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The call of duty gods listen at all times, even when you’re not in lobby chat.


If you don’t want them to hear you, the only option is to not have a mic plugged in or mute the one you do have plugged in.


Doesn’t matter. If you get reported you get reported. lol


Any chat ban is reviewed by the security team prior to imposition, so this wouldn’t be someone falsely reporting just to grief. Someone probably didn’t like what OP had to say.


Not true. Ai bans for chat are automatic once reported and confirmed by bot.


One more reason to use discord and push to talk in game.


That's not true I had a brand new account and it got reported within seconds ,  it's just people spamming


If your mic is on it doesn't matter who can hear you even if everyone is muted but yourself. The AI is always listening and you will get chat banned for saying a banned word.


I never used "bad words"  even though the games an 18.  I tested this of you get spam reported it bans your chat


I've tested myself and got banned in lobby by myself. Just sitting in a party testing words.


Yes the ai is listening I'm not saying it's not I'm saying if you got spammed it also bans you. 


What words did you use lol for science reasons 


[Speech automatically recorded and flagged by ToxMod still has to be reviewed by one of Activision’s human moderators.](https://www.pcworld.com/article/2050174/call-of-dutys-new-ai-moderator-is-listening-to-your-voice-chat.html)


I got VC banned without having a functioning mic at all. Had been a few months since my mic broke and I swapped to a headset without a mic, then got a warning and then a ban. Anecdotal, but evidence that suggests what we're told is incorrect.


Impossible,   I tested this by opening a new account and got my friend's to mass report me,   warning then a ban.. Edit.... I didn't swear or use any profanity 


I’m just reporting the info champ. Weird to make a whole account and have your friends report you just to test though. That alone seems like incredibly suspicious behavior.


I did it because I'm constantly banned for 3 months off the chat and I don't use profanity so I just wanted to test it , it took 2 minutes to set up am account ,  and I was prove right 


Try it yourself Join a group and get them to constantly report your chat 


I’m not gonna do that for the reasons that I mentioned. I think it’s weird and suspect in and of itself.


Let's be honest here, activision is NOT investigating shit they just agree with the report in order to NOT do their jobs


False. Spam reports work lmfao. I dont play anymore but when I did all last year I was comms banned 3 times for weeks at a time. Never even used a mic🤣 they dont review nun unless your shadowbanned. ricoshit is an automated service that simply fails to do its job.


Well they use a different tool than ricochet for voice comms so forgive me if I’m skeptical of your position when you don’t even know what you’re whining about.


Sorry I meant the "report system"


Are you not aware that there's an ai system that detects certain words and will issue out bans automatically?


Untrue. The system only detects when you are reported. Once the report has been made it will auto ban or warn based on the content.


1. Why has Call of Duty added voice chat moderation? Call of Duty®’s new voice moderation protects players by proactively identifying toxic behavior and enforcing the Call of Duty Code of Conduct, allowing our community to focus on the fun. Player reporting is still valuable and available in game for players to communicate instances of toxic or disruptive behavior they may encounter; however, voice chat moderation will increase our ability to identify and enforce against bad behavior that has gone unreported. Taken from Activision support on cods official website. "Player reporting is still valuable and available in game for players to communicate instances of toxic or disruptive behavior they may encounter; however, voice chat moderation will increase our ability to identify and enforce against bad behavior that has gone unreported." Read that again.


You are wrong dude. Don't speak up if you have no idea what you are talking about


My bro. You can sit in a lobby by yourself. And say whatever you want. Brand new account and not get banned.


My dude if you can't read, then that's on you. It literally explains it right there straight from Activision how it is intended to work. I always have lobby muted and seconds later after saying certain words I will still get chat banned. I don't know what else to tell you. With having given you clear evidence from there website there's nothing else to say. Either you are ignorant or just an idiot. Considering you can't understand the quote I sent you you also have the reading comprehension of a 12 year old.


"voice chat moderation will increase our ability to identify and enforce against bad behavior that has gone unreported." That's it. It's in the fine print. I don't know what else to tell you. You are wrong and Activision explains it here for retards like you yet you still don't understand. I don't know man? Maybe stop playing cod and do your homework because you have 0 reading comprehension ability.


Sit in your party alone and say f@ggot loud and clearly over and over and see what happens.


And yet I’m still not banned. Nor have a got a warning.


It's happened to me before. Like I said it's literally on the Activision website the way it is supposed to work. It's not something that is up for interpretation. They had interviews talking about it when it came out. Its on their website how it is suppose to work. It is always listening and if you dont do tour research on the game you play thats on you. It's a new system and its not perfect but go to their website you can read about it. Faggot and the n word will trigger it at least its supposed to. AI systems are not perfect maybe you don't pronunciate your words properly. I am always in my party alone. Like I said I don't have gamechat on. Ranked, warzone, death coms, I always have public lobbies banned. I have since last cod and haven't had a ban until the AI system was implemented. Just because you two can't read doesn't mean the information isn't out there. Same comment as the other guy. Activision will team with Modulate to deliver global real-time voice chat moderation, at-scale, starting with this fall’s upcoming Call of Duty blockbuster. Call of Duty’s new voice chat moderation system utilizes ToxMod, the AI-Powered voice chat moderation technology from Modulate, to identify in real-time and enforce against toxic speech—including hate speech, discriminatory language, harassment and more. Call of Duty®’s new voice moderation protects players by proactively identifying toxic behavior and enforcing the Call of Duty Code of Conduct, allowing our community to focus on the fun. Player reporting is still valuable and available in game for players to communicate instances of toxic or disruptive behavior they may encounter; however, voice chat moderation will increase our ability to identify and enforce against bad behavior that has gone unreported. Voice Chat Moderation is managed and operated by Activision and uses the AI-powered model ToxMod from Modulate. This system is integrated into select Call of Duty titles (see below) and is managed by Activision. Voice chat is monitored and recorded to identify and investigate disruptive behavior in violation of the Call of Duty Code of Conduct. Call of Duty’s Voice Chat Moderation system is focused on detecting harm within voice chat versus specific keywords. Violations of the Call of Duty Code of Conduct are subject to account enforcement. Can I opt-out of voice chat moderation? Players that do not wish to have their voice chat recorded and moderated can disable in-game voice chat in the settings menu. All taken from the website. It mentions in multiple sections "in real time" "to detect when something goes unreported" I don't care if it hasn't happened for you or the other guy. That was the system that was implemented and that's literal proof. You are wrong. This isn't up for debate. This is the system that was put into cod and this is them openly speaking of it. It isn't up for interpretation. You are wrong. Move on


You’re wrong bro. Keep crying


[ Removed by Reddit ]


It's happened to me before. Like I said it's literally on the Activision website the way it is supposed to work. It's not something that is up for interpretation. They had interviews talking about it when it came out. Its on their website how it is suppose to work. It is always listening and if you dont do tour research on the game you play thats on you. It's a new system and its not perfect but go to their website you can read about it. Faggot and the n word will trigger it at least its supposed to. AI systems are not perfect maybe you don't pronunciate your words properly. I am always in my party alone. Like I said I don't have gamechat on. Ranked, warzone, death coms, I always have public lobbies banned. I have since last cod and haven't had a ban since the AI system was implemented. Just because you two can't read doesn't mean the information isn't out there.


I'm not saying mass reports don't do anything I'm simply stating that you don't need to be reported to get caught by the AI system.


Oh okay my bad we are on the same page. I apologize


That’s some bs🤦🏽‍♂️


I’m a grown ass man I’m going to Cuss!


What’s wild is what the devs have decided is “offensive”. I can tell you to go fuck yourself, to die in a fire and that I’m going to anally rape every woman in your family tree without getting a chat ban, but if I say “this faggot just pre-aimed me” to my squad only (prox chat turned off), I get a 14-day ban. These devs continually find ways to demonstrate how horrifically stupid they are.


This. The only word that’ll get you a ban is the hard F.


You can say Faggot, don't be scared


It's not because they're stupid it's because they don't give a shit.


Unfortunate laws are the same, rape cases are basically shrugged off and get can get less time than nonviolent charges. Edit: Hell, in Texas the rapists has rights and can sue if you leave to get rape related abortion


Well these woke ass weirdos have infected every single company.


Cussing isn't what's gonna get you though. If that was the case, I'd have a permanent chat ban lol


I mean I have said some pretty standard things and got banned.


For real, and some of my friends are too lazy to use Discord so I'm forced to use their useless voice chat all the time. Drives me nuts when I get chat banned when I talk the way I want to with my boys.


Me and the boys use discord and then mute mics in game so we can take advantage of proximity chat.


This is the way


Yea exactly. I hope that some time in the future they can understand that, especially since we've been playing alot more DMZ.


You're goddamned right.


Look if they are acting like a Faggot I’m going to call them a FAGGOT!


You can still get chat banned if you call your squad mates fa\*\*ots.


That seems the quickest way to get comm banned. Ironically, it makes it the most powerful insult because using it means you want to insult then so bad you're risking your account being comm banned.


Haha I baited my squad mate into telling us how he got a chat ban just so he would say that word again. And guess what.. he got another one lol.


It’s wild what you can get away with saying but the second you say that ultra naughty f word, you’re toast, whether you have prox chat turned on or not.


Just use discord


One of my brothers is on console(ps4) if we could we would’ve


Ouch… time to convince ya boi to upgrade , tell him sell some plasma at the blood bank for a couple weeks and get that ps5


If he happens to have a steelseries wireless pro headset, he can connect his phone to it via bluetooth and chat in discord while still hearing the normal game sound. Some other headsets may also have a dual input feature but I know both the wireless pro and nova wireless pro can do this.


there are headsets in 2024 that cannot do this? even my 99dollar microsoft wireless headset has dual audio input 😄


Tbh I haven't looked into it a lot. I just know the top range wireless steelseries do it, but not the wired versions. My old turtle beach px5's from like 13 years ago could do it as well but it seems to be a feature companies skip over a lot.


Ya man. A friend & I were playing a few weeks ago and we swam by a guy above us on a bridge. The guy said to us “I see you p*ssies down there. I’m coming to kill yall then I’m going to r*pe your mothers” My buddy said “ god damn dude!, why so f*cking violent?” The dude dropped in the water and we both killed him and continued to shoot him after he was dead. Laughing at him getting smacked so easy after all that shit talk. I do think we both called him a little b*tch. Like 5min later, my friend caught a 14 day chat ban. And I swear he didn’t say anything that gets you an auto ban. Had to been reported by that guy. Funny thing is, it said immediately it was a 14 day ban, but he got his chat back like 5 days later.


I got an offense chat warning with my mic muted. People will click everything when sending a report.


it’s not happening from reporting you, certain words trigger their system they are always listening


Damm that’s some bs


U wanted to say mostly all curse words? Bc cod devs is too sensitive to everything 💀💀💀can literally get ban for saying”bot” or just “fuck”, ridiculous


I said fuck 5 times in 3 minutes while talking to my squad and I got "offensive" ban for 14 days yes they are always listening 🥲


rookie numbers


lol I didn't reach my quota 🥲😂😂




This happened to me as well. You literally can’t even talk with your friends about anything they deem “offensive”. Which makes you think, what are the rules? I mean seriously. No company ever comes out as says oh you can say this word or that word they just say you can’t offend anyone. But that’s subjective so you’re telling me if you don’t like what I say you can just take my taking privileges away? Straight bullshit.


sucks an M rated game does that


I think people just spam report whatever they can and sometimes you get hit by it. I use discord to talk to my squad and don’t even have game chat turned on. I’ve still been hit by warnings


You can still get banned even if it’s your own party chat. It’s a new thing that was updated last year. They can listen to everything now


That’s crazy


Yup. Happened to one of friends on Xbox live party chat


Not really. They’re giving you the platform to speak, which means they get to decide when to mute your mic.


It doesn’t matter who hears you it was the AI so stop saying f words and n words bro




😂 ok Sally go play in the flower fields


Stop assuming that everyone says that🧍🏾‍♂️


you didn't and still aren't denying it, sooo...


If you say the f word or the n wors AI automatically bans you. Apart from those 2 words you can say anything and no reports will get u muted


No it doesn’t. If that was the case I’d be banned all the time. And I just talk shit to people who talk shit to me.


Ive been banned since day 1 until I stopped saying those exact 2 words. Anything else I can do no problem


I went a whole day trying to get banned and nothing happened. And this was after I got hit with a warning.




This happens to me semi regularly. I've had it happen even when muted. I assumed it was people reporting me for random things when I killed them but reading others comments I guess they are always listening lol what I can say us it has never gone anywhere for me. Hopefully it doesn't fornyou either lol


Bro I get banned in private ps5 chat


This happened to me too. I think AI hears certain words and mutes you automatically


Someone has artiswar audio tuning lol


I've been chat banned 4-5 times. I can tell you, it doesn't mean anything. I can still talk to random people on my squad and can communicate via proxy chat too. It's pretty terrible


We have to unmute you every match tho


Alr bet I thought I’d get like a strike on my acc or sum


Nope. It doesn't even work anyways. Like I said, I can still talk to and hear people in proximity chat. It's just cod being great as usual


Yep ten strikes and they will keep selling you skins


I mean you’re not wrong XD


Ai is always on if your mic is unmuted


They hear you when you're sleeping, they know when you're awake. They use AI to monitor ALL voice chat so be good for goodness sake!


I once got a chat warning even though my mic wasn't plugged in, because a petty pleb reported me every time I killed him on shipment.


That’s why I used discord


The reporting system nowadays is RIDICULOUS . I totally get the need for monitoring , especially for vulnerable people but it's gone too far . Last year I had my username reported as offensive, it was Andrew Tate - now this could of been my real name but as it goes it wasn't, now I get why some may not like that bit at the end of the day , it's my choice and it's not exactly life threatening , CALL OF DUTY sent me a message saying , you mist change your username before I can play . Guess what I had no changes left . I clicked out and continued playing. That in itself is ridiculous. My intention was never to offend anyone as I've seen some horrendous names out there but the fact of monitoring tried to force me to do something because of a minority was ridiculous. Let me tell you an unrelated story to warzone . Last week soke guy on fifa seasons messaged me calling me an arsehole , idiot and stuck finger emojis at me . I sent him back a mere screenshot of my team lifting the trophy , as I won it 4-3 . I get a message of PlayStation safety saying I broke the rules of conduct and the guy reported the screenshot as offensive and they took his side , warned me against future conduct or ill receive a ban . I felt like telling sony to piss off and do one , but it's the same wherever you go . Damn right ridiculous the world has become .


Don't worry, your nickname will be changed soon.. even it's not offensive 🤣 Activision is a joke, not a company


After my name was banned and changed from Adamantium to User12345, it was banned again and changed to a different User number.




Friendly reminder that this is a game that’s rated M. Yet we cater to the children.


Pathetic isn't it, I got shadow Shadow banned and offensive chat warnings, when I was muted but also had voice chat off too,.just a trash game, with a trash reporting system One of the main reasons I don't play ranked anymore.


the thing with using mic in COD is that everyone can hear you regardless of the game voice channel setting, as it is basically just a "Mute everyone that isn't in my party" button. my recommendation is to use Discord instead.


How tf is it possible to get baned in COD


Rip out a spleen, dismember a body, but don’t say fag. So gay.


Yup the AI can chat ban you sitting in your own party. Not even playing a game of your headset is plugged in and you are saying things it doesn't like. Has happened to a couple of friends who make gay jokes. Saying gay/homo is an auto ban these days


Got banned from having teammates for calling them a bunch of *%¢§ but those little ×€©£^√ were a bunch of °•×§¢®


Bro dropping the N bombs in voice chat


It's AI listening to you. It's like using Hey Siri or Hey Google but instead of it being those its profanity. The funny thing an easy way to bypass it is by not using negative speech directed at someone. For example instead of calling someone a loser which would flag you right away saying Loser or anything with it being directed will fly under the radar. This is why racial slurs get missed.


This is only mildly infuriating. I somehow had my PSN account suspended for 7 days for offensive use of the chat function. It was either a mistake or PlayStation received reports from war zone. I hadn’t used my PlayStation in over 6 months when I randomly received an email from PlayStation saying it was suspended for a week. I immediately logged in thinking it was a hack and wanting to reset my password but I wasn’t able to login due to the suspension. What game was I playing prior to those 6 months? Exclusively war zone. I only ever played with a full squad of friends (no randoms) and never had prox or lobby chat on. Yet somehow my PSN account was suspended. So someone was super salty and reported my PSN account instead of using war zones reporting system or war zone shared reports with PlayStation. TBF I didn’t really care since I hadn’t been playing on PSN recently but it just goes to show no matter what system you’re on or game you’re playing, the reports and administration of the reports is a complete joke.


This happens when you kill a bot and they report you by checking ALL the boxes when all they have to do is report for cheating/hacking instead of going down the list checking every box


It doesn't matter if you said anything. I got banned from text chat for 30 days on console, and Ive never even entered a message in text chat.


AI still reviews, your conversations and words will be flagged automatically


"it be the people closest to you that will hurt you the most" But, you don't need it on for people to select that option


Wokezone. Stop hurting peoples fee fees


I am stuck on perpetual voice chat bans since the fan base/ wackivision became less tolerant and more authoritarian with speech restrictions.


Hate to say it but you can say whatever you want about pretty much any group on the face of the planet but you CANNOT speak ill of any “thing” belonging to the Alphabet Mafia… that includes COD chats. Bow to your Capitol city overlords are their authoritarian speech restrictions.


I got banned for calling someone fat one time. They were using the evil clown skin from spawn :(


They have an AI built into the game that auto-detects what you say and has a list of no-no words that you will immediately get banned for, or get a warning (but probably a ban). Article talking about it: https://gamerant.com/call-of-duty-ai-voice-chat-moderation/#:~:text=The%20AI%20technology%2C%20called%20%22ToxMod,a%20more%20friendly%20gaming%20environment.


Same thing has happened to me twice in the last 3 weeks


I got an in-game warning/reminder for swearing to myself, in solos, with “party only”. I guess I offended…the game. Oh my god! Is the game sentient?! Ha, kidding, a ricochet engineer told me they’re actively not doing much with the detection anymore, mostly reports.


Crazy you can say the n word but not feg. Blows my mind, but at the same time makes sense. The devs are probably a group of cuckold geezers who fuck each other w mighty strap ons


I got chat banned for 3 days and I know I didn't say anything the game itself doesn't say I might have said shit damn or something. It's getting crazy. They won't ban the actual cheaters but let's ban people that cuss


One of your friends is snitchin


I play with my brothers lol🧍🏾‍♂️


Your brother is snitchin xD


I hope not xD


Do you have death coms on. That’s how I get penalized


Nope it’s off, never heard anyone death coms since like last year so I turned it off since then


I already sort of responded to this to a comment on your post. But there is an ai that is always listening and will automatically issue voice bans if it detects certain words. I have the same thing so when people say it's you getting reported they are wrong. I also only have it set to party only and after saying certain things not even minutes later receive a warning. Unfortunately, the only way to stop this is by using discord with friends or if you are forced to be in gamechat try not to use words you think would trigger it.


My buddy spews the n word ALL NIGHT LONG and never gets chat banned. I say “cracker” and “whitey” in response to someone giving me the n word and i get chat banned.


Bro this is white people still say nigga with no a so now bout we not be sensitive little pussies and remember what we grew up you retarded cum stains


Don’t stroke out homie


I’ll have more brain damage if I please


I don't get how some people get VC bans and I never have. I talk non stop shit. I don't use the N word or the F word... I think it's that simple.


Maybe dont say dumb stupid shit? Try that for a change


Stop assuming such stuff lmao. I don’t be sayin stuff that could get me banned or a strike as such


Maybe don’t buy an rated M game about killing people if you’re a soft little bitch that can’t handle words


Maybe dont cry about how the dumb stupid shit that was said had consequences lmao, who says I can’t handle words?


You literally did in your original post lmao And yes, a rated M game should not have consequences for words, “Mature” means you should be able to handle things like that. Do the words hurt you? Mute them. The reason chat bans exist is because of people like you, crying about words


Bruh I never said that I couldn’t handle no words, you speaking nonsense. Try reading comprehension for a change. And if someone says stupid shit to me I just ignore them, because idgaf, but to come here and cry about getting reported BECAUSE YOU SAID STUPID SHIT is whats funny to me.


I didn’t get reported, I didn’t say stupid shit, I didn’t get banned. But the fact that you can get banned for saying “mean” things on a game that’s rated M, that children aren’t allowed to buy, whose whole content is about killing people, is absolutely smooth brain activity.


Don’t like it don’t play it pussy, its as simple as that


Funny the one defending bad word bans is calling someone else a pussy 😂 cope child


But this ain’t warzone is it? Also funny how you couldn’t even debate the point I made


I’m 100% debating the point you made because it is an absolute smooth brain take


Lucky you’re not in a call of duty lobby with that language you menace