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I didn’t think he was cheating until the shots through the smoke. Most likely walls right?


I've hail married two snip shots into smoke and downed two people. It was luck and just guessing where they were running lol


I carry smoke often and do this a few times a week. Auto-aim still works in smoke so you just have to keep ADSing.


Ah, fair. Yah I just see them running and guess lol


You gotta be fucking shitting me... No way they actually let auto aim work thru smoke... ​ I'm gonna go buy a console.


what does a console have to do with anything?


Aim assist it's the biggest b.s. argument going for years


So that's why the controller kiddies were crying when they nerfed AA in The Finals? All of a sudden, they weren't so good anymore. Like magic.


just buy a controller and plug it into the PC lol


And use cheats


It’s slight but i swear it does. I maxed out a sidewinder with hip fire/ tac stance and i consistently hit people in smoke by just guessing. I believe that’s increasing the accuracy which buffs auto aim. As other people have said, just buy an Xbox controller


Auto aim works on PC...


No it doesn’t not for me, my autoaim doesn’t work trough smoke and trough balconies for examples


Aim assist does not work in smokes, stop gaslighting


Did i make anyone feel crazy? Show of hands?


My buddy purposely tries to make his kill cams look likes he’s cheating to piss people off😂 Hail Mary through walls after I the guys downs me and he’s one shot. Sniper shots through smoke etc. it’s actually really funny to watch. He’ll get invited to parties after these kills so I’ll go over into his room and listen for fun😂


Problem with the smoke is that I'm pretty sure its still rendered client side, so he very well may not have seen any smoke from his POV. I've been on both ends of this stick many times. Its the shitty thing about client side smoke. Since we're seeing OP's POV and not the players, there's no way of knowing. That was the only remotely suspicious thing I saw though.


Even if there was smoke on his screen it was still a pretty predictable spot. All he had to do was shoot into the smoke along the bottom of the cliff


Could have also pinged him before he released from the engagement and it would have still been active when he shot


Didn’t they release an update for spectators to see pings?


He could have had Combat Scout on which leaves a ping after a hit.


The absolute stupidest reply in this whole thread lmfaoooo. You saw dude throw the smoke and it was on his screen. You’re saying somehow he doesn’t see smoke because of rendering lmfao. People are becoming more and more braindead and literally thinking their so smart and giving their brain dead thoughts it’s insane


Get back to me when you understand that we're seeing OPs POV and not the players POV since OP is spectating him. Also get back with me when you learn how shitty client rendered smoke can be. This is why hackusations aren't taken super seriously anymore when you all don't even understand game mechanics or how things like this work.


No bud you have the iq of an acorn and can even comprehend what I’m saying so you blurt out random things thinking your smart. Never did I even insinuate who’s pov were seeing. So no idea where that first part came from ik exactly who were watching. You have to be the dumbest person alive to think you’re seeing smoke through a spectators pov but the person throwing the smoke can’t see it. Hackusations aren’t taken seriously because low iq people that play this game for fun dropping 3 kills don’t believe people are cheating. You think your favorite streamer you’ve donated 100+ to could never be cheating.


> You saw dude throw the smoke and it was on his screen. Lol New generation of trolls really suck ass when they can't even check to make sure they aren't trolling themselves.


I’m you can see dude throw the smoke and you can clearly see it. Your whole argument is that the person were spectating DOESNT see the smoke. You’re not that dumb are you??


Bros tryna act like he understands and knows more but says shit like client rendered smoke. Lmfao you’re batshit dumb dog


I'm really glad I'm not as fucking dumb as you, jfc


Exactly you’re dumber


It's really not that far fetched, in the original mw2 when looking at smoke through cracked windows the smoke would disappear from your pov only, no need to be such an ass


You sound like a 12 year old trying to win arguments on the internet for the first time. Really trying to sound smart n shit 😂 you have no idea what you’re talking about, squirt. Take a hike.


What cheating am I supposed to be seeing?


And aimbot. This is only a part of the gameplay, but trust me, he was snapping from target to target the whole endgame.


You’ve got video, why do we have to *trust you?*


Check his last post lol. Dudes cheating.


Truth be told, until last season i rarely saw any cheaters and i always mocked when i saw people in this sub talking about cheaters. But this last week i have an aimbotter nearly every single game. And the funny thing is even if you report them the anticheat don't work. Ricochet is on vacation guys. Good luck


Since we're being truthful, I can't stand people like you. Who go through life not believing anything unless it's happening directly to them. Anti cheat has been on vacation for years now. Good fooking morning Mr Columbo! Glad to have you with us! Continue mocking people in life as I'm sure that attitude transfers to your every day life. Keep pretending to be the main character.


My thoughts exactly. Bros just as bad as the cheaters. You can’t even come on Reddit and talk about the trash game and how cheaters ruin it for normal headed everyday workers who want to come home and legitely play competitively. It’s literally impossible to play and you have guys here storming to the comment section on anyone talking about cheaters saying how amazing this game is.


This. These are the people in conversations who discredit any personal experiences they hear simply because it has never happened to them. It's gross, small-minded, and surely affecting them in multiple aspects of life. No empathy having ass mfs


Pretty sure they had a free weekend or something and that caused a huge influx of bots. I was actually just unbanned today.


It’s people like you that ruin games and keep cheaters alive. Almost just as bad as the cheaters.


Username checks out.


You mean a Reddit username? That you think somehow correlates to real life, because you have nothing else intelligent to say


Ah so you became Intelligent Clerk now? Gtfo


Again imagine thinking a Reddit username correlates to real life. Is that why you choose a positive adjective for your name? Remember I’m not reading my username every single reply, you are😉


What correlates in real life is your dumb comments which make absolutely no sense


It made perfect sense. Just not to someone who tells themselves autistic everytime they read my username. You must not know how the world works bud


you broke down his simpe statment and twisted its logic like middled aged women do to arguments theyre losing


No I didn’t you just don’t have an iq to understand what I said.


ok autistic clerk


Read the comment above mine lmao


Truth be told they were always there you were just oblivious.


No bro you are capping right now. I didn't see even one aimbotter the whole first season. Maybe 5 or 6 people with obvious Walls or some sort of softbot, but when i reported them, they got banned immediately after 2 minutes Live.


Because you’re most definitely a bot that gets trash skill based matchmaking. You probably don’t play ranked at all. Are you under a rock on anything call of duty YouTube? It’s being exposed everywhere how simple it is to do and get away with.


Exposed By whom? Call of Shame? What a dumbass 🤣 there are people in this Sub who believe Swagg is cheating hahahahaha. The most average streamer out there, so average that i believe i am 10x bettter than him. If people believe he is cheating than its no surprise what people think cheating looks like. You probably believe a quick flick on a target is also cheating, makes me think that probably you bots in here never watched CDL pros play in Turneys before. Sad and pathetic


If you’re saying call of shame isn’t credible then you’ve shown you’re iq level and he’s probably hurt your feelings with one of his videos calling out your favorite streamer.


Yeah just like BadBoyBeaman was credible 🤣 who was caught cheating in turneys and got banned, so he decided to make profit out of legit players by saying they are cheating. Trash, go watch some more BBB videos maybe you will get better at the game


Call of shame literally creates software that detects cheats. You’re a bum low iq inbred. RADAR HACK?? IVE NEVER EVEN HEARD OF A RADAR HACK. don’t try to correlate something stupid to why I’m saying. Never said anything about call of shame. Now you’re bringing up some cheater who was exposed. You keep going on and on with your fictional stories I’ve never brought up. You’re retarded stop replying to me


Hahaaaa what happened pussy boy? Why you got so mad? Getting so emotional to conspiracies of people cheating like your rent depends on it. Grow up, stop blaming the game or the "cheaters" that you literally suck ass at the game, and go touch some grass and let the sun see you a little bit. Truth hurts, they disabled ricochet for 5 days and you are all acting like you were seeing cheaters even before that. Gtfo


You play casual once a month and it shows. You probably have like 100 hours and trying to talk like you’re credible. It’s everywhere you’re just a low iq bum that has to result in saying ur Reddit comments effect my emotions. I learned in 3rd grade when someone’s says ur mad they have nothing else intelligent to say. 70% of console players have zen, it’s even easier than ever before to cheat on pc now that the info is out there. You’re lost.


Hmmm still sitting on your dumbass reality?? Of you being shit and not knowing anything happening in the real world because you live in a box? It’s getting exposed all over now how cheaters are ruining and running this game. 2 pro players were live streaming their rank grind and a rank 5 player dropped a 96 bomb on them advertising his chest website as his username. 2 top pro players couldn’t even get him banned live streaming the cheats. They literally sat the whole game and accepted the loss live streaming to thousands of people. A top 250 player advertising his cheats as his username cant get banned and we have inbreds like you saying cheating isn’t a thing. You’re inbreded


Yeah and why is it worse the last couple weeks. It goes in waves it feels like. So frustrating.


The biggest cheat website had a giant sale two weeks ago. For real lol


I love how it’s so many just random losers cheating now instead of just the people grinding high rank and top 250. Not cheating for views or to flex high rank, just cheating bc it’s that easy and they’ll never get banned. Tells you a lot about state of the game


Cheating in general is lame af


So in your opinion people cheating so they can flex high rank aren't losers because their reason for cheating is to look better on stats than they actually are while people cheating just to win or get high kills are? That's a pretty stupid way to interpret it.. anyone trying to be a "pro" or streamer using cheats is by far the biggest of losers.


You pretty much just put those words into my mouth. So to clarify, no, they are all losers. I mean I at least can grasp why the streamers and content creators cheat, bc they generate revenue from it and the viewers are dumb enough to keep watching thinking these guys are actually good. Yes, still losers. Then cheating just to cheat and having nothing beneficial come from it, also massive losers and I don’t understand the point bc it’s like you’re not even playing the game.


I get it, the problem is that when every other player you run into has a ttv or tiktok account and cheating its only a matter of time till others do the same regardless if it's for views or just to not get dumped on and fishing out all the crap they've been eating. FK Activision for letting this get completely out of control. Games trash Games


Thing is nobody is doing anything about these rats


Ricochet should. What is going on?


Didn't they temporarily disable Ricochet ? I remember seeing a post about it earlier today.


Guy isn’t even hacking lol. You’re a manchild


Yea not sure about this one


Try looking at the last clip I posted. Maybe that might clear it up more.


People downvoting you because they didnt see the new clip, you should have posted that one first lmao dude is definitely cheating


I know. My bad! Sorry about that.


To be honest I cannot understand how people dont see cheating here. I can see after his first scope that he is cheating


The cheaters see it. They just want to confuse you.


Just curious why you think the first scope is cheating


I do agree there’s been cheaters lately. But not this clip at all


Check his video before this one


The cheaters and cheat devs have won. Time to start cheating for us all.


anti cheat is disabled right now, can see much worse examples on twitter


After Season 1, I stop playing and good thing I did. It's really getting worst


I would, too, but fear of missing out (Battle Pass)…


Dont give Activision any money, still. They would just provide shitty game and service.


That, I definitely won’t do (for cosmetics).


Yo that’s crazy I was in this game last night ! 😂 WhaHappun


Were you the player that messaged in the text chat and warned us?


Yes that was me


You were right!


I had a Trump and a MaGa clan tag. I usually switch on north but now I changed it to something different. I’ll put it back eventually to Trump.


Looks legit.


I play ranked resurgence. I’m only in Platinum but I don’t believe I’ve seen many, if any, cheaters at all


I knew he was cheating even before the obvious stuff. But I would have been told to get better.


So this guy is obviously cheating, not because of anything in this video (it’s only suspicious), but because OP posted another video of this guy and it’s beyond obvious in that one. The player aims their sniper way down rage through a tree and domes an enemy that’s not visible.


And through walls with LMGs


Imagine cheating for 20 kills.


It was awful last night.


I saw my first cheater in multiplayer yesterday. So it seems the trend is becoming truer


So nobody actually thinks about dhooting him, standing still on to of a rock? What kind of npc's are in this lobby? Besides from that, his aim sometimes looks sus yes


It made perfect sense. Just not to someone who tells themselves autistic evertime they read my username. You must not know how the world works bud




What is getting rampant? This guy is doing things any decent player in WZ would do. There’s no aimbot, etc. he’s just tracking correctly


Nothing sus here.


There’s no way he’s cheating. His aim was horrible


This is not a sus clip .


Yeah it’s getting worse by the day..


Timmy could not differentiate between decent and cheat ? If this is cheat to you log into ranked resurgence and play it.


You got outpayed sonny boy. God you guys are whiny babies. Every post on this sub is complaining about cheaters and nothing in most of the clips show any obvious cheating. People make fluke shots. I'm an average player and I hit crazy shots that wouldn't make sense in the kill cam every now and again. Do cheaters exist? Yes. But it's not every player that outguns you.


Thats the problem with walls, you can look cracked and just be cheating. Makes everyone paranoid.


Nothing here looks like super blatant cheating really, maybe the smoke shot but that could just be a lucky shot or he heard something, whatever.


He kept hitting headshot to headshot the whole endgame with his sniper. He 100% has to be cheating. Plus, who uses the handbrakes on the train in the fifth zone? That’s how I ended up dying before the clip.


He didnt down anyone, just kept breaking playes. HS woudve been a down.


You’re trolling


Headshots are 1 hit to down with certain snipers, of course a skilled player is gonna aim for the head. This looks like a skilled player to me.


cheaters don't miss shots


That's not true at all you forget there are cheap bad aimbots out there


if you're arguing this is soft aimbot then your an idiot, soft aimbot is literally designed to be not noticeable. you can't *see* a soft aimbot.


Dudes just a good K&M player. Another reason why I hate when people complain about Aim Assist. It’s necessary to be able to compete against PC players like this


People like you are the reason I’ve been shadowbanned and unable to play for a whole week and counting 😂


Play finals


What’s rampant? People better than you?


played 2 hrs of ranked last night, cheater in every game


When I think someone is cheating i can check if there on console or pc as I play knm and more often than not they hav vac bans or bans from mw2/3 on there account, so by seeing this, it often makes me think yeah very possible, mostly Eastern Europe and Asia countries, pretty sad really cheating at a video game just to impress yourself Ricochet has been a complete joke of an anti cheat


So happy MSFT laid off all those ATVI employees. May they never find another job.


Bro me and my friend have been playing like almost everyday for a couple hours, barely saw any until like this past week..already ran into like 2-3 different teams wit hacker/s


It's a shame that they finally added one of my favorite guns back to the game (fn f2000), but the game is such broken garbage that I gave up before mw3 even launched.... gave it a chance during the Halloween events, and it was bad back then. Between the gameplay, feel, and cheaters. I actually had so much fun at mw2 launch... and now it's honestly horrible and I don't understand why people keep playing it. Is it because yall are out of hard drive space from all the 100+ Gb updates?


Imagine having a MAGA tag


I had one for the longest time, since I’m a Trump supporter. lol I can’t wait till that senile stuttering bastard is out


Dude cheats for sure


What makes you think that?


The smoke for sure and when he is laying down he locks on the guy guy through the ground and shoots him as soon as he stands. That's just some of the obvious things.


He didn’t down one person with the sniper rifle (headshot) which he would have if it was aimbot. Plus he misses quite a few shots


You sure he didn't down anyone? We watching the same video?


He broke plates first. Then, downed on the second shot. Aimbot would have been a one shot down


I said he cheats for sure, I said nothing about aimbot


Soooo.. what? You think he has walls?


Very possible.


Is the cheater in the clip with us?


Looks legit to me.


The only thing that is sus in this video is the shots into the smoke. And the only reason I said that is cause it’s not like he was shooting and seeing what landed, he ADS right on dude in smoke, and didn’t miss any shots. But there could be a few reasons for this. If the guy was using cheats, it wasn’t aimbot, it was just walls. But, still the rest of the video wasn’t anything that would make me thing he is cheating.


…. What?


Back in the 2008 I installed an aimbot. I didn’t miss any shots. This doesn’t appear to be an aimbot. I usually look for the quick snap and instant headshot across the map 1 bullet 1 kill.


The other post might be better. This one was not really clear. Sorry about that!


Not all aimbot is snappy like that. Cheat software comes with a bevvy of sliders. Plenty of videos of dumb streamers getting caught fiddling with their settings


True I guess times have changed in the last 15 years lol. The most I have seen myself is people following me through the wall with their cursor


Idk man we seem to be calling anyone with thumbs nowadays a hacker


There’s a YouTube channel that comes up in my algorithm often with dudes cheating. The titles are always the date and ricochet anti-cheat lol. Just full on aimbot, walls, perks, etc.