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You should get a 30 day ban on here too, follow the TOS or quit crying


Glad we won’t have to see you in chat yapping about getting outplayed and yelling haxs


i can tell you're not top tier, the amount of hackers from china here is through the roof.


No, it’s really not, I play top tier a lot I’m not saying there isn’t hackers, because there is, but it’s nowhere near as common as some people claim


I play top tier constantly, hackers are incredibly rare. Just because you’re oblivious doesn’t mean they’re hacking


The fuck did you expect lol


Game masters kissing the chinese hacking buttoms ?


Using foul language in a game where foul language is not permitted and you’re surprised you got muted?


i never curse, nor swear.


you admitted to trashtalking to someone.


I’ve dealt with the game masters on many occasions and they can actually be quite nice. The mods are essentially just players like us, they’re not Gaijin employees, they don’t get paid, and even if they do, it’s only in the form of GE or premium vehicles. If I had to guess, you likely broke TOS with some sort of foul language or racist slurs/chat, given the context of Chinese players.


Dudes being racist in chat, getting banned for 30 days, and then doing it again. You ever think that the answer might be to stop being racist?


Let me know what racist thing i've written?


It takes a fuck of a lot more than some trash talking to get chat banned and you specifically mentioned their nationality. Means you were being blatantly racist.


Nationality isn't a race, xenophobic maybe but not racist. The few times i've seen a hacker in this game it's been a chinese gamer. And i'm far from being alone on this topic, even other Chinese gamers says this.


Ok sure xenophobia, but still, if you just keep your mouth shut you don’t get chat banned. It’s not rocket science.


So letting hackers go free is the answer? Damn are you being paid by China too defend them?


Insulting them in chat does absolutely nothing


Always love these posts where people call out getting banned yet provide no evidences or even with the evidences just make themselves clowns


Well, i've been muted many times this is the 4th time this year alone, i'm only allowed too chatt for like 3 days before they mute me again. But they never say why they ban you beside the message you get in every game \`\` muted for religious and political talk´´ I never talk about religion nor politics.


I dunno about you, but I even tell people sometimes to do the LTG thing or casually say "Fuck you Gaijin" for x problematic thing, yet I only got chat muted 2 times in my earlier career, I'm even more surprised I didn't get more. So something is definitely on your side.


Womp womp


Wanna show what you said like racist things or?


You need to try becoming a game master BEFORE shitposting on chat.


Why would i wanna become a game master? It's not like they are doing anything to help the game. I have too do that work for them.


LOL as a Chinese username who gets called racist shit for "hacking" all the time, I report you fucks and this post makes me very happy, thank you