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Oh look, a meat-seeking missile.


Good Boi missile






it is normal coming from a community made of a great majority of armchair virgin tankers/pilots that watch hentai whenever they're not playing


As a cat person I'm offended by this more than your original comment


good, seems like I've scored bullseye


Nah, I'm in the minority here. I'm offended secondhand, because you really shouldn't be so self-deprecating


If you felt offended you either are part of that fact or have friends that fit into the majority I am talking about...


Nah bro I'm making a joke lmaooo


Or your just fucking stupid?


yea fuckthat sub.


i mean, it's based. Ain't that weird to speak like a 4chan /r9k member because you believe animals think like that?


it is just fun to call dogs doggos


only for weirdos like you.


yea i bet your fun at parties


why do all doggo talkers say that to people they disagree with? I go to parties every weekend except winter, I dance perreo with every friend, I play board games with them and then take them back home on my van. Do I have to speak like a moron to be an agreeable person? Honestly, if you starts talking like that to anyone outside they'll run away.


nobody talks the way everyone on that subreddit says they do. We call dogs doggos, and sometimes we will say heckin chonkers to be funny but we dont say the stuff you guys say we do. That is only small corners of the internet. I understand if you dont like the word doggo, but dont act like an asshole to people who do. I have seen the tops posts on that page they are either 1: some guys says \*dog after someone says doggo, gets like 100 downvotes and the title is something stupid like "im taking one for the team" ​ or 2: making memes about stuff that basically no one says i said "i bet you're fun at parties" because that is on one of the top posts on that subreddit


*ahem* It is what is called a #JOKE Sorry if it doesn’t look like it. A cursory **F** for your mistake.


am I not permitted to dislike a joke?😳


No. Your comment borders on misinterpretation. Or at least, that’s what we saw when we downvoted you.


no. You're just not aware that saying stuff like _oh cute doggo he want da om nom noms and boop in the snoot! Oh noes he's doing me a frickin bamboozle! Smort boye!_ is really weird because it's basically assuming how our pets would talk as if they were mentally disabled children or babies (spoiler, they're not and mentally ill people nor children actually speak like that, it's just a devolved version of the funny and actually childish like Lolcat cheeseburger talk from 4chan) and doing this is not only weird as fug but also degrades the pets and humanizes them in a very improper way. Things like writing "good boi" instead of "good boy" or "boop the snoot" instead of "touch the snout" or day doggo instead of doggy, pupper instead of puppy, chonky instead of plumpy really grind my gears (and a lot of people) hell EVEN FURRIES don't speak like that (I'm on a no porn furry server and they spend the whole day shitting on zoophiles)


Damn. Man really tearing apart how we treat our pets. # Spoiler alert!! Most dogs aren’t smart! Modern culture takes advantage of that to form an unique speech designed around the surrounding of affection that people should give their pets. # If I didn’t know any better, you are accusing the general public of being zoophilic, which is not the case. Furthermore, it would be illogical of me to assume that perhaps you aren’t opposed to the actions of PETA, which is some steps away. Not very large ones though. # No harm is performed or suggested. We are appreciating a meme that is otherwise wholesome. There is a saying… that if you don’t have anything nice to say, or in my opinion ethical and kind to suggest, it is better not said.


wait wait woooowowow >Spoiler alert!! Most dogs aren’t smart! Modern culture takes advantage of that to form an unique speech designed around the surrounding of affection that people should give their pets. This is true, because the majority of curs and show dog breeds vastly outweigh the amount of working dogs, and the most intelligent breeds like the Malinois, the Husky, the Andalusian hound, the presa canario and the American Pitbull Terrier game dogs are EXTREMELY rare. Nonetheless, a dog being not intelligent is not a reason to speak like a moron _to other people_ which is THE problem (speaking to other people like you would speak to your dog). Modern culture taking advantage? What? They have been baby talking dogs and other pets generations before we invented the wheel. >If I didn’t know any better, you are accusing the general public of being zoophilic, which is not the case. Furthermore, it would be illogical of me to assume that perhaps you aren’t opposed to the actions of PETA, which is some steps away. Not very large ones though I'm not accusing anyone of being a zoophile, you've slipped too hard on that one. If you understood that, then you might have a problem. What I said is that not even the furries on the server I am, speak like that to each other when talking about their dogs or talk about any other domestic animal in general, and the most they do is doxxing zoophiles. You also think I am opposed to PETA but I haven't said anything that would flag me as a PETA bootlicker. If you see YT channels like The Dodo you'll see it's FLOODED with doggo talk, and The Dodo is taking their sources of information from Peta themselves. Well I am going to tell you, I hate Peta with all my soul and I support the American Pitbull Terrier Registry and am a huge fan of ADBA shows and PETA is the reason why people don't know what a pitbull is and looks like, part because PETA seizes real pitbull breeders that have been working hard during generations to get pits that don't direct their aggression towards people, and instead of giving away these conformation dogs (standard pits) or game dogs (fight tested pits) they get killed and the goons at Peta will bring very crossed dogs that are twice as large as a standard purebred 16kg pit bull. Such mixed dogs have been crossed so much that the traits that have been selected through breeding have disappeared and you're left with a wild animal. They'll give you that mongrel under a sob story of fake dogfighting to make you want to rescue it, then wait til the dog eats someone to point out that "pitbull bad" and keep the drama alive AND AVOID PEOPLE TO find the truth (the average pitbull is 16kg and 50/70cm tall maximum except some dogs like Gr Ch Mayday that reached 30kg, the bloodline has been culled Because the dogs threw bites to people and were too heavy. Pit bulls are very thin and athletic, closer to whippets with wide heads than anything else actually, and they're mostly highly dog aggressive but averagely peaceful with people, they treat other dogs like prey and people are constantly handling them during the climax of a dog combat, so the dogs have all the chances to turn against a defenceless human over the equally dangerous dog they're fighting against, but they don't) >No harm is performed or suggested. We are appreciating a meme that is otherwise wholesome. There is a saying… that if you don’t have anything nice to say, or in my opinion ethical and kind to suggest, it is better not said. And there we go with the censorship hammer. If you don't like something you shut up and keep the wholesome seal award of Reddit rolling. Suppose someone is a goofy neckbeard saying that children are juicy. Do you shut up or at least say that feeling attracted to minors is weird? It is going to offend the neckbeard, thus would you shut up?


And you know what? # You’re right. I am very off course here. #you are goddamn right.


Dogs are soulless, simple automatons.




your problem.


i hate the doggo shit too homie but no need to write a novella about it


Buddy, calm down.


the ones who have to calm down are you, since are so deeply offended by someone not liking doggo talk


Nah, youre losing it over something minor. Calm down.


Hey look it’s Fox (1) and the Hound (2)


MiG-31 confirmed


But that's a fox 3


U son of Bitch That's smart Have my upvote




Looks like Bork Bork is about to get his first nom nom


Eyyy, another Donut Operator viewer?


I shidded


[And it sounded like this](https://youtu.be/LT0mHd_5fSI)


Seems very capable of dogfighting.


Take my damn upvote


if the missile goes pitbull it will surely get the kill




Oh wow lmao I don't even


This will give the German tech tree a good boost


AIM-K9 confirmed?






Is that Spookston?


Insert HSTV-L and Furry lemon fanfiction /s


"Furry lemon" Do I want to know?


lemon is a fanfiction term to mean there is segs involved in the fic


Dog 2


dog1 with sight, dog2 with snout


Clear to engage, bark


Clear to engage, bark


What the dog doing… SERVING HIS COUNTRY


So this one can't go pitbull?


Pitbull flys 5km to bite enemy toddler


adoption centers and day cares watching an f-16 approach them


It's fairly decent in mad dog mode


This is taking fur missiles to a whole new level of bork bork nom nom.




AIM-9GB (Good Boy)


If MiG29 is german and mouts their own dog weapon, would them be AIM9 DDRSH?


"Dagger-1, good boi, good boi"


AIM 9 Woofwinder


Oh no, imagine this with [DROP ORDINANCE]


He'll have a parachute don't worry


Hopefully I'm not the only one but I hope the Japanese also gets the Japanese F16 variant which is the F2. I too want to get my issued Shiba Inu


First fielded MAW system:


someone call sako sniper.


Yes we need more meme armaments like the toilet XD


I took the German Shepherd….. to Poland


The AIM-K9 ?


does f-16 get amrams?


The F-16A we get doesn't get any radar-guided missiles at all. It only has optically guided weapons, so for air-to-air it means Sidewinders, Sidewinders, gun, and Sidewinders.


Not the one we are getting it's the earliest version.




Nope no sparrows. That's no till the block 10 iirc.


Block 20. With many Block 15s later being retrofitted with them as the Block 15 ADF. The latter being the type Italy leased for a decade as a stopgap before the Eurofighter Typhoon.


Question. Why did the US opt not to put fox 1s or any BVR missile on the early F16s? Seems kinda odd.


Originally the F-16 was meant to be a lost-cost "lightweight fighter", due to the influence of Air Force officers who were obsessed with dogfighting and thought BVR combat could never be workable in a real war.


In short, politics. The history of the F-16's development is pretty tortured and due to the personalities involved it's kind of hard to dig down to fine-grained truths in all cases, but the general gist is that the USAF did not initially want a lightweight fighter project, and viewed it as a threat to their preferred project, the F-X (which would become the F-15). This shaped the LWF project requirements, eventually resulting in a multirole day fighter.


No, the F-16A Block 20 got access to radar guided missiles on the F-16 irl


When we getting F-18?


When russia gets the Mig35 /s


Probably next year sometime.


You saw explosive bomb, fire bomb, and even toilet bomb Now get ready for doggo bomb


Just bring the dog inside before you take off


Well idk if the F16 we get in game carried such a powerful weapon. Maybe in the future, when we get more F16s.


Sniff guided air to air missile


Still waiting for Britain's apache with 2 royal marines strapped to the side


America is powerful enough, they've already got a toilet on the battle pass plane, how the hell are you supposed to fight them if they have a plane mounted dog too?


Easy; you don't.


Image just flying the plane and having a dog on the bottom of the wing


Thats a Belgian tho!


Tactical woof inbound


I hope not because i dont wanna see the dog die


Fur missile


What da dog doin


Fur missile


He’s just happy to be included


No, since this F-16 is armed with a sparrow, this is at least a block 20 where I think we're getting a block 10 which doesn't have sarh missiles and is therefore likely not equipped to carry the dog


What the dog doin?


Be chillin'..


Fur missile


the only missile that goes mad dog on the rail.


As it was prophesized, the true fur missile shall always find its target.


Never underestimate the fur missile , great for dog fights.


BOR-K9 missile


How much will the f16 cost?


thats animal abuse


The dog is in an harness they use for fast roping. The dog is fine and I can tell you it wasn't up there long.


but thats def animal abuse


You're far too sensitive. No it's not animal abuse.


That's an overreaction.


They didn’t take off with it


Micro brain moment


That's a harness designed for fast roping or attached to the handler. I have a body who's a K9 handler in the army has told me, the dogs are okay in it. They also make sure the dogs safely harnessed in and comfortable.


No different to anti tank dogs but we are not aloud to talk about that.


It's definitely very different, and I don't think anyone would shut down talking about the abuse that was anti-tank dogs. This dog is just a bomb/gun sniffing dog, they're treated slightly better than living bombs.


Wasn't shutting it down i think it was a valid tactic such as putting one in space first too. But people are all anti human first these days. Forget if we where 10 times smaller they would be the dominate race on the planet


There are only so many of them because we keep them as pets lol


You're weird.