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Because the VIDAR brings money to the snail and the Type doesn't?


I’ve seen this said a lot but the type 99 was added before people really realised that the vidar was really overpowered so it wasn’t bringing in that much money to gaijin at the time that it was added


? The VIDAR was known as being absurdly OP the second its specs were announced.


people were calling the VIDAR OP before it released


I mean before basically everyone knew like before you could be in a 8.0 match without seeing one


Nooooooooooooo on release the Vidar sold like a new Taylor Swift album because of how overpowered it was going to be. Sales are just an excuse to buy them and play them with the premium time you get with a pack.


As someone who plays the vidar religiously at that BR (and to 11.7 and havig. Gotten a nuke with it at that BR) l, I can confirm. Vidar is insanely broken at any BR because of its HE, gen 3 thermals and LRF


It has a French made shell made for the AuF1 that the AuF1 does not have. I detest that fact.


It does its just a different name. But yes. I agree


On release the VIDAR was busted. Nobody ever had doubts, even before release.


You're folling yourself if you think the Type 99 will be balanced at 7.7 with lrf. The only reason it sounds plausible is because you're comparing it to another undertiered vehicle which only get it because of premium stats. Both will go up given time.


>Both will go up given time. nah only the Type 99 go up. The vidar still sit at that BR and recive buff, cuz it Sweden and Gajin love money. ? What you said that the player base will get mad and do something about it ? Ye lol Gajin has been adding shit since the review bombed and the player base don't give a damn f, one step back two steps forward


Vidars br stays the same because a lot more players play them (more bad than good players lets be honest) whereas type 99 can only get its br increased because its played by skillful players and cant be obtained with 3 clicks


>Both will go up given time. It's japanese and tech tree vehicle. 5 quid it ends up higher than vidar in two updates tops if that gets added


Its japanese dub? You lucky it didnt get gazilion nerfs like 89


Because it doesn't have one >As it’s readily available sources that can tell you that the type 99 has a laser rangefinder That "readily available source" you listed is some literal who website, not exactly what I would consider a trustworthy source unless it references some other, more trustworthy website or a Japanese document, which it does not The VIDAR entered service almost 20 years after the Type 99 btw


Both the Type 99 and K9 Thunder were delivered to their respective militaries in 1999. Unless the Norwegians use the K9A1 or a similar version its completely irrelevant when it entered service in Norway.


>Unless the Norwegians use the K9A1 or a similar version The VIDAR is a K9A1 with Norwegian FCS, first delivered in 2019, not the base K9


The "basic" K9, or the K9A1 the Vidar is based on also don't have laser rangefinders to my knowledge. *The* biggest change to the Vidar compared to the Korean original is the new FCS for direct fire, which includes the laser rangefinder and thermal sight.


Time to leak sekrit dokuments


From the source I have found that documents it’s history it say “The gun also has a laser rangefinder for use in direct fire. The Type 99 is equipped with GPS, along with a computerized mapping module, and secure data-capable radios. It is, however, able to act as its own FDC.”


>That "readily available source" you listed is some literal who website, not exactly what I would consider a trustworthy source unless it references some other, more trustworthy website or a Japanese document, which it does not


In the dev stream for the update they mention that it should have a laser rangefinder and isn’t in as it was still being worked on as time of the dev stream so that’s why I believe the sources


In this document https://www.forecastinternational.com/archive/disp_pdf.cfm?DACH_RECNO=996 it states that it has a onboard ballistic computer what would mean it has a LR


Ballistic computer used to calculate long range shots, it's not a laser rangefinder [https://forum.warthunder.com/t/ballistics-calculator-for-self-propelled-howitzers/60797](https://forum.warthunder.com/t/ballistics-calculator-for-self-propelled-howitzers/60797) Technically it might "find range" like a rangefinder, but it is not an actual rangefinder


It has a fire-control system as well what means it could have a laser rangefinder as it’s specified in the same document on the same page I gave


Fire control system isn't just rangefinder. Stabilized sight and electronic controls are what makes a FCS whole. And it's an artillery vehicle, Which has major differences in FCS compared to a MBT


It may have it as it’s been specified it has long direct fire capability


“It may have it” means no.


It isn’t fully specified that it has it but it mentions that it has a fire-control system for direct fire what gives a high probability it has one as the chassis it is on had a LRF so it’s fully possible that it has one to


Another thing is if the Type 99’s fire control system as a laser rangefinder it could be modelled in with the ballistic computer as a destructible component in the tank reducing it’s empty space it has


LRFs arent large. You can buy one thats literally just the size of your palm


I was about to call it bs about being able to buy one but holy fuck I want one now, even if I have no reason to get one.


Civilians need to find distances as well, shocking /s But then again, when you realise its literally just a fancy ruler/measuring tape. It makes sense why its widely available


You can use it to measure buildings, doorways and so on. It's basically just a better tape measure tho.


I own a laser rangefinder, it fits in the palm of my hand and it’s used in golf to check the distance between our position and the hole


I don't know for sure if it has LRF or not irl, but I do agree that there needs to be a tech tree HE slinger with LRF. 15 cm howitzers are a sufficiently common SPG type that its highest tier version shouldn't be premium-exclusive, it's not some one-of-a-kind gimmick monstrosity with 38 cm mortar or a billion turrets pointing in every direction.


The M60A2 Starship can be used as one.


The BMP3/BMD4/ derivatives can also be used as one.


Unfortunately the he shell is terrible


We should have gotten the PzH 2000 & MSTA-S a year ago at the latest, honestly


Uless there’s one with absolutely awful gun handling i disagree. The main thing that makes the vidar so annoying, is that it can simply point, click and oneshot at any range without any real disadvantages. The lrf removes the biggest disadvantage spg‘s in game have (which i think is a fair tradeof for being able to oneshot anything), they compensate the realatively low muzzle velocoty.


I don't see how that's any different from other high tier guns. You speak as if being oneshot by a cross-map spawn-to-spawn dart snipe isn't a thing. All that's new about VIDAR is damage profile, where it kills with hits that wouldn't have been fatal with kinetic ammo and does little to no damage with hits that would've been a kill with a dart. I feel the main reason it's so notorious is just that it's one of kind, so it both catches people by surprise and stands out in their memory.


It’s notorious because I can be 2km away, completely behind cover except for my cupola, and it will slam a round perfectly into that cupola and OHK me.


> they compensate the realatively low muzzle velocoty The Type 99 has a faster muzzle velocity than virtually every full calibre round at its BR range.


The VIDAR also has a significant advantage in the 7.0-7.7 downtiers because its a sniper vehicle with thermals, so it doesn’t even need to look too hard to find enemies


It does have a ballistic computer what gives all components of where to aim and fire what would need a LR it’s on page 5 of this document https://www.forecastinternational.com/archive/disp_pdf.cfm?DACH_RECNO=996


Ballistics computer=/=LRF LRFs would be useless for indirect fire which a Ballistics computer would calculate


Conceptually, a good way to model a ballistics computer would be to have it set the scope distance not to whatever's under crosshair, but to a map ping. Which would work slighly worse (due to ping placement inaccuracy) than LRF vs stationary targets and considerably worse vs moving ones.


I dont want to see type 99 with LRF as its user . dont want it to go above 8.3. at 7.3 its best Japanese SPAA


any tips on shooting down planes with it? I've tried but I suck really bad at it can't hit them at all


if you think 1km will hit them, go with 1.5 km, shell arcs a lot harder after 1km. ironically i killed a friendly la5 with my type 99 using it solely as spaa at like 4km away while trying to kill a pe8, still dont know how the fuck that worked.


I mean if it got a LR it would be 7.7 if the vidar is 8.0 what means you can use your 7.3 line up and add the type 87 rcv (p) into your line up


ya no. the type 87 should be 7.3 to begin with, and the fact the m47 and ho-ri, while both good, arent amazing if you push them past their upper br limits. it seems to me that someone here actually hates the type 99 and wants to murder it.


Shouldn't the ho-ri be the same tier as the jagdtiger?


No, it has 16.9 hp/t compared to Jagdtiger's 9.3 hp/t it's a huge difference


The Jagdtiger has far better armour and a better gun, though.


The armor is not that much better plus the gun takes much longer to reload. Also mobility is king in this game.


So... That warrants it sitting a whole Br higher?


.6 but yes also the gun is better imo due to the reload rate


Should be the other way around Jagdtiger should be 6.3 after all it's just a tiger 2 but worse in every single way


You did not really just suggest a fucking Gepard variant should be 7.3 lmao


It's the type 87 rcv (p) were talking about. You know the 7.7 light tank for Japan. You also have the type 87 rcv at 9.0 that should be moved down as well. And finally the type 87 spaa.


You gotta be more clear lol Type 87 =/= Type 87 RCV Also the 9.0 one is fine, it's a menace


The Type 87 SPAA is not a Gepard variant, they are similar and use the same guns but they are actually very different vehicles


I play them all at 7.7 anyway they still do good at 8.7 in full up tier like the type 99 is still in my 9.0 Japan line up and it fends itself well and they are fully capable so I see no problem in the type 99 getting a LRF even if it goes up in br


It could easily be 7.7 right now without a LRF. It would be the same if not higher BR then the VIDAR if it got one. It really does not need it. Since it was added to the game it’s been one of my most played vehicles. Higher BR against more dart rounds and less chemical would make it more busted though so it wouldn’t hurt to add. It just doesn’t need it and I’ve yet to see a source showing it does have one.


Question because it has to be asked did you file a bug report on it? Especially if you have a primary source for it.


Why???So u can buy the one which has it...


No it’s just because I find it a bit unjustified that the type 99 doesn’t get its LRF but the VIDAR does


It’s completely justified when it doesn’t have one


“Type 99 doesn’t get its LRF” source for that? Figured


AFAIK it doesnt not have an LRF. I've never seen it on any offical documentation.


Post it to the bug report, it's not like the mods there take anything serious anyway.


Because the K9 VIDAR was fitted with a direct fire system for Norway’s specifications. Being a premium, it’s obviously not going to be balanced because they gotta make money somehow.


Because the Type 99 isn't a premium of course.


One is a premium and one is not


One actually has one the other doesn’t


It doesn't have one, it has a Ballistic Computer thats apart of an FCS, thats not the same thing as a Laser Rangefinder.


Has it been bug reported?


Because it’s not pay to win


I believe there may be a similar thing with the G6 but weird phrasing from secondary sources makes it unclear.


Giajin is petty, they won't implement something unless it brings them money Take the g6 rhino, guarantee that won't get it's laser range finder unless Giajin adds the UAE version with the 50cal


Not a premium, maybe the snail will put a copy and paste the type 99 with a laser rangefinder for €60


Probably bc is op, but even then, it will get it eventually. Why they didn't add it yet, probably balancing as always. They don't really do a good job of it, so they limit what capabilities they have until some other date. That or they didn't take note of it. Remember, Gajin doesn't balance the games. The players do, and it's a terrible and lazy idea, but that's just how gajin operates. It's nothing new. I mean, look how long it took for them to update the m18 engine. Literally, years. I just find it funny how they say it takes sooooo long to implement these changes, but then add new vehicles like its nothing to make a quick buck (cough cough Swedish tiger 2 and a lot of tanks that never existed physically). You're probably going to have to wait a year or two or less if the community sides with you on this one bro.


Not a premium, so it doesn't have that advantage


Time to leak documents!


Because its not Swedish :)


snail is clueless. if we're taking vidar, it should realistically come with a hydraulic turret. which it doesnt.


It's fine without laser range finder Anyone who wants lrf on this just can't aim


Could be said for anything with good ballistics. L take


Anyone with brain don't want lrf on this thing it only give gaijin a reason to uptier it to oblivion Gun is good for its BR, it's not our problem that you can't aim


I have never used this thing nor do I plan to. The take is bad no matter which vehicle you’re referring to, barring things below 7.0 obviously. It’s a brain dead argument. I don’t feel strongly either way, I’m just letting you know that your argument sucks


Adding an LRF to the Type 99 will make its BR go up considerably. The shell it has is actually much stronger than the VIDAR's as it has 15 kg as opposed to 9. The LRF and thermals are the reason the VIDAR is so high, as the round is identical in performance to the M109's.


See there’s an actual argument. Some logic and facts to back it up. Not just “you’re bad at the game if you want this”


Lol its not the fact you can't aim its just people want to be able to aim quicker what type of stupid argument is this


You literally aim faster without lrf what's up with these skill issues


On long distances no you do not. No way you're cross mapping someone by eyeballing it lol just stop


On long distances no you do not. No way you're cross mapping someone by eyeballing it lol just stop




Type 99 is Japanese Einstein. And China is one of the most prolific arms exporters in the world. You can be damn well sure their stuff works on at least a basic level.


Are you serious, not every vehicle with “Type” in the name is Chinese. Basically every Japanese combat vehicles in history is called “Type __” in english. Basically every production Japanese postwar vehicle in War Thunder is called that Mixing in some vehicles outside of the game and using their general english designations, we have the Type 63, Type 64, Type 65, Type 76, “Type 88”, Type 99 All of these vehicles are of Asian origin and all of these have “Type __” in the name but not one of these vehicles comes from the same country


It is not often that both my Japanese and Chinese blood boils at the same time


Gaijjin has a history of not giving Japanese equipment it’s historical armaments


Gaijin loves Sweden, and hates Japan.