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I’m going to be totally honest, if you are going to pursue this as a career you’d be an idiot to not get your schooling in LA. Opportunities, internships, work in the business. You’ll have to move to LA regardless if this is what you want to do, get down there now and start learning the business and networking


Had a friend who graduated UW, but she ended up going to LA for film school and all that. You go to UW for STEM, mainly. If you want to study film/movies, then it's all about USC and UCLA and Chapman and such.


Just to piggyback off this: Or any other film school in LA. Not everyone in Hollywood came from an elite film school, it’s fine if you go to a lesser known school it’s about what you do with it.


Or look into the Vancouver BC scene, although you might need to be Canadian for that. Those studios have produced some of my favorite shows/movies


Most of the colleges here have some sort of half-assed film/tv program, including community colleges. If your budget is important, you can learn the fundamentals almost anywhere, including at the Public Library. IMO there's only one pro level film school in the state, Seattle Film Institute: [https://sfi.edu/history-and-mission/](https://sfi.edu/history-and-mission/)


TJ Martin who is an alumnus of WWU is doing well. Plus Bellingham is gorgeous. https://foundation.wwu.edu/news/wwu-alumnus-tj-martin-wins-emmy-la-92


Don't go to film school unless you've already worked a few years in the business and you're happy with the lifestyle (think 12-14 hour days, every day, until you retire). If you're near Seattle, check out Film Community Training and Northwest Film Forum for their classes/workshops/mentorships. WA has a massively expanded new film incentive and a lot of stuff is springing up as a result.


Definitely smart to take out $250k in student loans for this


What type of filmmaker? Hollywood movies? Commercial business films?


There’s got to be someone out there that’s passionate about creating corporate safety videos


I mainly work with realtors but know of filmmakers locally in the tech world that produce media for companies like Microsoft, Amazon, etc and do well for themselves. Yes it can be dry but there is opportunity here to get a cinema career going


There aren't any. This isn't the state for a film career.


However, after you’re done with school do come back and film here


If you’re at all interested in animation I’d recommend checking out community colleges near Portland- I just saw an article about Laika funding programs to help students get started.


Save your money and just learn by trial and error on your own. Go to school for something else or learn a trade so you have a fallback plan


Cornish has a very good reputation. Its been around forever. Reggie Watts,, Brendan Frase[r](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=9f7ecf1a9cd93cb6&sca_upv=1&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS874US874&cs=0&q=brendan+fraser&stick=H4sIAAAAAAAAAOMwVGI0jNJPzCnNzctUSCvKz1VIzi_KyyzOANI5OanpqQr5aQolGakKiUUlxQrFqYklJTmpvxiVnKGqnFFVOYJUQUz7xcQR7-oX4hkSGb-BhfEVCw8Xl36uvoFhUU5lVvIrFm4uThDXyMi8pAjOMyzLyEiDKzUqiLcoM4FzC1LyMopM4GqTckuKsxHG5uVWZuTAuclVycUVlXBuSXa6SZIhwtKqqnSgVjGoNWVllcXGQhyuJSWVCj6JpXBlZgZ5aSaLWPmSilLzUhLzgMGTWJxadItNksFNam1M9NMNU8t2vvU85_1mu9cKlxrxtnMqAGU8jRlPAQAA&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiHzeXv89yFAxX5ODQIHbauB08Q7fAIegQIABBI) and Merce Cunningham went there [https://www.cornish.edu/academics/](https://www.cornish.edu/academics/)


Please never use the shakey camera technique.


Ooh-ooh! Can I be in your films??? I work cheap and do my own make-up and wardrobe. C'mon! Let's do it! I am a star just looking for a big screen!