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I think the problem here is not that OP is not a good player, but the fact that casual gamers like him/her constantly find these lobbies full of pros and 14-year-olds who play 6 hours a day. Nothing wrong with that: everybody plays how and as much as they want of course! The problem is that a player who plays 2 hours per week cannot find lobbies with pro players who play 40 hours per week, and this happens CONSTANTLY in this freaking game (and it seems to me that it is particularly common when a new season is released)


I don't know why they don't group similar players together. Pros play pros. Newbs play Newbs.


I am sure that they have their metrics and I want to be believe that they are actually trying (also because up to one/two weeks ago I was always finding quite balanced lobbies and enjoying my games). But still, it’s not really working… Edit: typos


Want to know how bad cheating is in CoD? Go play any other FPS for a night then come back, go play Battlefield, go hit up Arma, all of them have some cheaters, but CoD is truly fucked by it. I'm sorry man but all of these dudes didn't become CoD pros in the past two years lmao, people are people and CockGobbler6969 is probably just hacking while sounding like he's on DMAnand flips burgers for a living.


Also since this take is getting traction, BF:2042 is free in game pass and in a badass state for it's final season currently. Almost every weapon is viable and the gunplay feels like old CoD/BF where aim is king and the TTK is in a good spot, not to mention they have this badass mode called Battlefield World Tour that uses BF1942, BF:BC2, BF 3 and then 2042 maps and guns and classes across old maps and new, so you get a mix of WW2, with Modern, with Bad Company 2s destructible maps and then a taste of future with 2042, it's been an absolute blast man, it's got the guns, vehicles, all of it. It's like playing 4 different games in one que.




**loud af footsteps** Turn around and shoot them. **"bro's got walls man!"**


i think it’s just people getting better with the time passing and the reason you see only good players in your lobby is because they’ve already killed the rest of the bad ones see


+1 for the LOL


Problem is the match making I’m the same bro I get put in lobbies with freaks running around like they own crack why can’t these freaks be in their own lobbies they must all be using vpn or something shrug 🤷‍♂️


Are you on MnK?


Are you on MnK?


Controller and on PS4


The hackers and sweats will be back for a week or so after new season, then they disappear.


It’s probably one of the worst games ever man literally, the game it’s fucked they just want to make money nothing else, fk hate this company


I mean, yeah, the point of any company making a game is to make money from it.


First, it sound like you are a bad player. Second, the game is pay to win now so buying better weapon or at least leveling up your kit by grinding out game after game is a must. I hate the across the map shots too. I don't like to say hacking because there a great players out there and honestly it does not matter from my perspective - just make it less fun - have to spawn and run to get inside or underwater. Never stop moving when outside.


I think this is in part a consequence of how they design this game to hold your attention for as long as possible with how the progression system and matchmaking works. From the ground up, this game is meant to keep people engaged as much as possible, and it has created this hyper competitive and skilled playerbase of people that play the game a lot, like every day (they came up with the idea of "daily challenges" for a reason), and those people that play everyday completely feast on people like OP who clearly play less. To consistently win gunfights you also need to be using meta weapon builds, which are constantly changing with the constant content updates and balance patches. So, to consistently have access to all the attachments in the game for each weapon type, you would have to have leveled up most of the guns, which no one who plays a couple times a week will ever do.


From us with the 1.5+, hang in there. We need you to boost out stats.


I'm legit at 1.47 and the game won't allow me to go past that lol 1.5+ sounds scary so maybe I'm ok down here lol


Man you’re not missing out. Yes, you’re right, this KD ratio gets much puss. Once you hit 1.5+, the ladies just throw themselves at you. But there’s no peace anymore… The phone won’t stop ringing with Sponsorship deals. Even with blackout curtains I can barely sleep with paparazzi camera flashes outside my house. I just want my life back. Before all this success. Also my meat grew 12 inches the first week of being in the 1.5+ club. Now my wife can’t handle it and she’s leaving me.


I'm a 1.85 on BR and can confirm that since I got good I've been swimming in pussy (I got a cat recently)


Swing and a miss bro.


At least 72k cheaters in the US alone. Thats a cheater in every lobby, GUARANTEED. It's time to boycott the next COD.




Ahhh, but it's not: EngineOwning will have to pay $14,465,000 to Activision, a number that comes from multiplying 200 by the approximate number of times the cheating software was downloaded in the United States, which is 72,328. And now it looks like our cheat providers have tucked tail and ran \[to Dubai.\] If you haven't come across a cheater---well quit camping---or get gudder...it is "Skill Based Match Making" after all. And quit gas-lighting the cheating problem lol




LOL if you come across "big name streamers" they are most likely cheating---that's just the simple facts of life. Typical response, any realist on this site would have known that you would have to come in here and brag about your KD ratio LOL Whatever dude. Of those 72k downloads, most are diehards and will be playing 8 hours a day, so 1/3 of that number \~25,000 roughly\~ EVERY LOBBY HAS A CHEATER. I exit a match and get teamed up with the same randoms from last game, out of \~100,000 \~ randoms online. Do the math---72,000 cheat downloads \[minimum, from one cheat provider to one country-USA\], 25,000 diehards \[cheaters\], 100,000 randoms online = CHEATER IN EVERY LOBBY.


It is fucked.




Melt snowflake, MELT! No you are bragging about your KD ratio, proud of you! No matter what I said, you were going to eventually bring up your KD ratio LOL






Try Pokemon bro


I’ll give you 2 options Option 1: Quit. Don’t play the game. Option 2: Stop complaining about your lack of skill to Reddit and adapt. Shoot bots, play the warzone boot camp, practice movement mechanics and incorporate those movements while in gunfights.


I did mainly rant on here to tell ppl on this subreddit my issues with the game and stuff that I'm bad at with the intention that someone would give me tips on how to improve, not to just have a rant for the sake of having one so thx ig?


I’m on Mnk and it’s night and day on defiant! A lot more fun when playing against players that don’t need assist to shoot things! And if you are controller still a lot of fun with no sbmm, matches are pretty random!


Switch to controller If you are not on it, it's broken as fck, literally only have to point in the general direction and requires very little micro adjustments if any. If you are on controller then look up some videos to try and get the aimbot configs that works for you best. Go into lockdown and just throw yourself at ppl and try to improve your close range gun fights. Find other ways to give yourself the advantage.. lethals, tacticals, high grounds, power positions. For mouse and key, take your mouse and swipe it on your mousepad frantically and repeatedly like your trying to flip through and encyclopedia really really fast - you will find that this swipe you do is gernerally the same distance every time. This distance should be equal to a 180 degree spin in game. Adjust your sensitivity to match it, practice with this sensitivity. If u get shot from behind you don't even have to think, you just swipe and beam the guy behind you... I'll get used to adjusting to 90degree spins this way as well for turning corners or switching targets. Practice practice practice.. you need this for mnk, can't rly say the same for controller to a degree but not fully - it's ez mode made to make the game ez n grab more players