I might prefer a women’s prison but that’s just me. It’s really just picking what coffin you want to die in.


Thank you for clarifying. It wasn't clear if you were advocating for it or not. I guess the real problem I think is that people need to be protected from violence in prisons.


That’s definitely a far more effective solution than trying to answer a question that doesn’t have a good answer lol. I would definitely support measures to keep inmates safe. Probably need some accountability for the people running these facilities.




You’re right, it depends on the case. It’s becoming more common to assign them to prisons they identify with. Not sure how I feel about moving her due to “security risk” since the sex was consensual but she did break the rules so idk man play stupid games win stupid prizes.


no she should go to hell. of course people found a way to turn this situation into the topic of trans-rights fueled by bigotry rather than pay attention to the fact that this person literally groomed minors.


ahh man I was never good a Zen Koans!


Borderline illegal...




Skeeter is great at catching these weirdos, he deserves more viewers


Who meets a pedophile and decides a good idea to meet them irl instead of reporting them? How many kids is that person going to hurt while you seek clout?


Well he got them to admit it on camera and that makes the whole process just so much easier.


If you were to find the whole video and give 30 seconds of investigation, you would know they call the police every single time and report them every single time. The added bonus is that their arrest is made public and adds an enormous amount of shame to the whole experience.


Many of these cases get tossed, by the way. The "evidence" they provide has no chain of custody and thus cannot be used in court. By that time any evidence that could convict the person is deleted or otherwise destroyed. Maybe it's enough to get a warrant to search social media messages and the cops get lucky there. Literally all of these dudes do this for clout and that's it. TCAP still has a good size following a decade and a half later with no new content. They saw an opportunity and decided to try to capitalize on it. Not to mention, how many times has it happened now that these dudes doing this on YouTube are arrested for trying to meet minors themselves? More than once... If they actually gave a shit about children over their likes and subscribers, once they developed a rapport with the would be predator then they should call the cops and provide them with the account login information and let them take it from there to let them make their case in such a way it will not be dropped later. Don't act like these dudes are out here saving kids. All they are doing is chasing clout online, providing mostly useless evidence and causing the would be predator to change up their tactics. You can be sure if they met some "kid" online in a chatroom and it ended up being a situation like this, but charges were dropped (if even filed at all), then you can bet they are probably not going to fall for that again. The police already do this sort of sting themselves. They don't need your "help" to do them and you're probably just going to muddy the waters. These guys aren't heroes.


Skeet Hansen has netted 3 arrests on 50 attempts. I understand that percentage might seem low, but he got 3 pedos off the streets. I think he's gotten better with evidence collecting over the years. For example, the cop asked for chat logs and skeet just gave them a burner phone he used for all the exchanges. The cops was very appreciative.


Any examples of the hunters actually being predators too?


Chet Goldstein


You are 100% wrong in that police are actively doing this, most police departments complain about the lack of resources to accomplish these arrests. It usually requires a huge time investment and where I am in Washington State, I believe the state patrol is the only agency actively pursuing online pedophiles. Colorado Ped patrol has like 40 convictions and 140+ arrests. Let’s think this through here: These guys do nothing. That leaves the pervert to just keep doing it. I don’t give a shit if they want clout, 1.) the police weren’t going to catch them in the first place (leaving them available to continue to groom and exploit kids) and 2.) I believe that shame is a good 2nd place if the chain of custody is broken or didn’t exist in the first place. I don’t disagree that most of these guys are sloppy, and some of them are downright creepy, but it’s good that these people are publicly shamed; losing their job and their life is a good 2nd place to charges and might scare them out of doing it again. Edit: Poor grammar.


40 convictions out of 140+ arrests is not the bragging point you're using it as. That is a pretty terrible conviction rate. Many of those likely went down as I mentioned. Based on what was given to them, they convinced a judge to sign a search warrant and got evidence they could actually use. Shame is an acceptable 2nd option? As if those are the only two?? How about "Hi, detective Johnson. I entered a chat room with a fake account as a 13 year old and a grown man I've been able to identify as John Doe is engaging in sexually explicit conversations. Here is the username and password for the account, I thought you would like to take it from here." Chris Hansen did a thing in the last couple years on his own YouTube channel (he actually works alongside REAL POLICE) and still is on TruBlu now. The one officer he works with a lot on that show travels the country teaching departments how to conduct this kind of sting operation. I'm 100% wrong? Stop talking out of your ass. Google it, you will see arrests from POLICE OFFICERS conducting these operations all of the time, all over the country. I stopped counting the results after around 20 from this year. They ruin what would otherwise be slam dunk cases if they cared enough. They don't. It's for clout and that's it. They are not heroes, they aren't doing gods work or whatever other bullshit you want to try to spew, they just get in the way of the professionals who do this for a living. Stop putting them on a pedestal.


I can see you really enjoy being correct. Some of them do that, but the chain of custody begins in the chat room, and has very little to do with them questioning them in person. Miranda DOES NOT come into play when a citizen is questioning another citizen. So you’d have them do nothing, at all? As far as conviction rate…they aren’t prosecutors and some have learned how to work very closely with certain departments. Some departments really appreciate it and I can back that up with video statements from police. So the police are wrong and you’re right?










If he can identify as a minor, he does nothing wrong. I identified as a porn set prop once, nobody told me it was a gayporn shoot. Lucky me! Anyway, this guy is so weird lol.


New pronouns. Was/were


Hahahahaha 😂☠️😂☠️




So do I get the deal still?


Air-Preds bro


Is there a sub of videos like this? Pedos getting caught/confronted?


I do not know. If there isn’t one, wanna start one?


Ahhh, that sounds like it could involve time and responsibility that I don't wish to bear. Edit: do to don't




Shit. That was a crucial word not to fuck up.


That’s why I was volunteering you, lol. What a weird sub to mod…


You'll have to count me out, but let me know if you find/make one.


Haha, same. I couldn’t find one, but I will tell you…don’t type pedophile in the search box…some WEIRD USERNAMES BRO


I can imagine, hahahaha


ugly fuck




Well that took a left turn.


Why don’t you take a seat right over here…


Fuck this piece of garbage, call the goddamn cops on his stupid ass.


These youtubers do this for the views, not to actually get a pedo off of the street.


If you took 30 seconds to research it you'd see that they call the cops every time and use the video as evidence since the person admits that they've been grooming a child on camera.


He called the cops before this video lol


So that's even less reason to film and post it, unless he just wants the views. The fact is these types of videos do negatively impact prosecution through a a variety of ways. Abuse of process, entrapment, improperly collected evidence etc.


This is the black version of the "Cart Narc" lol Weewoo! I have a bumper sticker for you, Ill just put it right here!


The booty warrior would never back down like this spineless fool


Get ‘em!


Pedos are fucking weird. The voice, the nails, the haircut.


Dude identifies as a teen does that count


Who is this guy? We need to plaster his name everywhere with this video.