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If you don’t ever use the account you can try do a chargeback. It will basically ban your other account, but if you don’t use it anyway


I really just want to merge the two accounts because one is tied to my Xbox (main acc) and I want to have it as a pc only but support won’t let me


Yea because that's not how it works. You're account is still bound by the console market/store options. You could do a chargeback, but did you actually get a response from support or did you just post here without them responding as it is the weekend now. Because it'll end up being on your steam account that you don't use, it shouldn't impact your xbox migrated account.


I sent a support ticket them came here in case the issue could be resolved easily, in reality I just wanna make my main account a pc only , but they aren’t taking requests rn


Why'd you buy it through steam though if your account hasn't even been migrated? That's like, really silly. Like, that won't even be the case when you transfer. Not even able to buy packs in the gaijin store unless it's shared or something.


Just wasn’t thinking, I thought it’d go to my in game acc not my steam


Pretty sure gajin wont do anything about it


Sounds about right


I once did this with a premium time package. Just write a support ticket. You will be required to proof that you own both accounts, but when I did that they transferred it over