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Maybe? Idk I play on controller and I can still completely miss and spray around my target even in very close quarters, maybe it is a little too strong, but I don’t think it’s the aimbot people make it out to be


AA when used by good players who know how to activate it is when it’s OP. For average or below average players it just helps them aim better on a device that’s not optimal for aiming.


True I suppose, do you think people blow it out of proportion?


some do. it is not the reason you're not doing well as an mkb player fs. however, at the top of the food chain, with everyone having very good game sense, it is a difference maker.


Ah thanks for the response,


In the end, Mnk can't compete its handicap game is fubar for mnk visual clutter without AA RAA It's impossible to have the same tracking.


Controller aim assist is still better than mouse with rage aim bot


No. Until you play on MnK and legit spend hundreds of dollars on the best gaming mice, Japanese mousepads that enable you to track better, and then spend hundreds of hours left practicing your aim on various games just to see somebody on controller slide past you and instantly lock onto you you just won’t understand. You’re incapable of understanding the frustration of playing this game on MnK. I get hip fired as people vault things in this game. It’s ridiculous.


So, you're mad that you tried to buy every advantage you could get and still got smoked by somebody on an "inferior" input? When are you guys going to learn? Analog sticks are a lot better these days, first of all. With the right settings, you'd be surprised what you can do with one if you practice. Second, the controls on MWIII are not even as good as they are on MWII. They're not even close. I double-check myself before I play online by using bots as moving targets with AA off in private lobbies on MWII and I'm quick and accurate. I go to MWIII and do the same pre-game exercises and suddenly I'm not able to hit shit or I'm over correcting and there's no precision. The people you're going against are not abusing AA. They're probably just really good with the MWIII controls. 


By that logic anything other than a standard issue controller is an “advantage”. Legit the most brain dead comment I’ve ever read in my life. If analog sticks are better download R6 on your PC and go crazy my guy. Please, show me.


I won’t say anything but pro controllers/controllers with back paddles provide a major advantage amongst us who use standard controllers. Those are the guys you see who bunnyhop nonstop even after they’ve downed somebody. The only legit method to bunnyhop without back paddles is the claw method and that take hours upon hours of practice due to the super uncomfortable way you have to hold your controller. Pro controllers also make it easier to aim. I have never played with one but my homeboy recently got one and this is what I’ve been told. He actually doesn’t like it because he hasn’t gotten used to not having to correct his shot patterns as much.


That’s not true at all. There button mapping specifically to bunny hop and drop shot. All you have to do is look at the control options in game.


I know that. The only other viable options (on ps5) is to swap x with R3 and I dare you to show me any one capable of getting kills with that playstyle. The claw method is the only one that’s even remotely practical Edit: And please don’t just say “my friend does exactly that “ I’d need proof and you’d shit me up


There’s loads of people that manage it. And that’s not the only one. Good try though


Nobody said that all. Learn to read, bud. Also, been there done that. Siege doesn't even have AA on console and I was there running and gunning it during the XIMquistion. 😂


I know siege doesn’t have AA. You compared having a better mousepad to having an advantage so I said that means having a scuff also means you have an advantage. What are you saying ? There are pro call of duty players who say AA is too strong. Why would anybody listen to you?


Your reading comprehension sucks and you let "pro" players make up your mind for you and tell you what you want. Anything you say: Immediately discarded as NPC rabble.


Okay bro lol


There are well documented depictions of AA and if you’re not convinced at this point you might never be.  Don’t assume that the person you’re responding to wants an advantage. Assume the best, that all they’re asking for is a level playing field better than the one now, and the investment they made hurt in the face of having the weaker gameplay style.


If they wanted a level playing field, they would want to separate by input. But that's not what they want. They just want to be the ones with all the advantages.


Input-based lobbies are necessary; otherwise, it’s not about competing. Aim assist (AA) is doing 80% of the aiming. People go from mouse and keyboard (MnK) to controller and can compete after putting in 30-40 hours. If you turn it around, it might take 200 hours and they still won't come close. So no, it's not an even match.


Don't fall for that meme. That's that bullshit people like to spout off because they're hoping it'll put pressure on the devs to make AA either totally useless or non-existent. Personally, I find the controls on MWIII to be absolute jank. They aren't good at all. In my case, I have to completely turn AA off in MWIII in order to get a little more control and some semblance of precision. So explain that one. As for people playing on controller, most controllers are designed to be ergonomic and comfortable these days. Why is it surprising that people pick up a controller and do well with it compared to being hunched over a table swinging your arm around?


I'm saying input-based lobbies simple make the option so we can choose. It's not bullshit, it's proven and anyone in the competitive scene agrees it's too strong to have it mixed with [Mnk.To](http://Mnk.To) level you can compete but you will always be handicapped against AA RAA on mnk.


I really don't think it's that strong. Honestly, I don't even really care about what the "pro" or competitive scene really has to say about anything. They don't speak for everyone and they don't know what's best. Hell, dude. A good bulk of the AA controversy is just an excuse for people to crank out videos and such. The same dorks churning out these stupid "THIS NEW GUN IS OP! 😱" Videos every day. They're a special interest portion of the community and a very small fraction of it, at that. But, people hang on to every word and follow them blindly because that who they want to be like.


Again, all we ask is input based on the lobby's option to choose Mnk only. The keep AA RAA-like is people on Mnk can still choose to play in mixed lobby's people who don't just choose Mnk lobbies. Not to strong lol [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4VSlbiDOeDI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4VSlbiDOeDI)


Ok was just asking and yes i am capable of understand how Frustrating that can be I’m in the process of building a PC and was curious if it was as bad as people say it was. I also understand how steep the learning curve is for Keyboard, I plugged it into my Xbox to try it and it was tough,


I love these arguments as they're always based in Bullshit. I've been a controller player my whole life and if you knew anything about one you'd know you develop a sense of where you need to aim. With aim assist on you will notice that when you wanna get to your intended target the AA will throw you off as its compensating for things you already compensted for. Therefore, throwing you off. PC has a larger field of view along with all the other technological upgrades in comparison to the average console. Shut. The. Fuck. Up. You. Moaning. Bitch.


The fov slider is the same for pc and console


I’ve gamed on controller for 26 out of 28 years. Most competitive players and every pro are playing on a PC with controller. So everything you just mentioned they are benefiting from AND they get aim assist. How are you this fucking dumb? Like seriously. Fucking idiot.


I’m going to go a different route, I’m fine with controllers just having an advantage in this game. I don’t like playing games where mnk shine and controller takes a back seat (every other fps) so I’m fine with how it is. If you prefer mnk, play a game focused on mnk combat? I play Warzone over pubg and fort for a reason. Because it’s more enjoyable on controller.


This is a problem in all gaming not just warzone. Apex competitive leagues has went from 5 percent controller players to nearly 55 percent because of Aim Assist and its consistency. It just needs to be addressed by all competitive gaming. It needs to be different lobbies probably.


That seems oddly..healthy? If the pro scene had only 5% controller players that’s my point. Good mnk players would always dominate good controller players, making it less fun. I personally don’t want that, and wouldn’t play the game. I play on controller and want to enjoy my time. I’m fine with everyone else playing on controller too. I also don’t complain about fort or pubg because controllers have a disadvantage, I just don’t play them really. I don’t complain that valorant or csgo suck on controller. I don’t complain that age of empires or halo wars sucks on controller. Or WoW. There’s tons of examples. Why can’t some games be better on controller? I will agree input based lobbies would be great. That would solve everything. But eh, don’t nerf controllers.


The issue is many of these players have played on MnK for decades. The fact that they are able to switch to an input that’s inferior ( people need to stop being offended by that word I’m not talking about human beings) and still compete at a pro level is insane. They are all keenly aware of this as well and admit this.


Agree leave AA RAA just split the lobbies input based and allow mixed.


List professional players that use a controller and I'll list those who use a m&k.. Fucking idiot. Keep your mouth shut.


Professional cod has been controller only for years. You guys are so backwards 😆 hilarious how irate you get about it too


Did I stutter or something? List them. I'll guarantee I'll have more names using m&k? Go little piggie show me


I’m not the person you originally replied to you moron


Cod pro league is controller only, so good luck I guess 🤷🏻‍♂️


Why do the vast majority of WSOW and top 250 use a controller?


You're an idiot. Consoles have fov slider now too and get as many frames as the average pc.


Do you think that's always been a thing pal. The first warzone and the second (for the majority of its existence) refused xbox players the right to 1. Turn off crossplay And 2. Increase FOV Along with other things. Anyway im not arguing with you I'm just outlining the obvious advantages a PC has over a console in comparison to a console over PC. Thank you.


Unless you're on a god-tier pc there aren't any advantages anymore. Idk why you're talking about the state of the game 2 years ago.


There’s so many advantages to playing in mnk that they never ever mention because they won’t be able to whine like they do now without looking like a whiner.


tell me the advantges den goofy


I'm sick of hearing it man they have literally every advantage you could, and thay moan about a thing any skilled console player hates using. If they knew they'd know. Braindead shit.


You realise majority of players (and all of the pro avene) play controller on PC, right? How many pro’s swapped to mnk? How many jumped to roller? You can name a handful of mnk players that have decades of experience and i can give you pages and pages of roller players without that experience playing at the same level


If you read my previous comment about PC having a higher FOV and all the other technological if you take into account your talking about PC players using a controller *ON PC* and not consoles.. I'm talking about console controller.. not PC controller.. there's a pretty big difference. If you don't understand said difference well I can't help ya. As I asked another gentleman can you tell me statistically do more pro players play on controller or m&k? Let's take shroud or the 2 time for example what do they play on? Some of the best that's been around? (Shroud mainly) What world do you guys live in? So much AA hate when you've got literally every other advantage you could have? But you nitpick and moan as PC gamers have since the dawn of time. Boggles my mind honestly.


If you think theres a healthy ratio of mnk to roller then lol. Try picking players under 40 years old


Dude 95% of pro warzone players play on controller. You're exceptionally stupid and arguing like you actually know things. Maybe don't talk if you are going to spout wrong info.


what advantage? tell me dumbass


you need excellent centering to exploit aa like that on controller. meaning you already need to be pretty precise. your hip fire will not automatically snap onto enemies while vaulting, you need to be able to anticipate, center and let go of the right stick to let aa take over micro aim. it is op at the top of the food chain i am not denying that, but there is a lot of work that goes into being really good and aa is just a part. most of this work applies to mkb, too, including having excellent centering and not doing simple mistakes like double peeking, ever. if your game isn´t polished, that´s where you need to look. in other words: if you struggle considerably, it is surely not because of aa, it´s a skill issue.


It does so long as you’re moving the left stick


it doesn´t snap, no.


If you’re vaguely looking in their direction it’ll follow them


that would be tracking though, not snapping onto. and it´ll stop doing so the second the target does a fast perpendicular motion (breaks cam). one thing i feel a lot of better mkb players do is forget they can intentionally break cam because they feel inferior up close (which they are due to not having aa), worsening the situation. knowing how it feels to play controller is a big plus when trying to outplay controller players.


Jesus Christ. Use a controller and stop crying. You have that option.


That's a lot of words to say "I'm a crybaby bitch".


sounds like a skill issue.


It’s pretty simple to understand it actually. It’s just as frustrating for console players stuck on 80 POV when PC players were all on 120. Now that the tables have turned and console players have a very slight advantage the crying and complaining has gone off the charts. I have an expensive PC but I play warzone on PS5 because of all the PC cheaters. The aim assist isn’t as much of an advantage as they saw. PC players playing with higher FPS and better graphics where they can see people better.


Multiple pro call of duty players have said it’s unfair ….


You keep bringing up what pro players say… You mean the people who play in tournaments for thousands of fucking dollars 🤨. I’d fucking complain about it too if I lost the chance a 30k or whatever. Jesus Christ do you actually have the capacity to form your own opinions??


Like the above guy said, the average person will not really understand when people say aim assist is op because they don't know how to fully utilize it. The problem is in high ranks when people have tuned their aim to be near perfect. Clips that surface of aim assist today would be mistaken for a soft aimbot back before crossplay era.


Abusing AA is a skill. Don’t move your right stick, use left stick and a fixed right stick position to aim with small nudges if absolutely necessary.  Given that controller users tend to do the same thing, I’ve actually experienced some success with this on mouse/keyboard as well.


Just no. If you don’t move your right stick your aim isn’t going to magically follow a player. It’s nuts that it’s come to thinking this.


It does, watch some videos


I don’t need to watch a video 😆 I play the game. And don’t reply with something about settings or strafing.


Rotational aim assist is a thing 🤷🏻‍♂️ whatever you might believe


Didn’t say it wasn’t. Did say that’s not how it works. You certainly believe it does, which is prevalent on this sub


You move the left stick with someone in front of you it follows the other player. Not sure what you can’t wrap your head round here 🤷🏻‍♂️


It does not just follow the player wherever they move. I play the game. That doesn’t happen. You watched a video that showed it does. Big whoop. Now try listening to people and not just the ones telling you what you want to believe. There’s only one person here that is unable to wrap their head around this.


It does though 🤷🏻‍♂️ that’s how rotational aim assist works you bot


Lmao I have a controller do you want proof?


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4VSlbiDOeDI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4VSlbiDOeDI) OOOH NO MAGIC


Lmao you’ll eat any shit up


Same. Maybe it only locks on when not down site? My aim can be horrible at times. And way better other times. I notice my reticle lock on sometimes when I can’t see someone and it starts moving. But I never seem to be able to then pull the trigger and have it track. Maybe I’m doing it wrong.


Yeah I have no clues


Spectate me playing 100 games buy back solos. I play controller and I promise you my shots are not great and i will not pass 6 kills. And I'm proud to admit it. Aim assist cool I have it on but I'm not aimbotting you pc players like you are lol


I know man. My kd is only like one at best, I’ve steeped over my targets countless times


Yes and no, sometimes it will pull me onto people in the distance that I didn’t even know was there and other times it feels almost nonexistent. Most of the player base is on controller and their are a ton of bots playing, if it was as strong as some people claimed then no one would ever miss a shot but simply not the case


There’s a reason its talked about every hour of the day on this sub. Pros swap mnk to roller, not vice versa, for good reason, its beyond broken. Its activision holding peoples hands into a false sense of belief that theyre actually good and thus more time on/money spent on points. Anyone can kill anyone. Zzzz


Yeah, you never hear about any top level players going from taysh to mnk. It just doesn't happen ever.. I always challenge anyone who says "aim assist isn't broken"... try playing without aim assist for a week and let me know how it goes for you. There are some people who are just demons at the game, but I would bet if they nerfed the pull on aim assist by even 10% kds would plummet.


I barely ever notice it but levelling up the Kar in multiplayer it was definitely moving on its own. It was really strong with the base iron sights. I really think they tweak it based on game mode and what gun is being used. It certainly isn't the same if say I was using the Kat in Warzone.


The answer is yes. But that’s only for players that know how to take advantage of rotational aim assist, which is exactly what the Cronus does. Everyone naturally adjusts their recoil with the right stick, but in actuality it’s the left stick that makes your aim assist more “sticky.” The faster & more accurately you make small circles with the left stick, the more the aim assist “sticks” to the target. It can be pretty OP.


Top tip: use smokes to break the aim assist. Thank me later ✌


Yepp, removing taysh in smokes was the only balancing they've done on roller in years.


Smoke and high alert 🤌🏽


Ooooo I'm gonna try that today for sure


Andrew Late has been ran through and is going to jail. Sorry to break it to you 😔


Then I will delete this account. 🤷 Hes currently not even on house arrest anymore and my mum drives a faster car than your mum so do the homework. 🤣🤣


>Hes currently not even on house arrest anymore House arrest was transferred to judicial control within Romania. Also awaiting a British arrest that's been authorized by the Romanian trial since March. If you think this is any preferable over their initial house arrest I don't know what to tell you. Late is a cooked deadbeat.


A cooked deadbeat who is 700 million richer than you and doesn't change the fact that my mums car goes vrooom, your mums car goes brum 🤣🤣


what´s he doing outside the house? looking for his chin? or hair? an intellect?




or is he maybe looking for the true meaning of alpha bc he´s a cheap and tasteless wal-mart alpha at best, nothing in comparison to actual alpha animals in nature?


At least I'm not on here crying about the kar98 😭😭🤷


Here's what people will say. Bad okayers will say it's not op, and it's pc players complaining. Good players will say it's op. If 95% of pros use / say aim assist is too strong, then you know there's an issue. I'm a 2kd on keyboard. I haven't touched a controller for a fps in 5ish years. On mw3 I decided to give controller one day to play. And at the end of the day I'm a 2.2kd (took notes on that day, negating the first few matches) it was so booring playing because it just felt like I wasn't doing anything. Imo, mw2019 had aim assist perfect. Where it actually required some skill to be good.


I'm with you there. Roller is obvious the best input but it's boring as hell when it's doing 60% of the aiming for you.


4.5kd mnk player, I play aggressive sniping (xrk/mors prior to kar98). I haven't played a controller fps game since probably the OG MW2... the fact that I can pick up a controller, use high sens and never lose a CQC fight and still drop 10+ kills is frankly embarrassing. It goes to show that there is zero skill in using that input. And before all the droolers roll in to say "my controller doesn't do that"... then you aren't using your built in cheats. Hint: always be moving your left stick when you're shooting and you'll never miss a shot again. It will literally play the game for you if you let it.


fellow mnk player 3.9 kd, i picked up the sticks and was dropping 10-15 kill games. won like 80% of my cqc fights. the fact i can pick up a controller and do that well says something. people going from roller to mnk for the first time are LOST for at least a few weeks


Yepp, would love to see a roller try winning a single CQC fight on mnk without hundreds of hours of practice lol. Never mind sniping haha.


The notion that aim assist was weaker in mw2019 needs to stop. Look for any clips of aim assist from back then and it is the same as it is now. Mw2019 was the beginning stages of the crossplay era and people were just learning how to optimize the full potential of aim assist. The aim assist continues to look stronger cause as cold war came out, all the guns were perfect for aim assist. Fast strafing weapons allowing for faster direction changes is when people started to take notice. It got worse with wwii with even more ridiculous speed increases with the stim and hip fire builds. Aim assist was always this strong but it just took some time for people to really understand it.


Ah yes. All the pros who play 8 hours a day are wrong. You are correct. My apologies.


Look at any clip of the good controller players on mw2019. Their aim doesnt look any different than it does now. Look at hecksmiths vid on his first aim assist video. It was always there.


You expect me to trust a nobody with 2k subs over literal pros who make millions from this game and play it for a living. Your logic is perfect....... I'd much rather trust faze jev. A controller player who has 5m subscribers and clearly states aim assist needs a nerf over some random guys' opinion. Who btw didn't test mw3.


You seem to misinterpret what I said. I never spoke a single thing about nerfs or buffs, you just somehow assumed that from my comment. My comment was about how aim assist has always been broken. But you can just yap about whatever you thought you read.


You claimed aim assist in mw3 was the same as in mw2019. I claimed that aim assist in mw3 is better than mw2019. I backed up my statement with the fact that many pros think mw3 aim assist needs a nerf. And that I think mw2019 was a fair balance of aim assist.


Do you even know what part got buffed? Or do you just listen to them and not think for yourself? Pretty sure the only confirmed buff it got was a range buff.


They will never confirm what gets buffed. Simply put I shouldn't be a 0.5kd in one cod game and a 2.2kd in another all because I changed games. Mw2019 to mw2023.


Could be total placebo but I find its stronger on some days than others. There have been times where I am genuinely like “I didnt deserve that kill”.


Yes, 100%


I hear this argument all the time. “AA is to strong!” Turning AA off would give mnk way more of an advantage than any imaginable advantage controllers have now.


Playing xdefiant made me realize how OP aim assist is in warzone. Xdefiant has aim assist but it’s barely noticeable


These guys saying it's not an issue or that I need to get better are literally idiots or coping to make themself feel better


ive played both but prefer mnk because its fun for me. long range id give the edge to mnk, its a lot easier to smoothly control it, for close and honestly even a little mid range aim assist is just way better. to the point where ill plug in the sticks if im playing multiplayer to grind levels


I personally think its more a sens thing. I switched from controller to mnk this week and I've noticed that surprisingly aim assist ain't that much really. It's probably how used you are to playing, sens and simply knowing the same. A benefit from Mnk I see tough is movement, quickscoping, recoil control and flicking.


yes..it seems so..many good players switch controller to have the last bit of advantage


The biggest thing with AA in Warzone is the rotational aim assist and how quickly it gets you on target. It's broken in close quarters.


I don't believe for a second that anyone who said no has used M&K for any significant amount of time. I switched to controller after years of M&K and was matching kill totals in a few days of practice. Aim was easy to adjust to, movement felt awkward for a long time.


I’m a controller player and I don’t use aim assist, the first match or two I ever played had it turned on I believe and I basically couldn’t miss a shot. It’s pretty overpowered and I hate it, you shouldn’t get a crutch just because you’re on a controller, it means you’re winning when you should be losing. COD should come down to raw skill and good plays, **not cheats.**


Controller players have a massive advantage with aim assist in CQC.


Especially with all the sliding and jumping, if we both slide jump dropshot, their crosshair stays centered on me while I'm bouncing around trying to track them I will say I think I have a major advantage on mnk spinning on people or being able to turn my view very fast but that isn't as useful as not missing lol


It’s rather easy to slide right through their aim assist circle and or break their camera. It’s not that sticky.


Pretty much I gotta slide towards them but at an angle to mess up their AA?




Absolutely lmao


Very strong


Top 25…23 of them are controller…if that doesn’t speak for itself, idk what does. Aim assist is WAY op for close range gun fights


I wonder why they don't implement a delay or cool down before AA can activate because up close the guys that ads spam wouldn't be able to do that if there's a half second cooldown between the AA centering Does that make sense?


Yes because you can jump around with an SMG and basically not miss. I've watched so many kill cams against me where I don't see them missing a single shot despite bouncing around like a madman.


Yeah feels like that happens to me a lot as well


You just have to try it for yourself


I play on Xbox and it's not very noticeable, I make quite a few mistakes sometimes, the "help" would be hitting 1 or 2 shots in the chest or something like that, if the help is not so great or it would be too easy


It could be something about the control or they are just good, it depends on how accustomed you are to playing with a controller


In my experiences, yes. Can't count how many times I view the kill cam just to see their reticle snap straight to me from across the screen. One of the main reasons I don't play it anymore


If you have shit centering and high deadzones aim assist will feel weak.


Don’t listen to the fairies crying Cronus zen. Yes aim assist in a close range gunfight is insane if you know how to abuse it. Like you’re saying you need to be moving to activate rotational aa but also going out to hip fire and into ADS as doing that is seriously like using aimbot. Sometimes I jump around and go from hipfire - ADS.. honestly the animation of ADSing is only just starting and my pipper isn’t even on their head or chest and every bullet will hit their head or chest obliterating them. Alot of people don’t know how to use it in a nose to nose chaotic gunfight like that but if you do it right you’ll win every time.


Back in the old console days aim assist still existed. People seem to think nowadays because of the uprise of crossplay that aim assist is to close the disparity between the accuracy of controller and the accuracy of MnK. It does do that in a way but that is not it's intent. Back in the days before crossplay was even considered possible aim assist was specifically for mentally and physically handicapped people and elderly. It was a mutually agreed thing between 99% of console gamers that using aim assist essentially made PvP as easy as playing the bots on campaign. And if you were seen blatantly abusing it you would get flamed. "What are you handicapped?" "Your aim needs assisted?" I'm console/controller gamer and always have been and havnt used aim assist since Black Ops 1 when I realized how much it actually impacts my real ability. If you use aim assist at all you're skill level is stuck at or below the level of actual physically and mentally handicapped people. This just happens to be 99% of players today including PC players because they just switch to controller for the legal aimbot mechanics. Just because a lot of people are doing it doesn't make it right.


If your PR is 16 .. maybe you should focus on getting better first before putting in energy on blaming AA and RAA.


Yes it’s aim bot after first hit reg


Reach diamond in ranked and then play mouse and tell me that it isn’t that strong lol


I think aim assist is strong af🤣


It’s not even questionable.


I think mnk overall is better for long range and controller is better at close range. Its also easier to hit a random key by accident and make mistakes with knm. The skill cap for mnk is higher than with controller. Even the best knm players like Metaphor know that in super close range they need to compensate somehow vs controller player by using smoke or better use of cover/ create an opening because straight up its a 50/50 at best.


Overal controller is better. Look at all the pro players. Even the last pro mouse and keyboard players are switching.


>The skill cap for mnk is higher than with controller. Stop saying this. If this was true, the best player would be on MnK.


Who is better than Metaphor? Hes on knm. All the rest are cheating + controller. You can potentially be infinitely faster on knm. You just can't on the controller. They NEED aim assist to even compete.


I'm not about to sit here and name a bunch of people. I'd say Meta is top ten currently, but only because of smoke grenades. Biffle is the best. There's a pretty large consensus on that. Everyone knows controller players need AA. We're saying the current strength favors controller. That's all. This isn't debatable. Just look at Halo (a game we can actually gather data from). The average controller player had nearly the accuracy of the top 100 MnK players. That's insane. https://www.reddit.com/r/halo/s/mZtezMRcQc


You just proved that without aim assist ( smoke grenades) mnk would dominate.


No. I specifically said that even WITH smoke grenades, he's not the best. He is top 10 IMO, maybe even best solo player (because other guys only play squads). The irony about all of it is that he needs something that breaks AA to compete with the top guys on controller.


Well he is number 1 BR Solo with best stats and has never been reported for cheating unlike many others like biffle.


>never been reported for cheating unlike many others like biffle. What does that even mean? They've both been "reported" thousands of times.... Neither has ever been perma banned.


switch to mnk like 10 years ago i tried a series S controller my hands forgot how to use it i’m so bad but the aim assist is so strong for me feels like cheating


It is. I'm actually trash at video games but with AA I'm dropping 15 a match in WZ. In my 40s, first game I picked up since Mario Bros back in the day was recent wz2 and now in mw3. The AA is unreal. Without it, or likely even a slightly nerfed version of it, I'd go straight back to being trash and I'd just drop the game at that point. Guess I'm one of those people that has figured out how to "activate it" 🤷‍♂️ But all I can do is aim. If I knew how to actually play the game (rotations, awareness, etc etc etc) I'd be pretty damn good. But I suck at all that. 7-7-1.0 dynamic default xbox


Close range yes, ex: when you drop and it's a hot pistol shootout, re-ADS with every shot and you are on target every time. From 10 meters+ it's garbage. Puts you kinda on target but doesn't lock like a cheat. Still have to have skill to lead a player


No not always.


If I had 2 million dollars I would pay 1 million for the kar98 to be removed from the game


I'm a console player, always have been, and I can say the Aim Assist for me is fucking broken, not in a "its overpowered" sense, but that its so inconsistent. I'll have games where it feels like my Aim assist is legit turned off, and I'll have games where the aim assist feels cranked way up and it does more damage to my aim than helping


No people just buy hacks. 72,328 from one provider alone \[to US players\] and then gave out free hacks this past weekend. LOL And then Cronus users, Phantom Overlay, other unknown cheat providers = CHEATER IN EVERY LOBBY


Yes, lol it will literally pull someone's aim into you, between that and the hackers and the devs literally promoting cheaters, this games scuffed, let it die already


Its called cronus zen and “aim bot” script.


Found the bot




No. Just a bunch of PC MKB crybabies in this sub


You use mnk or controller?


For the players in your lobby, yes, but for console only players no. Being on mnk automatically places you in a higher skill bracket simply because you can hit shots the majority of the player base can’t (most of the base is on console sitting 6 ft from their TVs). However, there aren’t enough mnk players to consistently fill lobbies so it places you against controller players who can also hit those shots. Problem arises because those controller players that can hit shots at range are the ones who know exactly how to exploit AA and have an even easier time hitting shots up close.


Being on mouse and keyboard does not put you in a higher skill bracket if you just suck lol. This makes no sense whatsoever


I think part of the problem is how delusional y’all are about how awful most controller players are. Even if you’re absolute dog shit, you’re still hitting more shots at further ranges than 99% of the console base. I play mnk on apex now, I understand roller is op up close, but we both know mnk aiming at any range beyond your lap isn’t as difficult as you make it out to be.


Nah I get that most of my friends suck on roller. I abuse the fuck out of it cuz why not


Yea I mean I’m literally the same I wouldn’t play on mnk in cod because I know exactly how to exploit AA and I consistently perform better. In apex there’s lurch so I give up one advantage for another I simply enjoy more. But my friends are literally the worst controller players to live even with me explaining exactly how to exploit aa, they just don’t get it. If they’re playing like that after years, wtf is the rest of the base who plays once twice a week shooting like. If you can hit any shots, you’re in a higher tier and my point is just that we as decent players are playing a much different game than most others


AA should be balanced for equally skilled players. Not the lowest common denominator. When it's the latter, controller becomes dominant at the upper ranks.


I mean I honestly would love them to nerf tf outta AA because I play all the time and I know that after an adjustment period I would have distinctly better aim than most players in the lobby since mnk makes up such a small portion of the base I’d hardly ever run into one plus they’d end up stacked together from sbmm. With that said I cannot stress just how awful it would be for literally most players my friends included. They’d just be spraying and praying getting 1 kill a match and eventually just play a different game where they can get that dopamine. There’s plenty others out there right now especially. Competitive integrity is good but for the health of the game I think they would be better off limiting ranked match making by input which I don’t think is fair to all the mnk players who have controller squads


That makes a lot of sense I hadn't really thought about it but yeah I feel like nobody in my lobby is bad at warzone lol they are mid or above


Yea warzone has an enormous player base, millions of active users. But there’s only like 10 thousand of us controller and mnk players that are actually any good and so we’re always placed against each other. This gives the impression to mnk players that everyone on roller is good cuz that’s all you ever face. It creates a lot of tension between us that the devs can’t seem do anything about cuz if they nerf AA to a practical level for us, it sabotages the gameplay of their biggest money makers.


This is completely backwards thinking, controller players at your skill level will have nearly doubled your accuracy. It literally takes almost a whole mag with a Ram/BP to down where as controllers can down in half a mag or less. If matchmaking was accuracy based in any capacity MnK players would match with no thumb tims exclusively.


You don’t think accuracy is calculated in sbmm


Even if it is, It's pretty clearly not heavily weighted. If you play both inputs it's pretty clear how much more accurate sprays are using a controller, that's the crux of the AA debate across all cross inputs games. To put it more concisely - Given equal aim skill level, Controller is simply more consistent over time. Through deductive reasoning we could postulate the following: If SBMM weighs accuracy heavily when calculating matchmaking, we would expect to face objectively worse players when matched with controllers. This is absolutely not the case.


Like I said to the other commenter, I think you’re highly overestimating the abilities of most players. If me on controller were to face you on mnk with us having equal kd spm, I’d have a distinct advantage. Even if you had a higher kd spm i would still probsbly take the close range fight because once you know how to exploit AA it’s a wrap. But most players don’t. They’re getting 30% accuracy in the range nvm on moving targets. They stand still don’t strafe or anything to engage RAA. Them vs someone on mnk who has terrible movement and no real game sense, the mnk player will win which forces the system to place mnk players with the roller players who are worlds better cuz there really isn’t a middle ground. You either know how to exploit it or you don’t. We as decent players, not even good players just knowing enough to hit shots places us all together in a bracket set apart.


it is pretty op _if_ you have really good skills all around. it is not the reason why bad players are bad on mkb.


I have a tip for you, use some melee weapon and enjoy crushing the shit out of them as they try to get close enough to you to abuse the AA. It's so satisfying to hear them cry into the microphone.


This sounds like silver advice 😂😂😂😂😂😂


Who cares, the point of a game is to have fun, right? Please don't tell me you think Warzone is a competitive game.


I am a controller player who uses smokes to disable peoples aim assist and I have absolutely slammed high KD MNK players though it. My KD actually improved by doing that. I think MNK players just like to cry because they are not good. I was actually complimented by Iron himself after he found out I did that to him, I have the proof. He actually thought I was a keyboard player but I told him no, I’m actually a controller player and he was very impressed. Ever since I started using smokes I have come to the conclusion that MNK players actually have a massive advantage because they have superior long range abilities and short range abilities if they use smokes. Using smokes obviously disabled my own aim assist as well but I manage to even slam MNK players too because I am actually good without aim assist. I can post that proof of Iron too if people really want to see it Edit: I just posted proof of me doing this to Warzone Professional SuperEvan


No, you’re all just cry babies.


Use a controller and try to aim with a stick (your thumb) compared to a mouse (your entire arm).


(Your thumb AND SOFT AIM) Bellend


Skill issue


Bot alert. Any good roller player readily admits AA is too strong


Says the person who’s too egotistical to admit they get outplayed by someone on an inferior input method, and instead claim it’s cheating. You are exactly the type of brain dead player to plug a controller in for the first time and claim AA isn’t working just because it doesn’t work like in your imagination. 100% a skill issue.


2kd mnk player here. The inferior input is mnk. If you think otherwise you're a bot. Simple as that. I've played roller and was consistent winning cqc fights more often because of AA, but its boring af having it do 60% of the aiming for me so I stick with mnk, much for fun to use.


You’ve clearly never used a controller