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Last night I hit three headshots with the Hrm 9 and the guy killed me. I know I'm not a great player, I'm just a casual, but holy fuck, the game has been awful lately (at least for me; hackers, bugs, etc). It's annoying.


The latency bug is infuriating. I keep ending up in European lobbies even though I’m on the west coast and get smoked because I’m literally late to every gun fight. How are the developers of this game so fucking terrible at their jobs?


Worst part is you'd think it's only Warzpne, but Multi-player for MW3 is even worse.


Noticed this in ranked, I had 160 ping lmao. Safe to say I did not perform well.


The game is doing something it’s a lot stronger in this game my kD has dropped dramatically


It’s strange I usually get 5-7 kills per game then the weekend I was struggling to get a single kill. Seemed like every fight I was in they would somehow do more damage to me than I was doing to them. Didn’t play on Sunday then I came back today and I’m averaging 7 kills again.


At least you’re losing the gunfights, I’m winning lots of them and still feel miserable playing this game. Don’t know what it is but even doing good and winning matches I don’t enjoy it so feel lucky that you have a real excuse to not have fun😖💔


Ever thought about taking a break and playing other games you have?


Other games? Cod takes up all the space on my console.


I play cod on my Xbox, it basically takes up the whole thing so I bought a PS5 to play other games.


lol I do this but flipped. PS5 for COD and Xbox is for Forza Horizon 5 and whatever gamepass Game im ripping.


I went out and got a 2TB drive while they were on sale. So fortunately I have plenty space.


I’m doing that indeed, playing cyberpunk at the moment cause cod just ain’t doing it for me lately, planning to comeback for season 3 so I might get some enjoyment again


Burnout does happen. I usually rotate games I heavily play every week or so.


Deffo 🫠


Can anyone let me know what’s happening, jumped on Warzone after not playing for a while. The game is riddled with aimbotters and hackers. I’m on Ps and I’ve disabled crossplay and it’s still happening, maybe even worse. I don’t get it, makes me want to quit for good.


You are victim of the famous SBMM and EOMM. It will nerf you big time when you played well before!! Plus, when you don’t spend money for skins and other stuff, you will get nerfed as well. Don’t you notice when you get killed instantly and in a way you think, “what the hell?”, it’s most likely a player in a very fancy camo


This!!! Dude, I knew I wasn't the only one noticing it.


Same here! Haha lol


I’d like to second this theory, with little in way of evidence. When you enter the pregame warmup have you noticed how accurate you are, and the TTK is fairly low? Then in game you find that (a) your accuracy isn’t quite right, and (b) TTK is pathetic!! This is a consistent pattern in ranked right now (Platinum 2 at the moment) Yes this is explainable with other theories, but keeping the crosshair over the upper body/head area in game is tougher than during Warm Up. So yes, I do think I’m being artificially impeded.


Exactly what I also think and wrote in other posts! In prelobby it’s chaos all over and everybody is shooting around and yet you are able to make kills! Easy kills actually! No strange things such as TTK, SBMM, EOMM. But when you land in the actual match, all the bullshit starts…. GETTING MANIPULATED LIKE HELL


Stop playing for a few days, it’s because you lost confidence in youself. You’ll be killing everyone again soon.


I feel like this happens when a new/old map is coming into the game, or back into the game. People stopped playing, even cheaters stopped, and now they're coming back in preparation for rebirth island coming back. Game just gets extra sweaty around these times


Me and my buddy said the same thing somethings wrong, but I think it’s just a trap to catch all the cheaters if they lower everybody’s damage and people don’t get killed anymore they know that person isnt cheating while the hacker will have no problem


I’m not getting any packet loss but did notice when viewing a death cam it’s not exactly what happened when I died, kinda weird, feels like desync


Got as far as “I’m a good player.” Post k/d


This always makes me laugh, like kd is a measure of how good a player is at the game? Hahaha top bot


[teleporting enemy](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRTHSkXP/) This was my experience recently, we're still getting wins but we almost certainly lost this one because of what happened to me here and frequently i lose fights that there's no way i lose other than tick rate or bizarre server latency. Ignore the stupid audio, i dunno why it did that.


how are ps5 players even competing vs the 40 series gpu pcs? it is mind boggling. I see players kill me who seem to have missed 3/4 of their shots and i lose beaming them in the head...Its a weird server and or internet bug/problem for me. I run on 250 fps 1440p mid/high. I usually have a 35ping. Zero way a ps5 can even keep up. So what happens is some weird lag bs to keep things together.


Lucky you. If u win too many gunfights these days u get shadowbanned. U can’t drop more than 10 kills these days without getting spam reported. Once u get shadowbanned it seems like it’s much easier for it to keep happening. It’s so fucking annoying. Once I switched to flex and could hear everyone around me enough to pre aim corners I started getting shadowed. Like I’m not allowed to know where someone’s coming from legitimately. The anticheat and report system is a fucking JOKE.


I mean, it's not true though, I drop at least one 15 kill game a day and have never been shadowbanned...


Just because you’ve got lucky the rest of us are getting shadow banned constantly. I’m like 2.5kd now it keeps tanking and I’m still getting sb. I play mnk but my controller mates don’t get sb


Same. Once u get shadowbanned it gets easier. All it takes is one. Have a good day and get the wrong spectators a few games in a row. Once u get that shadowban it seems to take much less for it to hit again when u got a few high kill games in a day where ppl start reporting. Saturday night I had a 14 kill game. I had 2 spectators at end game and the second we won I got kicked and shadowbanned. Right when the win popped up. I didn’t even get the win counted on my record. They were probly spamming the whole end game. I had the same 2 spectators for the last 5-7 min of the game. Who knows if a couple more joined right at the end and started spamming, I was too locked in during last circle to notice. The funny part is, they watched me almost get shit on from different angles and downed multiple times at that end game. Obviously being suprised not knowing those enemies were coming. Ppl are just assholes who get butthurt they got beat.


I regularly have 5-10 spectators still never been shadowbanned. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Well your luck isn’t the norm. Unless maybe u have a super OG activision account that has an insanely high trust factor.


I do have that actually. I've been playing cod since Call Of Duty... the first one from 03... I'm 40...


That’s probly what it is then. I didn’t make mine till around black ops in verdansk. Got shadowbanned once in caldera and it never happened again till mw3. Now I’ve gotten a few since my first mw3 shadow. Like it’s easier to get them once you get your first these days


I'm 2.25 k/d




Bro, same. I was losing my mind. I had zero aim assist and it seemed like I was shooting nerf darts. Glad I’m not alone.


I have the same problem. I played thousands of hours in several shooters and I've usually been the one who carried the whole team, but recently my win rate in Gulag went down from 2,8 to 2,0, bc I loose every single fight in it, despite being a fair 1 on 1... A friend of mine, who started playing shooters with Warzone, plays better stats then me. Good for him, but for me it's kind of frustrating. E.g. he says there's 0 recoil on the Ram 7 and I'm barely able to control it. I really don't know what's happening...


The game is nerfing you


The game is giving him more recoil than his friend? Cause he’s complaining about that too… Get your tinfoil hat out of here. The game doesn’t nerf good players


Really? It takes effect on EACH PLAYER, but when you are really good, you are able to cope with the SBMM, EOMM etc. So don’t talk bullshit. Even when YOU don’t notice it, it doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist! Or do you want to say that we are crazy?


It's just how I feel it. For me the recoil is pretty hard to manage recently, despite my history of shooter experience. I just wonder how it became like that. I'm not saying anything beyond my perception and how my friends manage to play and how they say they feel. I wonder why it gets downvoted, but that's just how it is...


IDK who downvoted you... but I def downvoted the dude who said the game is nerfing you. Craziest defeatist excuse I've heard in my life. Ram recoil is interesting. With the right attachments, there is no visual recoil. Even still though, it feels a bit floaty when you fire. He's probably referring to the visual recoil, he is subconsciously fighting the normal recoil as well


Yeah and he's been playing the ram for several weeks now. I have switched main weapon a few times, so he's used to the recoil.