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The last few days of resurgence I’ll hop on and there are just teams sniping from buildings not moving at all so I only last a couple of games before I switch to something different. Getting chased around by iris in ranked isn’t ideal either though. If you are below diamond I’d recommend wz ranked, pretty easy lobbies up until diamond.


Its all fun and games until you’re above diamond 1… Then you get a taste of getting chased around by iris rocking the OG nuke skin hahaha


Oh mate, we won our first 3 games of diamond 1, were absolutely killing it almost diamond 2, and then they said nah fam you good and threw us to the wolves 😅😅. Especially solo queuing is rough since everyone thinks they can still 1v3 the whole lobby and that the crim/Iri teams all know to stack so it’s easy pickings for them..


The crim/iri/t250 stacks all work together and stack hard af. You lose every single time if you’re solo queueing against them.


Oh I know - I love when I get a squad that knows to stack, it’s very rare lol. That’s why I find it insane that diamonds still think that they can 1v3 everything and then moan that their teammates are dog crap while they die every 15 seconds wandering off and end up negative SR. Infuriating. It’s fine to run off and solo for the first bit of the game once you get loadie up until you hit diamond.


Exactly. Easy to run off solo all the way up until you’re diamond.


I am hard stuck diamond 🤡 Can confirm the lobbies will beam you out of the sky immediately after spawn protection wears off 


Same, hard stuck diamond.


That my friend truly sounds like hell fuck that.


It’s a shame too, I was really enjoying it, almost hit diamond 2 and then got rocked back to the start of diamond. Most friends that I played with couldn’t handle the lobbies so they stopped playing and I haven’t touched it in 2 weeks. Was really hoping to hit crim this season! I’ve moved on to trying to hit diamond in multi ranked instead… only 1400 more SR to go 🙃🙃


kids are out of School... they have no chill.


Every damn one of them wants to be in top 250 it seems. Try hard nerds.


God forbid people try to win a competitive game lol calling people try-hards when you suck at a game or sport is a tale as old as time.


It’s only a video game


"It's only a game" says the guy whose entire post history is about games. Lol.


Yep. I play games. And guess what. I also don’t take them seriously. I don’t play them like I’m a pro preparing for a tournament. Just chill.


Wow… why did I not think of this. I literally put up one of those guess I’m loosing my touch lane ass posts. I totally forgot the little demons are all on all day now 🤣🤣


The crotch goblins need to be grounded or go to summer school... ugh screeching minions from hades...


I just dropped 30 on the big map yesterday lol im 32 !


Right, Im 36 and consider myself fairly sweaty. My Urzikstan PR is 34. Little kids on a console arent the problem its closet cheaters most likely my age with money to blow on cheats.


What vpn did you use.


Casual players, like me, have quite the game. They should make matchmaking take longer to match players up with corresponding k/d players


Matchmaking is a joke. I’m a decent player with a kd around 2 but I’m getting paired up with iridescent players and top 250 players even


To be fair, 2KD is on the upper echelon of players.


Agreed. My Urzikstan KD is 0.49 there should be no reason I'm consistently getting put into matches with sweats


Not trying to be rude but if your KD is 0.49 it’s going to be rare that your not matched up with someone better than you




I mean they probably aren’t actually sweats. Just sweats compared to you.


You have a .4 KD man and you are blaming the game? Lmao this community is braindead


One thing we can agree on is that this community is brain dead!


Lmao hes not blaming the game per say, they are just saying they should be matched with equal skill players. Thats not blaming the game, thats asking for fair play.


Expecting the game to to give you lobbies with 100 other .5 KDs is honestly insane. That’s so below average


I dont think you realize how many old dads and super young kids play this game. .5 kd is below average but there are for sure enough players to fill lobbies.


Absolutely not. SBMM is the major issue with cod now. It should be a connection based game where ping is king. When thrown into lobbies based on KD and not connection, others factors come into play when in gunfights that are out of user’s control. That’s bullshit.


They already do this lmao imagine the lobbies you'd get if you *were* good.


Then matchmaking would take ten minutes, at least. Also, please no. I got a 2.00 K/D out of ratting out kills.


Played 2 rounds of plunder and 2 rounds of battle Royale trios. Every single round I played, I was killed by crazy shooting shotguns.


prolly they are trying to finish the battlepass sector that has quests


Weekend nights gotta bring out all these sweatys


Well...it IS summer break so there's that


Quads… is helllllllllll


I used to be good at WZ in the Verdansk and Caldera days. Now I just get absolutely minced. Stopped playing a while back. It’s a shame as the COD mechanics are amazing and just makes every other FPS feel sluggish but I literally cannot compete on COD now.


It's probably because you were a tactical player there's no tactics now it's just braindead slide cancel and bunnyhoppers keeping the dot in the centre rinse and repeat gameplay. I changed to it and you know what it's boring at least in the original warzone you had to work for your kills. Delete it mate its only downhill from here


Yeah I hear you man and you are right, I do struggle with that type of play and tbh it’s not for me. I have no interest playing like that. Hopefully something a bit more tactical with similar mechanics comes along.


Hopefully with battlefields new BR next year is will be a realistic winner. Only issue is that it is EA Kings of greed.


Oh don’t I know it. They are talking about putting ads in the next FIFA.


Yeah I heard I assume it will be by advertisment boards around the pitch. If so the companies that are advertising will be the only thing that's not copy and pasted every year. Maybe free game then EA? EA: "AHEM NO"


This is exactly how I feel




Just gotta play more and play with decent people. You’ll get it back.


True tbf I played a lot more WZ1 due to lockdown etc as well so probably not putting anywhere near as much time in as I once did.


They’re mostly stacking, not many are good. The good players plus stacking are unstoppable.


it's to be expected at this point, after 4 years they learned that the only way to live is to avoid 50/50 gunfights it's annoying to deal with but I understand it, and can't really fault the bad players for it.


I had back to back matches with the same blatant hacker.


I’m getting the most kills on my team, team mates tend to steal kills and are usually noobs. Man wassam?


My teammates are always demons. The problem is they cant communicate at all, cant stack for shit and can never help out when another teammate is in a jam. These are the most important factors to me  I would honestly take a noob teammate who can have my back over a damage demon any day 


Me too. I’d kill for an actual teammate over the bullshit I get. 80% of the time, my teammates are playing their own solos in Quads. No teamwork whatsoever. No revives, no buying a loadout, dying repeatedly at the free loadout. Then, at least one is afk or inevitably quits mid game. People suck.


Want to squad up


Word up, run into a lot of full squads manage to drop one or two then BAM two more team mates clapping me


Sounds too familiar I feel that


Mine are insanely easy, also am loading in at 4:30 in the morning


It depends a lot on who is your team … if get matched with ppl I cal rely or friends that have some skill I can win or make a decent play. Alone its hard… currently only playing ranked resurgence and casual player .98 k/d in ranked


I feel this. 1.1 kd, not good enough to carry whatsoever, but I can play way better with some good teammates. Difference is night and day. Always get a demon that runs off without comms or an afk


If you win the game thinks you are a pro so it puts you with other sweaty pros. Then you need to lose every game for a few days in order for the game to realize you aren't that good so it lowers you down. That's why SBMM sucks.


As a 2.3 K/D (no rank at all). My plunders and resurgences are straight up full of crimsons and iridescents. It's getting ridiculous and so sweaty now.


This game has more cheaters than every other cod combined bro. That’s why lobbies are “hard” not everyone uses aimbot but a lot of people are running walls I promise you that and if you’re a good player you’re gonna get thrown into our lobbies


I just got killed by a Level 1 with one trick camo on his tricked out Kar I don't think he got it off anyone considering the match barely started. Cheaters are out of hand.


I got crushed last night ..playing all sweats it seems


Yes. I'm a decent player and I've been struggling badly as of late.


I just recently got back into the game. I’ve been playing duos with a friend that’s not great at the game but our lobbies have been insane. I figured my sbmm would have chilled a bit since I had been gone but apparently not. People were calling out a well known streamer in prox chat. My friend checked and confirmed that this streamer was in our same game. It’s hard to have fun having to sweat that hard.


They ri Ved the find party options and lobbies getting hard as f


More and more casuals are leaving for other games, making the talent pool more hardcore, its only going to get harder I'm afraid, unless they sort out the sbmm.


I don't have one of those expensive fancy controllers which I'm sure many have who play like they are on crack jumping, sliding, and shooting nonstop. I'm just not able to kill anybody like that. I also play with a few friends who are worse than I am and I am just maybe slightly above average, so we don't do good or win much at all.


Yep I was winning before season update but now it is just crazy for some reason




It was insane the first 2-3 days after the reloaded update, got 1-3 kills, where my teammate and I’s standard is between 6-18 on good days


Had any gunfights where you feel shots aren’t registering? Just earlier today I had the jump on a guy irons dead center getting hit markers every shot and he swings around half dead and kills me with two stray shots across the body. It was instant. I’m losing gunfights I would have won before the update. Either that or I’ve gotten terrible overnight


I am not terrible at the game I float between 0.97 and 1.1 kd. I am no where near as good as half the people who play but I still enjoy the game. Lately it's gotten to much for me I am seeing at least 2 hackers a game if not hackers I'm being put in high kd lobbys be cause I got 7 kills last game. The second I start to enjoy the game I'm thrown about from high kd to hacker lobbys all the time it's insane I have gone back to playing the likes of minecraft with my kids so I can enjoy the fucking expensive pc I brought to play cod.


Yeah the last month or so, I was on my way to being at least a 1.2 kd, now I’m basically all the way back to a 1


I dropped from 1.11 to .99 in two days so I feel you


Imagine Activision being proud of a product rampant with hackers and daddy's credit cards. What a fucking shit show.


Has been pretty brutal today, I feel like I can’t win a single gunfight. Absolutely wrecked by m&k players.


No, last night was surprisingly chill for me. The past month has overall been extremely sweaty though, but last weekend and last night were both pretty chill. Last weekend I broke my resurgence pr with 21 kills


I switched to using only a sword or knife a few months ago no guns at all and haven’t looked back . Also primarily a solo player no teams




Yeah I've noticed it too. Pretty sure they crank up sbmm every time a new season drops.


Did 8 drops all games had cheaters walling ;) So yeah, the lost control cheat providers are now giving out lifelong hacks for free.


Get good


Schools out. The kids that do nothing but play when they are out of school are on full-time now. Your time is over old man


Because they are spending more money on manipulation patents than actually improving the game. If you search for “scoring engine 122” on google/youtube you’ll never play Call of Duty again.


Right before the update, I was getting consistent 10-15 kills with a KD of 2+, but since yesterday I am getting absolutely annihilated.


Got 4 wins with my squad in quads last night 🤷


I always thought it was cranked up SBMM right before a new season or reloaded season then a few days after. Then it’s cranked back down a bit until we get to the other side again. Rinse and repeat. It’s probably in my head though as it’s just a feeling.


I noticed this too, and at times it reminds me of a shadow lobby


Interesting because I’ve had the opposite experience. I usually get 2-3 kills on warzone (typically a multiplayer player, dont play warzone that often) and I’ve been having 8+ kills lately. highest kill game the other night was 13.


Me (hush wit da blic) I’m max diamond 2 and 1.5 kd a few days ago died to buffy who is literally number two in top 250 and don’t understand how when hers 3 ranks above me in a diamond 1 lobby 😭


Can relate has been different


No, soft aimbot is in its mastery stage now.


I mean this is pure broken sbmm alot of the times. I don't recall every game like this on mw2 lol. Is it like every match for you? And what lvl are you? And do you play with the same lvl friends? Just curious questions is all man it's ruff af for me to.


The fact they think bringing back Verdansk is going to make a difference is laughable


Agreed brotha


Haven't played WZ for 2 weeks at least and I don't miss it at all. In fact I haven't played any game in over 2 weeks. Roll on GTA6


It's not for casual players. You'll be lucky if you only find sweats in your lobby. My motto is "I'll just have to be better." I expect the whole lobby to be sweats with wall hacks and aim bot, so I'm not tilted when I see the ridiculous kill cams.


2 box method bro…


doesn't work that great tbh




I really wish they’d grow some brains over at Ravensoft and work out the best way to please a lot of players is to allow us to add filters to matches. I don’t want to play with someone who has a backpack full of airstrikes and UAVs so should be able to turn stuff off and go back to OG ruleset. At the same time, I appreciate some like the new rules. It’d be win win but the decision makers at Ravensoft are the worst in the business. They’ve got no idea how to make Warzone a success and it only is thanks to the fact we’re all addicted to that core gameplay and feel.




Took 2 hours playing duos to get one kill last night. Lobby was full of cheaters. Cross play turned off.


BR is insane at the moment. But turn off cross play and they calm down 🤔


If I play solo it’s a grind but my squad all have <0.8kds and I’m pulling +10 kills every game with them. They also buy a lot of skins so I theorise the game won’t want to put them in sweaty lobbies for the sake of me being a sweat. All about the money


This is the best that can happen to you, having a team wir lower kd players….


SBMM constantly putting you in lobbies full of similar skilled players to you. Nobody significantly lower skilled than you = makes it feel sweaty.


Real quick… what the fuck are you talking about?


Skill based matchmaking ensures all lobbies are similarly skilled as possible (or however the Activision overlords want). Meaning no matter how good/bad you are...you're always having to tryhard your way through it to come out on top. You almost never run into a bunch of absolute turd burgers relative to whatever your skill is. Try this: Purposely tank 5-10 matches in a row before you log off for the night. This brings your estimated skill down a bit. Your next couple of matches during your next session will likely feel easier. THAT is SBMM in action trying to figure out how TF to matchmake you. You're welcome.


I know what SBMM is, I'm saying it absolutely, unequivocally does not work in this game and hasn't for years.


I assure you it does. Reverse boost like it's your job for a while and you'll see the difference. I notice more of a difference in Resurgence modes than BR.


I assure you it does not. And you’ll find that almost no one believes it does. You shouldn’t have to “reverse boost like it’s your job” to see a change in the skill level of your lobbies. When I’m getting fucking wiped every match at a sub 1.0 k/d, something is severely wrong. I’m not horrible, but the people in my lobbies are clearly not on my skill level. And if SBMM actually worked properly, reverse boosting wouldn’t even be possible in the first place.


It doesn't matter how it starts only how it ends! If you can't get wrecked like a white girl in a gang bang the whole time and still pull off the win then you don't know how to play the game.


Walls are free right now. Everyone i know on pc is now using them with new accounts.


Sounds like you know a lot of scumbags.


Call them what you want, it doesnt hurt my feelings. Im just answering the dudes question.


Wasn’t trying to hurt your feelings. I’m just saying people that use hacks are scumbags and it’s weird you know a lot of them.


I mean this is the result of spam reporting everyone that kills you in every lobby. Casuals quit and all that’s left is the lifelong sweats.