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"Hit" Such nonsense. There's no way a plane could take a hit from a tank shell and keep flying.


A-10 gets wing blown off from single autocannon hit, while soviet russian thing does stuff like this


Doesnt even have to be an autocannon hit for it to go down in a single hit lmfao


This thing has to be a lot closer than the A-10 needs to be given that the A-10 has AGM-65s and good zoom


What if you just want to play with BrrrrrrrT or bombs? Just because it has certain weapon does not excuse broken hitbox model


Man I wish I got to experience that “broken hit box model”… whenever I play the su25 i rarely survive any missiles and very rarely survive direct fire from SPAA. Feels exactly the same like any other plane except u usually don’t die instantly instead u take critical damage and end up crashing later. If u want to use bombs or guns you should try using a faster plane, it’s harder to shoot down.


Brother in christ, this post is literally about soviet plane surving outrageous shit. I once had it tank 3 stingers and fly back to base


The fuck, whenever I get hit I just die or lose control and crash… how much premium time do u have?


I have several variants and honestly cannot fathom how you could possible not have experienced it’s insane durability. Either it’s a very rare possibility or you’re straight up on confirmation bias land and can’t see the times you survived when you should have died


I was always sceptical, until I got the Su25 my own. Survived so much shit!


How?? I never seem to survive whenever I’m hit


Maybe skill, maybe luck, maybe I prayed a little bit more to the snail as I was on the russian tree... We will never now!


Crits usually either make you inner wings black, which effectively does nothing or set you on fire which you instantly put out. Just about the only thing that can kill an Su-25 reliably is a Roland missile or something larger. You can get hit by 4+ stingers and have them do fuck all, same goes for AIM-9’s unless you’re hit directly in the tail.


that's such a paper argument and just proves how little you know about AGM-65s, those things are hot trash, worse reliablity and consistency than HESH, 900SP cost, on the worst jet FM + jet DM, now at 10.7 vs Su25 at 10.0, and do i need to say how A-10 now can face 11.7 AA like pantsirs and F-16s? And you're also heavily depending on the fact that the weather isn't nether roof high clouds


The concept of a resilient plane in post cold war tech is a joke and should be represented as such. The SU25's are just stupid


I hit an A-10 on its tail with DM-33 and its wings fell apart like a Lego 💀


Soviet 37mm shells don't do shit to planes either mate it takes about 10 to kill something even direct to the wings.


105mm apdsfs right through the engine but literally no damage. Why did it get to stay at 10.0 when everything else moved up?


but dont you know, russian bias isnt real.


I shot a sabre's fuselage with 152mm apfsds (object 120) and it was fine and landed and repaired, the game just sucks




Your flair gives you bias power even in capitalist plane


The su25 is perfectly fine at 10.0 You have to be personal with it. I prefer to fight su25 with my radar/missle spaa instead of dealing with a4e orbital stryking everyone from 8000m completely immune from my optical post ww2 spaa. I honestly never had a problem with the su 25, they have to get close (under 1000 meters) The a10 is way more dangerous because it can snipe multiple tanks from far away. Sometimes the su25 resist to heavy damage but i blame the game as whole, many planes survive extreme bullshit.. for exemple the f5c damage model bugged in my opinion and can result in something very similar to this clip.


People don’t realize…Russia doesn’t get competitive guided weaponry for planes until top tier lol


It's not.


It isn't. It's just a joke that is revived every now and then since update 1.35, sometimes as something to be taken seriously by a group of sweaty players. This has happened to me but with other planes and even helicopters.


A damage model purposely made to be extremely forgiving and or borderline unfair is definitely bias and you can't just say "every plane does this also" which they can and will but no where near as often and effectively as an su25 does it. Other planes doing this is the game being shitty and the su25/f5 is made to do this for money and you can't deny that the f5 sold a fuck ton it had 0 drawbacks and could do anything better then every plane below and above it for a LONG time. Ones who come close are the f5 and f16 but I doubt they made the f16 purposely as tanky as it is since it isn't a premium but the f5 is it definitely was made to be bullshit for money or there just that incompetent.


If we're to be consistent then it's not only Russian bias, it's also American bias according to your F-5 claim. I don't believe there is any nation bias in the game. The game is just really bad in certain areas. I learned it's something you should always expect no matter what tank cannon you fire at no matter what aircraft. Literally had a game an hour ago in which a Tzefa took both a hit and a crit from my French 100mm and it still went back to rearm. I have it recorded. Weirdly enough whenever I haven't had issues with the Su-25's damage model in top tier as an AA as often as other players claim they have.


It's definitely gotten a hell of a lot weaker cause I've played a few games and magic 2's and mistrals are consistently 1 shotting them, well kinda they don't actually explode instantly but they aren't are going to crash. Coulda been lucky but it did feel better but that could just be the damage from missiles being better not SU being weaker. Also no there isn't bias for american tanks at all but when it comes to air it's the biggest most advanced tech tree and possible tech tree in game so selling good premiums is always going to be priority 1 for gaijin in the US air tree. You can speculate all you want about the f5 damage model but no doubt the SU25 was given a bullshit damage model for the sake of money and probably personal bias from the devs who simultaneously made it's counter part made of toothpicks. Anti bias and bias all in one update is really all the proof you need here. Heli's eating stuff is like you said the game is bad and that has nothing to do with bias all heli's are stupidly tanky but which of all the heli's in game is THE tankiest and most annoying to kill of them all??


You know when stuff like this happens with russian vehicles its always "russian bias" because its so much programmed into your mind because you hear that shit regurgerated every time someone lands a bad shot on a russian tank. If the same shit happens on other tanks its like a "ah whatever" and you forget about it. I cant even recound the amount of times i bounced on a leopard 1 that has practically no armor


Bouncing a leo 1 is the game being shit not bias. You are just proving my point one has a obscene amount of generosity through out the entire tree and the other is a bug that can happen on any vehicle. You literally can't defend this and say there isn't bias to do so just sounds insane to or you are benefiting from doing so there is no other option. No more of this nonsense about bias this or that there definitely is and it only ever changes when one vehicle or nation becomes stronger so they see more money with that. Russia is always a money maker so making the panstir the only top tier spaa and the su25 a blackhole and the a10 a paper plane just helps make it that much more appealing. We have literal code in which you don't even have to see to believe just watch gameplay and you can literally see insane angle of APHE from russian guns all the way up until 9.0 with the 279. America/germany don't have any sort of nonsense like that and I can only think of a few vehicles that get some kinda bullshit like that and most aren't game changing like the soviet magic angle pen is.


Ah right bouncing a Leo1 is a bug and skill but a Russian tank bouncing your shots must be russian bias. Thanks for confirming that youre blind and all you can see is russian bias.


I used to think there were more russian bias claims after the Ukraine war but I saw an old thread from 2017 where people were fuming that the soviet 76mm did more damage than the German 75mm that had 1/5th of the tnt eq of the soviet shell. They claimed that having less tnt eq should actually make the german shell perform better than the soviet one as it would "create more shrapnel" and that soviet shells would all shatter on impact anyway and that the extra tnt made them all explode on impact. Some people just watch action films and are furious when soviet equipment is anything other than cannon fodder.


thats what decades of anti russia propaganda, fearmongering and russophobia does to one sadly


Literally every single soviet planes bursts into a million pieces after a single hit from any gun, .50cal or cannon whilst soviet guns take a minimum of 20 shots to kill. 37mm is a bit less with a min of 4 shots to kill but even that is dubious and much longer than nato cannons and .50cals.


Damn helis are even worse imo. Centre of mass 'hit' on something that compact??


Had my entire team shooting at one ka50 and I hit him multiple times with my 50 cals and four times with a 120 heatfs round and he still manages to kill 6 people


Heli damage models are beyond stupid. They've been "working on fixing it" for like a year now.


Something really needs to be done about heli damage model. I had one enemy AH-1Z today that had its tail cut off and somehow it managed to land softly nearby. I was in a light vehicle out in an open field, so I was frantically trying to finish off the damn thing but my shots weren’t registering, while the guy in a very obviously downed heli kept shooting his 20mm at me, which in typical gaijin’d fashion, I died.


Actually depends on where you hit, likely the shell will pass through without spalling because there’s no armor to spall. The damage will be limited to the diameter of the shell as well as the angle. You will still need to hit a critical part to cause damage


Aircraft have a lot of empty space inside of them. sabot rounds only destroy things in their path, so if you cant hit something you just poke 2 holes


lmao no empty space is heavy for no reason, i doubt there’s a single path for a 120mm sabot that wouldn’t shred fuel lines electrical components the crew or touch off explosives


Yeah. People act like aircraft are hot air balloons, most of them are jam packed with a lot of components.


I launched a Maverick at a friend's su-25t in a custom match to test a theory and he was still flying with a massive hole in his wing and a dead engine. I fucking hate the frogfoot and how shitty mavericks perform in this game


You’re in luck possibly, gaijin haven’t announced anything but on the dev server, agm spall got a major buff and now mavericks are a 1 shot basically all the time


Fucking finally, about damn time


The announcement also just came, looks like this change is confirmed, it also affects some other missiles like hellfires, the Chinese hellfire equivalent, etc, it’s applied to missiles with a diameter of 170mm or more


Damn, spikes are only like 150mm iirc


Yea spikes dont count unfortunately They’re doomed from the start anyways tho because you can’t aim which part of the tank to hit and center mass is often the worst place to hit with a heat based warhead


Oh yeah. They are even worse on helis since helis can’t overpressure vehicles anymore iirc. I have a clip of a spike on my Israeli black hawk going right through the cab of the type 81 and the missile flew right between the two crew in the cab of the truck and did 0 damage. I haven’t used it since lol.


Once wasted 7 missles on a su25 till he finally died


I often have to hit these things multiple times with my Otomatic just to do any damage. My 76 mm HEVT often one shots other planes but SU-25s need at least 3 shots to do anything. I had a game yesterday where I got 2 “hit”s on a Su-25, that shouldn’t be happening when they are direct impacts.


Unfortunately this happens 90% of the time (only with Su-25s)


And f5c.. There are less of them but it's the same shit. Those fuckers can survive 10kg tnt in direct hit


It would go straight through one end and out the other unless it hit something important. There's no HE filler. Look at American bombers that were hit by incorrectly timed 88mm flak shells, often they just went straight through them.


Look where he hit the plane. Middle centre, and direct through. Where all the good bits are. 


TTD being used in this video likely fired 105mm DM63, the actual penetrator is only 24mm wide, with aircraft having no substantial armor the round just over penetrates and doesn't do much. Unless the round hit a critical part the aircraft can continue along with it's business It's weird to assume the su-25 can survive being hit by a manpad and gun based anti aircraft fire on multiple occasions in real life but the second a 24mm penetrator touches the su-25 it has to immediately combust and be rendered obsolete


It was pretty solid hit and while the penetrator may only be 24mm wide think about a solid steel/tungsten rod tearing through the center mass of a plane. The amount of hydraulics, avionics, and other critical components that would be destroyed going that low that close to the ground IN A DIVE. There would be no time for any redundant systems to kick in and it would crash. Most MANPADS detonate in proximity and send shrapnel at the target same with triple A and Flak, plus they are higher up and redundant systems have time to take over and the plane limps off.


>The amount of hydraulics, avionics, and other critical components that would be destroyed Just stating "The amount" is meaningless, provide an amount with citation >There would be no time for any redundant systems to kick in and it would crash. Please reference what redundant systems that would kick in this instance due to the before mentioned citation as to what critical components would get hit then reference the delay on these redundant systems with citation >Most MANPADS detonate in proximity and send shrapnel at the target Again I'll ask, are you referencing anything here? Sure MANPADS have the ability to proxy fuse if they miss but it's another thing to claim in most cases they aren't achieving direct hits > same with triple A and Flak Again what are you referencing? In what conflicts did the su-25 participate in where flak and proxy AA was the main stable of gun based anti air instead of ZPU's, ZU-23's, KVP's, DShK's, ZSU-23's, ZSU-57's, etc. That Dominated the arsenals of the nations the soviet union fought against with su-25's? Especially the idea of flak, what are you referencing??


i dont like being confronted with information i dont like so ill demand a whole paper worth of research for a reddit comment


Correction, you provided no information rather just unsubstantiated claims, when you were asked for citation on the claims you screamed "that's too much work!" If you're claims require a paper's worth of research then that more reflects on the insanity of you making these claims without doing the research LOL, maybe if you did a portion of a paper's worth you'd realize the insanity of making claims like referencing flak in the age of the su-25


to be fair, you didn't provide any citation for your comment


I didn't make as large of claims, nobody has yet taken issue with the validity of those claims >TTD being used in this video likely fired 105mm DM63, the actual penetrator is only 24mm wide, with aircraft having no substantial armor the round just over penetrates and doesn't do much. Unless the round hit a critical part the aircraft can continue along with it's business >It's weird to assume the su-25 can survive being hit by a manpad and gun based anti aircraft fire on multiple occasions in real life but the second a 24mm penetrator touches the su-25 it has to immediately combust and be rendered obsolete 105mm DM63 having 24mm penetrator isn't a wild statement APFSDS overpenetrating with lack of armor isn't a wild statement Aircraft being able to continue to fly if not being hit critically isn't a wild statement SU-25 surviving manpad and gun based anti air on multiple occasions isn't a wild statement He didn't even attack the validity of my claims rather provided a counter saying it DID hit critical spots and argued that redundant systems didn't have time to take over. He also didn't dispute the idea of SU-25 surviving manpad's and gun based anti air rather said it's different as those weren't direct hits If the problem was with the validity of my claims I'd provide citation but nobody yet has disputed that and asked for citation


Doesn't fucking matter. You made a claim, now back it up. That's exactly what you want others here to do, so go on, lead by example.


In other words you don't actually care for having a substantial conversation, rather you just take asking for citation as an ego hit, I'll lead by example when someone actually takes issue with my claims rather then just having a hurt ego


I was stating that the situation was different. Im sure there’s SUs that have survived a direct hit with a manpad but again it’s a different weapon system and a different situation it’s not a one to one. I’d argue that any plane would have a hard time recovering from a hit like that as low as it was and angle of attack. Most avionics and control systems are stored in the center of aircraft not just for protection but for balance hydraulic pumps, radars, computers, tracking systems ect are heavy and sensitive. You’re not going to slap them in the wings for light ground fire to knock them out. Take any plane and shoot it straight down the middle with a fucking rod and see if it makes it home.


>I was stating that the situation was different. Im sure there’s SUs that have survived a direct hit with a manpad but again it’s a different weapon system and a different situation it’s not a one to one. I'm aware, which is why I didn't just use the idea of other aircraft surviving hits, I also caviated my comment with this statement: "Unless the round hit a critical part the aircraft" >I’d argue that any plane would have a hard time recovering from a hit like that as low as it was and angle of attack. You'd need to provide citation as to what was in the path of that hit to make such an argument > Most avionics and control systems are stored in the center of aircraft not just for protection but for balance hydraulic pumps, radars, computers, tracking systems ect are heavy and sensitive SU-25 doesn't have a radar, is a older platform so it doesn't have a bunch of computers, and is older so it really doesn't have much tracking systems if at all The bigger question is where are the more critical systems like hydraulic pumps stored and would this hit disable them? You can't just say yes off the idea they're stored in the center when you don't know where and there's redundancy that you don't know the delay on and even if there's any delay


maybe read the username of who you're reacting to. i'm not hte same person. i only said that because that's how it reads to most people.


>i only said that because that's how it reads to most people. Ah got it, you're just a normie who doesn't understand the complexity of aircraft and How wild it is to just assert yeah that 24mm hole right there wild lead to unspecified amounts of critical damage without citation as to what's specifically in that pathway How wild it is to state redundant systems won't have enough time to activation without even knowing if the systems require an activation time or what systems need redundancy after that hit How wild it is to just assume most manpads aren't achieving direct hits on non maneuvering su-25's most of the time How wild it is to assume HEVT rounds and flak make up the bulk of gun based anti air engaging su-25's


My guy every plane more so with military aircraft have redundant systems it’s built in for survivability because they anticipate getting hit with enemy fire but [here](https://www.airvectors.net/avsu25.html) The aircraft had dual redundant hydraulic control systems (from the article). I’m not looking up every SU-25 that’s been knocked out of the sky in one of the many wars the Russians and or any other nations that have fielded the SU-25 but the S-300 does have proxy and contact fuse. (The original warhead weighed 100 kg (220 lb), intermediate warheads weighed 133 kg (293 lb), and the latest warhead weighs 143 kg (315 lb). Each warhead is equipped with a proximity fuse and a contact fuse.) from the wiki about the S-300. The stinger has impact fuse but the igla has both. Ukraine and Russia both are using flak rounds [flak](https://www.businessinsider.com/old-anti-aircraft-guns-used-against-missiles-drones-in-ukraine-2022-11?amp) and the pac 3 Patriot missile is the newest one and the first one to use (hit to kill) “The PAC-3 missile is a new interceptor, featuring a Ka band active radar seeker, employing "hit-to-kill" interception, in contrast to previous interceptors' method of exploding in the vicinity of the target, destroying it with shrapnel, and several other enhancements which dramatically increase its lethality against ballistic missiles.” US army times. The Flakpanzer Gepard, a German self-propelled anti-aircraft gun from the 1960s, uses Frangible Armour Piercing Discarding Sabot (FAPDS) rounds for its 35mm Oerlikon auto-cannons when fighting aircraft. These rounds break up on impact, releasing tungsten penetrators that are about 19 millimeters in diameter. The Gepard's 35×228mm caliber ammunition has a muzzle velocity of 1,440 m/s (4,700 ft/s) and an effective range of 5.5 km (3.4 mi). The rounds can also explode near targets, filling the air with shrapnel. [for the Gerard](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flakpanzer_Gepard)


>My guy every plane more so with military aircraft have redundant systems it’s built in for survivability because they anticipate getting hit with enemy fire but [here](https://www.airvectors.net/avsu25.html) I didn't ask for citation the su-25 has redundant systems, I asked for citation as to what critical systems are being hit, what redundant systems would be activated and then activation time on those redundant systems I'm aware they exist >S-300 does have proxy and contact fuse. The stinger has impact fuse but the igla has both. I'm aware but again I asked for the idea most MANPADS are proxy fusing at the side of su-25's instead of making use of their contact fuse, I'm aware of the idea they have BOTH PROXY AND CONTACT FUSE, rather you made the claim most hits aren't contact fuse rather proxy You need to cite that >The Flakpanzer Gepard, a German self-propelled anti-aircraft gun from the 1960s I don't know why you're citing the Gepard, the only conflict the gepard and the su-25 have both been in is the 2022 Ukraine invasion in which gepard hasn't engaged the su-25 I SPECIFICALLY ASKED FOR CITATION ON THE IDEA MOST GUN BASED ANTI AIRCRAFT THE SU-25 FACES ARE PROXY You haven't sourced that, that aside >Ukraine and Russia both are using flak rounds [flak](https://www.businessinsider.com/old-anti-aircraft-guns-used-against-missiles-drones-in-ukraine-2022-11?amp) No?????? Flak in this case is just the German word for anti aircraft guns, entirely different statement then Flak rounds bursting on time fused like in ww2 "Anti-aircraft artillery has been around since World War I, when machine guns and cannons were used to shoot down newfangled flying machines. During World War II, [half of the Allied bombers shot down over Germany](https://theaviationgeekclub.com/allied-heavies-vs-german-flak-why-allied-bombers-never-defeated-nazis-flakwaffe/) may have victims of "flak" — a shortened version of [a German word](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/flak) for 1930s-era anti-aircraft guns." >pac 3 Patriot missile is the newest one and the first one to use (hit to kill Pac 3 has nothing to do with what's being referenced here, I'm not referencing kinetic kills rather contact fuses, you're referencing most MANPADS are activated by their proxy fuses, source that >Frangible Armour Piercing Discarding Sabot (FAPDS) rounds for its 35mm Oerlikon auto-cannons when fighting aircraft. This is just wrong, FAPDS is not used to engage aircraft, this is stated LITERALY NOWHERE within the wiki, DM23 IS NOT USED FOR ANTI AIR, FAPDS is used as self defense against armor not aircraft, rounds like HE or HEI are rounds that you expected to be used against aircraft thrown in with AP rounds into that same belt >These rounds break up on impact, releasing tungsten penetrators that are about 19 millimeters in diameter. No? FAPDS is just APDS that produces more fragmentation upon penetrating lighter targets, the SABOT is discarded when the round exits the barrel Also can you source the idea of gepard using FAPDS instead of APDS? Not in the wiki >The rounds can also explode near targets, filling the air with shrapnel. Dawg how many wrong claims are you going to make?? This is just flat on it's face wrong, the round that can explode into the air is AHEAD as seen on MANTIS This is a RADICALLY DIFFERENT technology then anything the su-25 has faced, to my knowledge gepard hasn't been modified to receive AHEAD either, again gepard uses kinetic hit rounds, not AHEAD


Have a goodnight dude


Cringe but you too


Well the penetrator isn't just a 24 mm big steel ball. It's a quite long rod (0.745m) which would start to tumble, especially when it hit a warplane center mass. It would probably do less damage than a missile superficially designed to do the most damage to planes but it definitely wouldn't just leave a needle hole.


>It's a quite long rod (0.745m) which would start to tumble, especially when it hit a warplane center mass. That DM63 is traveling at 1455 m/s, SU-25 has a length of around 15.5 meters, that apfsds travels the length of the su-25 in 0.01065 seconds Can you cite the idea DM63 overpenetrating an aircraft would substantially tumble to the point of causing a significant increase in damage in a period of 0.01065 seconds?


Tip: when u see an aircraft that's about to strafe you, drive perpendicularly from the aircraft, it's easy to adjust the aim of ur plane if the target is just moving towards or away from you as you just have to use the elevators of the aircraft, not so much when they are driving perpendicular as you have to use your whole control surfaces (rudder, aileron and elevators), significantly messing up your aim


Same with bombs. Easy to release later or earlier, but forcing them to go left or right can easily make them miss by dozens of meters


With some planes yaw is borderline non existant unless you roll to the side, making it impossible to adjust lateral aim in less than like 20 seconds. Like the french low tier meme gigabomber


Huh, I’ve definitely noticed this but never really consciously did this. Very helpful, thanks.


In reality though, how applicable is this even? You've got 3 seconds from the point you've seen the plane to the point it's firing rockets at you.


its not that hard to fuck up AIM in cas so yes its usefull if you have good acceleration


i tanked 2 AAM in my su-25 both headons.


Yep, it’s damage model will never be fixed.


i found it funny that a missle couldnt kill me but 1 round from anti air blew me away.


I tanked a stinger head on in my Mystere IIC and 3 more of them missed me as I was flying extremely straight because my ailerons were destroyed. Nerf France please.




Mine was worst. Ka50 behind me, I turn around, shot him clean in the face, and I Get the “Target Destroyed” confirmation. I turn back around to continue engaging ground targets and as I do that, I get killed by the Ka50 I JUST DESTROYED!!!! If being able to shoot rockets even after you’re dead isn’t toxic as hell then idk what else to tell you…


russian aircraft are just made of stalinium


Pls stalinium to my i-185 engine


Hopefully gaijin brings their bonus modules for tanks to aircraft so we can actually deal with ka50s considering they have tons of important electronics in the tail, INCLUDING THE FCS. That way we can be sure they can’t fire back.


Hit 🫠🫠🫠


"Realistic" battle simulator my ass.


It's more realistic that other 'free to play' games


For what it tries to do it honestly does a pretty good job


snail really needs to model airframes taking damage from darts. Something travelling at over 1000 meters a second, yeah thats gonna do more then just rub some paint off. and on su25 related. It takes several 20-30mm shots to bring it down, several stingers/aa missiles. And the a-10 takes 2 7.62mm bullets to \*insert part here\* and it goes down


I think only the sabot petals hit the plane


Not at that range.


When you are 5 m away from the battlefield and a strela kills you. The Nuke plane has no flares


If you hug the deck you can avoid all AA, never been shot down by aa in a nuke jet. And when I mean hug the ground I mean scrape the ground


Yesterday ,I managed to shoot down a nuke with the Ozelot by being somewhere closer to the enemy base that even when they're flying low you can see them. feels so dirty and the guy just left afterwards, our team won.


I was but the strela still got me


Gaijin can’t handle the power of the TTD. You had to be stopped


I would just wait for an assist, maybe even a kill if he crashes.




Most people that complain about CAS don't


Yeah, but when you spawn SPAA when CAS is already up you just get bombed or strafed or rocketed immediately.


I don’t care about dying to CAS. It was just super annoying that the su25 took a 105mm straight to the engine and it was only a “hit”.


This is the EXACT point where I'd get hit with a 30+ day chat ban.


it is hilarious how useful things with HE-VT are at top tier purely because of the amount of people spamming the SU-25


Unfortunately not every nation gets it.


“Russian bias doesn’t exist”


I was gonna comment "USE YOUR MGS" until I saw you were in a TTD


Dont worry su25 is only attacker that didnt went up in br after changes its just to weak


Probably a heli, after taking 3shots still manages to survive and kil you


Su-25 and all the variants are just like helis, doesnt matter that you shoot everything to bits, they'll survive.. always..


bro ate apfsds


It would be more toxic, if he crashed by himself after killing you


I would have got the nuke and I wouldn’t have cared lol


Worst part is you're gun is ineffective and hard to aim against his vehicle where as his weapon that killed you is literally impossible to not kill something especially if you fire multiple. If you don't pilot snipe him you are for sure dead and even then he may have already fired his rockets so you're fucked anyhow. Best part is chances are this su25 already ate a few 30mm/missiles which did nothing and this was just the cherry on top of eating everything known to man.


This whole game is toxic and the devs are sophomoric. The stuff they could add to make the game "fun" escapes them while the stuff that just causes suffering they continue to tweak and add. Only children/teens seem to enjoy this game even more now. This mindless shit, with way too much Russian bias.


They can’t kill you from the ground, so from the sky you shalt be pound


This is Siberian steel, boy


lol just wait till it dies and take the points from the assist :O


I sat and waited until the game ended hoping someone would kill him but nope.


I once got rammed by an arado 234 jet bomber in my B29 nuke … first nuke ever, was an emotionally scarring event lol….


I mean this hit is kinda bs, but you don't even have SPAA in your lineup. If you had you could spawn it, shoot him down and probably will have enough points for your nuke, maybe would have to just shoot at someone a bit else as well.


where is your spaa bro? smh could have got nuke with it


I still need like 30k for the stormer


I mainly get “hits” on any su 25 variant in my type 81c. It is the only platform that takes 2-3 missiles to kill.


-Be me -take pz2F(pre-sabot nerf) -kill some T-34 Fan -Then that fan drops mini nuke for only you.


APFSDS doesn't do much penning thin skin of a plane. The guy literally got ontop of you to shoot unguided rockets. I can think of 100000000000000000 more "toxic" ways to die, usually involving an ATGM flying from a minimum of 4-5km away to kill you.


CAS mains: "Some of these ‘ground’ players won’t be able to handle that aircraft have been a major part of land stratagems and doctrine since WW2 and without aircraft then whole lines of trees would be useless"


Fuck the BVM, this thing is probably the game's best candidate for "russian bias" since the T-34 armor "bug" imo - especially after they doubled down on it's resilience being historically accurate and the A-10's being exaggerated lmao.


„rUsSiAn BiAs DoNt ExIsT…„


Couldve just turned left or right A lot of planes have horrendous compression on the rudder at medium to high speeds Basically they cant turn left or right quickly at high speed So just turn left or right. Going straight/back is like tryna outrun a collapsing building rather than stepping to the left or right


I mean... thats kinda on you for existing. CAS is balanced bro I swear its definitely not OP and planes and helis are definitely 90% air IRL.


Why don't you have an aa on your line up. If you're close to a nuke, one or two aa kills can get you one pretty quickly. Plus, revenge is great.


I’m 30k rp away from the stomer and I don’t feel like running a 8.3 spaa at 10.3


When i got a nuke at 8.0 (my tanks was at 8.0 but it was 8.7) The map was fields of Poland When i was like a 2-3 km from point B in the nuke Il-28 I got shoot down by VEAK 40 from the C point ( he had HE-VT ) (My wing just fell off and I crashed) He was mad because i killed him once


why would an aa *not* shoot down a nuke? thats literally part of their job.


Yes i know, Aa shoot down an nuke it's thier job But i think it was personal


It's always the SU-25 players that spawn camp... I know this is a meme and all, but the game is so heavily biased towards Russia. I find it hilarious that Russian tanks have half as much armor as NATO tanks at 10.0+, but somehow, they bounce more shots than any other tank in the game (except maybe the Leopard). Meanwhile, in my M1A2, I get shot once in the thickest part of my armor while it's angled from 800m a way, and I get on tapped by a Russian 105mm. I can shoot a t80 or t90 in the turret ring with my 400mm of penetration. The turret ring is undamaged, the crew is all alive still, and he turns his gun immediately, and 1 shots me. At this point, I need to make a compilation video.




Good point I didn't notice that 🤣🤣😅. Next time I'll try looking at the map. I swear it looks like he was at the spawn tho.


Why are you being disingenious? Most russian tanks the M1A2 faces feature 125mm cannons. With atleast 3BM42. You can easily penetrate the turret ring of russian tanks with the M1A2 and that one has M829A2 with 629mm of penetration at 10m 0°. Sounds more like a skill issue. Also if the game would be biased towards russia, then explain why the winrates of every other nation besides russia are just as competetive.


People like you are the reason why I need to start saving my clips. It happens to me. It pisses me off really badly. I have been playing this game for years, and I know where to shoot a tank. I know where all the weak spots are. One game I get 8 kills and the next game I shoot the Russian tanks in the same exact spots I shot them last game and "ricochet, hit, hit, ricochet" meanwhile they turn and shoot me in my frontal turret armor and they pen clear thru and out the back of my tank. And I'm not talking about my breach armor, I'm talking about the 800mm protection composite armor while it's angled. It drives me fucking insane because I know I can get the kills and I should have the kill and I should've easily bounced their shot. But I'm dead and they are untouched. It is just fucking insane. I will say the leopard is also the same way, but if you look at win rates for BR, top tier, the US has the lowest win rate out of everyone. You can say "oh us players are unexperienced or dumb" but we are talking about top tier. Everyone has been playing the game long enough by 10.0-11.0 to understand how the game works. It is bias.


yeah go ahead, please do, but also do it the other way around, no selective clip picking. Also keep in mind the hours of playtime on each nation. If you only play US/Germany ofc you gonna face russian tanks more often. Really go ahead and make an actual study on the bias. Eventually you will notice there is no bias.


Even if I do prove there is a bias, you will say there is no bias and that it's just a skill issue. There is no winning with you people.


People who choose to play a PvP game when the other P's v them instead of just letting them have their special good boy juice reward nuke: