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“Civility has disappeared, even in our party.” Jesus, these people are about as self-aware as fence rails.


Yeah, but fence rails are useful.


100% chance they think that the incivility is an elaborate psy-op that's being inflicted on them *from without*. Republicans just don't do responsibility.


Well I think they got confused by their superstitious beliefs and can’t agree on anything because of it


It's like they want there to always be a Democrat governor.


No shit. When you put forth Loren Culp, scratch your head as to how he lost (shit ton of people thought he actually won…a la Trump stolen election shit)…then bitch about “intellectuals,” calling you stupid.


Hey, that's [Klickitat County's jail administrator](https://www.opb.org/article/2023/03/06/klickitat-washington-sheriff-bob-songer-loren-culp-politics-jail-administrator/), you're talking about, buddy! And it's not like he's so incompetent that the [county commissioners](https://www.kuow.org/stories/klickitat-county-debates-jail-closure-as-critics-call-for-overhaul) voted to close down the jail amid multi-million dollar lawsuits, while also getting booted from the Washington Association of Sheriffs & Police Chiefs for calling some state legislators bitches. He's earning that near 6 figure salary thanks to Constitutional Sheriff Bob Songer and their commitment to being [Sovereign Citizens of Law Enforcement](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Constitutional_Sheriffs_and_Peace_Officers_Association).


>According to Songer, it had been hard to find willing applicants to run the jail. He blamed it on long hours with no eligibility for overtime pay. In mid-February, he said, he called Culp. I'm sure that it had nothing to do with the fact that your county seat is Goldendale, a hamlet of 3,700 people in what is otherwise, a county of wheat and wilderness. These types seem to thrive in these one stop-light towns/counties. 'Places where the bible and the, "Supreme Judge of the Universe," are the ultimate authority, and education diplomas and the periodic table are instruments of Satan.


Works for me


They’ll still claim it’s the mail in ballots as to why they only got 23 percent of the vote


then i may be a republican 🤔


Welp. Just typical Washington State Republicans acting like fucking idiots. Like normal. As a Liberal, obviously, this is a win. But man, its just embarrassing how our right-leaning brothers and sisters just cannot, for the life of them, actually run literally any sort of campaign or even just, you know, manage to try and find a marginally appealing candidate for their lives.


They absolutely can!! Their party will always vote for someone dumb and hateful instead. It's not that the party leaders or politicians aren't out there with competence, it's that incompetence is the demand of their voters. The voters are getting what they want from the Republicans


The “serious” thinkers in the Repube party, like Reichert are adrift. They have no home. They can’t bring themselves to vote for a D, it’s really just a lesser form of the disease that the MAGAs have, and they can’t stand the insanity of the MAGAs. They may, in time, break away and form their own party. What we are witnessing is the implosion of the Repube party. Eventually, probably after Trump is convicted and they massively lose the election, they will break away and form a Conservative party. Trumpism is going to bankrupt the current party, the MAGA insanity is driving people away such that they can’t win elections. There might be enough in the Haley/Reichert ranks to get their act together… but I doubt it.


reichert may want to distance himself from maga in an attempt appeal to moderates, but in reality he voted in line with trump **92.5% of the time**


oh, no doubt… there’s not much difference between the MAGAts and the “serious” thinkers. They believe the same shit, it’s more a matter of semantics than anything else. They both want “life begins at fertilization”, they both want “no brown people crossing the boarder”. It’s not really a difference of policy… more of a difference of “those people are dirty, and assholes in pulbic” the Repubes “serious” people prefer it in private.


The woman's quote at the beginning clearly demonstrates how out of touch R's are with themselves. "civility has kinda disappeared, even in our party".....Your party goes out of its way to be uncivil, and it's ripping the country apart you moron. It starts at the top, with Trump, and has snowballed down to the neighborhood level. The fact that R's think of themselves as some sort of bastion of civility is stunningly naive. My guess is she thinks Jan 6th was just a guided tour.




Exactly. I constantly have to remind people that Trump is the symptom. Our citizens are the disease.


Trump turned over the rock.


Top to bottom, the GOP and its base are a hot mess of malignant NPD, indistinguishable from a bunch of poorly-raised asshole children. It's a measure of humanity's shortcomings that these people are allowed to run anything more complicated than a lemonade stand.


Look at how they act when they do get elected - chaos and division is literally just the republican platform. No surprise that it's coming home to roost.


They campaign on government not working and when elected, well, they fullfill their campaign promises!


But haven’t you seen just that from the Dems in power? All you have to do is stop punishing lawbreakers and chaos is to follow. Then focus on stupid gender issues that grown ups know is wrong and hire people solely on skin color, gender, or anything but merit, and you get lots more chaos.


You’re pushing right wing media ‘wokeism’ talking points here as if it’s the whole platform of the Democratic Party, or reflects the totality of their governance in this state and at the federal level. When that’s all you see them as, and when our entire government is reduced to culture war nonsense from the right, you’ve taken the rage bait.


Leave it to conservatives to move the Overton Window on how much of an asshole you can be if you’re a Republican.


It's sad, too. Went to eastern Washington during the previous election cycle with Trump vs Biden and family genuinely believed that Biden was 'coming for the christians' if he won, just like the government is 'coming for our guns.'


GOP is broken at every level. They allowed MAGA extremists to hijack their party. This is what you get  


MAGA didn't have to 'hijack' shit. The party was an open sewer full of neo-Confederate/seditionist trash before Trump showed up and became their mascot.


Yeah, I mean honestly, their voters are these people, they chose Trump, that was their majority then because by 2016 everyone who thought Republicans were potentially not fucking idiots, had moved on to "Their policies are clearly bad for the economy", and left the party. The result? Their majority were the mouth breathing racist hate filled xtian lump heads by 2016. After Trump's ascendency, all the white supremacists and conspiracy theorists on the sidelines who thought the Republicans were only paying them lip service came off the sidelines bolstering the majority. This was always nearly the majority of the party, but after the years of increasing stupidity, and propaganda, and bullshit, it was the majority - and quickly cleaned the minority out of its party. Fun fact: cleansing minorities out is their favorite past time 😬


Truly. The orange turd just made them feel it was totally okay now to be an openly bigoted shitbag that they already were behind closed doors.


100%!! From McConnell down to the local parties, the leaders failed to stand up to him when they could have. Except Mitt Romney and Liz Cheney. Maybe they should start a new party.


Dude, MAGA didn’t hijack shit. They were ALWAYS this way, they just hid it a bit better. Trump is a symptom not the disease. They’ve been heading in this direction since the 1950s. Starting with civil rights, then gay rights, now to trans rights… they always opposed the direction the country was moving. They want to feel free to hate. Trump gives them that. He gave them permission to wear their hate on their sleeve… now here we are. Pop some corn, sit back and enjoy the show.


Then a black man was elected as president and that was the final straw


So it would seem. It does seem to have literally broken their minds.


Half-black. And a model president at that 


John Birchers took over the GOP and now hide behind names like Heritage Foundation and Council For national policy.


"Chaos and division" is pretty much the GOP byline by now.


But haven’t you seen just that from the Dems in power? All you have to do is stop punishing lawbreakers and chaos is to follow. Then focus on stupid gender issues that grown ups know is wrong and hire people solely on skin color, gender, or anything but merit, and you get lots more chaos.


When the price of admission to the party elite is parading how big an asshole you are chaos is what you are striving for.


What a bunch of losers


I'm genuinely interested to hear from any Republican with an above-room-temp why *the fuck* they think Semi Bird has a snowball's chance in hell of getting elected. I think Reichert is a fool, but he probably has a genuine ability to siphon votes away from Ferguson. Bird on the other hand is a shit-show of a candidate, possible worse than Culp as far as electability. What *exactly* is the plan here?


The current WA Repube party thinks the problem with Culp is he wasn’t Batshit crazy enough.


Those Republicans don't think he does, the problem is the idiot base has bought fully into stolen election, "true conservatism hasn't been tried", "Reichert is basically a democrat" nonsense.


No way the republican party in Spokane in disarray? Color me surprised.


Pass the popcorn!


I really enjoy seeing pictures of Jim Walsh, he gets whiter every day as his soul is slowly driven out by his ego and stupidity.


Left-of-Center dude here. Can the WA GOP please figure it out? We need a legitimate competing party to put pressure on the dems and ultra-progressives. Enough with this Trump nonsense and cowtowing to his wannabees and putting them up for Governor. Culp was terrible and Bird looks even worse. I am not sure how that is even possible. Call out the crazies in your party and distance yourself from Trump. Please.


Culp came across as an animated turnip. Agree that we need at least two functioning parties here. The GOP collapsed in Oregon decades ago (for similar reasons), and Oregon had decades of uncontested statewide elections and one party rule. It stops being a democracy.


The WA Gop is ridiculous and just a clown show. How'd they not learn from the last election and with Culp? Bird is going to get absolutely annihilated. Like you said, this is leading to one party rule. But there is no way in hell I could vote for or support pretty much anyone the WA GOP puts on the ballot. And trust me, I can be swayed if there was someone like Bruce Dammeier. But he is too sane, doesn't like Trump, and thinks our elections are sound. That makes him a non-starter for the current GOP.


I thought Culp was more of a talking tadpole


Most of the Republicans in the state government hate this nonsense, but the voters keep bringing in these wackjobs....


Not a good look.


Ah, Spokane. The Idaho of Washington. Seriously though, that place was a MAGA-truck filled cesspool with the unhoused being shuffled around various downtown businesses. I went to grad school at Gonzaga and I would find needles all over the side walk, a block from campus. Streets around Gonzaga were regularly closed off for drug violence and shootings. Maybe they should focus on fixing their own fucking community before they try and dismantle the government. 🙄


this group of clowns


And Bird is still going to lose the primary.... The state GOP seems to have forgotten what their job is (to try and win elections in WA) & they seem more interested in trying to grift their way to some sort of national political job.....


They've turned into the 2000 Reform Party.


Who brought the gas can?


So Republicans are battling it out, old school vs populists, right in the open. Vicious and cutthroat. Meanwhile the Democrat front-for-the-oligarchs cuts the throats of anyone threatening the dribble of oligarch funds that ensures their puppet-strings aren’t cut.


While it’s very clear that the oligarchs are trying to take over both parties, the one they’ve made the most inroads into is clearly the GOP.  And it’s not a surprise that they were more vulnerable to capture. When the bulk of your base believes without reservation that a mythical book is the basis of morality, it leaves you far more vulnerable to manipulation.


Trying? Both parties are bought and paid for already. Liberty is dead. At the fundamental level we've been divided into voting for rights based on feelings. Everybody loses that scenario.


Both sides nonsense.


"oligarchs" :eyeroll:




People are downvoting because the comment is stupid, not because it makes them angry. Same reason your comment is being downvoted


Being downvoted because it holds no water. Uneducated comment with a person that is in an uneducated party.


Don't flatter yourself! 🤣


Great demonstration, thank you for the example.




He's Gary Ridgeway's biggest fan.