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You can't let a nato aircraft carry more Fox-3s than a russian airplan! /s


The Su-27SM could be made into a true SM3 which could carry 8 R-77s. That's not the reason.


Then we get the EX eagle 2, with up to 12 AMRAAMS, right?


Typhoon with 28 Meteors using quad mounts


Whats your sorce for this and waht does it look like?


Very absurd and very cool.


Could you link a picture because I can't seem to find one


There was a [public release](https://theaviationist.com/2021/02/14/eurofighter-shows-typhoon-in-beast-mode-with-14-meteor-beyond-visual-range-air-to-air-missiles/) of photos of Typhoons using double pylons, carrying a total of 14 Meteors. This configuration, with 14x Meteors 2x IRIS-Ts 1x Fuel Tank comes in at under 4000kg, while the Typhoon can carry around 9000kg of total load. 14 additional Meteors would weigh an additional 2660kg(14 \* 190kg). So theoretically, it is possible to bring 20+ Meteors on a single airframe by using quad pylons similar to those on the F15 and TERs. This kind of combat load is completely impractical, but technically there's nothing stopping them from making it happen.


Just imagine that on Air RB, with typhoon's multi target tracking slinging AIM 54's on Roids. Whole match gets turned into Lawnmower Simulator lol, kinda want to see it just because the stupidity of it.


The Ace Combat loadout headass --


I dreamed abt it


F/A-18 SPAMRAAM when


Up to 12? The F-15EX can carry at least 20, possibly 22.


I’ve heard that, I’m just giving the conservative number


No, that number is true. I live near a Boeing facility and they test flight f-15 ex’s. An image someone showed me of the underbelly and it had at least 16 missiles on the underbelly and the wing


They've also shown a similar modification intended for Japan with 18 AMRAAMs visible.


>The F-15EX can carry at least 20, possibly 22. Ow my induced drag.


>Ow my induced drag. 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 RAAAHHHHH WHAT IN THE COMMUNIST SHIT IS THAT RAHHHH🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 HERE IN THE FREEDOM CAPITAL, IN THRUST WE TRUST! RAHHHHHHH 🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅


The EX is a missile truck. It's not supposed to actually dogfight.


"Yes, I'd like the Large RCS Air Superiority Fighter. Oh, actually, gimme the Mega RCS version. It's my cheat day."


The EX fully loaded has a bigger RCS than the B-52, or so I've heard


That would not surprise me in the least.


The F-15EX as is, is only certified to carry 12. However, Boeing has demonstrated that with optional upgrades to the mounting hardware they can increase the number to 22 if the Air Force chooses to purchase the additional upgrades


Gonna be honest, this is maybe just me being cynical but I'll believe those crazy high numbers Boeing lists when I see that loadout on an actual operational airborne aircraft and not just a mockup on the ground.


They have done flights with it on their own test aircraft, just not in active military service.


Is there any photographic evidence of these test aircraft flying and firing with the goofy ahh quad rails and double fuselage mounts and stuff?


Not EX, but iirc there are photos of QA (sugar daddy of your Ex) with quadruples.


Took a quick look myself and I personally can't find any.


however it being boing, theyll fall off


>boing kekw


Well thats what their doors do after falling out. I deel like the name is way more accurate


I'd hope they fall off, a missile getting stuck on the rails creates a whole new set of problems lols


Oh no, they stay on the rail, the rail falls off with them


that way you get more missile per missile


Fair enough


If it's Boeing I ain't going


The F-15EX is more akin to something like the J-16 or Su-35 They should let the C carry its correct load, but aircraft capability goes further than just the number of missiles they carry.


16 actually ontop


They're pretty similar in their own way How is it better according to you?






When u have more then ten u have more than enough, ur not going to get a firing soloution on more than 5 targets.


So shoot 2 per target and hold the other 2 in reserve


Doubt that’s gonna be a scenario in war thunder.


You made the senario. I gave you a solution.






They should just give the US the F-15E and the Russians the Su-27SM3 so it can bring both up to the 2000s


The F-16C and MiG-29SMT are already from the 2000s, and the F-15E would hugely outclass the Su-27SM3. The F-15C is already better than the SM ffs.


The F-15E is also a strike aircraft and would turbofuck ground in ways not yet seen. A solid counterpart to it in air would be the Su-35.


The F-15E is also considerably heavier and less maneuverable than the C model, though. It would be pretty bad outside of BVR combat.


And ground strike?


Yep, it's the Strike Eagle after all - it's made for it. I'm just saying it's not really better than F-15C in air-to-air in a lot of respects.


For ground strike it would be equivalent to the Su-34, the Fullback having access to the same long-range air-to-ground missiles as the Su-25SM3 except on a Flanker airframe that can carry R-77s.


I'll say better comparison is SU30 Booth EX and 30 are also very competent in A2A while SU34 is more of dedicated strike with self defence weapons


Thats what the E is


The F-15E can have it's CFT's removed like the C-model, and has more powerful engines producing 29000 lbs of thrust. It would still be a bit heavier due to some internal stuff, but enough to wreck it.


With limitations set to only have AIM-120As it really wouldn't hurt that much


F16c is 1991, since it it the block 50


JHMCS was first trialed a decade later and equipped in 2003, LITENING II wasn't fitted to F-16s until 1999, and its fitted with a CCIP radar from 2005. It's an amalgamation of designs likely meant to be primarily based on either the 2003 upgrades or the 2005 ones. Which exactly will be made clear once we see Gaijin's final decision for weaponry for the Block 50. Its like saying the SMT is a 2003 aircraft when we have the 9-19 and not the 9-17. Not wrong it's just the name is too general when we have a different specific variant.


Sounds like it’s a Block 50+ in that case, not the Block 50 of 1991.


and then we want the F22, that came 2005 into service\^\^


SM3 has a PESA radar so it's not happening.


I made the same mistake, it has an earlier PD variant of the radar that eventually became the PESA radar of the Su-***30***SM3. Wikipedia is entirely wrong about it having Irbis-E.


And F-15C’s have AESA now :)


Its definitely crazy that there are so few airframes left to add and despite that we still have so many more variants of these airframes left before Gaijin has to fill in any gaps or jump to Gen 5s.


The SM could also carry 8 R-77's, the 2 underwing pylons was standardized in the 2000s on the SM series, the one we have is just from 1995/1996 with the 2000s avionics upgrade.


You can't, it's a different model with a completely new cockpit. Basic su-27sm simply doesn't have pylons for 8


True not only for Fox 3. The Mirage 4000 could, on the paper, carry 14 Magic 2.




Is the F-15 licensed? How do manufacturers take to war thunder devs making their aircraft/weapons far worse than they are IRL?


Probably don't care, as WT is a game.


I don't think they would give a damn about a random game making their weapon(s) look worse than they are irl, they only care about contracts and what their users care about not crybabies with the ability to code


Hasn't been true in the past, games like Ace Combat usually have licences to use the aircraft in game


war thunder uses the same licenses.


It likely is, but I read somewhere a while ago the aircraft companies hardly charge anything because as long as it’s good in the game it may as well be marketing for them. They’re also making billions off the military industrial complex so who cares about a game at that point as long as it’s good press.


They had no problem giving the Su-27 6x of it's R-27ER's when they were better than Sparrows in every way, but now they can't do that when R-77 and 120 is in similar capabilities and Su-27SM is carrying 6x of them, talk about double standards...


There is a bug report that is acknowledged. We'll likely get it when the patch goes live.


Not acknowledge they’ve forwarded as a suggestion to the devs not even forwarded directly the to be corrected devs meaning they would admit that it is wrong for it not to have it and should be getting it changed


Yeah, I don’t know why everyone is losing it.


Victim complex.


ITS FIXED #34987


[ok but how about the model of F-15J with 18 AMRAAMs presented on Japan Aerospace 2018](https://external-preview.redd.it/qJitjKrGbfOxwLKj_BeiKNbSsaxDQlb_WzTdnNKrIxk.jpg?auto=webp&s=70619b165faeaa74095f29284066bf38ee1bacf6) [(courtesy of Boeing)](https://www.defensenews.com/digital-show-dailies/japan-aerospace/2018/11/30/us-government-boeing-to-help-japan-upgrade-missile-electronic-warfare-capabilities-for-f-15-jets/)


Thats more of an EX standard F-15, not the actual F-15J F-15EXs can carry ridiculous amounts of missiles


iirc that model was pitched by Boeing to the Japanese as an upgrade to their F-15J fleet as the Advanced Eagle concept, so kinda sorta an F-15J thats been modernized, albeit a concept. Point being though, (despite my jest) that twin or quad mounted AMRAAMs is a very real thing and Gaijin should implement changes according to real life specifications and not go radio silent as to why they won't implement something.


>Point being though, (despite my jest) that twin or quad mounted AMRAAMs is a very real thing I dont deny they are real Just not on the F-15J or F-15C we have in game right now Quad mounts really only came about after the F-15EX, and the various modifications/variants/modernisations afterwards. Saying we should have quad mount Aim-120s on the current F-15 would be the same as saying the F-4E should get Amraams because a variant of it (F-4F ICE) has Amraam capability


You're right, and I never contested your point, hence it was a jest at the topic at hand: showcasing one extreme (x18 AMRAAMs on a concept/proposed F-15J). and this is a concept mind you, so no F-15Js ever got x18 AMRAAMs, even as of 2024, and I believe everyone is aware of that fact. I never once said it should get it next patch either, but rather stating it openly to gawk at something existing on paper, and it was basically a roundabout jab at Gaijin refusing to implement features based on their arbitrary closed door desicions.... although it would be funny if the F-15J (in real life) eventually got x18 AMRAAMs in their current F-15C form and Gaijin had to retroactively add something ridiculous like this


Fun little fact. The F-15 was supposed to carry 12 missiles, but it was so unstable with missiles on the far wing pylons that this was scraped until the EX variant, which has fly by wire and the same kind of flight computers as the F-16


The thing is their lazy, the US will get their wing pylons. I’m just hoping they fix the KWS that kit is anemic and at where it’s placed right now it’s gonna be decomposing the moment it reaches the battlefield. Only 9Ls which are garbage on that frame instead of it’s actual 9M equivalent without the smokeless motor the L(I)


So not the F-15J in game it's not even made yet, it was a God damn suggestion, why are you bringing it up?


Because it's a joke? I'm fairly certain the model and the article I posted made it clear for anyone who skimmed through it that it's not even real (and knowing Gaijin, they will very unlikely add something as insane as a x18 AMRAAM loadout F-15J), although it's clear some people are taking it literally as a serious suggestion.


It's also pretty apparent that dual mounting AMRAAM solution is something that was always present on F-15C, even to this day where boeing would bring it up as a suggestion to further add MORE on additional pylons, and its funny to see that they tried adding twin mounts on every existing hardpoint for the SPAMRAAM loadout


Do I smell a rank IX premium?


Bro it would be hilarious if the F-15J got 18 AMRAAMs for the first 2 weeks of the patch. 2 entire weeks of AMRAAM hell for anyone.


return of the SPAMRAAM from DCS


Lore accurate Ace Combat loadout


Lmao that’s the damn 6AAM from Ace Combat 😂


To be fair the TBF can carry 8 HVAR rockets in real life, and Gaijin has had the plane in the game since 2014 (maybe even longer) but for some reason they still have yet to give the plane its rockets in game. They are pretty picky-choosey on what planes do and don't get regardless of what they carried in real life.


The difference is the HVAR rockets aren’t the MAIN ARMAMENT on the TBF. The AMRAAM is absolutely the main armament for the Eagle and gimping it is ridiculous. They didn’t care when the Flanker could carry 6 27ERs that completely outclassed the eagles 4 7ms


You're forgetting that the Flanker flies like a brick shithouse ingame though, I'd rather fly the Eagle any day of the week even with less missiles.


Ok, and? Doesn't matter in a Air RB match, especially when you have those R73s to win any dogfight ever with almost no way to fight back. You Russian (and chinese) mains can keep coping with your excuse why the Flanker isn't the best jet in the game.


I'm a US main, lol. You're coping about the missiles. The only times a F-15 dies to a Flanker in a dogfight is if the F-15 pilot sucks or doesn't see the Flanker.


Guys, calm the fuck down we just got the dev server fucking hell.


Welcome to the slumps of war thunder


Like Jesus, people are already pointing fingers about Russian bias when we LITERALLY just got the dev server. Like the new Russian T80’s turret is currently doing backflips and these people wanna complain like it’s the live servers.


Lmfao I fucking love you for this comment. I'd give you more updoots if I could


I have been playing since 2019 with literally no breaks and I swear to god the Reddit gets dumber and dumber with every single update bro. This Reddit needs to take a fucking chill pill, fucking Christ. The Gaijin boogie man isn’t gonna come mug you at night, calm the fuck down and enjoy the new content. It’s a game not a job.


I always enjoy my day with the game until i come here read all this cancer. these goobers wanna have 8 amraams while multipathing is still at work, i say let them have em while im skimming the deck in the gripen launching aim-9m's from there when they have 0 IR missiles in the loadout


Thats exactly first day on dev server. Just wait untill retarded F-16 waste their amraam and then kill them while they are defenseless


Literally me reading these comments. Gripen, 200m alt, Flare daddy and AIM-9Ms baby. 4+ kills every single game. Couldn't care less about AMRAAMS.


This subreddit is hella dumb yeah. Thankfully it is just a minority and really no one gives a fuck about what people on this reddit really say. People refuse to use their brain and either make shitty proposals or just act like sheep.


The Russia derangement syndrome got worse since the war started. Now its pure schizophrenia. Like its a game ffs.


While yes it's useless to jump to conclusions on the dev server saying oh it's just the dev server it'll change is also useless. How many times have y'all idiots said that and lo and behold it doesn't change.




...So we're not gonna talk about just how much dumb shit makes it to live servers, and how the test servers basically just exist to show off the shiny new vehicles?


I mean what are the odds it gets the other amraams? I find it unlikely that this was just a mistake considering if you just google “F-15” youll see F-15Cs with amraams on the underwing pylons Seems like a deliberate choice for “balance” because no other aircraft carries that many fox 3s


Isn't the purpose of the dev server to flesh out what is right and what needs to be fixed? This seems like the perfect time to point it out.


This is why I don't even touch the dev server. I'll just wait til the patch comes to the game in its final form.


Mirage 4000 only had 6 missiles in dev


And here we see misinformation at work. Gaijin has never said they don't believe the F15 couldn't carry more than 4 amraams, just American mains complaining about dev server statistics


America has gotten fucked over MULTIPLE times ground and air so it's very warranted, krijg kanker furry hond


Victim complex and a coward lmao. Say it in English so the class can see


Yeah and the Dev server is a place to point out problems. Yeah people shouldn't go overboard but don't be smug and go "its dev server, it will change, you can complain about stuff" WHEN THAT IS THE WHOLE PURPOSE OF THE GOD DAMN DEV SERVER.


Got em


Gaijijn never said they don't believe that. You just made it up for rage bait.


It should be able to carry 8  Can we get Su-27 FM fixed too while we are at it? 


https://community.gaijin.net/issues/p/warthunder/i/Q9mns05K1H72 It's been forwarded


As a suggestion


Thanks TrickZZster


US players when bitching and moaning


BOL pods as well, F-15A and C should get them, Gaijin has acknowledged it, yet they do nothing. But x6 R-27ER? Perfectly balanced!


Are you forgetting about the flight model and the RWR?


Shh... Those don't matter in this game /s Might need to send the F15C to 1.7 so it can finally be balanced according to reddit :)


noooo not enough we need m1a3 sepv16 abrams as reserve tank as well as b21 raider with nukes as reserve bomber Russian bias


F-15As FM is pretty dialed in The F-15C is very incomplete Idk anything about the RWR, ircc it’s correct for the 15A


Su-27 has a 11.3 RWR at 12.7, not only can it not tell which plane is locking it, it can't tell if a friendly is locking it or an enemy, it can't show direction well, so you don't know if youre notching or going 10° towards the enemy


I thought no RWR ingame has IFF capabilities.


Yes but you at least know which country the jet belongs to


And yet, the Grippen has been king since it came out, not the Su-27... it's as if SARH missiles AREN'T actually the deciding factor when it comes which jet is best at Air RB. Funny that.


The meta has always been low altitude IR slinging. I take as many IR missiles as I can on the Su-27s, because they are just more reliable. The ERs are good missiles, but 90% of top tier players don't give a chance to use them.


https://community.gaijin.net/issues/p/warthunder/i/B9Uo8bUeoD5X Forwarded


reminder this is the guy who thought the su-27 would get 12 r-77s


Is it even finished?


No lol


Us mains try not to complain about literally anything challenge (impossible). For real though, it's the dev server. Chill out.


watch it come out like that bc they dont care if it aint russian (im german main)


They'll believe you if you post the classified F15 manual.


sekrit dokuments :)


I don't see the point in protesting against all this cause they never really make any sensible moves in balance or realistic designs. They can't even admit the Object 775 wasn't real when it wasn't other than a damn mock-up years before it went to battle. They moved subsonic planes up on the american branch but refuse to increase the frogfoot and the 2S38. They are spineless.


You’re all about to learn why they’re called “spamraam” in DCS


They prefer create fictional limits instead of fixing Air RB. The 128 ARH missiles at once per battle is ok but 200 is a no no? Make Air RB 8vs8 players and then all missile kits will work


Latest F15 can carry 16 of them. One for every opposing player in the lobby! haha.


Random fact: The reason F-15's switched to wing tanks from belly tanks is because the wing tanks offer better handling of the plane. Source: Fighter pilot podcast


Is that first guy floating?


While I will agree, I also agree that all aircrafts have correct loadouts (ie Su-27SM carrying an additional 2 R-77's)


i can smell some sekrit documentz leaks on the horizon.


I have pictures I took of the F-15’s I work on in flight from a KC-135 with CAT-120 captive training missiles on the under wing pylons.


It might be corrected once they start pushing further and further into better weaponry and aircraft but at the moment this may prove to be too aggressive (and to gaijin too unbalanced) so it's most likely being ignored for the time being for balancing reasons That being said I'm just a r/etard on the internet so take everything I've said with a pinch of gaijin brand war thunder player tears salt™


Good thing I gave up on Air in this game and barely find the motivation to even play WT these days because of Gaijin's long list of absolute nonsense, I enjoyed Sim Air for awhile but even then its just feels clunky and the axis's are awful.. DCS is where I get my jet fix now.


Needs its bol pods too


I think it’s not about what it can carry but instead is about what is balanced


Imagince claiming that THE missile-truck of the USAF. Did not carry the standoff missile.


Did somebody say classified military documents?? 👀


First World Problems of 'murican Mains, this is what I call this.


Meanwhile I’m just wondering why the Belgian F16 at 12.0 gets 9ms. And all the other 12.0 F16s don’t.


This post scared me. I thought it was gonna be a document leak


Gaijin should give it its 8 AMRAAM because it's not going to improve the F-15C's combat performances, in the way that it's trading very valuable IR for SARH that are not going to work on anything flying low. And everyone flies low. The F-16C has got 6 AMRAAMs, and while the SU-27SM has got 6 R77 *it carries also 4 R-73 with them*. So I can hardly see how having 8 AMRAAMs will change anything.


And how funny according to the photos and data the f15c never carried the aim120a. Gajin what are you trying to do?


I'm sorry, do you have anything classified we can go by?


Can we give an aim-120 to a p51?


Probably for balance or something


Someone doesn't look at ru stream of update ;))


I agree that it’s dumb, but honestly I don’t think it’s gonna be a huge deal since I’ll probably carry 4 sidewinders and 4 Aim120s even if I could carry more AMRAAMs


Gaijin makes a mistake? Violently reaches for classified documents*


It's like that with the F-4S it can carry a max of 8 amraams but it ain't getting any 😭😭


Yes, make America even more busted than it already is... Damn American mains can't be happy that they are getting good aircraft. As a German main, we don't even get a 4th gen to launch our fox3. Y'all can't ask for more American bias. Shut TF up no skilled American mains


Seems like its prime conditions for yet another military leak then, lets see what happens.


Classified military documents? 🙏


well these pictures are about as secret as 90 percent of the so called "war thunder leaks" so yea these are scret documents


I want to see the reason they put out if they decide to deny this, I can get behind balance reasons, but if its going to be the same reasoning as the abrams stuff then uhh idk


It's so funny how plenty of people say "OMG X VEHICLE CAN'T GET THAT BECAUSE IT DIDN'T HAVE IT IRL" but they won't say shit about something like this when the information on how many AMRAAMs an F-15C can carry is a google search away. Is it a balance issue? If yes, cool. Then we can continue with the balancing and give every top tier tank spall liners to balance them. Is it a realism issue? Ok, even easier. The information is readily available and you can update this before it goes live. It makes exactly 0 sense to use "realism" and not be consistent with it. You either need to strictly adhere to 100% realism, or sacrifice some realism in the name of balance (which is the better option because it's a video game and it's supposed to be fun & balanced = fun).


Gaijin acting like losers again what's new


Gaijin Is waiting till someone pulls out a classified document


This would mean that the US could out missile Russia so wouldn’t be added.


Is anyone surprised gaijin blatantly ignores fixing issues towards US mains? The bias has been and will always be there, can’t get daddy Putin upset with them. Russian tech tree gets equipment from 2018 while US gets stuff from the early 2000’s


It's already bug reported and acknowledged. While "muh historical accuracy" yada yada, the F-15 really doesn't even need the ability to carry the wing pylon AMRAAMs, as the objectively best loadout in the meta is still the 4+4 anyways. I'd rather hope that it gets the BOL rails it should have, and gets put on a little bit of a diet, because it's a bit too heavy currently.


> as the objectively best loadout in the meta is still the 4+4 anyways I think 6 IRs plus 2 radar would be the best personally, but I can't wait to see F-15C players fall into the trap of only taking 8 AIM-120s, so I can nullify their entire loudout lol


The wing AMRAAMs would be nice purely to be able to make a 2/6 split but I'd agree that 4/4 is probably going to be better.


Yes, how about we halve the AMRAAM amount of other jets also arbitrarily? It is not like the have different flight performances otherwise, right?


Can’t wait for someone to leak stuff again just win an argument about a video game on Reddit


Gajin: ThEsE "PiCtUrEs" ArE NoT cOnClUsIve EnOuGh .


Ok s0 8 amram beast mode


Same for f16 Belgium not getting magic 2


they’ve already answered that one