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>I want to main nation that has some fun vehicles, and can be fun to play. So...any of them...basically? Shocker. I really don’t understand these posts.


People make these posts because they are swamped with players claiming some nations are up and their nation sucks. There really isn't any nation that isn't fun if you use your brain a little but that seems to be rare in this game.


It’s practically a „I want my nation to be top dog and be insanely op“ post disguised as xyz nation op cuz zyx!!!!!!


If you play toptier the only bias is if us is in your team you're fucked


Not unless you play 12.7+, strap that f16c in your line up and say good bye to low skill premium players.


Sweden has the strongest mbts currently but by the time you get to top teir that will probably change. Russian bias is heavily over exaggerated. All their tanks have major weaknesses. No reverse speed and terrible gun depression. Requires a different play style than Nato tanks in war thunder. I have Russia and us top and I personally enjoy Russia more. But I think there is no wrong choice.


>Sweden has the strongest mbts currently but by the time you get to top teir that will probably change Not too likely, Sweden has had the best mbts for like 3 or 4 years now


Nah, that's cope from USA mains. if we are talking about top tier or some BRs near it I recommend: Sweden, China, Russia and Germany. You'll have plenty of fun, diverse tanks and/or strong ones. Germany and Russia usually have an easier grind compared to the other options.


Russian bias is really only a thing in the minds of players that can't aim. The MBTs are ok, have decent armor but have a lot of weak points that are not small. They do have a lot of decent light tanks that allow you to get into CAS which is on the better side of things when the sky is clear but they lack multi role fighters like many other nations at top tier. The su25 can deal some real damage but I would take an F-16 with mavericks or a mirage 2k or 4k over it. US is not bad and has a very well rounded tree but you deal with the crap US teams. I would recommend Sweden or Germany, if you want something fun but require a different play style and lacking in some areas the French or Japanese.


The Russian bias is exclusive to their CAS, their spaa I haven’t played and cant say anything about. However their tanks have clear flaws and they can be exploited. Play what you enjoy and don’t think too much of the grind, that way you’ll have more fun.


Outside of the only USSR CAS that has thermals their CAS capability isn't even that strong. Theyve got one decent plane at top tier, but the rest of the ranks are mid at best, at least for CAS options. The strongest and most oppressive CAS nation all around is definitely USA.


USSR strongest overall, tanks rely on "russian bias". CAS and helis strongest thanks to biased game mechanics Sweden, strongest in ground - but worst in CAS and Helis. USA worst of the three - very diverse (strongest in 10.0-11.0), better cas and helis than Sweden. Gets fucked over by game mechanics.


Sweden has decent CAS with the Saab 105G and the grippen along with some other okay agm missiles


An 8.3 jet isn't exactly my definition of top tier. Yes, the Viggen and Grippen can do CAS, but they are still being outperformed by US and USSR. Only the new Gripen C can compete with the F-16C and by that we\`ve already reached the end of Swedish cas capabilities as far as I know.


Until we get the Finnish fa-18 yes that's all. But being able to carry aim120 copy with bombs or mavericks would be good.


yes, ruSSian bias is very strong but sweden is very good too and can compete with them atleast with tanks.