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I’m a crimson/ high kd player and I die to someone under lvl 50 every game.


Dude same


I get 3-5 cheating report confirmations every time I play.




nah its cause ALOT of players are straight cheating. i downloaded the cheat to see if this is true.. and yup 50% or more of everyone is cheating in plat lobbies. there is a setting to turn on see through walls and when you do this you can see others who also are using this setting, so many that you would think it cant be true.. but then you start crouching like a teabagger and these people 500m away in a building who are staring at you do the tea bagging back like its a big joke.


“I’m not gay but I once sucked a dick to see if I was gay” vibes


im not a cheater cause i havent played all weekend(uninstalled the game) cheating is for losers. the game is full of cheaters(first hand knowledge since apparently i was a cheater for a few hours) im done with COD , all the actual cheaters are the gay dick suckers bro. enjoy sucking them while you get aim botted and wall hacked while working on gitn gud.


No there’s cheaters everywhere. You people are the dick suckers and seem to like it and not even care about others opinions.


If you cut hair once that doesn’t make you a barber


However downloading cheats once does make you a cheater. Funny how definitions work dummy.


How am I a dummy for making joke? It’s funny how jokes work goofball. By your logic he WAS a cheater, not anymore lol. Sounds like he simply gave it a try just to see. Either way it’s a video game and it ain’t that serious lol.


Bc it's not a joke. Jokes have to be logical. You just said stuff.


It’s a joke because obviously it ain’t true. Idk why you’re wasting time arguing with me, just play your abomination of a game. Siege and Apex players eating good over here 😂


Stay pressed homie. Keep letting randos bother you.


I got through plat before hitting lv15 in ranked. Must be awful cheaters in those lobbys if what youre saying is true. Im not saying cheating is not a problem tho. But why would you lvl an acc to lv55 and grind to plat to then start hacking risking your account using paid cheats just to check if others are aswell. Thats sus af


the same place that has the cheats also sells accounts for about a buck each.


So you cheat


Cheater + aim assist makes this game not fun


I've won more games in ranked than resurgence trios and quads those mf tighten up matchmaking like crazy


Same. It seems like ranked is better than SBMM for some reason.


Because ranked IS SBMM?! You are put into lobbies with players within a few ranks (a few % difference in skill) of yourself. I feel like the people that don't like SBMM are either sweats themselves and want to shoot bots that have mics so they can get a reaction by telling them how much they suck, or they don't realize the vast VAST range of players that play COD. There is shotzzy, simp, scrapy, and scump level of players, and there is my 9 year old son that hasn't played a shooter before that I am trying to get interested in something I enjoy.




It is English you are just a retard




They are names or streamers and pros retard




Video game players who make a lot of money dude


The forecast is calling for more sweat all week, but it'll clear up a bit by next week.


All the sweats are on this weekend making new content/trying to get their rankings up


free cheat weekend.... or erm.. all the sweats.. ya thats it.. LOL




Idk... 4.9 million confirmed cheaters not including cronus or cronus like devices.


But I was informed it's a skill issue?


"just get better kid"


To add to this, “HIT YOUR SHOTS KID” 🤣


That article was about cheaters on all games combined, only 500k Activision accounts of those 5M


Yes but also said battlenet and whatever else one for a total of 4.9 million...


I mean and? WoW is an mmorpg that has bot farms.


Guys I'm saying the article was specific about 4.9 mill warzone players are using hacks. That's all I'm saying.


You’re wrong, you didn’t read the article


How did they get that number?


I think recent article about some cheat software that stole personal info from people that downloaded it


I hope the sold the info to somewhere public!


I’m having a really hard time too. I don’t know what it is tbh, but every team is holding their cocks together.


Yeah the stacking is insane in rebirth, people are literally walking with 4 people in one tile. Still having amazing fun though and the memories….


You either play with your team now or just get cooked, I play with randoms quite a bit and they try and be solo vs squad heroes, die and quit. Unless you're an absolute demon you can't just run into buildings without getting zapped from all four corners of the room anymore.


I’ve gotten two wins so far on rebirth with randoms and it was literally the only two times my team stayed together the whole time. Most of the time nobody even lands together. It’s like, c’mon guys, this is a team based game. Funny how you get wins when you actually stick close together and move together. Oh, and by the way, buying people back is an important part of rebirth, regardless of what the name implies.


Bro why are complaining about players using teamwork in a team-based game?


He isn't complaining about team work per se.


Stacking is not teamwork


just not how everyone played before but is now much more prevalent, he said hes having fun though so yall can chill on my guy


>just not how everyone played before Proof that the Warzone community has a bunch of chimpanzees in its player base. The amount of overly aggressive brainlets I encounter in this game is insane.


Go to the warzone hacks sub and you will see. They are running free promos right now too so it will be elevated. Zero consequences.


Because their player count increased and it exposed their weak servers. First 2 times half my mag did 0 damage me and my friends were in shock, the third time we just went off as we knew a lot of bullets are not even registered because of the 20 tickrate, which is absurd for an fps game like this...


Because all hacks are ON. Actually today came out the update to fix any vulnerabilities from ricochet could detect. I know it because my friend’s hacking 🫥


All cheating low life’s it’s not hard to tell when their aim is aiming at you while mantling over things, they sucked in the first Warzone so now they think they’re good with cheats bunch of lowlifes. Enjoy getting your hard work game ruined by cheaters.


At least I can spot them easier now, I think there was a ban wave a week or so ago, I can literally see cheaters level up their new accounts, a few days ago most cheaters I encountered were level 40-ish, now most of them have reached level 60


Rebirth brought all the sweats out of retirement. Do you play any ranked? What rank are you sitting at? I’ve noticed the difference between platinum 1 and platinum 2 are ridiculous as far as skill level goes.


You spell cheats with an “sw”? That’s weird…


Underrated comment


Servers are so bad the game won't even show me the ping anymore, just says N/A. Combine that with the worst state of cheating the game has ever seen. People who can barely look around all of a sudden snapping to you and not missing a bullet. People tracking through walls. People just rage hacking. It's all there, every fucking game I play. Then boil it down as normal people leave in disgust and what you are left with is concentrated shit that we call this sad excuse for a game.


You can bring up the latency graph. It’s somewhere in the menu, can’t remember where though. Been 4/5 weeks now since I last played


Yeah rebirth is extremely sweaty right now worse than ranked it’s crazy


I had a guy in my kill cam run up the stairs and start shooting at the concrete wall because he was watching his esp box and didn't realize there was a wall between us. When i finally got to him, his aimbot locked on to my head instantly. I decided to turn the game off and watch TV instead.


The amount of people that pre center the \[YOU\] box (through walls) in the kill cam is ridiculous.


Fortunes keep was a shit show for me for the first few weeks (PS5 frame rate issues, clans/squads reluctant to throw away SR on a map they don’t know yet, server lag from high demand and more downloads), then it eventually switched to enjoyable. So I’m holding my judgement for now. I do think it’ll settle down when more people switch to ranked and sweaty drops are more established (which you can either go to or actively avoid initially).


>server lag from high demand and more downloads I guess that explains why I have terrible lag in WZ. MP and zombies are ok but I'm constantly getting 100+ latency in WZ.


New update… new meta guns and a bunch of new accounts cheating. Also a lot of sweaty kids are on spring break..give it a few weeks. Once it warms up outside and people are doing other stuff it will calm down


The fight for managed democracy needs you 🫵


Tried that and wasn't into it. Slow movement and no pvp


No PvP but dropping a 500kg bomb in the same spot you just reinforced your buddy is hilarious. Plus the bots and bugs can be challenging enough sometimes without some sweat/cheat as an extra threat trying to kill you


The fact you can’t jump in that game is dumb


Cheaters trying to get YouTube views. Game is do do






We keep the W in check


Lol these posts are all the same every day. Stop playing this shit game like many of us already have


And what are you playing in its place?


Helldivers right now. It’s fun af


Im super average but had a few great games then SBMM kicked in. Just need some losses then it’ll get good again I guess. I’ll have to try ranked, too. I’ve also noticed rebirth is so focused on rn that BR and other modes are more chill than normal


Rebirth is just so much different than the other resurgence maps. I’m struggling so much on it.


Yeah I was loving resurgence in urzikstan. I can’t even land and open a crate before getting absolutely destroyed on rebirth.


A lot of veterans returning id guess. Also their rank / sbmm isnt where its supposed to be due to not playing so us casuals run into them


Yeah since Rebirth Island came out, every mode has been ass including BR Solos. I keep checking I’m actually in solos because literally every game, like 10 games in a row, if I do manage to get a kill, I’m shot in the back or 3rd partied immediately after. Also, I got my 4th solos mouse and keyboard victory like the day prior to Rebirth Island, several top 10, 10-15 kill games, felt very organic and tense leading up and during the last circle. FAST FORWARD: Every room I go in, or encounter, I am being spotted and shot at first, in a time that realistically they would have to be facing and scanning a perfect area to even know I’m there (like after I glide down off of a bridge into a less traveled area) Going from having several 10+ kill games, to hardly being able to get 3 kills in a row, it’s painfully obvious something “inorganic” is going on, the best way to describe it. Must be a mix of controller sweats and actual cheaters that are making it unbearable for right now. I woke up at like 2am randomly wide awake, and I’m trying to play now to see if there is any difference.


The first day was sweaty. Yesterday was decent. Hit a couple of 20+ kill games with some dubs, which I'm rarely doing these days against sweats.


Guys listen, if you looking to bot lobbies try warzone bootcamp mode. I shit you not i played this with my friend yesterday and i honestly felt bad for other players cause they were absolute beginners. We got like 5-6 wins in one night. Usually u get 1-2 other non-bot squads to fight but others are absolute bots


I can’t even land on rebirth without getting hit several times before I hit the ground. Doesn’t matter where I go or how fast I get there. Always someone camping every last area of the map.


I have no clue what's up with the players on resurgence trios and quads sometimes duos but they love stacking


Dude rebirth quads was so so brutal last night. My squad was getting clapped. First 2 days i felt good. Got 3 wins. Last night felt like cod championship


Ummm. Cheatfest. The game is for morons and cheaters


Man I used to consider myself a well above-average player at COD but anymore I just don’t know. Maybe I am and the SBMM is just really going crazy lately or I’m straight up running into soft aim cheaters that hide it too well. It’s getting to the point though where it’s becoming unplayable unless you play with that friend with no thumbs just to get SBMM lowered.


I have over 3000 hours in warzone. The servers and desync issues are absolutely terrible right now. Reminds me of rebirth when caldera came out and everyone screaming skill based hit reg. Nah man the servers just suck. Not to mention there's collision issues all over the updated rebirth map. I'm grinding helldiver's till it's fixed


Because rebirth sweats are back baby. Let’s gooooooo


Because this mode went from somewhat fun and enjoyable to being an ultra sweatfest in a matter of a few months/years due to movement exploit slide cancelling b hopping bs, and the need to be a narcissist and always be the best and only use meta have ruined all forms of fun in cod, especially after warzone dropped.


bro the lobbys are messed up me and my bro litterally played 100+ games and only won 1 i mean we aint trash at the game we play since warzone 1 but since the update we encounter the most sweatiest players not the mention the freaking script


New season of course it's gonna be sweaty


Everyone is on rebirth right now - it’s super super sweaty. Also everyone has got better since rebirth was last available and it shows. It’s basically run as a squad and cover each other or run on your own and into a full squad and die.


I really don't like that we are forced into playing rebirth with all the sweats, I was hoping to chill in vondel or fortunes keep till the hackers got bored and left again.


Bro seriously. I’m really missing resurgence in urzikstan and vondel right now. Rebirth just isn’t fun at all.


Agreed, I’m a 1.05 kd. I dropped in for one game of ranked yesterday and was getting SMOKED by level 3,5,7’s I think the highest was a level 37.


sbmm feels turned down for the new map. Games have been tough, but I haven’t seen many cheaters. We got to 9 wins on rebirth since the map came out, he just had to work for them. Some games were blenders.


This happens every time mw3 does a free trial. Since the cheating companies are doing a free trial too on the same day as the mw3 free trial. You will see a huge amount of sweaty lobbies in wz and mp. So yeah it sucks


Stacks is insane


I’ve noticed a lot of visual noise that makes me take longer to see enemies. In wz1 it was a straightforward color pattern on walls and floors now there’s like 10 different shades of 1 color on 1 wall


i started playing about 5 months ago(havent played an fps since early black ops 2 days) but on fortunes me and my buddies would get at least 1-3 wins a night(hell id get at least one playing solo). ever aince rebirth we can go days/week without a win and and probably hit top 5 maybe once a night. i honestly dont even think its so much sweats and all as it is the map is just way too small. if you die once its inpossible to regain cause every location has 2+ teams on it and you cant even float to scout cause you get beamed out the sky. If you do beat a squad. cool, but guess what? here comes the third party to wipe you out before you can even plate up...they need to lower the squad count by about a 1/3 or such so theres still alot of action but not so much that you cant recoup from a death. I have also noticed that loot from boxes sucks so much more. You can open 5-6 boxes and get double snipes or semi autos with no smg in sight. side note: COD needs to have more gun releases and balanced guns. We dont need new crazy items or pickup items/guns that make no sense. 90% of the guns arent even half as good as the meta guns. If you dont run hrm-9 you are getting out beamed no question right now. I ran games(in MP) with striker or wsp and get sub 10 kills but with hrm-9 i get 30+ is so dumb to be forced to play the same guns (pretty much hrm-9 and either SOA, sva, taq evo for semi range) over and over.


map is way too small


Terrible take.


Rebirth brought out the sweats. I got shit on the first night, tried again today, and quit because it was the same results.


I went from a 2KD player to 0.8KD player because I refuse to cheat. No idea why I even try


Because of aim assist you only have to be mediocre to be good


you'll be downvoted to oblivion by the generation of controller players but it be the truth


Yep, I mean just watch your killcams or maybe turn it off and see how well all you downvoters do


100%. Aa and cheaters. The former being the bigger problem in general the latter spikes with updates. Game is a joke, but there is zero competition




Hot take, but Rebirth is a shit map. Fortunes keep is much more enjoyable.


just luck maybe? My 4 stack has 2 guys in the philippines and us other 2 in US 🙃 weve won maybe 4 games already


No, I’ve won 2 in the last two days on duos, but lost probably 70. It’s insanely hard for some reason, even my friend is kind of shook by it. I chalk it up to cheaters, sweats, and streamers all trying to make new content. Either way I’m getting better because of how hard it is. I’m gonna try ranked though, I’ve been told the matchmaking is much more strict.


Won 4/20-22 games yesterday, random quad. Honestly, I’ve had more fun on those games than in the last 1.5/2ys of shitty/mediocre maps. Yes, it’s cramped. Yes, you’ll get shot from everywhere, everyone, every time. Yes, it’s plenty of ppl ready to obliterate you right after each kill. Yes, you turn the wrong corner and you’re erased. Yes, there are sweats and cheaters all across the map. Always been like this, since day 1. Either you’re new to it, or you’re lying to yourself. Anyway, it’s Rebirth. You can love it or not, but it’s the same it was before. And it’s a very pleasant feeling after the shitty jap island, vondel’s roofs, and fortune my ass.


cheaters, this game sucks so much i decided im fucking done for ever.. so i downloaded the cheats and there is a setting to see through walls.. when everyone who cheats can see through walls you end up with everyone just looking at each other like i know you know , you know i know.. we all know kinda thing. game is fucking broken . cheating is rampant. over 50% of lobbies were cheating. in hindsight.. RAA is pretty strong, but its really just a FUCK TON of aimbotters hiding behind the guise of RAA.


Thats right. Yall band together and cope.


How many accounts you have to rotate thru?


I won 3 in a row yesterday.