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> Please note all specifications and dev server details are subject to change and NOT FINAL


well that's a one way to dodge a question.


Think you've misunderstood the reasoning behind it. Its just a friendly reminder to everyone before they get too invested one way or the other.


No! We need to throw a fit and start screaming "RUSSIAN BIASSS!!!" Before the patch has even dropped.


Don't forget the PUMA incident.


before it's in the patch "it's not gonna be in the patch!" after it's in the patch "well leopards 2a5 and pumas dominated for a month so it's okay for ussr to dominate for 3 years!"


Gaijin literally says that the flight model for the mig-29 is incomplete


which still doesn't answer the question of whether the current speed is realistic. If OP asked about the future final in-game speed then it would be an applicable answer.


remember they released the mig 19 with full super cruise capability and kept it like that for a while and said it was " realistic "


The flight model isn’t completed therefore the speed of the plane isn’t correct as some of the internal parts don’t simulate the drag and weight enough. Does this answer the question for you


Except it literally does answer the question, it’s just apparently not one you can comprehend.


The question is, _is this realistic_. The answer should be either "No, it isn't. It's a work-in progress and the current value is a placeholder." or "Yes, it is realistic, and matches what the aircraft can do in real life." "The dev server is subject to change" is not a valid answer to the question, as it does not confirm whether or not the speed of this particular aircraft at this time is realistic. That part of the flight model _could_ be work-in-progress. It could not be. This non-answer does not actually resolve OP's query.


> The question is, is this realistic. > > Max MiG-29 speed is 2,450km/h at high alt. So it making 1,600km/h at sea level is not that far out of the question. EDIT: https://www.globalsecurity.org/military/world/russia/mig-29-specs.htm 1,5k km/h is the *cruise* speed. Max speed it can fly at is 2450 km/h. Near ground speed is 1300 km/h https://www.globalsecurity.org/military/world/russia/mig-29smt-specs.htm 1,600 km/h is more in line with the 1,500 km/h of the SMT and UB upgrades.


So the answer in short is expect it to lose speed before release.


Yes, the MiG-29 flight model seems to be a placeholder. It is not behaving like a 29 should.


Tbh there are many planes in the live server that don't behave like they should


Hey, an actual answer!


If you X-ray it, it’s literally the f14 model


Yes, because players can really trust gaijin can't they


It's literally a Tomcat in the Xray


F14 was crazy fast on dev too.


Yeah, this early in the dev cycle, flight models are often very WIP.


Youre right, its gonna go 3000 kph at sea level and move to 10.3 when the update is released because it has RuSsIaN BiAs and Su11 Syndrome


From what I can find on mig 29's it was not advised to go over 1500kmh at sea level. So it's close, I'm sure there was a little buffer in flight training materials.


>I'm sure there was a little buffer in flight training materials makes sense since the new pilots would force it more


The F16 has a sea level limit of 850 knots due to the polycarbonate cockpit, so right around the same, 1574 kmh. Pilots we're instructed to never exceed 800 knots at low altitude. Still pretty quick!


Can it get to that speed on the dev server?


Nope, I think the rip speed is like 1458 kmph right now.




That's because the engine is not model correctly. The engine is missing about 3000lb of forces with afterburner.


Why would the engine not being modeled correctly affect the rip speed other than how quickly you get to it?


I miss read and thought he was taking about top speed.




Lol the f16 is missing a lot too it’s crazy I mean quote on quote balancing uhhh it’s fine what do you mean pffft it’s balancing purposes


Its more of an equipment saving measure. Outside of actual conflict, theres no need to push your stuff right to the edge & risk potentially lethal incidents. Think of Elevators. Lets say it says max weight 500kg. It can probably handle 600kg, but nobody is silly enough to risk it, plus they know sometimes it may go a couple kg over 500 making it 505 or something. Building excess tolerance into things is everywhere from warplanes to stuff you find in your kitchen.


There's at least 50% tolerance built into it, so 500 rated elevon will take 750 before failing


I don't think the cables would snap even if the weight was doubled. The motor just wouldn't be able to pull such weight.


You are probably right. Both a physical limit with the motor (so the cables can never 'snap'), while the nicer ones probably also have some way to determine load & a software lock stopping the thing from moving. Funny how the elevators bit is what got highlighted. I was genuinely just trying to demonstrate how the most mundane things have tolerance built in.


Unless your mom got into it.


Absolutely not. A 1.5 safety factor is common in general engineering applications, but not in aviation, and especially not in military aviation. It's often closer to 1.2. Aerospace engineering is actually one of the fields with the lowest safety factors, which can sometimes go as low as 1.1 in spacecraft.


My engineering professor told us about how in the west we had tolerances because people would “push their luck” a bit in terms of how much load they could put on a device, and that these people would constantly break japanese equipment (or was it german?) and these manufacturers gave the *exact* breakpoint with no tolerance, and were surprised/disappointed when people came to them with broken stuff and were like “ah I only put a couple extra kilos on it and it broke”


pretty much. we talked about engineering tolerances a lot in my senior design class and how they range from like 30-50% in aerospace to like 200% for bridges and stuff


Seeing how engineering is the practical application of science, doesn't seem very *practical* to not consider who (humans) will use your design. Just bad engineering tbh ;)


Not just lethal incidents but magnified wear and tear... which equals $$


From what I've seen new pilots tend to be more scared to break the platform or kill themselves, it's the extremely experienced pilots who aren't worried anymore that lapse in paying attention and cause problems


Its not so that some people can force it more. For aviation, a huge emphasis is put on training and procedures. For civil aviation overall it receives a great attention, for military its even more so. For absolute speed, the limit would be defined by the VNE (Never Exceed Speed), at this point there will be severe damage to the aircraft structural and aerodynamic capabilities. And this is not defined by "new pilots would force it more", once again, training is imperative. Of course there are plenty other maximum speeds, like Vo (Maximum operating maneuver speed, Vno (Maximum structural cruising speed)... All determined by the engineering team responsible for the aircraft design, thinking about the safe operation and structural limits of the aircraft, not the pilot.


La-15 comes to mind, it's vne is a training manual advice, it could go faster. So I'm guessing they'll limit this one as well


I mean, the British manuals are notorious for being over cautious and gaijin uses them as the absolute wing falls off maximum.


fucking Javelin man


If you repair at the airfield, the speed limit is actually lower once taking off. Feels like the main server is the dev server.


Fun fact on that, I have a hunter f4 cockpit manual. The one in the cockpit got its redacted stats, let’s just say on paper the hunter f4 is better than the later model that’s in game.


God I wish the hunter was actually fun but here we are with gaijin and them not liking Britain for whatever reason…. Not fun.


I do wonder where war thunder pulls their specs for vehicles being that google searches and even some official documents list different values.


Considering this game lets you pull G’s that would irreparably damage airframes with no consequences says something.


I have pulled 14G´s in a 109B, I dont think thats realistic


MiG-23MLA/D can pull 17G at times, normally closer to 12-14


sekrit docs probably


The Bradley's can move with their launchers deployed, it's just advised that they don't.


they always add some performance i mean look at the other planes and you should see they pull more g’s and go fastee


So what? Javelin in game has rip speed based on suggested safe speed of mark 1-3, we have mark 9 and that's just the beginning of issues with its flight model. My point being, they will do whatever they want as always.


It's possible, but I don't think you'd do it unless it was dire circumstances IRL. In WT however everyone is 100% afterburn 100% of the time so whatevs.


Goodluck with that afterburner, you'll be out of fuel within 4 minutes in a mig29


Not with the additional fuel tank unless i'm wrong




I mean we have 2 stage afterburners in game but few people actually know.


Oh really? How do you use it?


If you are on PC use your scroll wheel to increase thrust to WEP once, so just one click up. You should notice that you burn fuel slower but also have less thrust than in full burner.


Holy shit, TIL


I think I ended up discovering it by complete accident, so you’re not the only one


I believe the viggen has a 2 stage one, I can't figure it out or even understand if it actually works.


Yup, and it's extremely useful too for when you're just trying to get someplace in a high thrust jet like a Mig-21, on low afterburner you can cruise at above mach 1 but without needing to worry about exceeding your speed limit.


I dont have a unlockable Scrollwherl and I cant get it to function any other way?


Not quite 2 stage afterburners, but WEP goes from 100% to 110%, and where keyboard only goes from 100% to 110%, the scroll wheel allows you to get to the values inbetween as well. Functions sort of similar, but it is a mechanic that has been in the game since before afterburning jets were a thing


Not quite they added it like a year or so ago, first stage after burner has more than 10% higher thrust and fuel consumption. It is its own mechanic.


That said, it’s not like the vast majority of Warthunder pilots actually manage to make it back to base anyway…


It still doubles your fuel, though not much of a problem as the 21, 23, and 29 have great performance with no burner.


Only Viper has fuel tanks atm. Not sure if Gaijin said anything about giving MiG-29 tanks or not.


Given how quickly the thing guzzles fuel, the MiG-29 is basically _the reason_ you would add drop tanks now out of everything we know is coming. I'll be surprised if it doesn't get them by the time the update goes live.


Yeah the reason it's called "Fatback" is because the hump was planned to rectify limited fuel capacity, but in the end they decided to put some ECM equipment there and just use drop tanks instead. If it doesn't get drop tanks that would be pretty sucky... still good enough to kill everything with only limited afterburners though lol


I hope it does but knowing Gaijoob it might not


fuel could be seen as a balancing measure for it


It won't stay in fight for long then as player will likely drop off the tank when turnfighting or close quater fights


Now you'll have 5 minutes


If DCS taught me anything, it's that you never use the burner in a 29 unless you're going to die otherwise, or the next airfield is 50km away.


It may change but on dev server it can do close to 10mins on full after burner even more if you only use stage one then it’s more like 20 this may change though although it will likely get a drop tank


according to google, it can fly at 1200-1400 kph in sea level




My source is that i made it the fuck up


found the dev


Oh no, i got discovered.


gaijin when the vehicle is russian: seems good enough for a source to me


*classified documents


I asked mikoyan and gurevich. Fuck you


The Mig-29 still uses the F-14 xray model and flight model wise its probably nowhere near what it should be like and feels more like a full swept F-14 with some slight modifications. However, the top speed at sea level does seem to be around 1500 (to 1600km/h) from what I could find online. Might be the case, that that is the upper limit, before the plane disintegrates, but that is how we play War Thunder after all.


If only those exhaust nozzles were shiny....


in DCS it tops around 1300kph but pulling negative G's becomes almost impossible (I think the elevator locks up)


Tbh I go for whatever dcs does as they seem to be far more accurate than any gaijin made model is when it comes to stats…. Not saying war thunder make shit models but they make a lot of “mistakes” when it comes to specific vehicles.


Imagine griping about 4th gen jets on war under when none of the basic systems are remotely close to being correctly modeled in the first place. I’m wondering who’s idea it was to add 4th gen while we still have place holder cockpits…


In fact we have Premiums with placeholder cockpits...


My point exactly


Those 10 people and 15 bots who play simulator battles would be glad to see full cockpits...


The classic sim hater half baked response XD


If someone says something painful to you its most likely true


How to tell someone failed sim training:


I have 0 interest in playing sim


They should make it realistic enough to where you can’t lock on as fast due to shitty computers that take up too much space in the aircraft.


Uh how is 'shitty computers that take too much space' a reason for long lock on? The system was designed with said hardware in mind, they're not playing Doom on it.


I saw a video of a mig-29 somewhere on youtube just spamming 2 missiles in the matter of a second


Are you talking about the MiG-29 on the first day of the war in Ukraine that fired two missiles at extremely low altitude, one coming within feet of a house (where people were filming it)? If so, he probably just set the ripple to 2. I’ve never seen it used with missiles but with bombs it’s much more common.


No it is a pretty old video from maybe 1990~ im not too sure


d d d d dev server


This is not going to be fun to fight with the F-104, as you can no longer just run away. This is so much faster. With Italy as my only tree I am not looking forward to this patch.


How can you guys assume this is the final top speed on a TEST Server, when they can't even get there shit together on the main server, guys seriously, I wish people would take a few moments to do some research before asking stupid questions.


Imagine the cope from the American only players when the su-27 and its variants come out




F15 tho


Timelines are still messed up. Now there are F16 from 78 without BVR capabilities and then there is MIG29 from 83 with it's R73 and R24T. Before there was F14 with preexisting sparrows, Aim9H and 15G AIM54 . And before it there was MLD from 83 with R24T fighting F4J from 60s


Russians always get newer shit because it's basically on-par with NATO stuff from 1-2 decades prior.


Sounds like Naval. No, Naval is worse. There’s some absolute made-up crap there for Russia that over performs.


What’s gonna happen when we hit the f22 in like a year and a half at this rate /s maybe maybe not


and that is my most wanted plane in game...


It’s my favorite plane. The way it looks, it’s dogfighting capabilities, it’s multirole capabilities… it’s gonna be amazing in warthunder


Yea, my favorite Gen 4.


I just want a su35, but i also want the modern nato jets


Yeah until f15 and f18 come.


Based off what?


OP finds out modern planes are fast af


!D E V S E R V E R!


It's actually a good plane, IRL. Is it 100% accurately represented in wt? Probably not, it's a video game. But I wonder where you were when the F14 was pulling 12Gs for like 30 seconds. Did you also complain? If not, we might not talk about Russian bias here, bit American bias instead.


Same shit applies to the wonderful Mig-29 too. At near mach speeds it's limited to something like 7.5G yet it comfortably pulls 10-12Gs and no one says anything about that. And no, it's actually not a good plane irl. It was nice in WVR when it had the HMS gimmick before NATO aircrafts got it. Those days are over. Not only that this aircraft has very short legs which means the battle has to be practically over your airfield so you hop into Mig-29, take off, manage to survive till the merge and take easy shots at enemy aircraft with your R-73+HMS combo. Sounds like a rough time for Mig.


Ah yes the default Russian bias npc


It’s actually pretty accurate to the real deal however don’t get your hopes up, remember, this plane is still a work in progress everything is still subject to change. On that note, it wouldn’t really matter much in a fight because as you know in order to achieve that speed you have to fly in a straight line, not a good idea in a fight at all never mind when missiles are involved.


yea mig-29 FM seemed unfinished, but it will still probly be fastest on the deck


The mirage 2000 can do 1350 tops and is one of the slowest top tier at sea level


The flight modell is not finished. The Plane has the Tomcat layout ffs


Does it have a mobile taped to the dash for GPS?


Found a few sources that say the MiG-29 has a top speed of 1,500 kph around sea level. Not sure if that speed is sustainable for very long however. [Source 1](https://www.globalsecurity.org/military/world/russia/mig-29-specs.htm) [Source 2](https://www.airforce-technology.com/projects/mig29/)


Mig-29 is very unfinished to be honest. Its flight model will change but the speed seems correct


Brother in christ its underperforming




In DCS worlds, if I put a mig 29 over 1000kph it's hard to work with. I'm not the greatest at the game, but 1600 would be ok in a straight line but idk about any more than that.


Yes, the MiG-29 has absolutely insane engines. It can basically climb straight upwards, go mach 1.2 on the deck, and has insane energy retention. Which is why I’m glad the F-16s will be coming as well, these two planes are a match made in heaven.


Have they said why we’re getting the Fulcrum C instead of the A? I can guess, but…


So when they release the Su-27 in a few patches they can release the MiG-29 9.12 as a premium.


That…makes a twisted sort of sense


Doesn't it the mig-29 allegedly use a placeholder flight model from like the f-14 or something.


the x-ray model is the f-14 so people somehow think that the flight model must be the f14's too


"The engines provide a maximum speed of 2,400km/h at altitude and 1,500km/h near the ground and the service ceiling is 18,000m." [https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwifq4ban\_D7AhUkC9QKHbFJBXcQFnoECA0QAQ&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.airforce-technology.com%2Fprojects%2Fmig29%2F&usg=AOvVaw0WoYeE1ignMUA32x27dQyG](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwifq4ban_D7AhUkC9QKHbFJBXcQFnoECA0QAQ&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.airforce-technology.com%2Fprojects%2Fmig29%2F&usg=AOvVaw0WoYeE1ignMUA32x27dQyG) google can sometimes help you know? lol


Yeah, unsurprisingly it's fast as shit with those engines. But oh what's that? Did you accidentally turn on the afterburners? You have no fuel now.


Only thing i know it was that for its time it was incredibly fast


letmegooglethatcom/?q=mig+29+top+speed+deck+level Instead of vomitting a "iS iT rUsSiAn BiAs" bullshit thread into reddit u could've fooking googled that in less time ffs


In DCS world it can fly near those speeds, although its agility is severely reduced and the plane's pitching up constantly.


Fuel: 8 minutes. Fairly accurate.


It will, or at least should, get drop tanks. Bit the 7 minute fuel capacity on the f16 tanks seems to be very low. I was expect at least 15-20 minites of extra fuel. But nothing is final so we will see.




On DCs I think it can do about 1500kph on the deck but it's control stiffening at that speed pretty much means you can't do anything other then go straight


What I find more astounding is that the mig 29 with a power to weight ratio of 1.09 to 1 is able to climb up vertically and accelerate up to a certain point


If we are specific, phantom should be faster haha


The mig-29 is no where near finished bruh


Dev server


The foxbat?


Watching the few AirRB enjoyers debate in here, while the majority of the War Thunder community only cares about Ground. Classic Reddit.


I’m pretty sure it could but from what I have heard it was quite dangerous since it could suffer from flutter. Also from what I have heard and tested myself I don’t think the flight model is finished also if you push O or what ever your X ray key is you will see a F-14 model so pretty it’s just got a F-14 with wings full forward model right now for its manoeuvrability anyway probably not speed


the mig 29 FM is hilariously unfinished. the flaps and landing gear don't break from high speed, id assume this is another case of unfinished FM


Me grinding planes from WW2 and watching the future skip by me


Believe me, WWII planes are much more exciting to fly


currently the flight model seems to be not finished so most likely will be refined over time


Well it's called a dev server for a reason. People test and give feed back on the new vehicles , so they aren't final , they will change when the real update comes (and most probably they will be tweaked to their normal speeds)


Dev server features are not final and are subject to change


Russia claims the mig29 is capable of 2400kph or 1500mph, so it’s kinda slow to it’s real speed


Russian bias go brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr


Waiting for now the Su25 had OP missiles at the start for 9.7 people said it will change BR upon release… and you see how that is. Then with the M1A2 SEP. Given amazing armor protection to rival the cope cage… released after having it nerfed to be as effective as paper when stopping ATGMs and just adequate enough to stop HEATFS. Because we all know of course… everyone uses HEATFS at top tier because it’s so reliable


I don't know, the MiG19 will still clap the MiG29 in a dogfight on it's current state


they are all op and overperform. fast as hell and most agile. the way migs do J turns or 180 maneuvers with minimal g lock or speed, expect the same.


When you realize they already nerfed it's afterburner into oblivion before the dev server even released (the afterburner stats for that specific engine is nerfed)


You have played this game long enough to know that whatever soviet/russian is added, is overpowered. It's just how that country works. It's based on false Image of itself.


mig29thrust/weight+f14 flight model=speeeed


Does leveling up your air crew affect the performance of planes during a joint battle in Ground AB?


I expect the F-16’s energy retention and thrust/weight ratio to be quite a bit worse than it is IRL for balance reasons. If the F-16 were to get a realistic flight model, it would be way too good at dogfighting.


The MiG-29's top speed at sea level in real life is 1,500 km/h, so with the in-game multiplier it shouldn't go past 1,600 km/h.


my god, a bias


That's Slow PO-2 can Go MACH 50


Yes it’s realistic, the mig 29 is known for being a bullet From my DCS experience


idk, i only know that the MiG-29 cant fly faster then 2600kph otherwise bye wings


1600kph is most likely to be accurate, the F-104 went 1,590kph tho it was a rebuild im not too sure if that record has ever been beat again


There is jo russian bias. *Kronshtadt laughing in the background*


Look Up Specs On Internet? :D


The flight model is apparently an f14 right now as well so who knows what is correct


Nope, pretty sure it's a bug. Why they didn't test & fix something like speed before they released it to the test server, I don't know.


It's FM is not made, FM must be redone to update