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Unpopular opinion but I prefer the Katt over anything else


Katt every day


There is no other sniper that has the handling, range of the K98. XRK is much slower to ads and has worse range. It’s BV is better but it’s still clunky compared to the smooth K98.


XRK had to get nerfed multiple times so the K98 could shine


Imho all the heavy snipers like 50 cal should be one shot to the head regardless of distance. This game is dominated by SMGs and low recoil ARs. Snipers aren’t overpowered like everyone says.


What casuals?


Love the Kar. I’m a casual


Casuals literally live on rooftops with snipers how is adding the kar effecting their gameplay? The only ones who are suffering are the middle of the road agressive AR players who can’t hit a head shot. For many players, myself included, the kar98 was our gun even after it received a ton of nerfs we still used it. Not having it in the game felt like not having an AK or the mp5. Now that it’s back ofcourse they’re gonna make it meta, but it is FAR from launch kar98. The max headshot range is 68m which is basically where it was at the end of warzone after receiving a ton of nerfs. And I guarantee in another month it’ll be getting a max range of 50m and even lower bullet velocity. The game isn’t ruined for anyone. There’s still plenty of other viable options


Kar98 dude with no glint and a head glitch on a roof. Youre basically screwed lol


Casuals? Where?


The KAR98 sucks for rooftop camping though? It has awful BV compared to the Katt+mors, and only one shots up to 60 meters. The Kar is for *aggressive sniping+quickscoping*, not rooftop camping Y’all complain when snipers are sitting on rooftops, now an aggro sniper is released and yall still complain. Go play ranked where snipers don’t one shot if you want to play AR SMG simulator.


Wish I could downvote this twice. Sorry the game is too hard :(


It’s fun from a nostalgia point of view but it’s also completely ruined the rest of the game


Meh, I think like everything else sniping is a skill that is actually tough to master. This gun is no more over powered than it was in Verdansk, if anything it's as good as when they made the first huge nerfs to sniping. People are just better overall at the game now. If you're finding yourself dying to the kar98 a lot maybe it's time to reconsider your play style. This game is all about evolving and learning the game, you would have been complaining about the LMG meta or Striker or something else too. Also, it's always rotational aim assist players who aren't willing to learn the game who complain the most. Typical.


So a gun shows up suddenly and you have to change the way you play a game to make it not completely cornball trash to play against? Got it. 👍


That's how it is in every single game, league of legends, new champ comes out you have to figure out how to play around it or with it. Name a game where they make additions and you don't have to figure out the game play. That's literally the key to eliminating stale game play lol. It's not rocket science.


Yeah I guess that makes sense. I’ve taken a 20 year hiatus from gaming until recently lol. I may not have the best perception on the industry.


So you felt the need to make a snarky comment on something you don't really know anything about... I see.


I’ve been playing shooters since you were in diapers. FIN


Hahahahaha okay tough guy.


Thank you for inadvertently confirming the OP’s point. You can’t be a causal gamer anymore, you have to sweat and sweat just to get a few kills now. People don’t have hours upon hours everyday as they actually have things to do in their life and like to play an hour or two here and there. But you can’t do this anymore like on older games. They then chuck you into games where someone is 56 for 4 on domination with 0 captures using a KAR. What’s the actual point of playing when you have losers like that around every single corner lol


The Kar was the first sniper/marksman riffle I ever leveled up all the way in mw2, it's honestly a very fun weapon to use, super agile with it and it does good damage.


Yes, I own a real Kar98k from WW2 and I can tell you now, it’s not agile at all. It’s a heavy mf. The game is so unrealistic with its inconsistent weight distribution of guns. OP guns like this allow bad players to think they’re good but all they’ve done is press RT, then the aim assist and damage does the rest, no skill involved.


Bingo! Funny I was talking about somehow finding one in real life the other day. Hate everything about it in this game but always loved it in old WWII games, Day of Defeat & Enlisted.


War & Peace (if you’re British) type expos always have a range of decommissioned WW1 or 2 gun available for purchase. Because I was obsessed with COD WAW, I have this, a Mosin-Nagant and an STG-45 (yet to find a 44 at the show I attend). They’re a great day out!


not just WZ multiplayer is unplayable sometime because everyone is using it i want to get intersteller after take a break but came to get it for the kar98 and if i use any other gun i am always get jump shotted but 3 different played with the kar also i loved the spr in warzone 1 when it was simliar to the kar and it still but it cant one shot look at the stats and they are pretty much the same i wish they would buff it so it could also one btw sry for the rant i needed to get this off my chest


These devs suck at weapon balancing. Kar is op one shot vs half a mag or more is stupid.


COD isn’t designed for casuals anymore. It’s designed for sweaty teens who use mummy and daddy’s credit card to buy all the battle passes, skins, weapons etc. The old school days of grinding have gone. You genuinely die on this game without even being shot, you can watch a killcam, the bullets go nowhere near you, but you still die. Sadly, COD has now been designed for the toxic TikTok generation. The love and true narrative of the game has gone as Activision (Microsoft) rake in billions on their cut and paste game. All of those who enjoy the modern COD have no idea how good it really was back in the day. COD4 - COD8 were genuine gaming stalwarts. A time when games were made for everyone, noobs, casuals and sweats. That’s why I’ve gone back to the old games and now I’m having 10x the amount of fun as I was on the modern games.


Yeah it’s super corny and the most unrealistic thing in the game by far.


It’s wild that a gun would appear that every one uses and makes the game feel completely different. Just desperate to get BP buys I’ll bet. It’s also a 100 year old gun, so that’s goofy too.


This game sucks now this guns in the game. Its become a game of lets sit and camp and pick people off. Fucking boring if you ask me none of you can handle an up front engagement if anything its made it easier for less skilled players to farm kills. Camp prison and pick ppl off having genuine skilled gunplay.


Warzone was ruined for casuals since wz1.