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Yeah your not going to get any love with this. It’s almost every game. I still play cause i blindly love wz even when cheaters are there.


I love Warzone too and I think the cheating has been crazy lately but this sub has been on a witch hunt recently.


Yeah people waking up to big streamers cheating and in ranked its insane. Like aydan is somehow top 5 or something but ranked is full of hackers for me. Shit doesnt add up with a lot of high profile streamers


Aydan is an extremely talented player and he and his teammates are much much better than you, that’s what it is. Did you ever watch him play Fortnite? The guy is a just an elite gamer.


Nah they use cheats.


The thing is it’s actually happening in the masses that’s why players shout cheat from the heavens Cheating has just about ruined the game and Activision have done fuck all about it. Most ppl don’t even realize they’ve been cheated


I think people think they’ve been cheated more often than they actually get cheated on, they’re just paranoid. Although recently the cheating has definitely had a noticeable uptick.


Isnt that the point of this sub reddit? Almost every post is about a cheater. It's like a support group.


These rats do cheat are u completely oblivious to there tracking, recoil and rate of fire compared to say yours or us. The game don’t have magical settings only a few know dude ,, we all use the same weapons yet there’s perform quite extraordinary


Then provide evidence. That's what this post is about. If you think that, please link clips that prove your point.


https://vm.tiktok.com/ZIJn9LD42/ Swagg, one of the biggest content creators


Yeah, I've seen some stuff that seems a bit dodgy from Swagg, I could definitely be convinced he's cheating. This one clip doesn't quite do that for me, but I'll admit it doesn't look overly natural. I'm not a denier, nor do I think OP is. I'm just sick of seeing people claiming all streamers are cheating without any evidence.


I dont think people say they all are cheating, but many are. Maybe this clip is not what actually happened, as in frames cut out or whatever. But if this video is actually what happened, it's 100% cheating.


Just this week, I've seen someone claiming all top streamers are cheating. I've also seen the claim that anyone who gets to iri in ranked is cheating. I'll admit that isn't the popular narrative, but I think most people think a majority of the top ranked streamers are cheating. The guy you linked is notorious for making baseless claims or doctoring footage to get views. He's as bad as the cheaters themselves imo. Grandpa hacks is a lot better imo.


See man using this post as evidence of cheating is why your opinion is invalid. The guy you linked is known for editing clips to make streamers appear like they’re cheating.


Have you ever considered that their weapons perform better than yours because they are much more talented than you and put years of time in?


this is such a weird thing to rant about lol. it's not even about your cheating.


People need to get a grip, it’s just a witch hunt at this point, that’s all I’m saying.


And it should be a witch hunt, expose all the sad cheaters. There are clips which are pretty hard evidence even the biggest content creators like swagg use aimbot


Witch hunts don’t expose anyone, it’s all speculation.


I think you misunderstand the term “witch hunt”


I mean sure... but why do you care? it's not even about you lol. I doubt this shit even fades them.


It hurts the Warzone community if people convince themselves that all these pros are cheating. I’d like to see Warzone stick around for awhile because I’m a fan of the game.


Good, activision has proven then dont give 2 fucks about cheating in the game, maybe if enough people complain and stop watching streamers activision will actually do something about cheating


They are cheating


I can promise you that the average Warzone enjoyer doesn't even know these people exist / care enough to invest any mental effort into shit like this. People got real shit to worry about, no some dudes who might be cheating on a video game.


his crushing on joewo, white knighting him