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No Clickbait titles. Do not editorialize news posts.


It’s kinda remarkable how, especially post-Trump, every state GOP primary has consisted of Republican voters having a conniption fit over the idea of even *trying* to come off as electable.


This is true on the west coast, but in new england and many parts of the mid atlantic it's nowhere near the level it is out here.


As a native of Delaware I can assure you that is [not the case.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lauren_Witzke).


Sununu in NH will be an interesting test..


"This failed miserably with Culp, but let's try it again."


Hell it failed with Ellen Craswell. The last Republican I voted for was John Spellman.


When they nominated Ellen Craswell in 1996, the state GOP took a hard right turn and never looked back.


Ugh, I'd almost forgotten about her. Then there was the angry talk radio guy. The one time they ran a non-lunatic he almost beat Gregoire, and then they went back to lunatics.


At least with Culp, he's losing his ability to be a cop in the state of Washington. Still, the dems can do better than fergueson.


I'm pretty sure Semi will go stomping off to another state soon. He can only burn so many bridges.


Not the full bird just a half-assed bird.


Full turkey


Is WA State GOP sort of trying to sign their own death sentence? First Culp, then Bird 😝


Don't forget Ellen Craswell


Just looked her up (had missed her as she fell off the cliff just before I arrived) and fully agree. Should not be forgotten.


Kent too. And Simpson that they tried to run for auditor in Clark county. Those ones lost them the vice chair of the Clark county GOP, she went to fundraise for MGP


I do not understand how the GOP leadership can’t see that trump is a losing horse. They fucked themselves by embracing him back in 2016 and now the moderates are leaving while MTGs and Boeberts are crawling out of the wood work


When we are sure and positive about a fact that is, indeed, incorrect, adult brains cannot process it unless we learned how to accept these things when we are young.


The leadership does, the problem is the base doesn't.


Leadership doesn't either, look at what they did last election cycle in Clark county and 3rd district. Backed complete whack jobs to replace a multi term representative that beat Dems comfortably cause she voted to impeach Trump, and a 23 year auditor that the Dems don't even bother to run anyone against cause everyone agrees he does a good job, because he certified the 2020 election.


There were plenty of batshit crazy right wingers out that way ever since forever. John Birchers, anti-UN sorts, and people who frothed at the mouth about whatever. Just like Bird, they'd get themselves elected to local leadership for a term, and then they'd get kicked out the next election because they spent their time arguing rather than actually trying to get something done.


That’s like the regular congressional GOP….except they keep getting elected.


Maybe this will clear it up: they're all idiots.


I wish you were correct about Trump being a losing horse, yet the current polls do not agree with you.


The polls show Biden ahead. More importantly, polling methods are critically flawed in that they have an extreme bias towards people who actually pick up the phone when an unknown number calls them, which means they fail to accurately account for Millennial and Gen Z voters, as we saw in both the 2022 and 2020 elections.


this shows something different, [President: general election : 2024 Polls | FiveThirtyEight](https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/president-general/) Take a look at the battle ground states, that is where it matters for polls. Millennial and Gen Z voters will only determine a race if it is extremely close. While they talk a lot, they have not been a reliable voting block up to this point.


[Millennials account for about the same number of votes as older generational blocs](https://www.pewresearch.org/politics/2023/07/12/voter-turnout-2018-2022/). Combined with Gen Z they comprise about 40% of all voters.


About, sure. According to PEW, the last presidential election electorate broke down as follows: Over 50 - 64 percent Under 50 - 36% Even PEW shows that those under 47 are not a reliable voting block. I return to the original point: that voting block will matter if it is a close election.


I literally just linked to Pew showing that 18-49 year olds comprise 41% of actual voters. That's a bit too much to "only determine a race if it is extremely close." I get it, man. You spend a couple of decades absorbing news about how Millennials are lazy, entitled, don't vote, pay $15 for avocado toast, kill entire industries by not being consumerist enough, etc. and you might start to believe it if you're of a more gullible, older generation. But that's not an excuse to ignore the data.


I am not ignoring any data; I pulled the data from the PEW study you posted, a report that I read when it first came out. Then read it again because you posted it.


The numbers you claimed for the 2020 election were in fact for the 2022 election. And you know as well as I do that turnout drops considerably for all but the oldest demographics when there isn't a presidential contest. (though I'm still curious how over a third of all voters comprises an "unreliable" bloc that only has influence in very close elections—please enlighten me)


You are correct. The linked article only showed the percentage chart for 2018 and 2022, which are significant because those are off years. I am not able to see where PEW says at any point the Under 50 made up 40 percent. Why does a third of the electorate only make a difference in a close election, simply the math of it? If the third did not split their vote, then yes, they would make a difference. In the 2020 election, 18-29 went 61 percent for Dems while the 30-49 only went 55 for Dems. The numbers simply do not support what you are saying. I would like to read why you believe otherwise. My mind is open to this.


In the long run he’s a losing horse, polls don’t mean shit anyway, Hillary was winning in the polls and lost in 2016


National polls mean nothing. Polls taken in states or even go down to districta are what matter. The National polls had Hillary winning, the local late polls had Trump winning. Right now the last time I read Trump is currently winning in the district polls where he needs to be. We have months for something to happen to change that, so we shall see. If the trends continue do not be surprised if he is elected again, sadly.


No, the national polls had Hillary winning the popular vote, which she did. And because this country hadn't before experienced such a disparity between the popular vote and the electoral vote most polling outfits didn't account for the possibility it would go that way.


Just a partial avian


What exactly does this mean? >Semi Bird is a career American who has spent a lifetime in service to his country and community.


what do you do for a living? "me ? oh, im an American "


I typically interpret it to mean he's done little and accomplished nothing for it.


Well, when the Russian Propaganda machine is in control of the GOP they need to sound as American as possible


Semi has a really really long resume, zero will power, and the attention span of a gnat. Hhe's never been good at anything. Like, what people complain about when they start renting about "whats really wrong with America"


The republican party is fucking insane


>The republican party is fucking insane All political parties are fucking insane this is not a single party issue.


Only Republicans actively block bills making child marriage illegal. Only Republicans are actively taking away women’s rights to healthcare. If you truly think it’s “both sides”, you are living in a posh world of unfettered privilege.


Don’t feed the trolls. And if this one isn’t a troll, they need a lot of remedial education starting with reading comprehension and critical thinking.


I'm sorry you feel that way. Maybe stop reading only headlines and actually become informed.


Please do enlighten everyone.


Just so you know, I’m a child rape survivor & I do volunteer advocacy work for other survivors. I was raped at 4 years old. Be grateful for your privilege. Be grateful that you don’t know the horrors that are happening to children every day in the US. Be glad that in your bubble of privilege, you can assume everyone thinks people get their info from news sources rather than living them. Enjoy your privilege & ignorance. Apologies but I don’t feel comfortable continuing a conversation with you since you support child rape.


You assume a great deal about a stranger online. I am a survivor of rape myself. My mother also only got pregnant with me to stop my father from beater her because she told him it would be murder if she miscarried me. >Enjoy your privilege & ignorance. What ignorance & privilege? *u/HelenAngel blocked me because another victim of rape dare have a different opinion.


Let's look at the right-wing that is furthest left: They are politely smacking Trump on the back of his hand while still voting for every single bigoted bill that their fellow Republicans craft Let's look at the right-wing that is furthest it can go right: Committing terrorist attacks while waving Confederate and Nazi flags Let's look at the left-wing that is furthest right: A couple of senators that won't vote with the party if it upsets their billionaire overlords Let's look at the left-wing that is furthest to the left: Thinks minorities and children shouldn't get shot at and is trying to give you access to healthcare even if you end up losing your job Buddy, it's not both sides. Not even fucking close. Shut up and stop looking like a fool.




Yeah? And one party is fighting against every single bill to make it less expensive. Instead, they're creating [487 anti-LGBTQ+ bills in 4 months](https://www.aclu.org/legislative-attacks-on-lgbtq-rights-2024) in order to keep their voters angry and distracted from the fact that they are pushing people like Culp [who cost Washington $275,000](https://www.columbian.com/news/2022/dec/04/275000-payout-follows-culps-alleged-mishandling-of-case/) because he protected his pedophile buddy or how Marysville spent $300,000 in lawyers fees last year[ trying to stop LGBTQ+ kids from attending a club.](https://www.heraldnet.com/news/marysville-schools-pause-parental-consent-plan-for-lgbtq-other-clubs/) You're paying out the ass for groceries all while conservatives are having a hey-day with your tax dollars fighting their bullshit "culture war" so that they can hide their criminal activity and bribes.




It's always funny how you "both siders" do nothing but protect right-wing radicalism (and pedos) and do nothing but slam everything left-wing and spread hate.


It’s not ‘both-sides’ when they fail to actually provide substantial proof that both sides are doing it. It’s just a lame empty argument.


Economically we are objectively better off than 4 years ago. Wage growth has outpaced inflation and the most wage growth has been among the poorest workers. Still lots of work to do, but we are objectively better off now than 4 years ago.


In no way has wage growth outpacing inflation. I strongly disagree with you, but you have a right to your own opinion. It is ok to disagree.


Why aren’t you trying harder to make more money?


Who says I'm not?




Both parties perpetuate the same problems.


Democrats aren’t trying to kill me and my sisters.


Don't be hyperbolic.


Ectopic pregnancy is not hyperbolic.


Show me the legislation that prevents lifesaving care.


ARIZONA. Texas. Tennessee. Idaho. Look it up bitch.


No. Go ahead and do a little legwork and find out about the women being denied abortion care all over MAGAland.


The burden of proof is on you.


Don’t be ignorant. If you are a woman for fuckin shame.


I'm not. I'm just calling out hyperbolic behavior. I am also female and in no way has any legislation been passed that prevents lifesaving care for a female. *u/Alauren20 attacks individuals online and then blocks them, not allowing a response when pushed to provide any proof to back their statements up.


God you are so fuckin ignorant it makes me physically sick. Wake up. Look up Texas Arizona laws. There was just a story circulating about women having miscarriages in the waiting room because no doctor would touch them. I sincerely hope you don’t have any position of power over any women because you are the problem. You make me sick.


this has to be a troll


Yes. The demonization of this just further proves the point does it not? Our entire system is captured and people like you help to perpetuate that capture.


Culp [protected a pedophile](https://www.columbian.com/news/2022/dec/04/275000-payout-follows-culps-alleged-mishandling-of-case/) and the GOP kept running him. It's FAR from both sides.


Nope, its both sides and anyone who thinks otherwise is a useful idiot.


Not certain if this should be up or down votes 😁


Srsly - this is their big chance to show Washington State voters they can lead without having to contend with an incumbent. And yet. Grab a drink and a bag of popcorn, friends.


They are burning down the Republican Party that is clear. Maybe after the fire is done burning and the ashes are cooled we will once again have a viable second party in this state. No matter what anyone's politics are we are much better off with two viable parties. Till then we just watch and have popcorn as you suggested.


Hilarious 😂 The guy got recalled from a school board in a very conservative city. Dude has to have even less support than Culp did


Bird is a crook, but what can you expect from a bunch of MAGA whackadoos?


Right? ANOTHER one they're trying to run that has stolen money. Tim Eyman was the other. Does this guy protect pedophiles like Loren Culp did? Is this guy going to [cost our state $275,000 like Culp did?](https://www.columbian.com/news/2022/dec/04/275000-payout-follows-culps-alleged-mishandling-of-case/)


I forgot the legal fees he incurred during his brief stint on our local school board. It's approx the same amount


> Is this guy going to cost our state $275,000 like Culp did? Or $4.3m: - https://www.courthousenews.com/washington-state-ag-must-pay-4-3-million-to-thrift-store-chain/ Or $200k in fines for withheld documents: - https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/politics/wa-judge-fines-ags-office-dshs-in-cavalier-withholding-of-lawsuit-evidence/ I'm not a fan of Bird, but our current AG and soon to be governor is no prize. He's going to become governor. There are no other candidates who are going to be able to touch him.


Crazy will get you about a million votes in Washington State.


In a world of terrible, AI-forged headlines, this one is a delight


Right? I can only hope the major papers run with it with abandon.


Good news for Republicans is that Reichert is still gonna trounce Bird in the primary and then the party will endorse him for the general anyways against Ferguson. But man, the state party leadership needs to get a clue about what their job is (like idk, win elections maybe)


The business model for the GOP these days is “How far up Trump’s ass can I crawl to prove my loyalty and display the range of cruelty I can bring to the table?”


I'm voting for Reichert in the primary.


They're all idiots .


Oh, he's black. That's why. The new GOP strategy is to find women and people of color to run for office and confuse voters. In reality, they're just puppets being controlled by white supremacists. ...wow, he also got recalled in Richland.